HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1982-08-04, Page 8THE HURON EXPOSITOR, AUGUST 4, 1882 — A7 PEARL LIKE BEADS toren on a spider web during the early morning hours of dawn, (Photo' by Wassink) Short Shots MON Do not dwell on, and scurry about the mistakes of the past, that arc now gone, beyond recall. Concentrate on the present. Plancarefull furthc future. What isdone, or said, cannot later he cra%ud. When you read this I will be in Ottawa enjo,,ing my retirement from the workaday worid. Thev are taking me home with them in fear that left alone there might be a tendency to brood about no lunger being part of the business world that was mine for so long. They are about to be fooled for the intention is to relax and thoroughly enjoy the years ahead, go and come as pleases me. do things that were virtually impossible before. The first day of a life of leisure was not christened with champagne but with a refreshing dip in the waters of beautiful Lake Huron. My son held one hand and my vounger granddaugh. Ice the other in care dear obi "Nanny" would accidentally drosn herself. Blcss them. + + + + ♦ • + + Vacation time' Make it a safe vacation for sou. Unforturmic)\ there is a high rate of tragedies and troubles in what should he a relaxing experience for ' folks- Vacation drixing is quite different than the ordinary affair. He sure your car is equipped for the extra demands on it. Fvery car should carry a first aid kit. flashlight and fire extinguisher. Plan Hour Inp ahead of time. Be sura you know sour route, Asoid dangerous ntamcnts on high"a%s, Do not hack upon a frcew'as or ans higMsay, It is illegal as well as ser% dangerous.,Make frequent stops in break the montum of a long trip, If leaving the highwayr s W trael on unpavod gravel roads take care. Fallowing a car too dosch in it cloud of dusl can he dangerous if the car ahead stops suddenly. )'oil ntay find its rear end under your dashboard. Watch out for farm niachincn. Those making left hand turas are a ntapor cause of accidents in cls nig by Evelyn Kennedy these schicics. Always Buckle Up. Last week. along w ith my son and elder granddaughter, we visited the Stratford Fcstikal Theatre. The comedy "The Merry Wives of Windsor" was thoroughly enjoyed by the full house, Douglas Campbell gave an excellent performance as Falstaff and brought the audience to laughter time and time again. He is an actor that can make a character come vividly alive and stir the rest of the cast to give of their best. It was the first time my companions had visited the Festival Theatre and they were impressed with the theatre itself and the loveliness of its surroundings, ++iii++. .It w as great it) discos er. in our rambling in the past two "ecks, that there are places, in relatiscly %•eluded areas. on the shore of Lake Huron, still in the state carved by nature. Sand dunes %ith beach grass and clumps of ht" grow ing bushes "-here one can find shade from oxo hot sun or shelter from winds that blow cool. rherc is clean sand along the shore "ith sparkling waters shallow enough for little ones In frolic in. depth enough for keen swimmers. All this free from rocks and stones. An ideal place for a fancily kruup to enjox a das's outing at the beach. • + • . • + + When General Dwight F:iccnhower rc- Wed aS"presidcnt of the United States he was asked how he "ns going to spend his retirement He replied ''For the first three weeks I ant just going to sit in my rocking chair on m\ front serandah. After that 1 might start roxking.' It is obvious he did not have a son. four grandchildren and a great grand- daughter dragging him all user the shores of Lake Huron for the first hyo weeks of his retirement. I not beginning to think that the General real)\ did know "lint he was talking about. Holiday Home Savers (fdhtHardtwamJGPi1%"1�%?80867-6525Brussels MIRACLE WHIP ALADDIN WAYNE GRETZKY GHC LUNCH BLUE ENAMEL 7 Ou.rt 4 07. s KITS BLANCHER With ale aoes 9 1209' �� 4094182 until Sept BERNARDIN GLAD FREEZER BAGS MASON CAPS 939 SMALL .69 MASON ODS _ MEDIUM, RUBBER JAR RINGS LARGE t.iNAl4Oe,. .69 i 9 INDOOR WIRE 1.99 1212r'l�ilil;,�N91 FOOT III COMBINATION i� 1rr�P - .16 PADLOCK o s / 141 2 49 p 3FOOT .1 • BTJOANNlE RAMMER Who could possibly be better for Belgrave corre- spondents than lifelong area residents? Helen Stonehouse, the of- ficial Belgrave correspondent for three area newspapers, and her husband Lewis, the unofficial correspondent, have lived in Belgrave area all of their lives. Born on the second conces- sion of Morris Township, Mrs, Stonehouse was first offered the correspondent's job in 1965 when Wingham Advance -Time editor Barry Wenger asked her to do a Write-up on the stone school, situated on the same line'. Since that time she has also expanded her reporting du- ties. Although she is the official correspondent, it is not a one-person job, "By the time 1 answer the phone and the door on Monday, mornings 1 really need Lewis to help me," she said. Since retiring from his custom carpentry work two years ago, Mr. Stonehouse has enjoyed as- sisting his wife with the writing. Mr. Stonehouse was born only a few houses away from where they presently live on Jane St. in Belgrave. After they married, they farmed for 18 years four miles west of Belgrave in Wawa - nosh township. Their final move was in 1955 to the Belgrave home formerly oc- cupied by Mr. Stonehouse's parents, - "We know a lot of people in the area, especially in Wawa - nosh township... in 18 years you get to know a lot of people, said Mrs. Stone- house. This qualification makes them the .ideal couple for the correspondent's job. A favourite past -time for Mrs. Stonehouse is quitting and she also did "fair work", exhibiting at several fairs in the area. Mr. Stonehouse relaxes with his gardening. The couple also enjoy their cards. "We're very fond of cards.,. Shoot and Euchre's, pretty much what we,play." said Mt:. Stpehouse. They attedd1.6e"W'eslmsda"y night Euchre Club at the Institute Hall during t40', winter. "We're moreor less there for the fun of it....wc enjoy the fellowship," said Mr. Stone- house. Since they're not able to be everywhere at once, how- ever, the Storehouses rely heavily on their neighbours and , Belgrave residents to help with the news. "People are good to call things in," said Mrs. Stonehouse. "The biggest job is to get things togethet," added her hus- band. Several people have been a help to her regularly report- Helen and Lewis Stonehouse ing on certain groups. Mrs. Leslie Bolt sends a write-up of United Church news. Mrs. Clara' Van Camp sends the Anglican Church news and Mrs, Ivy Cloakey sends the Presbyterian Church news. "We also cover Kinsmen news, the E. Wawanosh public school, the community ecrRre, the Welsh Fayre and the fall supper," said Mrs. Stonehouse. "There seems to be so much happening on the week- ends now," said Mrs. Stone- house. She said Monday mornings are really busy with all the weekend news rolling in, "I've really enjoyed it, but some mornings it makes it pretty busy." she admitted. It's evident, though, that even the rush doesn't prevent these people from loving their job. ' Belgrave people at 125th - Correspondent NIRS. LEWIS STONEHOUSE 867.9847 Mr- and Mrs, Barrie Bran- don and Mrs, Mae Brandon of Kitchener visited on Sunday afternoon with their cousin Mrs, Joe Dunbar and all attended the 125th anniver- sary of Turnberry Township, Mrs. Norman Stonehouse of London spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse. Douglas Bieman of Iroquois Falls who has been spending the past month with his mother Mrs. Agnes Bic - man left on Monday morning to accept a position with the Nuclear Division of the Ontar- io Hydro arid will be training at Deep River. Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Self of Fergus,andtheir daughter Ann Bicman of Digby Nova Scotia. called on Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Stonehouse on Sunday evening also with Ann's aunt Mrs. Agnes Bic - man were Mr. and Mrs, John Leppington and Aaron of Clinton and Mr. Douglas Bicman of Iroquois Falls were visiting at the same home. Mr. and Mrs. George John- ston returned home last week after enjoying a 3 week bus trip to Victoria B.C. going by way of the Western pro- %inces. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Vin- vcnt of Oakville spent the holiday weekend with his sister Mrs. Cliff Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Cordon and their twin children of Duff's Correspondent MRS. ALLAN McCALL 887-6677 Mr. and Mrs, Brian Work- man greeted worshippers Sunday morning at Duff's United. Organist was Mrs, Neil McGavin. Ushers were Harvey Craig. Martin Baan and Murray Dennis. The Rev. Charles A. Swan read scrip- ture from I John 4: 721 and I Cor. 13. Sermon was "The Greatest of These is Love." Worship will resume. Sun day, Sept. 5 at 10:30 a.m. Church school at the same hour. Church Calendar: Sunday. September 5th. Unified board meeting at 8:00 p. m. Sunday. September 19th 116th Anni- versary at Duffs. Sunday. October i'th U.C.W. Recog- nition Day. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Ken Short - reed, Jim, Robbi and Kendra and Mrs. Isabelle Shortreed have arrived home from a two week camping trip to the east coast. Miss Ruth Thamer, Wood- stock spent the civic holiday weekend with her mother, Mrs. Ruth Thamer and other relatives in the community. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Tha- Kitchener called on a fessLogan. land, Germany and Holland. formerneighbours in the Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Mrs. Orley Shaw of Mount village on Sunday afternoon. Wheeler have returned home Forest and Mrs, Elunid Mc - Miss Michelle Arruda of from a two week tour over- Nair of Brussels visited on Toronto is holidaying with her seas. This included parts of Monday with Mr. and Mrs. grandmother Mrs. Cliff England, France. Switzer- ' Bert Johnston. CONSOLATION WINNERS—Marlic Car Rental of Kitchener were the consolation winners of the Brussels Recreation softball tournament eliminating the Ingersol team, 3-2. Accepting the trophy from Wayne Lowe is Larry Marks, left and Ron Woodworth. (Wassink photo) United off for August mer as,empanied Mr. and Miss MaEllen Wchmer. -care clad to see M nrs. Mrs Fmc•son Mitchell on a daughter of Mr and Mrs Dasc Watson is home from motor tris, to the western Mack Webster. ' N arna Is hoapltal and Das c has return pros in, c, „ here then visited spending a few das s hohdas s ed hone after spending some relanses .end on to Banff with Mrs. Isabelle Shortrced time with his daughters in before returning home last in the %illage London and Thamesford. Wedncsd.n Miss l .irolyn McClure of Ottawa o,,ited on the hohdas weekend .it the home of her parent.. qtr, and Mrs Hancs %f, (lure. The I nocd Church Women catered to a hot beef meal ,,hen thc, served 121 people prior to the play Fridav night at theRltth Theatre. -- _----� BERI I Sales Set0'icej Installation I FREE ESTIMATES I 1 � I ° Barn Cleaners jBunk Feeders I Stabling l I Donald G. Ives; j R.R.02, Blyth I I � I Phone: I I Brussels 887.9024 : ------------ H & N DAIRY SYSTEMS LTD. Sales, Service A installation of pipelines & milking parlours R.R.4 % \ WALTON _99M 11 ATTENTION 1.4 -AREA FARRIERS FiLE FOR LATER USEi WE PAY '20 00 TO 'SO 00 PER HUNDRED WEIGHT FOR OLD COWS AND RECENTLY INJURED SOWS COWS STEERS 8 HEIFERS MUST BE ALIVE A DRUB FREE ANY DELAY could be COSTLY FOR IMMEDIATE PICKUP WITH OUR WINCH EQUIPPED VEHICLE CALL COLLECT 24 HOURS A DAY — b DAYS A WEEK CLAYTON RILEY 482-9957 KRAFT .1 LITRE 2®09 MIRACLE WHIP WESTON'S RASPBERRY JELLY ROLLS _ ®99 SCHNEIDER'S POPULAR LUNCH MEATS •�� 175 GR. SCHNEIDERS MINI SIZZLER SAUSAGE 500 GR. FRESH STORE PACKED RAISINS 15 OZ. BAG s99 KLEENEX BOUTIQUE SERVIETTES 1.99 150'S MAPLE LEAF WIENERS 1 LB. PKG. 1,49 McCHTCHEON GROCERY We Delver Brussels 867-944S Store Hours Mon„ Tues., Wed., Thurs. and Sat. 930 a.m. to.6 p.m. Fri., 0:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m - NOTICE FOR ROAD CLOSING The Corporation of the TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS Take notice that the Council of the Corporation of.the Township of Morris proposes to pasa By -Law pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 302, Section 298 (1) (c) for stopping up, closing and selling that part of Lot 30 in the Fifth Concession in the Township of Morris, Part of Lorne Street in Plan 8 In the Leckie's Survey, more particularly described In Schedule "A" attached hereto; AND FURTHER take notice that the Reeve and Clerk will be authorized, to sign and execute the necessary documents in order to effect the closing and the sale thereof. AND FURTHER take notice that the Council shall hear in perstm or by his Counsel, Solicitor, Agent or any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected by this by-law and who applies to be heard at the regular meeting of Coungil on September 2, 1982, AND FURTHER take notice that the proposed by-law may be examined by all persons interested at this office of the Clerk of the Township of Morris, during business hours. at any time, before the same is finally passed. Dated this 21st day of June, A.D. 1982- WM. J. ELSTON Reeve Township of Morris NANCY MICHIE Clerk -Treasurer Township of Morris SCHEDULE ''A" All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron and the Province of, Ontario and being composed of that portion of the South Half of Lot Thirty (30) in the Fifth Concession of the said Township of Morris. more particularly described as follows:— COMMENCING at the South-westerly corner of Lot 471 in Leckie's Survey of the Township of Morris, THENCE Southerly in a straight line to the North-westerly corner of Lot 316 of the Brussels Survey; THENCE along the Northerly limit of the said Lot 316 to the Easterly limit thereof, THENCE Northerly in a straight line to the South-easterly corner of Lot 471 in the Leckie's Survey: THENCE along the Southerly Emit of the said Lot 471 to the place beginning. said portion of the South Half of Lot No 30, being the Easterly 155.10 feet of Lorne Street as shown on Platt No 8, Morris Township, Leckie's Survey. e