HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1982-08-11, Page 7I THE HURON E)(POSIT61 , AUGUST 11, 1982 — AT- ��y�.f u• Relacemnt cost ®rt ShOtSt y Evea n Kennedykp f dais heifers A4 y When does a vacation cease to be a happy before storm clouds hovered and pod'redout a holiday? It, is;wheq you strive too hard to deluge of rain. It is doubtful if the trip that What to pay for having tied up in the feed and other make it so. It, yIlould`fae a time to refax, a time was so much enjoyed would have been in bad +� "*" - s• % I\ dair heifers raised? In= expenses. Regardless of to do what you like to do when you feyl like weather; After a detour to Carleton Place to r tie '' p r creased specialization has which party furnishes what. .� doing it. Crowding every minute full of return granddaughter Janice, and little�4 ! caused some dairymen to these items have a dollar activities' makes anyone tired -arid irritable, Samantha, to her husband and home, wer� consider the possibility of value and should be consider - Make your holiday a happy one with plenty of arrived safe and sound', without any troubles } ;y, � s o- `, someone else raising their ed if the 'heifer raising ar- maments of leisure. at all, if a bit weary, in Ottawa in the early nV " : �t1 t,, herd replacements. In cases rangement is to be'fair. * * w w * a * * evening. If You do decide to make such a trip tt ` ° r7 a s where land values are very COST OF RAISING A There is no excuse for jay -walking, no plan carefully for it. Beyond Orillia you will ('' u -„ ,• Lia high or in order to get REPLACEMENT HEIFER excuse for drivers not keeping to their"own `'"find comfort stations and any place for maximum returns from ape- Milk 185 litres at 30c/ side, or not giving pedestrians the right -of- refreshments very scarce indeed. See to; cialized equipment it is feas- litre= 555.50; Grain 550 kg at way on crosswalks, on the main street of those necessities before you leave the more ;'• �' f ible to contract calves and 8175/Tonne = 896.25; Hay Brussels these days. The crosswalks and settled areas.�+1 " t�zc . heifers out for someone else 147 bales at 81.25 = 8183.75; *wwwawa*a t centre lint were newly marked recently in �` if �°•, - to raise until they freshen. Pasture = 848.00. Sub -total brilliant yellow that no one could miss. Therer The objective here is to 8383,50. Vet and medicine I-, little doubt, however, that many folks, Headlines and, pictures in yesterday's ,,; J Ottawa Citizen forcefully reminded me once k. tv4 release more space, feed and 830.00, housing and equip - again how much we have to be grateful for myself included will dart across the street 4t q .. time for care of a bigger cow ment $28.00; bedding 810:00; , { •. - ,wherever they find it most convenient. u^ herd. breeding 810,00; labour * * * * * * * w * herr in Canada. The situation in Beirut is r v"• g appaling. Orphans from West Beirut were Raisin heifers involves 885.00; interest 8160.00; t. This is beingwritten m Ottawa The tripfhe flown tbetween Israeli and. Lebanese The �ti•` "� feed. tabour. g, Y • 00. Total � housing, bed- death loss risk 845. here was not via the usual way on the 401, Weesca�,,, q din rile icit veterinar 8?51,50 t value of calf, were not to a rush so chose to travel a city is in ruins, Beyond this are the human '»'+'.+°"j"'°" ��iL ", care, medicine, machinery DennisPlartin northern route to the Capital City. Next time ;t'-. and inte.rest on the capital " Assoc. A Re you visit Ottawa if you are'not in a hurry, try tragedies of children and civilian adults r p gr. P it. It is a terrific escape from the frantic traffic , killed, m"atmed for life. or starving, Hospitals hazzle of the 401, and a scenic one unlike any filled with the wounded and dying are not a WH.1LE FOUR students complete painting store planters. The first of the newly tconstrueted you will find near home, After leaving haven in this war. Some have taken direct hits facades In the Brussels downtown district, planters will soon be on display oA the main from Israeli jet raids, especially if it is in or Brussels we made our way to Mount Forest. Wayne Higgins, left and Jim Scott, are engaged street. (W,aink photo) near a Palestinian military target area. Shelburne, Alliston, Barrie, Orillia, Bancroft, Hospitals are short staffed, doctors remained In the construction of park benches and flower Renfrew and on to Ottkwa. Much of the journey was through, what we would call but many of the staff left after the damage by mountainous country (which for western air raids. They are dreadfully alio g of needed,BIs ea ®® on Apr& AMCanadians would probably laugh at) •hut hospital supplies. Oh yes, in have ourm�weii "hilly" does not adequately describe that• troubles w Canada but noon that can compare with the devastation and human terrain. It was heavily wooded with pine, misery there. Correspondent \+'ick and report a good trip. and Miss Janet Veitch enjoy- is Patsy Dickinson. The elec- spruce, cedar, poplar, a shimmering "nor- * * * * * * * * * MRS. MAC ENGEL Mrs. Frank Workman, ed a holiday at Midland. tion of officers was held with ansa of evergeen as far as one could see in all 887-6645 Craig and Peter enjoyed a Marie Perrie" as President. directions. It was mountainous! Travelling Random thoughts of an unemployed Mr. and Mrs. Clare Veitch holiday • with Mrs. Sheila Vice -President is Verna Per - through it reminded one of a roller coaster ex -editor: Now that P,M. Trudeau has returned home Saturday from Richards at Fairy Lake, near rig and secretary and press ride, climbing and dipping around innumer- quenched his "all -consuming, burning de- an enjoyable two wccks•holi- Huntsville. able -breathtaking curves and sharp bends. sire" through the patriation of the Canadian day. They ttook the plane from Mr. and Mrs. Earl Grisdale reThe eleaders ademonstrated For miles and miles there were very few short Constitution, he has agreed that perhaps London to Kelowna, Banff, and family holidayed at how to make animal tracks strai ht stretches We cau ht sight of there are other problems such as facing Jane b_a R' Fd R' 'd L I g g s• r. ac Iver, mon tvers t a of ge in the Tema- with plaster of Parts. Also an numberless inland lakeson our wap, picniced Canadians that can now be acknowledged ton and Calgary, gami area. imaginary camp site was on the edge of one, not a lovely sandy beach and who need jobs„ inflation and the high rate Mrs. Goldw•in Knight, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hunt• performed with the girls N. ° as along pay ng Huron the water: Po tun Fortunately re of uniarhpli3virient e Canadians must now dog other own thinlittlbit for suns Allan and Keith motored er, Oshawa. visited Mrs, Ida The Cranbrook I Trail making ham and cheese wrap ! The Family Of in to Prince Edward Island, Gordon. Trampers met July 22 at Kim ups, and also they made a® p,A Murray° were beyond the rugged part of the journey the common good. Cape Breton and New Bruns- Mrs, Ruth Veitch and bovs Smith's house. Helping lead snacking cake on the barbe- Mr. ®e 1VIr$. /10ti Euether cue. The girls ate a very of Brussels Mot'i*on "w'ell-done" meat. ° cordially invite friends and relativesThe second meeting was 1 To Brussels held at Kim Smith's house on rejecte July 29, The girls made Jiffy On Bags and learned about the Ye Saturda August USt 21 1982 Danforth Dare. i for their z BY RON WASSINK ° 11 The much publicized fire agreement with fire officials, council was told three bylaws The rec\e instructed the clerk "to have the standard fire fighting rate of 8'.'10 per hour. ®FA release 35th Wedding Anniversary i the Village of Brussels and Townships of must he passed. Two bylaws have existed hylavr rcadv in September, October and Thu Ministry of the Ehvironment will in turn ° Morris and Grey was discussed in a heated since 19 -ti. November. After that 1 don't care." be billed by the village for the firemen's timei n error 1 PROGRAM BEGINS AT 8 P.M. ° debate at Brussels council. Tuesday, August Referring to the extra paper work. Reeve The proposed fire agreements with Morris and use of the fire truck at 8100 per hour. DANCING TO FOLLOW 3. ('al Krauterasked, "why do we need all this? and Grey tum nships which were to be Council felt the emergency call was part of In an Ontario Federation of 1 1 A motion was presented to approve Because it's in the book. I'm getting fed up discussed at the meeting were tabled for the fire department duties, Reeve Krauter noted Agriculture news release 1 BEST WISHES ONLY passage of a bylaw to permit the village to wish all this government intervention." regular September meeting. that the village owns a four inch pump. It issued July 16, 1982, there �►iirir�i�s�e �erils�a�is>�h enter into an agreement with the township. Councillor Workman in agreement said. During a recent flooding of the sewage a recd to inform the nublic works depart• was an inadvertent error in When asked by councillor Stu Parker. •'if we keep getting all this shoved at us, the •'how does the bylaw read?" Clerk Bill King new fire truck, purchased by the residents of replied he hadn't had time to prepare a draft Brussels. will not be owned by the village but copy. "Then I'm not going to sign the motion taken overb% another government. There is if there is no bylaw," said Mr. Parker. "I too much red,tape." don't know how we can pass a motion if there As he has stated in the past, Mr. Workman is no bylaw." said. "if there is a fire. the Brussels At a recent meeting with the townships and department should go. no matter what," NW -.1 I', RESIDENTS STILL BUGGED BY BUGS—Following a recent article In the Expositor, Met and Roxy Jacklin of Brussels said they were invaded by the "sap beetle” last Friday. Residing in the Brussels area all their life, the Jacklins cannot remember such an invasion. (Wassink photo) Remember/ It takes but a moment to place an Ex- Brussels Variety ariety positor Want Ad, Dial J 527.0240. Open F®r Your Convenience USE EXPOSITOR ANT ® ADS Phone 527-0240 MONDAY TO SATURDAY SUNDAY b A.M. to -10 P.M. 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. GIFTS a TOBACCO PRODUCTS . CONFECTIONS o HEALTH CARE ITEMS GROCERIES a- - LOTTERY TICKETS — 987-6224 9 treatment plant, t\,6firemen and the fire ment and fire department the pump was the comparison of industrial truck were c•allcd to pump water out of the available if the need arose, wages and farm income. building. Three hour's were spent at the -In similar circumstances village equip- The release stated that facility. A bill submitted to council b+ the ment could be used." said councillor Parker. industrial wages have firemen was for time spent at the site at 815 Councillor Workman said the village doubled, in terms of real per hour. The total was $45 for each member. appreciates assistance received by the fire dollars, since 19'4. The state. Council \\ as unanimous in their agreement department such as "blo\+ing nut drains. We ment should have read that that the two firemen are to he paid the shouldn't out the squash on." industrial wages are double 4 that of farm incomes. Industrial wages and farm o t I I featured incomes were roughly' the li- same in 1974. Since then, in real (1971) dollars• average industrial earnings in Ontario Huron (bunt+ Soil and Spctial guest speaker will tive speaker. Soil consena- have risen from 8'.550 its Crop hnprmemem Associa• he %it Dwight Quisenhern, tion is a topic that concerns 19'14 to 8',640 in 1981. tion unites you to a Soil ( unse•rt.,tion Agronst ont,. everyfarmer. Mark the date In the same period, real- Consenation Day on Thur% I `,D \ .,•1 Conser\arton Scr on your calendar now. ized net income per census da\, \ugust 2hth. 1982, from \ It L V, Quisenberr\ has a The tour starts at the farm farm in Ontario decreased 3.30 t„ h 10 p.m. featuring nun,h\:.d years expenenLC of Don Lobb. RRa2Clinton. at from 8'.450to$4,330,(in real guided tours of Huron Count\ in Ute 1�•. Id of soil conscr%a. 3:10 p.m. Sharp. . dollars), even when taking NTill Project Plot\ and the tion m %11;higan and will he Please confirm your at into account the decline in Terracing proico. v an intcrrsting and informa- tendance today by phoning numbers of farmers. your local OMAF office We chose 19'4 as the base No I I V r u e in ( Huron or Perth). Buses will year since it as the only year he pm\idided to tour the plrns since the Korean War that net and a light supper will be farm income came close to the ® scn•cd prior to the guest Ic\el of industrial wages. �r h � � cry C � speaker. The OFA regrets any in• -- Assistant Ag. Rcp, hate caused. An estimated Sa sin le Nhe nharkrr, westbound. WEDDING I Nil I T A T 10 N S damage resulted in a single when hr drove over a hill and vehicle accident on Lances road a d miss a dog the THE HURON EXPOSITOR sion IQ and 11 o\+u• f H„k road '\s a result the vehicle township, one mile north of rolled ,wo its roof. Wroxeter on Saturday. July A p`„Inger in the \chicle PHONE 527-0240 — SEAiFORrTH 31st. and ill,, driver recei\rd no Constable Jim Dore of the mtunt . t onstable Dore saiai Wingham OPP said Lawrence in, \h,ro were laid against e J. Bohnert of RR3 Tee -,water Iht• ,Ir•,. was driving a 19'9 Dodge BErM BREAKS FOR CARERJL DRIVERS. I't,nn,r.el,n,�rt'•in,cry..! '•ItkO�nrr\+tth n, \•vl:nrhlr'ndrro .'.Iltmt':AFFc„ � \F i'.L , I.1�1 til .:,.I\ !M ,Ilii, 1, • ,,1ry " 0`2% SAVE WtH WAISNEW �•t, t�ei.�hrn,lh 1•vn+hint h�nr �tirnne\ "�`, n\,ttrtr nl.ikin¢-err„yiYl •„•� ,tnr•4 9ro ,nri.t,,'t ih.ir,,xlnrrd hit,r,••ttyl' ALLEN'S APPLE JUICE 48 OZS SHREDDED WHEAT SI FTO PICKLING SALT E.D. SMITH 11 OZS, KETCHUP KRAFT 16 OZS, H.R.Q. SAUCE VINEGAR 5 LITRES CHAPMAN'S 2 LITRES ICE CREAM Open 6 days SEPHENSON Self -Serve Gr®ceteria 667-9226 FINANCING COUNSELLING See us at�sr� vv'naham \tnu•�` CF ted Tue•Ila% tit ha:r August 17 01,1 OF TFiF F3A.NK >RFPRF SF\7AIAFs We're FBDB, and our mandate Is to encourage business development and expansion if.vou need backing, and have a problem ,getting it, try us ``1'•e offer financing, counselling. management training, and information about government assistance programs for business Perhaps together %%e can flet your plans moy7nq �+ FEDERAL BUSINESS BAN U FEDERALE DEVEL&iiUENT BANK DE OWELOPPEMENT Your success is our only business, f n• do al,t,,. „ ,.,,, .., n. •, .,hf.. ... , ..'.tt ,,,, fhe Iidnl ..r•\it n. ,,,"•-t ;h ;1' :4a ,,.write ?if1 lin`ar r v wt.,t •.,.,,• t`�Lt•" . j]a.B C <tttci�l�t