The Huron Expositor, 1982-08-11, Page 17DANE STTAFFEN Manager ®ARS VOSPEIR CHECKOUT SUPERVISOR THE FPencil SAVES YOU MORE 7 DAYS A WEE MONDAY TO FRNDAY — 9.AM TSO 9 PM SA7URDAY — 9 AIS TPO 6 LSM SUNDAY — TIO AM 70 6 PM GOLD SEAL 'RED' - 7.75 OZ. SOCKEYE SALMOAll SON JARS CASE OF 12 x 16 OZ 12x SE OF 32 0Z. 199 COARSE PICKLING SALT 2 KG. VICEROY JAR RUBBERS GENERIC FREEZER BAGS POF 2/1x.00 /®99 NEW AT STAFFEN'S LIQUID [TREND 3.6 L. B FRESH FROZEN -RASPBERRIES CASCADE 1.8 KG REGULAR 4200 9 r4.19 2.5 KGS .05 28-LBFOR SIZE . PAIL AUTOMATIC DISHWASHERS 9 3 LIQUID 3 L. REG. 6.49 GOLD SEAL i) CRISCUO' 01L FLAKED LIGHT TUNA 4 49 6 OZ, TIN 1 DEMPSTER'S 100°„ LOWNEY CAMPFIRE WHOLE WHEAT BREAD MARSHMALLOWS 24 OZ REGULAR 95 LOAF REGULAR 83' u ®58 ® tt7 7 LIQUID - 1 L. POWDERED 1 L. NIR® CLEAN F PIC A SPAN g91 O 9 REG 2.81 REG. 2.65 POWDEFE-D . FAMILY PAK I rA��I�) 7 I) I•I'�e,'tfi)w" 1�"aPp� 9 6 BOTTLES (PLUS DEPOSIT) lhl't wh dItr milliilrlli !' PICNIC FROZEN RANGEon JUICE "�_ I )WW uqw wI1 M P filly 14N 1 L. REG, 3.05 SCHWEPPES FAMILY PAK ,GINGER ALE s' f 6 BOTTLES EY I x (PLUS DEPOSIT) )vr Imh 1k it)d Pf,n1-d A WF RFSFFVF THF RIGHT TO LIMIT OUANTITIFf 7 �& h STORE HOURS �' rL s MONDAY to FRIDAY g a m to 9 p m �1.. rr��^al 7MS,'�,r SATURDAY 9 o m to 6 p m �SUNDAY 10 a.m. to 6 p, m. " 1' adv •.4 PRICES EFFECTIVE TILL CLOSING AUG. 16 ��p C'Ul1 Chipchase, Lucy and Kobert Milam. Correspondent At the close of the reunion RENACALDWELL the president and secretary 262-5935 for 1982 thanked everyone for BELL DESCENDANTS their participation and a vote GATHER FOR A REUNION of thanks was expressed to The descendants of the late them for arranging a most Andrew Bell and his wife successful reunion. The next Mary Blair, whose parents reunion will be held in 1985, came from Kippen, Scotland the 150th anniversary of the in 1835 met for a reunion at arrival of the Robert Bell the home of Mr. and Mrs. family in Canada. President W.J.F. Bell on July 30 to for 1985 will be Howard August 1. Brooks, secretary Jessie Over 125 family members Brooks. Langley B.C., trea- wearing name tags made by surer Don Bell Jr., Chicago. Mrs. Graham Bell Sr. of the This reunion of the Bells Bell tartan were present from was another highlight in the Boston, New York, Chicago, year 1982 for Mr. and Mrs. Langley and Castlegar B.C. W.J.F. Bell who celebrated Edmonton, Alberta. Ottawa, their 50th wedding anniver- Toronto, Thunder Bay, 'sary in Jan. 1982. Streetsville, Brampton, Kit- Greg and Paul Hoggarth chener, Elmira, London. Hal- left Wed. last for the Chateu- ifax N.S. and surrounding quay Valley in Quebec. They areas of Huron County. will spend a week as 4-H Festivities began with a exchange students. welcome reception given by The Cooper picnic catered Mr. and Mrs. W.J.F. Bell to by the Kippen U.C.W. was when they entertained at a held on August 8. wine and chese party, Fri- Recent visitors with Mr. day, July 30, and Mrs. Emerson Anderson On Saturday, July 31 and family were Mr. and Mrs. breakfast was arranged by Clark Myers, Mission, Texas, Gently ,.;and Wally Wal per, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Gard - Elizabeth and Allan'Grigg. ner, Bouton, Iowa, Mr. and This was followed.bv a bus Mrs. Grant Lindsay, Bay - tour to Benmiller, Goderich field, Mr. and Mrs. Jack and the Bayfield Marina. Essery, Centralia and Mrs. Lunch was hosted by Dorothy Frances Upshall, Seaforth. and Bob Jones and family. Kippen Gun Club met Aug Joan' and Bryan Stewart.' 3 with the following scores: Afternoon entertainment was 25 -Bert Mahaffy, 24 -Jack conducted by Dianne and Mills, John Smallman, Jamie Michael Marcell and family Caldwell. Dan Crerar, 23 - and Audrey Bell, and by Judy Terry Roberts. Gladys Mc - and George Oliver and Gregor, 22 -Bill Cochrane, Bill family. Jack and Tove Bell Smith, John Anderson, Al happy hour 5 hosted the ha Kyle. Grant McGregor. Jack • 6 p.m. A 142 Ib. pig ne' McBride, Bell. 21-Wa Y barbecued to perfection pro- Lloyd Venner, 20-Mery Bat- andvided the meat for a kin, 19 -Bob Baker, 16- Harri- sumptuous dinner arranged son Schock. by Ruth and Phil Peters and family. Karen Ford and Mark Tuckev. Don Bell, Halifax, Ga t/I ( Peter Malcolm. Seaforth. J piped the clan around the grounds and c((titertained with slow several numbers. Movies of former reunions were shown and a trip to Scotland and to burn England and Ireland was show+n.b% Wally Walper and V Ql1l1Qe'J�Q� i Nancv and Don Bell. Fran and Ralph Morris. Elaine and � Correspondent x Irvin Ford were in charge of AS NORMAN EAST the inarshmallow toast. The meeting between Breakfast +,as served bn Union Gas and residents of Sunda+ morning by Verda Vanastra was held.on August and Jack Sinclair. Dianne and lith at the Vanastra Recrea- Robert Gorslme This was tion Centre. The spokesman at the followed h} an outdoor meeting was Mr. Cameron i church scr%ice with Don Bell. from Union Gas of London. Halifax in charge of the 'The meeting was held to scr%iec. Song shcgts +Vere determine if residents' of pro+itied and the musical Vanastra liked the idea of prelude 'was followed by having Union Gas in Vanas• worship with the singing of tra, A number of relevant old familiar hymns. Jack questions were.answ•ered but Sinclair led in the repetition there was a poor turnout of j of the Lord's prayer. Mrs, residents. If anyone wants .lack Sinclair led in the more information about reading of the 23rd psalm. Union Gas there is informa• Mr. Wally% Walper favoured tion at the Township of •,+ith a solo •'How Grcat Thou Tuckersmith office. Art" 4ripnlre reading from The cost to run the pipeline the sermon Lal the mount was from Huronview to Vanastra gi+cn h+ 17rs Arlene Sloe,, is approximately $450.000. It Morrill k prayer was led by +s as said at the meeting that it Don Bell. Roston. Mr. Gra• will take about six weeks to harp Bc11 spoke on ''Marks of ' put the pipes in. Union Ga s a Chroman henediction was will have to have the pipes is pronoun+od hx 41r Howard hx March 31• 1982 if the Rri,4, f',Iln,+ing the ser+n Gra• residents of Vanastra want haBel! pwl mrd a ++hItc m Union Gas. The 5450,000 may come Rihit- to ihr +ounecst ricin' {mm Mines and Energy Re - her pw• cnt 11 month old klvlls,.l 111/ Iheirl Milan, of es sourcgrant. rhe 6111 Relivrallon of Bells Sone residents in Vanastra horn In (.o .ld'i think it is a good idea and I nn,h ,irrangrd h. sonic don't know. The Union h'I Morris and Gas wdl be around door -to. j¢lxj .Iran .Ind Barbara a d (hestcr door again O it is necescar- M, K, Ili,• ie the fret RESULTS .n ,k and nm. Inn+h la,k and go results Au Ringo results for August ,T •Ihrr 1.1+, ftrl' tun, and a arc first share the wealth. �lth+.r ud farad+ trgcxik Irene Ho+card of London: hare) li•lig,+ hour ++as second share the wealth Mrs ho", ll 1, I Aida and Bill r)oIlimorc of Ajax: third share (boli' l,r hlrner ,+as ar the +scalth Ida Earle of Seaforth r.nic.,' !1+ t1•,,:,I and Frmc Somebody Wants What You Don't Need! SELL Through Herron Fxpoxitor Classified Want Ads