HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1982-08-04, Page 12LN @fid w@8 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, AUGUST 4, 1982 - All t ; HensuAml'l crowded- o n�,, The Hensall merchants sponsored their first "Moon- light Madness" on Thursday evening July 29. The weather was perfect and the multitude were overwhelming. From 7 p.m. on, there were free coffee, donuts, ice cream bars, hot. dogs and pop available. Mitre Caers, man. merce was in charge of the tickets and draws were made frequently by Reeve Paul Neflands. 7;30 draw I st voucher from c•r.,l, s %IA nn Ruby Finrayson, Kippen; 2nd club (Kinsmen) Lisa Murray, steak dinner (Kozy Corner) Hensall; 5th set of 6 tumblers Rob I,eppington, Hensall; 3rd ('Ferguson's Appliances) cigarette case and lighter Mona Stephenson; 2nd draw (Bon's) Rob Anthony, Kip- Ist voucher $10.00 Jake Van ___. cin nn .....,.t6 Kdn IAL --A..=. 9.,A I n..-.. MIRROR, M4 RROR, in the washboard --Ann Packham, one of over 00 youngsters registered in the Hensall summer playground program gazes into a converted washboard mirror during a tour of Church House Antiques. Located in -the residential section of Hensall, the former Anglican Church was converted to an antique store by Peter and Janis Bisback. The tour was held in conjunction with pioneer days, an event sponsolred by 4he playground program. (Wassink photo) IIS ma plans h u r+ " h p i , _' n i i Correspondent the month, all at 11:00 a:m. MARY CHESSELL Miss Brown read a letter 482.9969 she received from Margaret Rev, Wilena Brown enjoy- Robinson who is teaching in ed a tour of°Newfoundland Parakan. Indonesia. -She is and visited with family mem- very busy with 10 classes of ber% in Nova Scotia during students which include pro - her holidays in July, fessional people and a class of Church services resumed 52 children, ages 7 to 12. She la•,t Sunday with' Varna and lives with a doctor's family. Goshen meeting together trkand is enjoying the Eastern Varna. Next Sunday. the cuisine, so she has not lost annual.Lakeside service will weight, as predicted. Marg - be held at Stanley Park, aret is hoping to gel visas to followed by a potluck dinner visit several countries in the and picnic. Services will al- area before she returns ternate between Goshen and home. Varna for the remainder of Vacation Bible School for children of this arca will be held in Brucefield- church next week. Varna women are asked to bake and serve the cookie4 for'Friday. the final day of school, when parents and friends are invited to conic and see the children's work. A community bridal show• er will be held on Aug. 18 at 8:30 in Goshen church for Barbara Keys, • j, Kim Proctor of Kitchener has been holidaying with her grandmother. Ruth John- ston.. ohn• stun. Christopher was here for holidays earlier. Hensall lad a winner Correspondent BERTHA MACGREOGR 262-2025 Mr, and Mrs. Russell Mar- tin. Dorchester and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Farr, London visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Dickens and family and attended the Can. adian National Motocross races at Hully Gully on August Ist in which their grandson was a winner. .Mr. Charles Mickle of Hamilton spent the wcekend visiting with his mother Mrs, Laird Micklc. Mrs, Annie Noakes who recently underwent surgery at Victoria Hospital, London and spent several days with her son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Noakes at Mt. Brydges returned home last Friday and celebrated her 84th birthday Aukucf"lifh. /! Dr. and Mri. Robert Mick - lc, Jamit and Craig. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Crouch, Ayr, Miss Amy Beth Collins. Lon. don and Mr. and Mrs. Brian Collins and their family, Waterloo. visited on Sundav with Mrs. Laird Micklc and were guests for dinner in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Rick Luther and infant son .Eason were weekend visitors with the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Eric Luther. HENSALL YOUTH WINS Congratulations to Jimrl-I Dickens of Hensall who placed'th over all in the 80 B class at the Canadian Nation. al Motocross Championship at Hully Gully on August ISt. The eleven year old rider beat out kids from as far away as Calgary, ,Timmy also won the aap�� Kippen Gun Club met July 2' with the following scores: 25.,lohn Anderson. 24• AI Kyle. Jim Butcher. 2.1 -Jack Mills. Dan Crerar, 22-Mery Batkin, 21-1-loyd Venner. Gladys McGregor. - 20 -Bob Baker, 19-JamC'aldwcll. Harrison Schovk. 18 -Grant McGregor, Mr. and Mrs. Garry Alder - dice and family. Nova Scotia visited relatives in the area last week. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gack- stetter. Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Toner. Jeff and Tracv. Mississauga visited on the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Harold ,Igncs. award for the most sportsmen and most improved rider who has come through the Hull - Gully bouseleague program, We arc most proud of this young lad. Rev. Kenneth Knight re- turned from a month•y holi- dav and the service in Carmel Prc%bytcrian•Church was re. %umcd on Sunday. Rev. Knight gave an interesting message taking his text from I %I Peter Chapter 3 Verse 15, Mr. and Mrs, Brian Mahor and daughter spent the,%cck- end holiday with relative% ut Owen Sound, QUEENSWAY RESIDENTS ENTERTAINED AT COTTAGE The residents of Otmens- way Nursing -Home were very grateful to Mr. William Gih• son who entertained several at his cottage last week, Hcnry and Marie Wilds visited with Marie Wilds. Chester and Irene Dunn visit- ed with Vera Lammic. Virgin- ia Williams and Louise Mit- chell. Mr. and Mrs. Westlake visited with Miss Man' West. lake. Mr. and Mrs. Horne of Stratford visited Louise Mit- chell. Rcccnt visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Russ Corbett and .Icff were Mrs. Coannie Tay. for, Mr, and Mrs. Guy. Mr. and Mrs. Speicher and Mr. and Mrs. Stec Deanne all of Gravenhurst on Sunday. August Ist. all attended the Taylot picnic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Doug Taylor and ho%'% at Chestnut Haven, CHURCH NEWS Rc%, MacDonald continued his series of sermons on Suncim morning on the %uh. icut of life'% impulses Dun McCaffrey was soloist Ken Flder greeted the congregation and Steve Corbett Aird Charles Cooper were the ushers. .loycc Pep• per was the pianist for the %Davies. ' I:w•h week there is it different display at the Hen- sall Public Library. Flower arranging by Mrs. Cwt-sicI) korn. needlecraft% by Mrs. Klungc.l: knitting by Mrw Couper: ceramic% by Mrs. Russell. papier toling by Mrs. Tinm . Mrs. Velma Robinson, librarian welcome% anlonc into-rc%tcd. J.K. Cornish has visitors from unrest Correspondent MRS. ISABEL SCOTT 482.7135' Mrs. Bernie Smith and family. Calgary and her mo. ther Mrs. livclyn Clark, Moose .law visited for a few' days with Mr, .I.K, Cornish at Bit cwater Nursing Home. Zurich and w ith Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock. Mr. and Mrs. David Trich• net spent the wcekend at Cciokatowro. Mr, and Mrs, Mac Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Art Alex• ander have returned from a hu% trip to the Maritimes, Miss Betty Boycc. Toronto visited over the weekend with Mrs. Alice Ham. Mrs. Dennis Hallam has returned from William's Lake B.('. and while there attend. Cot the funeral of her brother . who died due to drowning. Mr. and Mrs, John Mae Lilian spent the weekend in Cayuga. Mr. and Mrs, Ron Scott, Wlnowoalt spent the week• cnd w ith hrs,parents Mr, and kits. Ken Scott. As PART OF PIONEFR activities, youngsters Bisback, explained various interesting pioneer registered with the Hensall Summer Play- artifacts. Over 60 are registered in the summer ground program toured Church House Antiques program. (Wassink photo) Friday. Proprietor of the antique store, ,Danis Hensall; 3rd: Coleman Ice- box and cooler (Pro -Hard- ware); Lillian Smith, Henspll; steak dinner (Bean Pot) Ken Elder, Hensall; smoke de- tector (Knight's Electric) John Coleman, Kippen, 3rd draw; Ist voucher 510.00 (Kinsmen Club) Steve Be- dard, Hensall; 2nd: steak dinner (Kozy Corner) (j. Freeman, . Coderkh; 3rd voucher $10.00 Kinsmen Club, Doreen Roezler, Chat- ham; 4th: set of Constitution coins (Bank of Commerce) Sharon Beaver. Hensall; Stilt GiftCertificate (Taylor's ,,o^ $20.00 Discount; Brian j Faber. 4th draw: Ist voucher $10.00 (Kinsmen Club) Julie Consitt, Zurich; 2nd steak dinner (Kozy Corner) Ken Nadon, Huron Park; 3rd $10.00 bill ( Bank of Montreal) Sue Markson, Huron Park; 4th steak dinner (Bedh Pot) K. Gardner, Hensall, 5th Lawn Chair (Bill's Hairstyl- ing) Kathleen Geiger, Zurich. (Kith draw: $10.00 voucher nsmen Club) Marcel Ver- linde, Hensal; 2nd -steak dinner (Kozy Corner) John Skea, Hensall; 3rd $10.00 voucher (K-40 club) Helen Toonstra, Hensall, 4th $10.00, gift certificate (Ferguson's) Lawrence Falconer, Bruce - field; 5th Timex watch, Doh Towton, Hensall. 6th draw: $10.00 voucher (Kinsmen Club) Jileen Baker, Brucefield; 2nd- steak dinner (Kozy Corner) A) Benning, Listowel, 3rd steak dinner (Bean Pot) Karl Deichert, Zurich; 4th Camera (Bon's) Jentosh Malik, Hensall; 5th Cheese (Duttman's Bakery) Larry McKnight. 7th draw: Ist voucher $10.00. (Kinsmen) Doug Sykes, Mitchell; 2nd steak dinner (Kozy Corner) M. Gingerich, Zurich; 30: si0.00 voucher (Kinsmen Club) Melvin Glanville, 4th Please turn to page 12 SUPE R SPECIAL SUPER SPECIAL SUMER SPECIAL S�PER SPECIAL SUPER SPECIAL 100% PURE BEEF SCHNEIDERS CANAOA 'A' GRADff FULL CUT BONELESS EVE REMOVED TENDER OV&DE FROM THE LOON JUICY WING OR FROM THE LOIN OF FINEST 'A' GRADE BEEF ROUND STEAK ROUND ROAST T-BONE STEAKS SIRLOIN STEAKS STEAKETTES ® Ib. AM AIIIIIII, $ Ar"M ® ICs. ® b $ $ 5.59/kg 5.69/k4 7.23/kg 6.57/kg 5009 PKG BONELESS! NO WASTE � ® FRESH MEDIUM SCHNEIDERS SLICED 613/kg SIRLOIN TIP 6.57/k9 �® ��® 3.70/k9 BEEF GRdOpE 'A' BEEF srumi RUMP �. ROAST 2® 7aIb. ROAST 2.981b ® BEEF ORIAT ss ��. Ulb, LIVER P FR02ENLr� Ib, SHANK OR BUTT PORTION LEG OF PORK "CENTRE CUT' 6 DAYS OF BARGAIN PRICES ZEHRS SLICED ZEHRS OWN WED. RUGA UNTIL TUES. AUG. 10 COOKED SLICED 3758 LEGOF 348/kg `'STEAKS OR ®.,44//k9 SPECIALS AT THE D•��.ELI®® HAM 1759 $1®49 BOLOGNA 1129 PORK $10 ROAST $f 0 Ib. Ib, Z W COOKED ROAST BEEF 8.80/kg Q7.971b VALU.PLUS BRAND SCHNEIDERS PORTIONED SCHNEIDERS LARGE SCHNEIDER, CHICKEN OR LUNCHEON LOAF 1591b MAPLE LEAF SLICED 3 VARIETIES RING 3.28/k9 REGULAR 1b SIDE 2.62/kg t H STEAKS ,75 %1.49 BOLOGNA►;1.49 SHOPSY COLE SLAW OR POTATO SALAD ib. WIENERS $1®29 BACON 500g$�.S SCHNEIDERS BOIL IN BAG POLY BAG - . $ ­ PRIDE OF CANADA BONELESS .5.05/hg MAPLE LEAF 8.80/k9 SLICED SCHNEIDERS SWEET PICKLED BUTT COUNTRY FULLY s� �% SAUERKRAUTgoomlr' �9 COTTAGE ROLL $�.�91b. HAMA COKITOKEDCHEN $� 99m. CORNED BEEF 3.509 MAPLE LEAF ]VARIETIES ZEHRS FEATURE ONLY THE TANAME NUTRITIOUSNO NAME SMOKED 3759 CHUBS 1 FINEST CANADA 'A' GRADE rP 9g BEEF ACKWURST 3759 PORK SAUSAGE �� LIVERWURST 2509 10 oz. JAR ASSORTED POPULAR REG, FILTER OR DRIP RIO BRAND PF MAXWELL HOUSE CAKE MIXES E.D. SMITH MAXWELL HOUSEPIECES & STEMS INSTANT COFFEE DUNCAN HINES GARDEN COCKTAIL GROUND COFFEE, MUSHROOMS 28 10 oz 520g FI. oz. 1 Ib. 10 oz. ® JAR PKG. JAR PKG. TINof 91 UNIVERSAL BRAND THIN STYLE PROCESSED CHEESE WESTONS ENRICHED WHITE WESTONS PLAIN STYLE 6 VARIETIES NEILSONS SOCKEYE KRAFT SLICES SANDWICH BREAD ENGLISH -,MUFFINS NOVELTIES SALMON 5009 PKG 924 s 8759 LOAVES 2_OF `pa I PKG0 8 VARIOUS PKGS of e S 1041 OR 12 S 7.75 oz. TIN ® TIN 69 CHOICE QUALITY AYLMER t9 °' SOLID LIGHT LORETTA (AILD, MEDIUM, OLD COLOURED OR OLD PROCESSED ZEHRS 16.59/kg WESTONS RASPBERRY JELLY VAN CAMP BEANS WITH TOMATOES 790 TUNA ;9 91L $1.9 CHEESE s2o 991b ROLL 3408 99f PORK 19 oz TIN 79f LILAYS SPAGHETTI A CHEESE. OR ALPHAGETTI BURNS TENDERFLAKED 100 I t TUBE PEPSODENT STOKLEYS DARK RED OR NEW ORLEANS KIDNEY 4 VARIETIES PLUS CREME RINSE ZEHRS �°rnl ZOODLES ,4 °= S90 HAM ,849 $1.19 TOOTHPASTE 99° BEANS 19 o= TIN M SHAMPOO 1.69 PURE VEGETABLE BRAVO 2 VARIETIES 1309 4 COLOURS FOR YOUR BATHROOM REGULAR OR TROPICAL BLEND 6809 KINGSFORD CHARCOAL ,o Ib $?.99 $ AA�FRESSOAP O ®IL BAR IS9� TISSUE 4 ROLL$1.69 CEDT TEA $ 069 BRIQUETS 3 LITRE e9 ESSO B.B.Q. ® $1,19 ZIP BRAND FIRE STARTERS ,5 °= 990 WEIGHT WATCHERS 5 VARIETIES SOFT DRINKS 75011 991 DEPS MOTHER PARKERS ECONOMY TEA BAGS loos $1,59 KINGSFORD MATCHUGHT BRIQUETS d lb BAG t2,29 LIGHTER FLUID I LITRE WHITE SWAN 2 COLOURS , COUNTRY TIME 179 5 VARIETIES 273g PKG CRYSTALS 990 BEEVIRISH-CHICKEN 6809 CORDON BLEU STEW $L39 WESTONS CINNAMON BUNS PKG o, 8 It. 1 s 9 SERVIETTES so 5 651 LEMONADE 6.,G °= NEILSON BLUEWATER POTATO CRISP FISH PORTIONS lff DIETRICHS APPLE COUNTRY HARVEST WITH MONEY 4509 WESTONS DANISH STRUDEL 4689849 WHEAT BERRY BREAD 791 DINNER ROLLS 2 5 691 STUART COCO FINGERS ,2 °i BLUEWATER POTATO CRISP a1.S9 OLD SOUTH FROM FLORIDA WELCHS PURE NEILSONS ICE CREAM 2 LITRE ORANGE JUICE ,6 °= a' �9 GRAPE JUICE �' .,. '139 VENETIAN VANILLA 12.69 FLEISCHMANS SOFT BOWL l� �� MARGARINE 2 1b FISH ROLLS 8 °= Country ®ren SEALTEST SMOOTH A CREAMY WE RESERVE THF RIGHT TO LIMIT V/+ACHO(Na BRAND COTTAGE CHEESE woOj1•39 WEEKLYFAMILVREOUPIIIIc.ASES TO SRENMENTS CHOC. ROLL CAKE EA 991 Q a.� coupons worth $1 in gas CHUNKY CHEESE CALIFORNIA PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA vvith fill up at OR RAISIN. BREAD ,6 - 1 9 SEEDLESS GRAPES NECTARINE Participating Esso stations. HAMBURG OR HOT DOG ROLLSNc 9' o e C 7 CAN. NO t GRADE PLUMP AND ONE COUPON AVAILABLE TH EVERY 550 00 PURCHASE PL Si 1 AT ZEHRS Detads at all Zehrs stores PRODUCT 09 ONTARIO RED FLAME OR JUICY GREEN THOMPSON *9SPLB LB.1609�� PRODUCT OF ONTARIO CANADA NO. I GRADE CANADA N0. t GRADE EN 0 PROD. OF U.S.A. CAN. FCY, PROD. Of ONT, CAN, NO. 1 PROD. OF ONT, CAN. N0. I 691 PEARS LR 990 MINI CARROTS R 791 CABBAGE EA CELERYBARTLETT R TALK PROD. Of ONT, CAN. NO. I SWEET PROD. OF OMT, PROD, OF ONT. GREEN PEPPERS 06 991 GISEEN ONIONS 3/991 BEAN SPROUTS 1b 590 AMINO& A11111116. J%BUNCH 1107EA. PROD. OF ONT. CAN. NO. I PROD. OF ONT, PR00. OF OMT. CAN. N0. I ENGLISH CARROTS 591 RADISHES R,I"C"rS 3/991 CUCUMBERS EA �91 PROD. OF ONT, PROD. OF S. AFR. CAN. FCY. APPLES NO NAME IN THE SHELL rA x'91 GRANNY SMITHS Le 81.19 PEANUTS Kg $2.99 91LB ROMAINE LETTUCE PROD. OF S. AFR. OUTSPAN SPECIAL PRICES IN EFFECT FOR SIX DAYS ORANGES 4 L 83,19 WED. AUG. 4 NTIL CLOSING TUES. AUG. 10 v HIGHWAY NO. 8 JOSEPH EST. (HWY, NO. 4) INTERSECTION HWY, NO, 4 AND 83 THESE SPECIALS RICH WINGNAM - TER AVAILABLE - ONLY IN: MON., TUES. 9 TO 6 P.M. 075 'A LLAICEAVE. N. MON., TUES., WED. 9TO6P.M. WED., THURS., ERI- - 9 TO 9 P.M. SAT. 0:90 TO 6 P.M. `---,-" w LBSTOWEL• THURS.. FRI. 9 TO 9 P.M. SAT. 8:30 TO 6 P.M.