HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1982-08-11, Page 19THE HURON EXPOSITOR, AUQi ST 11, 1982 — 97 ftsifig MidCute k*idsins ire ,elf e U h h .• H d IFwe la h d The iris lau h at b' d b t th k'd em -- CbIrT05b °y Ql�MOV }% F L ,1:, l Early C hildhoud r--u- location) program after corn- breaks your heart, explains leader, Lynne Dodds. "I'm ieme, t ey ave w a is ca a -circle", This is where they n e p ucausy on t e equipment and do stuff. I like men . g g the way the kids treat them. a tg rop u e t s se to have just as much fun. Kids are great. really pleting high school. The ideal really tired at the end of the play games involving singing the craft and snack. I liked the They consider the leaders as From watching the kids great. People love to talk to summer job for girls with this day. It takes a lot out of you." and talking. At 10:15 a beach the best." "old married ladies". One and leaders play together, I kids between the ages of tti'ttiind would t0 be oils o) the One can understand this favourite time of the day Steve De Wolfe said the little boy even mentioned that can conclude that it looks like three and seven because they four leaders at Plu oschuol at Mien watching the children arrives. The children have a best part of the day is when he thought the leader to be fun and Playschool is a great are so open and honest. Don't Scaforth Public School for the and talking, to leaders. snack of freshie and crackers they play on the equipment. older than his mom! That place to send your kids for expect a four-year old child to summer,' The typical day at Play- sdpplied by the school. He likes going on the Trips made her feel great. "The seven weeks of the summer, hide the fact that he, is hungry, After visiting the school for school starts at approxi- After snack time they are and liked going to the zoo the kids think of us as friends They are in good hands and or thirsty because he won't. an hour. I can set: why you mately nine o'clock in the told a story and then go best. Billy Schenck said that more than teachers." Faye . have lots of fun meeting new They ask many quos ions ttould have to experience morning. From nine o'clock outside to play on the play- he likes to colour and play in mentioned. "There's a lot of friends and playing with kids expect intelligent sw'c s sununer chuul before deci'd• until nine thirty, the kids can ground equipment and play the sand. Billy also enjoyed responsibility.' their own age. and ask favoursoften butt y ing to take un a career such as I play alone with the blocks, A I h games. A favourite ofthe kids playing with the frisbee at Grand Bend The leaders and the kids are very cute. Ibis. It t:Atcs I,,Is opa- plastic me, ress up cot es The cuteness of children of tience. You have to enjoy kids and other toys at the school. is duck -duck -goose. Jennifer Marion said, "I seem to have a lot of fun together. All of the leaders -this age group inspires many aad be energetic, Disciplm- They play together until 9:30 into ing them is really hard, it or a quarter to ten. At thisJennifer After a good time on the swings and equipment at the like the beach and the zoo." spends a lot off time P mentioned however that they have to several of the teenage tins to get an g k g school, the group goes inside playing on the playground give g kids "time-out". This is gg0.•oq gg� FPY where they make a craft equipment as well. Her where the child is sent by - about %hat t'. c' i • t, ' "I ni om-a before going home for lunch, brother Chris said that he to a corner to think ' t Some of the crafts the kids h make are puppets and things„ liked the farm best. "I saw .pigs, chickens and horsies about what he did wrong. about using egg cartons and•pairl and we had a hay ride. " Chris After` a while one of she teachers will go over and talk I The children also have a diary ,also likes going. in the school to the child and bring him Y' + t that the paste pictures into Y P P and making ctAffts. back to the group. "14's rally indicating what they have accomplished that particular The playschool started on him back to the group. "It's ' day. July 5th and apes ' until really hard when you hear^ 'f most of the children go Thfour August 20th. efd are them crying iLisa mention home for lunch, although leaders who teat the operation ed. There have been several some of them bring their A Katimavik participant special days over at the school lunch to the school and eat helps them with theft job each such as a Penny Carnival, a outside. The afternoon is week. The Katianavik gt�+ttp Mini Olympics and movie tw ' similar to the morning aetivi- rotates so the girls have a mo- days, showing cartoon mo- ties. Hours are from 9:00 until different helper each week, vies, complete with the pop - r 4:00. The kids have had special This week one of their Volute- teers named John helped clot �re ®n hot days the kids fill field trips as well as their at the school. We 'M fie fdp small pools full of water yt typical day at'the school For keeps them Itusy and cntft- for Water Days. The kids ,� example, they have, visited tained by singing stiri " We really enjoy the wager fights. the Grand Bend Zoo, the (the Katimaviks)have afist of The Playschool is funded by the Recreation Depart - Grand Bend beach, the wad- 'ing pool at the Lion's Pool, jobs, we choose what we're going to do. 'llheY can choo4e event and Experience '82 and Dodd's farm, to a bush and between helping at the pian partly funded by the govern- <a r •- - s - they plan to go to Story Book Egmond �Hbuse, painting ment. it costs $30 for a summer for a child and $2 for u cl s" xre j -c. kv-,,. 4* 1f Gardens, the Fire Station, Police Station, grocery store posts, etc. I really like the kids." John said. "I expected a day. "We like kids to come "• , ; i t i`"AS �.� y' and hopefully even to the them to be more unruly than fot a day." Lisa commented. ..The whole attitude of the i + '. 6•.` Huron Expositor. The kids they are." kids is different this year. ,.. enjoy their outings a lot as The four girls who are They participate more." J ' ,5 they do enjoy just playing and leaders at the school ate There were only I7 kids s working at the school. -the Lisa Be Lynne Dodds, atten- registered this year com- WHAT TO BUY—Lou Sills seemed to be havinga%hard time decidingI had a chance to talk to miller, Faye Carnochan and to the 40 tisobviously what to buy at the Farmers' Market with all the Art and Horticultural It. kids as they were playing out - side. "Playschool is some- part-time employee Shelly Driscoll They are all very ed aaresttyear. Ths things so nicely laid out under sunny skies. (Photo by Hoo ) thing fun to do in the summer time." says Quinn Ross. "It -s g with the kids and spent t much of the time while 1 was P -ass 0 s 0 pe there pushing swings, catch - ing kids at the bottom of the slide de and playing gatnos v6ith them. "You have to be creative" S<' �� t '%;,I ' , ' , ' + to:l , is \ 'hat t think we've compiled draft dlstnct land use stratogles To make It e,Is'e' ,', 't' �'," ^',.ofing a renes of Open said Faye. "The little kids Six building permits were Dacr, siding and repairs to approved by Hullett township barn: G. Gross. siding on council at its regular meeting barn: L. Snell, temporary August 2. subject to township house trailer for residence; E. bylaws and the health unit Salverda, addition to shed where applicable. A IV' - In other council business, a sense of Norman Alexander. bylaw to impose special an. William Shiffiet was appoint- nual drainage rates under the ed to bring in a preliminary Tile Drainage Act, 1971 for mport on the Weymouth S 14,600 was read three times, award drain. passed and sealed. t ' Accounts were -approved An a lication for a tile and aid The next regular need help and the others follow along." it is necessary to find crafts and games that three year olds can be inter- ested in as well as seven year olds. "The kids get along really well." Lv line com- Permits were approved for an ( . intent. enlarge PP P , R. Snell, addition to house: G. parch. Hold reun ia�-�. Fifty-three members of be Ow 156th anni%er%ary of the Broadfoot connection mel the Bruadfools A committee on Sunday at the Clinton was elected u, communicate Conservation Park for their with other Broadfoot% in our annual get-together, arca. acres% ( anada, and to Winners of the races were the IISA concerning a cele ( harlene Townsend. Donnie brauon io mark this event. Broadfoot. Cheryl Haswell. Those on the uimmittce arc Matt Townsend. June Broad- Mi%s Irma F. Bruadfool• flint, Nancy Broadfoot. Patti Kitchener, lohn Broadfoot. Broadfoot. Maureen Walker. Brucefield: and Re% .lames Scott Townsend, Rob Has- Broadfoot of ( Ilnton. well. Murray Townsend, Cnnnic Evans. Jovcc Broad- Re%. Broadfoot ha% been font. David Townsend and %%orking nn the Broadfotat Stc%'c Thompson. hi%For% for some l Inic now and President, Don Walker, recenti% rcccl%Cd some family from Warren. Michigan tree information from Au• announced that 1984 would stralia. dating back to 1664, Bethel films success The Focus on the Family tion All Iron% arc Invited h% Film Series sponsored by conic alone. I he cost is Sri 50 Bethel Bible Church has been and this m lode% ,tdmi%%ton, a good success. Many people have• been gathering at the SfY1IthS back Scaforth District High School tiundat evenings to see and in Seaforth hear ll� James Dobson. A receptimi %,a% held re - The Bethel teen group centl% at the KInburn Hall in went to Niagara Falls and honour ,%I Mr and Mrs. U. spent an exciting and enjoy. Lapshe Smith. attended by able das eoine through all the their friends and relatives. attractions. The day finished The c%enntg was spent danc. %%ith a tour of Maple Leaf ing to the music of disc jockey N illage which has one of the John Thamer, After which largest ferric wheels in North luncheon was served by a America. The next big youth group of the ladies under the cent is on Saturday. August direction of Mrs. Robt Dal - at 8:30 a.m. We are ton. planning on going to the we welcome both Mr. and ('anadian National Exhibi Ws. Smith back to Scaforth. ANNUAL PROMOTION L FnR ALL OF AL/(:UST 20®/6 DISCOUNT We have a wide range of colours, so select your towels, bath mats sheets and comforters at reduced prices' STORE HOURS nam spm GiosrdWedeesdays ®�B0 drain loan for John Wiersma. meeting was set for Septem- lot 5, concession 14 was not ber b at 8 p.m. approved because the tile was At a special meeting Aug - installed before the loan ust 3. council instructed clerk application was made. - Lear to list proposed changes " W e'vc refused two before of the draft of the operating with the same circum- agreement of Seaforth and stances" said clerk Harry District Community Centres Lear in a later interview. for presentation at the Aug - "Council was being consist- ust I1 meeting. -The involved ent in its decision." municipalities will be meet - A building permit was ing to discuss any amend - approved for T. De Boeron lot ments to the drafted agree - I -. can. 14 for an addition to ment. his barn with an underground The date for the reading of liquid manure tank. the report on the Storey George Hoggart was ap- drainage works, repair and pointed as acting drainage improvement was set for superintendent in the ab- August 1*7 at 9 p.m. aairl, DaQt�[�dcoa�y Happy Birthday to Brad Happy Birthday to Gord Carter who is celebrating his and Bob Pryce on August 12. 11 th birthday on August 14. If you know of anyone celebrating their birthday Birthday Greetings to soon, please send their name, Colleen on Aug. 11 and Theo age and birthday to: Box 69. on Aug. 13. Seaforth, Ont. or phone 52'1.0240. • ®� A NOW AVAILABLE AVAILABLE Downstairs Deluxe and Private Rooms Semi's Also Available Holiday. Homes 108 Ontario Street, Clinton in Area. Churches First PRESBYTERIAN Church 59 Gededch Seo W., Sefttorth Rev. T.A.A. Dake, tbl0ealater IMre: Carol Carter, Organist SUNDAY, AUGUST 8, 1982 11:00 a.m. - Joint Summer Worship in First Presbyterian Church Rev: J.G. Naaelyke In chwge ST, THOMAS Ap9licoin Church Rev. ,lames R. Broadfoot, B.A., M.Div. SUNDAY, AUGUST 1S, 9982 Tenth Sunday After Trinity 10 a.m. Holy Communion\ The Rev. James Broadfoot . Sermon: "Lead Us Not Into Tempatation" NORTHSI®E United Church 54 Goderleh S¢. ®fleet. Semi" SUNDAY, AUGUSTIS,1982 11 a.m. Joint Service in First Presbyterian Church THE POWER TO SEE IT THROUGH Mr. Vanslyke-well preach Rev. J.G. Vanslyke. Minister Margaret Wh cmore Audrey McLiwain Choir Director -Organist Jr, Choir Leader f8culTHE F &4 FILM Sclas.- PREPARING FOR ADOLESCENCE: Feer Pressure and Sexuality Sunday, August 16 i:80' p.m. at the Seaforth District High School No one is physically perfect and everyone is aware of their flaws. One way in which adolescents feel inferior is feeling unloved. Can you remember feeling unloved when you were a teen? Have you ever shared those memories with your children? What remedies have you found in the subsequent years to help you get over those feelings? Have you assured your children that you love them no matter what happens? BETHEL BIBLE CHURCH Water Street EgmondviRe PASTOR ARCHIE ROBERTSON A church that cares about your family a �� ,w:• r r.. rY Y � ♦ _u 'e t the Ministry of Natural Resources t� e h,1Ir ,�aterfronv, .r' •.', ,, dry land to consider that be a lot of things to a lot of people Tha[ % �A f%� ( rift be a l%rrt:', •'.. tt' vper area we want to hear your Ideas S<' �� t '%;,I ' , ' , ' + to:l , is \ 'hat t think we've compiled draft dlstnct land use stratogles To make It e,Is'e' ,', 't' �'," ^',.ofing a renes of Open which recommend the marn, ways Southern Houses Iii JI,tnl , � i'' .icrn., Soothern Ontano gmng Ontarios natural resources ought to be managed cru the cion(r t, , "" ,, %+tt wrnmt y or And with forests. fish, Wildlife mineral resources and tell us n,t\% ',,,.;'est Natural ees ;.wr,u— prov riclal parks. marshes recreational areas about %hat t'. c' i • t, ' "I ni om-a CONTACT YOUR LOCAL DISTRICT OFFIC'FOF THE ONTARIO MI,IS TRy OF%�Art'RAe RFS,,[ RL I, r 1,%•"41 \I �)H%t 1T?0% TO CONFIRM DATES TIMES AND ADDRESSES OF OPEN HOVSES OR IF YOt •ARE l',ABl F TO ATTEND AN OPE% HOt SF Rl T t1'", •1—F\7 'S OK*RI! T I AVD I'SF STRATEGIES OPEN HOI SES TO BF HFLD A T THF FOF F OWN%, 1A k .% ",' %,% COMMUNITY Wrigham Stratford Goderich LOCATION District Office Optirnists Club Saltford Vallev Hall DATE Aug. 20/82 Aug. 24/92 Aug. 26/82 TIME 2 p.m. 9 p.m. 2 p.m. 9 p.m. 2 p.m. 9 P.M.