HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1982-08-04, Page 60
through the rain. The sun was
and Mrs. Mary McIver, Sea-
shining and a light rain was
forth, Lou's mother, had a
falling and believe it or not. I
family dinner in Stratford. at
The summer is half over as
coulld not find a rainbow, I
the "Old English Parlour".
we begin the first ,week in
realize inflation is high and
Upon their return home in the
August and in a few short
the dollar has fallen badly,
evening they. were surprised
weeks all the young folk will
but surely it hasn't knocked
by their family and friends
be marchingoff to school.
the bottom out of the pot of
who joined them for -a social
The weatherman has not
gold yet. For without our
evening. Those present were
been too cooperative this past
rainbows and our dreams
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rowland,
week with showers off and on
there would be no tomorrow.
Dublin. Mr, and Mrs. Martin
to halt the combining of the
I hope everyone has had a
Purcell, Kitchener, Mr. and
wheat and barley, which
good holiday weekend, whet
Mrs. -Jack Lane, St. Colum -
makes the farmers rather
ther it was spent at home with
ban, Mr. Jack Rowland, Kin -
edgy and frustrated. But on
family and friend's or travel-
cardine, Emery Gaunt, Kin -
the other hand who wouldn't
ling about the country.
kora_Mrs. Mrs. Rita Cook, Kin -
be? Sure if someone took my
Special congratulations are
kora. Mr. and Mrs. Larry
pencil in the middle of writing
extended to Mr. and Mrs. Lou
,Cook and family, Dublin, De.
this column, I would be rather
Rowland who celebrated their
and Mrs. Andrew Wrynne,
upset too, but never fear,
30th wedding anniversary on
County Kildare, Ireland, Mr.
there is always tomdrrow and
Saturday evening. Lou and
Mrs. Dan O'Rourke, Seaforth
I would be sure to go out and
Ann and their family; Mr. and
and their' nieces, nephews
get a new one. And so it is
Mrs. Dave (Mary Margaret)
and cousins. Also present
with farming or .any other
Murtha, Mis's Lou
were their two grandchildren,
occupation, there is always
Ann Rowland, Mission, B.C.,
Megan and Patrick Murtha pf
grants and local taxation. In
Pat 'Rowland, Edmonton, Al-
Mind you I wondered on
berta, Mr. and Mrs. Brian
A social evening was held
Friday evening when driving
(Colleen') Rowland, Dublin
Friday evening in the Crystal
Palace in Mitchell for Michael
monton,•Alberta is spending
Mr. Bill Costello of New
Mr. and Mrs. Gib Murray
Rowland, son of Mr. and Mrs.
a few weeks with his parents,
Lowell, Father Jack Costello
of Ottawa were visiting with
Ed Rowland and Cynthia Van
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Rowland,
of Windsor and Mrs. Mary
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Murray
Nynatten, daughter of Mr,
Mr. and Mrs. Clare Old-
Wickens, London were recent
during this past week, How
and Mrs. John Van Nynatien
ham, Mr. and Mrs. Brad
visitors with Mrs. Theresa
nice it is to hear that Gib is
of Kinkora, prior to their
Oldham. London and Mr. and
making a speedy recovery
forthcoming marrigge on Sat-
Mrs. John Denomme and
Mrs. Camilla • Evans was
from recent surgery.. Also
urday, August 7 in lCinkora.
boys„ Kitchener spent the
visiting with her sister, Mrs.
visiting with Mr. 'and Mrs.
Michael and Cynthia are both
weekend with Mrs. Delaine
Marie Melady who is a
Gilbert Murray were Mr. and
employed in Edmonton, Al.
Cronin and family.
patient in University Hospi-
Mrs. Pat Murray of London
berta and will reside there
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ben-
tal, on Sunday.
who were holidaying near
after their wedding. ' Con-
ninger and Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Mrs. Jean Dill was visiting
Mr. Mrs. Robert Cro-
gratulation; to you both.
Simmonson and son Tommy
with her granddaughter Miss
Mr. and Mrs. Gord Dantzer.•.
spent the weekend with
Jill Warren of Stratford on
•nin and family spent the
and family, Mississauga
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ouellette
Tuesday on the occasion of
Weekend in Midland at the
spent the weekend with mem-
h ' f a; d
and family in Windsor.
her 13th birthday.
Martyrs Shrine.
bers of t e at res an
friends. .
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bruxer
1 09% 9 Oft
ur-kur%AA bsn o,,,draws
and Jacob, Exeter and Miss
Nancy's sister and two future
Karen Bruxer. Toronto spent
the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Bruxer.
as la-ckp&
Mr. and Mrs. Don Muegge
sister -in-laws assisted Nancy
and faintly, Walkerton were
visiting with relatives onthe rhe Dublin and District 13, Blanche Coady; 14. Cathy to announce that the tickets
weekend. Athletic Association Bingo Philips and Ruth Cowing, 15. are available now from any
Mr. Pat Rowland of Ed- held each Friday evening is Mrs. Lee and Janet Reevie. - member of the league for the
their return from a trip to the
i.:d by Mrs. John Scott on the
Nancy's sister and two future
west coast. ' y
piano, and readings by Mrs.
sister -in-laws assisted Nancy
Mrs. Robert Laing, Mrs.
farry Gardinerand Mrs. Alex
in opening her gifts. Nancy's
Mrs. Russell Miller, Lee
Nelson Pullman and Miss
Miller. Contests were enjoy-
nephew Caleb Gammon de -
and Teresa hosted a bridal
Mary Jane Templeman host-
livered the gifts in a little red
shower for Nancy Allen on
ed a community sRower for
prize was won by Mrs. Rau
wagon. Nancy expressed,.her
Tuesday evening.
Miss Nancy Allen in Crom-
Mrs. Pullman read an
appreciation to all. Cake and
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
arty Presbyterian Church on
address of good wishes and
ice cream was enjoyed.
Mauer. Exeter visited recent-
Iv with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Pullman chaired the
Driver ed fees are up
program of musical numbers
rick's Catholic Women's
back of the church for anyone
Mr, and Mrs. Jim Greer
by Mrs. .lean Carey, Mrs.
Fees for Driver Education
year. The board voted .in
and Michael Gamble. Orms-
Gary Quance, Mrs. Glen
Courses run by the Perth
favour of increasing the fees
town. Qubec visited for a few
Elliott. Mrs. Cliff Miller.
County Board of Education
at its July 20 meeting, after
days with Mr. end Mrs, John
Mrs. Doe Kerslake and Miss
will increase to $90 for
being told the amount of
Temnleman and family. on
Betty Ann Miller. accompan-
students in the coming school
subsidization would increase
a. m.
Mr. s,d Prarson and Miss
Bingo was held on Friday
substantially again this year.
Subsidization represents
the amount by which total
expenditure exceeds fees
Miss Wilma Brill, N -Miss
Manor „; rr saddened last
Norma Streets. G -Mr. Elmer
week to learn of the death of
revenue, and it is provided by
Mrs. Minnie Hawley. Minnie
Full house -Mr. Elmer Bakes v
had endeared herself to many
grants and local taxation. In
to Brodhagen
1 the subsidization by
localratepayers was approx-
imately $30 per pupil. To
eliminate the local subsidy. a
fee of S90 is thus required.
Windsor visited with Mr. and
day. Bill returned home on
This is not far off the
Mrs. Ken Elligsen over the
amounts being charged by
weekend and attended the
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Elligsen
other boards of education.
Elligsen-Kale wedding on
of Windsor attended the
Bruce is asking $90 also:
Farmers are sure not look-
Elligsen-Kale wedding on
Dufferin $135: Elgin SSO;
ing for all this rain we have
Rev. and Mrs. John Ar-
Saturday and spent the week-
Grey $85: Huron $90: London
had the last few days with
buckle and Bill of Guelph,
end with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
$100; Middlesex $94; Oxford
harvest in full swing we need
visited at the home of .tie
Elligsen RR4 Walton, and
SSO: $95; and Water.
lots of sunny weather.
Querengcsscr over the�totj�'-'Fo
visited with Mr. and
loo $90.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Morkin of
1v1rs. Harry Bode in Listowel
Trustee Don Crowley, a
on Friday•
separate school board repre.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bode
sentative. said. "The pro•
enjoyed their two week trip to gram is worthwhile for the
Europe, returning home on students, and they get a
Friday. rebate back on their incur.
Numerous local people at- ance by taking the course. I
tended the Elligsen-Kale feel we shouldn't have to
WEDDING INVITATIONS wedding on Saturday with the subsidize trustee
reception following in the Mitchell trustee Earl Op
BroTHE HURON EXPOSITOR tie. Co g r community cent p student
er felt that if o
ire. Congratulations and best student was in�the position to
wishes are extended to the afford to drive a car, he or she
PHONE 527-0240 — SEAFORTH newlyweds. Terry and Mari- can afford to pay $90 to learn
anne Elligsen. how.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meyer The fee increase from 560
and Clara Meyer of Kitchen- for all students will then
er, and Edith Mcycr of increase to $90, and lhosc
Detroit spent the weekend enrolled in basic level %%ill
with Marie Meyer. Minnie have an increase from the
Leonhardt joined them on present $50 to $80. effective
Sunday. Sept. 1.
bixin' up the homestead?
Canada s first name for fine windows and doors
VISA Seaforth
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Match today s energy standards with today s windows
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See she complete r,ee of reotacement w,ndow models ano
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. p,emre ,.,no— w..tr
• nn m conve 1.
full card to Ruth McGrath.
need. Demi
e..y ".nmq
n1_1,y BLmm.IM
• po.mve p.i.nce syrtem
• remov.Db .ad,np
-d--9 ane
rp Nor", ,gh, 000r.uon
N 1p , to, e..y ck.. ns
aorMe le
sure growing. The jackpot
Share the Wealth went to
following prizes: I. Quilt
this coming week will be
Mrs. Chuck Woods. The
which was quilted by the
$600,00 on 58 calls. Maybe
letter ,X to Jean Brown and
parish ladies, 2. Ceramic
this week you'll be the lucky
full card to Ruth McGrath.
Christmas tree and 3. Ceram -
Inside square to Jean Dobbs
is pitcher and bowl: Tickets
Last week's winners are: I ,
and Lou Boyes and full card to,
are .50c each or 3 for $1.00.
Rita Porter and Mrs. Austin,
Mrs. Nicholson. The door
I "n m, t.,cned in singing
2. Rachel Riehl, 3. Chuck
prize was won by Mrs. Rau
r,ish both a speedy recovery.
Woods, 4. Viola Johnson, 5.
and the consolation jackpot
The draw will take place in
Ruth McGrath. 6. Rita Porter,
was won by Mrs. Reevie and
the parish hall on Wednesday
'. Roy McGonigle. 8. Blanche
Ed Dick.
evening November 3. The
Coady, 9. Freda Shane, 10.
The ladies of the St. Pat-
prizes are on display at the
Ruth Gowing. 11. Ruth
rick's Catholic Women's
back of the church for anyone
McGrath. 12. Marg Carter,
League of Dublin are pleased
who wishes to see them.
Mafia Strout
C!y ear, Phone
Seaforth - 527-1110
Ladles, i SANDALS
Plus Many Other Specials
WHAT ABOUT DADDY?—Mike Beuerman didn't seem to be as
interested In daddy Nell's ball game as he Was In action on the bench.
However. Mike and his mom Donna are faithful fans of Daddy's team,
the Queen's Hotel. (Photo by Rimmer)
Seaforth Manor
entertains at
lawn barbecue
Rc,td; nit of Seaforth
,if the residents and staff
Manny i ni named the resi.
during her long stay at
dent, , d (.n � nwood Nursing
Seaforth Manor. Everyone
Home I orA,n on Thursday
„ill miss her presence and
la,t ,,, ek . .i barbecue and
the svmpathy of all goes out
punt, m it,, lawn. Everyone
to her nephews and nieces.
enlo, rd il• '+ot dogs. ham
We are sorry to report Miss
hurg; r, rr, ,ind after lunch
Ida Gardner is confined to
rntisi, ., a, , *•wyed with Elsa
Seaforth Community Hospi-
and her Butler
tal and Mr. Ross Haughton is
I "n m, t.,cned in singing
still at Stratford General. We
alone.m,l .,!! dancing on the
r,ish both a speedy recovery.
patio Dur,-,, the noon hour
( tiff I hunt, l administrator
Mr and Mrs. Wm. Orren
wa, ph ,,.4-' surprised by
of Michigan visited with Miss
c%vr%om .urging Happy
Evelyn Cardno.
Birihd,n i, him and a, few
Mr. Walter Tiffin, Leslie
,sell ,holy, .,ords were ex.
and Catherine of Dresden
pres,rd to vfr Thornton b-
altt\Sandra McFadden and
Charly, Roy• also to Green,
Ryan visited with Mr. Mack
"nod ',unit e Home for at.
lending ani' ,upplving the
Visiting with Mr. Newman
Inscl, 1•irih,t.,c cake which
Garrett were his brother Mr.
c,cnonc .wiplcd. A vote of
N. Garrett of Blyth also
thank, alt, al„r extended to
daughters Mrs. Irene Whit -
the ro,idi nt, of Seaforth
more and Mrs. Erma Crich.
Manor forth, it invitation and
The August meeting of the
also to .;.none who helped
Resident Council will be held
mako it ,u, h an enjoyable
on Thursday morning at 10:30
a. m.
Mr. s,d Prarson and Miss
Bingo was held on Friday
Perim ( .va „ere the winners
afternoon and winners were:
at cuchrc la,t \Week.
B.Mrs. Margeuritc Shill. 1 -
Residents of Seaforth
Miss Wilma Brill, N -Miss
Manor „; rr saddened last
Norma Streets. G -Mr. Elmer
week to learn of the death of
Bakcsv. 0 -Mr. James Nolan.
Mrs. Minnie Hawley. Minnie
Full house -Mr. Elmer Bakes v
had endeared herself to many
and Penny 'Cana. -
Established- 1876
91 Main'St. South, Seaforth
Farm & Urban Properties
Ken Carnochan
Lavern Godkin
Ross Leonhardt
John McEwins
Stanley Mcllwain
Donald McKercher
'john A. Taylor
J.N. Trewartha
Stusrt Wilson
E.F. "Bill" Dunt
Bob McNaughton
Wm, Leiper
_, 8649.
Sws this unit tod®yl
393-6181 SEBRIN11GiPILLE