The Wingham Times, 1907-02-14, Page 5Mvantajes of Buyinyour GlothinA now Never before were such prices given as are quoted below. We must reduce the stock in order to make room for new goods. It is your chance to save some money and we are the losers. Study a few of these prices. Fancy Tweed Suits in Youths' and Men's • seasonable goods, in sizes from 33 to 39, worth from $5.5o to $7.5o, your hoice for - - - $4.00 Men's Fancy Tweed Suits, size 36 to 44, regular $6.75, $7.00 an• $7.75, your choice for - - - $4.50 Men's Black and Navy Serge Suits, sizes 36 to 44, regular prices $900, $9.50 $1o,00, your choice for - - $6.00 6 Suits only, in Fancy Worsteds and Tweeds, sizes 40 to 46, worth from $9,00 to $12.00, your choice for - - $6.00 Furnishings at a Discount. We are giving a straight discount of 25 per cent off all lines we sell and we sell every- - thing a man wears. No old goods in stock. ., C .00 13. Successors to The R. H. CROWDER CO. ..J Lyn it':,,u.A.,a,.. ,:ou,: aa.4,.t 1 d. i i.,dd.3W76aii e'a.4 ea ea That first little tinkle becomes a • cough, the cough grows heverei is neg- Clooted and travels down to the lungs. Treat throat trouble before it gets sev- ere, Catarrhozone heals, allay; iuflam- li mation, cures throat and bronchial trouble quickly. A marvel worker is Catarrhozone which prevents thousands of catarrh victims from contracting con- sumption. Recommended by doctors, proved by time to be unfailing. Catarr- hozone is just what you need. 25o and $1,00 sold; everywhere. THE WENGlAM TEMES, FEBRUARY 14 1907 MOG1118. ,Ino. Davie, jr., who was holidayiu with relatives in the East„ has returned much the better of his trip. The roof was blown off the Straw shed at Wm. Gaieties', lot 14, 2nd line. The building is 26 x 30 feet. Mrs. D, Dixon, Regina, N. W. T., has returned to her parental home in St. Marys atter a few days visit with her sister, Mrs. F. H, Kerney, and other friends on the 4th line. S. S. No. 3, Morris, has placed a hylo- plate blackboard in the school. There is 84 square feet of the same wbioh adds greatly to the inside appearance of the school. John Little, 4th line, had a vary eao- oesst'ul wood bee last week. There was upwards of 30 cords of wood out. The young people were treated to a social hop at night. A very enjoyable time was spent. The same evening Wm, Kerney entertained at his home friends from Bal. grave to an euchre party. ttLxTtr g A very ea ldeath name to one n"13 fee moat esteemed families on Wednesday afternoon, of Last week, when Mrs. (Dr. Carder passed away. The dere esed was performing her daily duties during the foremen, and it was heard to remark that she felt eo well, but at 11 o'clock was stricken with apoplexy. resulting in her death at four o'clock in the afternoon, So sudden was the call that the family could scarcely realizewhat had happen- ed. Mrs Carder was a kind and faith. tel wife and a truly loving mother, and leaves to mourn her calling away a de- voted husband in every sense of the term, and three daughters, who have the heart- felt sympathy of the whole community, 'Where Does Consumption Begin? DUNGANNON. The annual meeting of the West Wa- wanosh Fire Insurance Co. was held in the Agricultural Hall on Wednesday, Jan 30th, and was well attended. The annual statement, directora' and audi- tors' reports were received. The three retiring directors, John Ballantyne, of Kincardine; Edward Acheson, of God- erioh, and Alex. Stuart, of West Wawa - nosh, were all re-elected. The total number of policies in force on Deo. 310, 1906, is 3164, covering a risk of $4,669,- 825. The premium note capital hold by the company Dec, 31st is $162,864,49, the assessable face of which is $186,793.12. The amount of cash in bank, including a small suns at the head office is $6,200 30. The total assets of the company are $171,681.64, and the liabilities nil. The total cash receipts for the year were $11,- 385.39, and the disbursements $8,502.89, including $6,792 of losses. The number of lessee were 46, the greater proportion being caused by lightning. At a subse- quent meeting of the Directors, Mr. John Ballantyne was reelected Presi- • dent, and Mr. Finlay Anderson, Vice - President. Under the new system. the Company has been vory successful. ` Great Specialists iu Stomach Catarrh, ESIMIIIIIIIMElaszczmassinurnmammesmumosgemmangeftma Though often /hey fell to give even • temporary relief, Mr. W. Seymour of IREDUCED PRICES Uu6il the entire stock is cleared out we are offering greatly reduced prices on the following lines: Skates, Hockey Sticks, Lamps, Mitts, Cross -cut Saws and Axes. Just arrived assortment of Steam Cookers and Food Cotters. See our Graniteware, Copper and Niokel goods before buying. H. BISHOP THE CENTRAL HARDWARE, WINGHAM. o ' Huntsville, Ont., cured himself with Ferrozone. "My trouble" he says "was ohronic catarrh of the stomach. There was constant bad taste in my mouth, I was costive and usually nauseated be- fore and after meals, I also had a gnaw- ing sensation in the stomach. Ferro. - zone gave me great relief, and I also used Catarrhozone which is good for o catarrh. Although it took a number of • boxes of Ferrozone, I got back my health s and to -day am quite well." For atom- = ach catarrh, indigestion and kindred dis- orders nothing excels Ferrozone. In a thousand oasee it has proved a wonder- ful success. Try it yourself, 50c per box at all dealers, 1 Inviclus Shoes For Mei • 'In the newest shapes, made from the best materials, perfect fitting, and guaranteed to give the best of satisfaction in every particular. Also very fine lines of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes. Rubbers, Overshoes, Robber Boots, etc., a groat variety to choose from, at very moderate • prices. R. Johnston SHOE DEALER WINGHAM \VHITECHUACII. (Intended l'Or last week.) On the 6th, a number of friends en- joyed it very pleasant evening at the home of Mr. John Leggatt. Bag pipe Miele. by Ilio. John Simpson, reoitatieng by Dir. J. McKay, and innate and sing.. ing contributes' to a very enjoyable time. A large party was held at Mr. D. Mc- Intosh'%, at which all report a pleasant time. Wood cotters are cutting Short wood. The 4.foot wood is too low in price to pay. All will get a good supply of summer wood. The Members of the Presbyterian Church here paid a visit to their pastor on Monday evening, and replenished his oat bin. Tile ladies took provisions, ',Moll were served in good style, and very pleasant evening was spent. Thede drawing wood are complaining of not receiving $2.00 a cord for 4 -foot swamp wood. They were only getting $1.75, and have quit the job. The harvesting of the ice Drop is now in order? They Gave Wonderful health. None are so healthy, so buoyant and full of lite as those who regulate with Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Even in one night they work wonders. liar and coating they take from the tongue, headaches relegate to the past, billoueness and stomach dieordere they prevent and ab- solutely cure, Think what it means to have the syr• tem cleansed and purified by Dr. Hamil. ton's Pills! A tree laxative, a perfect tonic, harmless and wholly vegetable in composition, they will do you good. To feel and look your best use lir, Hamil• ton's Pills, 25o at any. dealer. (TREY. Tuesday,Jannary 29th, was a red letter day in the family history of old and well known residents of the 14 con. in the persons of John and Mrs. Shiels, who on the above date celebrated the 50th anni versary of their marriage. The nuptial" knot was tied by Rev. Mr. Barr, of Har- purhey, and the circumstances were quite unique in comparison with the wed- dings of to -day. Mr. Shiels went from his home the day previous with the oxen and a grist and as the necessary license could not be obtained nearer than Clin- ton he had to go there to secure in. The wedding day arrived and the faithful bride—who was the eldest daughter of the late James McNair, whose farm ad- joined Mr. Shiels—walked 18 miles no- companied by the late George Shiels, to meet the man of her ohoice and on the morrow she and her husband travelled back the same distance through the bush to commence life ander new auspices. Togethored they labored and saved and made for themselves and family a com- fortable home and won the esteem and good will of the community by their in tegrity and kindliness, lumping With Nerve rain That's how you feel with neuralgia. Bat why lie awake at night, grumble or complain—get busy with a bottle of Norviline. It does act like magic, seeks out the pain and destroys it. Hafmlese and Certain, instant in effect, nothing is so popular as Nervine for aches and pain of all kinde. Try it for lumbago, test it in rheumatism. prove it in neural. gia, pleurisy or colds. You'll aeon acknowledge that Poison's Nerviline beats them all. Sold everywhere in large 25c bottles. lidanitoba Legislature had passed an act allowing municipalities to operate fuel depots. Robert IL Davis, Sheriff of Halal. nand, died soddenly in the court honse et Cayuga Monday evening. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was dispensed last Sabbath morning in St Presbyterian Charch,Rev. J D, Small of Auburn, having charge of the service. There passed away at her late reel- dence, 278 Palmerston avenue, Toronto, on the last day of January, Jane Mac- Qualter, widow of the late Wni. Drum- mond, accountant and statistician of the Parliament buildings, formerly of Blyth. Mrs. Drummond was born in Kelso, Scotland, in 1820, and ceme to Toronto in 1854. where a few years later was married, Her hnebend predeceased her five years ago Immediately aft r their marriage they removed to Blyth, where Mr. Drummond wag engaged in business until 18 years ago, when they removed to Toronto. Wednesday evening of last week, the Conservatives of Blyth held their annual meeting, and the following officers were elected: President, Thos. Code. Vice President, Isaac Brown. Seo., J. S. Golden. Treas., R. Mo0ommins, Executive, J. Carter, J. Potter. W. Johnston and the four above meutioned gentlemen. Dudley Holmes, of Winghaln, Presi- dent of the Riding, was present and de- livered an address. Established zS79 Whipping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria eresolPre is a boon to Asthmatics Does it not seem more cffeetivs to breathe in a remedy to cure disease of too breathing organs than to take the remedy into th•. stomach? It cures because the air rendered strongly anti- septic is carried over the diseased surface with every breath. giving prolonged and constanttreat- ment. It is invaluable to mothers whiz small children. _ Those of a consumptive �pjsep 46 tendency find immediate , tt relief from soughs or in- Jo q rte flamed conditions cf the lt.: throat. Sold by druggists. Send postal for booklet. LEEMING, Inii.es Co., Limited, Agents, Mont- real, Canada. 307 tIttedeltuanstsk ieAST WA WAN- OI Council met at Behoove, Feb 7th, members all present; minnti:s of last meeting rend and adopted. 13yLaw No 3, 1907 to dispaee of the tax levied and collected from dogs for oarrent y ear, duly read and passed. Or- dered unanimously, that the r itepayere be notitie i as usual that all dogs wh-n once placed on the Aeseesment •R311 shall be liable for taxatton, unless it can be shown that an error had been made at the time by the assessor, The Treasurer reported cash on hand at date 4035.65. The Auditors' report and Treasurer's Abstract for 1906 was received and read. Parks—Camtning—That the report as now react be adopted and that the audi- tors be paid $S each for their services —Carried. Gillespie—Tavlor—That R Vanetone, Esq„Barrister, Wingham, be re -appoint. ed solicitor for the township for 1907 • —Carried. The Clerk was iastra'ted to consult II with the township solicitor re the ap- pointment of another enaiueer for the township iu place of the present incum- bent, John Roger, of Mitchell. Debenture, were passed and signed for payment of the following accounts: Treasurer of Hallett, boucle borrowed, settlement of boundary line account 1906, $25.90; Treasurer of Morris, bal. r aoce of boundary line scot 1906, $13 61; James W. Bone, cervi:es as auditor for 1900, $8; Pater W. Scott, services as auditor for 1906, $S;John H. McClinton, collector, refunded dog tax, 1906, i:1, balance of salary and portages, 1906, $20.50; Finlay Anderson, service as Treasurer 1906, $85, also postagas and other supplies, $5. Gillespie —Parks— That the council do now adjourn to meet its the Forester's Hall, Balgrave, on Friday, 22nd Maruh next, at 10 o'clock rt m„ when pathtnasr,- ors, pouadkeepers and feneaviewere will be appeinted for the current year. Cd. Toe Grouted voiced the appreciotion of the long and faithful services of Mr. P. Porterfield tea clerk of the,municipaii- ty in the following testimonial:— Mr. P. Portert1el.1, uteri: of the Town• ship of East Wawanosh for thirty-six years, lately rosigued:— We, the mariabers of rhe Council of 1907 wish to couyey to you the senti- ments of appre,iation of the rarepayere, for the faithtnl and sntayfa.,tory (service you have given the municipality for so long a period. In that time you have seen mauy chauges in perronist,toe the Council, but it 1; not saying too much that yon have had the confidence and eatoeca of every snceeeding Council Board. You have justly earned the reputation of being prompt and correct with all the work pertaining to the • municipality. We trust you may be long spared to enjoy the evening of life. J. T. Currie, Reeve John Gillespie, Jas. Cumming J.Psr.ks Councillors. W. J, II. Taylor ALEX. PORTERFIELD, 0 ark. wmpasiacolatfoaturN le to Ail a I ISARD�sITHE LEADING sl OREf ISARD'B WINDHAM'S BRIGHTEST, BUSIEST AND BEST BIG CLEAN UP After The Big, Sale ENDS Of Dress Goods, Silks, Coatings. Waistings, Muslins, Table Linens, Table Oilcloths, Flannelettes, Wrap- perettes, Ginghams, Shirtings, Cotton ides, Cot- tons, Carpets, Oilcloths, I Iattin;s, Ribbons, Laces Embroideries, Insertions, etc. _____g9K.E)T. LINES Of Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Underwear, Waists Wrap- pers. Ladies' Coats, Hats and Caps, Overcoats, Men's Suits, Boys' Suits, Pants, Smocks, Over- aIIs, Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, ,. tc. All these. odds and ends must be cleared out that we may have plenty of room to display our large stock of spring ' goods, now coming in IDE P D 111 G PHONE 68. If�Y u.,�Wl�.hiW+.LiiY� `r °..:..:'rkr�`—'-'°YiW.ilM1Wrl�i,hil+a4Ylr'NL4JWw;.u.dL• �+ea-_ =,ri. _ slito saia'tlluViti mss -,_. '- ssearoar beeeea sale .>. "ilYdlt(Y ;N /(y,l+ur'y,�.- A E NawiYEiI iIYaaattmay6:67M3i1:11 iwika t .t•+ -e.1.4 -IIS 2..k1S.kaAlge.iistS1'” d's-., OF TO BE SLAUGHTERED RECARDLESS OF ONT. No goods charged. MACDONALt BLOCK, eeresasnetVais Produce taken as cash, CO. WINGHAM