The Huron Expositor, 1982-08-11, Page 184
BY RHEA HAMILTON majority involve foxes and in one case a bat. Vaccination of dogs and cats provides an objects. The voice changes, too, becoming through the dog's system itt faster. The bitten infected area of their bodies by
1 started out to write about the rabies E.T. Harrison of the Huron Citunty effective barrier against infection from four hoarse, animal displays nervous symptoms, but rubbine aeainst inanimate objects. As the
incidences in the county and warn residents Health Unit cautions that people should be seeks after the inoculation for a period of a After two or three days, a period of great without the great excitement and vicious- disease progresses; the animal's fear turns
and holidayers alike not to be too casual extrentelo careful around animals acting Fear. excitement sets in. The dog will try to break ness of furious rabies. It deteriorates to mania, and they will attack and bite other
with wild animals. But 1 was coristantly' strangely and avoid contact with wild The Huron County Health Unit has an a%%av from its chains or run great distances rapidly, as the disease moves through the animals, human beings, objects and even
interrupted with bats flying around in the animals. ongoing program where they go into the in an aimless manner. At this stage the nervous system to the brain. Death usually themselves.
house. By the end of thefind evening we had If you a dead animal or a live animal schools and teach the youngsters about rabid dog will attack and bite anything in its occurs within three or four days of the -Wild animals, such as foxes and skunks.
appearance of the first symptoms. may lose their natural shyness
cthat" eight bats and were uneasy that you suspect as having rabies, you s Animals'do not all behave the same when quite fearless. At this rabies and what to avoid to look for. ay. anappearstage, they may
should contact Health of Animals t
there were more hiding in our log home. th ''Children are now more aware of the Paralysis of the throat muscles become
Did you know that bats can carry rabies 52°• 140). If they can't bg reached contact a potential danger in stray rats and dogs" more pronounced, and the dog has great they catch rabies. In some animals, ,the attack livestock or your pet if it is wandering
for prolonged periods of time?said Mr. Harrison. difficulty swallowing. This may lead the symptoms are more pronounced than in freely.
veterinarian, a police ocer, or the
Southwestern Ontario has been known A pamphlet available through the Health owner to think there is some obstruction in others. The symptoms of rabies described here
for its high incidence of rabies but lately p p
Ministry of Natural Resources. 1'nit outlines the types and sNin torts as its throat. Human exposure to the disease -Cats are frequently extremely vicious. do not all occur in every case. With dumb
eastern Ontario has been making headlines Free clinics for pets have not been follows: can result if the owner tries to clear the 'They will hide, then spring from their rabies, few symptoms are likely to be.
with the outbreak of the disease there. scheduled fonthis year. Dr. Bill Thompson Basedouthe clinical causeof the disease, suspected obstruction or gives the dog hiding place at' any animal or person detected.
Here in Huron County for the last two to of Health of Animah-loted that the small there are two main hypes of rabies - furious medication. " passing by, inflicting penetrating bites or Owners are cautioned to consider the
three weeks both Health of Animals and the increase is not widespread enough it) and dumb. Here is how dogs react in each Finally, the last_paralytic stage sets in. scratches, possibility of rabies when pets or livestock
Huron County Health Unit have noticed warrant a clinic. Dr. Thompson also noted case: The dog's lower jaw sags and saliva runs -Cattle become restless and aggressive. appear unwell. Where there is reason to be
a marked increase in the number of possible that while pets of urban owners are usually Furious rabies begins with a period of freely from its mouth. its limbs become They suffer muscle spasms, bellow hoarse- suspicious, any treatment that might
rabies cases. Although so far the figures given their shot�ign a regular basis, it is the depression, during which the dog is easily paralyzed and finally the animal loses ly, lose their appetite, strain and appear to involve contact with the saliva of the animal•
indi: ate that there is only an increase of one dogs and cats running on farms that should - frightened and has a tendenct ru hide. It Consciousness and dies. be choking. either directly or indirectly, should not be
case over -last year, the summer still has a be given more attention. They have a better will frequently bite, if touched. Dumb rabies, by contrast, works its wav -Horses strive to relieve the itch in the attempted.
few weeks left. All the cases to the county chance of coming to contact with wild The dog s appetite changes. It wall gnaw,
have involved wild and farm animals, a animals carrying
the rabies virus. and swallow bones, sticks
and similar
labor leaders that such measures cod up
�, ' , (lis` ,,
Step back
It is being called voluntary restraint h,
9n time
For 40 centuries. historians have been saying
finance. T9 those who have lived through
at Midt®n
utterly. The laws were repealed because no
the voluntary aspect is just a prelude to the
one paid any attention to them.
Step back into our rural
a v:•
Hammurabi in Babylon imposed a rigid
While a prisoner of war inl940. 11-t .n.
r '.
past and relive early 'Thresh-
ancient Egypt. government controls over the
(America with wage and price controls) arc
grain crop led gradually to ownership of all
trying to control people's lives. And nn
tog Days' on the farm at the
✓= > .fez„
in China, Greece and Rome various kinds
failed. Nor can a country do it all the way. I
of regulations over the economy were tried
tried that, too. and it failed. I should think
Ontario Agricultural Mu-
effects. It has been said by better historians
here (in Germany). ,..
than I that the city of Antwerp fell to the
"Will it lie, as it always had been. than
seum near Milton. A variety
countries will not Icarn from the mistakes -I
would risk bringing food to the city if market
others and will continue to mak+• flit, nnsiakc%
prices were not paid when the merchant got
of others all over. again and again''
past the Spanish guns.
of entertaining activities will
in I'93. the revolutionary government of
about being told by Big Bruther Hey. fcll,i
France tried everything possible to impose
You want money from roe. a );rant Or a loan'
wage and price controls. The result ,was
rhen. you'd better shape up to our vv 1wr
he held at the 80 acre site on
It is like the little bo, saymi,_ that %tai p ,i%
of the attempts made in the English colonies
by his rules Or he will tak( ht. how Ing hail.
to limit the price of beaverskins. Washing•
August 14 and 15 to celebrate
largely due to ''that improvident Act for
''The policy of fixing maximum prizes... fails
this,cur's harvest.
to quote John Adams.
a multitude of unforeseen consequences
As far as I have been able to ascertain, no
Once the Museum's grain
monarchy or republic, has managed to make
crop ripens to a golden
wage and price controls work.
that we do not learn frnm history '
Unfortunatelv, what usually happens is
brown, the familiar sound of
that the controls become effective only for
is but me thinks the imposition Of wtigc dried
wages. Prices continue to rise. No mystery
the threshing machine at
work will again be heard. The
various methods of threshing
by hand using a wooden
+( t
Flail, or by machine, will be
demunstrated. Earlv thresh-
iirg machines in action, pow-
ered by vintage steam and
�. •��
'+ �_'Yat.
tau lne engines make a
fascinating %isit for both
voting and old
— `
Visitors are welcome to join
in nn the many activities
including a 'bade throwing
GOODS FOR SALE—Katie Kerslake was just
on hand at the farmers' market on SAturday
competition' on Sunday Aug -
one of the young enterprising people who was
under sunny skies to do a little business.
ust I;at 2 p.m. An excellent
(Photo by Hook)
Opportunity to try out those
ntusdes! Demonstrations of
-- -- -- ------ — -'--
spinning. weaving. black-
snuthing and open hearth
we +ever
6 ea r .
cooking are also featured
both days.
Owe 9@@o ow �Ih@ quQQow
by B @ b 41To'Nati'
"The only thing we learn from history is
surrounds the fact that labour unions smtpl%
that we do not learn from history."
do not want such controls. History has taught
Cannot recall where that quote came
labor leaders that such measures cod up
from... Winston Churchill, perhaps?
controlling only wages.
But we are apparently going down the
It is being called voluntary restraint h,
same path again: wage and price controls.
Prime Minister Trudeau and the minister of
For 40 centuries. historians have been saying
finance. T9 those who have lived through
that the plan to control rising,priees failed
several periods of wage and price controls.
utterly. The laws were repealed because no
the voluntary aspect is just a prelude to the
one paid any attention to them.
real thing: mandatory legislation.
More than 4.000 years ago, the Code of
cn set as the dates for the
Hammurabi in Babylon imposed a rigid
While a prisoner of war inl940. 11-t .n.
system of controls over wages and prices. in
-Goering was quoted as saving 1 nu
ancient Egypt. government controls over the
(America with wage and price controls) arc
grain crop led gradually to ownership of all
trying to control people's lives. And nn
the land by the state.
country can do that part way. i tried and
in China, Greece and Rome various kinds
failed. Nor can a country do it all the way. I
of regulations over the economy were tried
tried that, too. and it failed. I should think
and usually failed or produced harmful
your economists would read what happulc,[
effects. It has been said by better historians
here (in Germany). ,..
than I that the city of Antwerp fell to the
"Will it lie, as it always had been. than
Spanish in the Middle Ages because no one
countries will not Icarn from the mistakes -I
would risk bringing food to the city if market
others and will continue to mak+• flit, nnsiakc%
prices were not paid when the merchant got
of others all over. again and again''
past the Spanish guns.
Voluntan restraint" What is , +luni,ira
in I'93. the revolutionary government of
about being told by Big Bruther Hey. fcll,i
France tried everything possible to impose
You want money from roe. a );rant Or a loan'
wage and price controls. The result ,was
rhen. you'd better shape up to our vv 1wr
predictable. A large black market blossomed
cent ar entr wall not get %our loan
Those who know American history are aware
It is like the little bo, saymi,_ that %tai p ,i%
of the attempts made in the English colonies
by his rules Or he will tak( ht. how Ing hail.
to limit the price of beaverskins. Washing•
and go home.
ton's army almost starved at Valley Forge
Canadian economist WA . ('lark saes
largely due to ''that improvident Act for
''The policy of fixing maximum prizes... fails
limiting prices which has done great injury."
to accomplish the objectives sought, It incurs
to quote John Adams.
a multitude of unforeseen consequences
As far as I have been able to ascertain, no
which are frequently worse than the Original
nation whether democratic or dictatorial,
monarchy or republic, has managed to make
''The onh thing Icc learn frnpr hist ,r% is
wage and price controls work.
that we do not learn frnm history '
Unfortunatelv, what usually happens is
I do not know what the solution o, inflation
that the controls become effective only for
is but me thinks the imposition Of wtigc dried
wages. Prices continue to rise. No mystery
price controls Is not the answer
7=1 AM -6 I
A queen competition. an
although thev don't have to
the wilm i lass(•, s ,+rt, at 1
tiquc plows. a horse class and
he a member of those groups.
p n, At I p m rho, •p,,(olt\
%annus politicians plowing
Tho: John Stephen trophy will
las es start f herr is an
,ill he part of the activities at
be presented at a banquet in
arnti,iiic ir:,( inn - lass for (tit
the 1962 Perth County plow'
the fall to the winner. F.ach
tors at Icast 40 %car,, i,Id
mg match
4-H club member who com
()flier tpccialtt (I;isles
August 2- and 28 have
pctcs nn the Friday will
tisine linter plows are fnr
cn set as the dates for the
receive $-,50 and a ticket to
reel cs and de•pim f -c-, , i -I
ueh to he held at the farm
the banquet.
,,I Perth County Plowmen's
On Saturday morning.
rececs. nae ns ill, i -r lot'
tssociation'pre ;ident Doug
there are plowing classes for
and nicnihers of parliamcni
'•n,heson. The farm is In
everyone. There is one for
and past officials in Those
aced nn lot 20, con. .3 of F.Ima
women. a class for any
catcgnrins. tnir hnaurrl repro
1-nship. It is 2'h miles
resident of Perth Count. a
south of highway Rb and I'.
Perth (ounty Junior F,.,mer
scntaneos ecru(, nh
presentaIivcand appointed
^,Ilrs cast of highway 23
class and an open class for
nfTicials from Perth (()anti
Fei nus get nn
those who havcnever plower)
mune ipalifies.
Fndav at If) a.m. with coach'
at a plowing match. Also in
me Inr the plowing classes by
the morning there is the
f here %ill also h, Iwr• c
nc� Ontario Plowmen's Asso-
jt!niormatch with three class
shoe pnchnc. Ire ,awrnk nnrd
cation ludge. In the after-
cs for those under the age Of
nail driving (orm ,ts
norm pl-fling will be done by
21. Varirn o; trophies will be
The highlight of th( rnat,h
bans and girls in the 4-H or
presented to the winners at
is flit' qn+','n f 0, fi�ir+�w
Innior Farmer age group.
they banquet.
r s
ONTARIO STOCK YARDS (416) 767-1143
345-2913 RESIDENCE -346-9009
Shipping Dar - Every Tuesday Morning
Dublin 527-0249
Rabies, which is spread by
infected animals, continues to u
be a serious problem in Ontario. Ji
it is of special concern in
s built up areas where domestic and 1,
wild animals can infect children
who come in contact with them.
Children should be warned to
avoid stray pets, as well as wild
animals, especially if they appear sick or friendly
because these usually are signs that they are rabid.
Pets should be regularly vaccinated, leashed,
and kept indoors at night. You can help to control
rabies by reporting to your local police, humane
society or health unit any pets or wild animals which
are acting strangely.
Do not handle your pet with bare hands immedi-
ately after it has fought with a rabid animal. Do not
touch dead animals. Seek advice from a veterinarian.
Contact your doctor or health unit immediately if your
child or pet comes in contact with wild animals.
If veru would like to know ni(ire aliout rabies write Ministry of Health
for a free copv of our pamphlet, ANIMAI ti. RARIFS
AND YOU ! frnm the Ontario Hflalth Rosoini
( entre. Health Promotion and Information Branch, n ri
9th Flour, Hepburn Block, Queen's Park. Toronto,
Ontario M7A IS2 Larry Grossman, Minister