HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1982-08-04, Page 5A4 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, AUGUST 4, 1882
St. Colomban,c -ouple
®a YS Wit) t® the East
345.2028 -
Roy and Angeline Swart
returned home after a 12 -day
motor tour to the East Coast.
They visited many points of
interest along the way.
While in New Brunswick
they stopped in to say hello to
relatives of Bill and- Faye
Albert. Also while in P.E.I.
they visited with Doug and
Sharon Dalrymple aqd Rose
Burke who was also visiting at
the same home.
Mark Swart spent a few
days in Bayfield with friend
Kelly O'Leary and family.
Joanne Swart of London
spent several days at home
during her holidays.
Mrs. Annie -Swart and
family from Delhi visited with
Roy and Angeline Swart on
the weekend.
Father O'Laughlin of the
Basilian Order visited with
Mrs. Vincent Lane and Fr.
Tom McQuaid on Monday,
Mrs. Florence Speak of
Woodstock spent a few days
visiting with Mrs. Mary Moy-
lan. Gordon Moylan of High-
gate was home on the week-
end and Father Frank Moylan
is hunte trum santd Domingo
visiting with Mary Moylan
and relatives i'h the surround-
ing area.
Mr, and Mrs. Clarence
Ryan, Mary Jo, Mark and
Shannon Ward visited on
Sunday afternoon with Jode
and Marg MacRae and family,
in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Les Ward,
Tracy, Lisa and Joyce visited
with Mr, and Mrs, Clarence
Ryan on Tuesday, Shannon
Ward returned home with
them after spending the past
two weeks holidaying with
the Ryans,
Attlend 60th annivfarsary
of Manitoba cousins
nn�� �Jgg
Mr. Norman Hubley.
sister to Mr. Brodbageu's
Norman who spent nearly a
father the late Henry Brod-
which will require a substan-
month in Seaforth Commun;
hagen. They reported crops
ity Hospital and a few days in
were very good.
Stratford Hospital returned to
Shirley and Bert Heisler of
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nevers
his home this past week in
London visited on Sunday
of Goderich spent a couple of
Grey Twp..with
Larry and Marsha
days at the home of Larry and
Mr. and Mr. Ron 'McCal-
Marsha Nevers-
lum and Mr. and Mrs. Paul
We wish Mr. Clem Kraus-
' Mr. and Mrs. Ed Regele
Stephenson spent the week-
kopf a speedy recovery. He is
and Mrs. Fred Kistner visited
end at the cottage at Mani-
a patient in Seaforth Com -
with Mr. Fred Kistner who is
toulin Island.
munity Hospital.
a patient in Stratford General
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Brod-
the teaching staff to withdraw
Hospital. We wish him a
hagen and Mr. Lloyd Brod-
We also wish Mrs. Wilfred
speedy recovery.
hagen of H4 Walton have
Krauskopf of NI Dublin a
Mrs. Dave Watson of Wal-
returned to their homes from
speedy recovery'after.under-
ton has returned to her home
Birnie, Manitoba where they
going surgery in University
after being confined to Sea-
visited with Mt. Brodhagen's
Hospital, London. At the
forth Community Hospital.
cousins Mr: and Mrs. George
present time she is convale-
We wish her good health.
Walker. While there Mr. and
scing at the home of her
Barry and Marsha Nevers
Mrs. Walker celebrated their
sister, Mrs. Jessie Johnson in
visited Wednesday afternoon
sixtieth wedding anniver-
with Mrs. Phylis Birch and
sary. Both .are enjoying the
ing herself, These were
'Miss Kim Birch at Goderich.
best of health. Mrs, Walker
Mrs. Joy McCowan visited
. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Regele .
was the former Florence
a few days with her brother
visited Saturday, evening with
Douglas. Her mother was a
Mr. Tom Hey at Lion's Head.
New I lan.'guag e.'
math -.-programs,
for Perth schools
The fall term will see two
workshops and resource
new aspects to this program
new programs implemented
booklets will be added assist-
which will require a substan-
in Perth County Public
tial amount of in-service work
Schools. The Board of Educa-
with teachers, individually
tion approved the commence-
The Mathematics
and in groups, a curriculum
implementation leader is re-
ment of a Language Arts
program for grades 4 to 6, and
Program for kindergarten to
quired for this project."
a Mathematics program for
grade 6 in Perth County
The committee requested
kinderg'rten to grade 6 at its
schools has been in existence
this leader be someone from
July 20 meeting.
since 1973. There have been
the teaching staff to withdraw
Junior Consultant- Lynda
many changes through the
from the classroom for the
Hodson made the presenta-
years, particularly with the
1982-83 school year to as -
tion on language arts to fhe
introduction of metric mea-
sume this responsibility.
board. the result of two years
surement. An inclusive doc-
of research and development
ument was found necessary.
"The new document has
of a county program involving
Developing a new Mathe-
more diversity, more flexibil-
a writing team of five, includ.
matics program was not quite
ity than the original Perth
ing herself, These were
as difficult as in Language
County program," added Mr.
Wayne Higgins, principal at
Arts. A steering committee of
Querengesser, "The `people
Downie Central P.S., Gerry
seven members of staff,
on the sub -committee are
Krug. Avon P.S.. Doris pot.
headed .up by Glen Queren-
familiar with it. The teachers
ter, Listowel Eastdale P.S.
gesser, principal of North
received the document in
and Shirley Weitzel, princi.
Easthope P.S. decided to
June and there is a good
pal, Mornington Central P.S.
examine operative programs
indication it is on course with
The newt program centres
elsewhefie in the province
the ministry objectives."
around a change in attitude,
instead of attempting a major
Lengthy discussion by
said Mrs. Hodson. making
reworking oftheold program .
trustees followed the presen-
language more personal to
They came up lucky, and
tation of the programs, but
the student so that he or she
the new Mathematics pro •
finally the board approved
will enjoy the learning and
gram is the same program
both, effective Sept, 1982.
strive to learn it well,
being used by the Lambton
In relation to the Mathe-�
As applied, the new con.
County Board Education,
matics program, an imple-
cept for the language pro-
"There are three major
mentation leader will be
gram should, "enhance self
topical areas," said Mr,
appointed for the school year
concept. focus on making
Ouerengesser., Measure -
1982.83, with extension to be
sense, apply to the world of
ment acid Geometry. Al-
considered at the end of this
the learner and expand the
though there was little work
period. and the costs of the
learner's development. Lang•
in preparing the new program
appointment will be borne by
uage is learned actively at all
implementation will be a big
the Short -Term Consultative
levels." said Mrs. Hodson.
lob. Because there are many
Assistance Budget -
"it orders and organizes the
world, and is learned through
Rev. ®r• Thomson says
experimentation and model-
This is also going to mean a
farewell to Cranbrook
different approach by the
teacher. She said teachers
Victoria Hospital, London,
will have to pay attention to
Miss Susan Engel spent a
where the kids are coming
week with her sisters in
from and what the.' need to
Rev. Dr. J.K.R. Thomson
get ipvolved.
preached his farewell sermon
Recent visitors with Mr.
Once the core of the eurric•
July 25 as he retired from the
and Mrs. Earl Dunn were Mr,
ulum had been developed, a
ministry and moved to St.
and Mrs, Gordon Wood.
team of field testers was,
Catharines. There will be no
Mitchell. and Mr, and Mrs.
formed involving over 20
services during the month of
E, Bcnnew•ies and- Mr., and
teachers, from 15 schools
E. Bcnnewies and Mrs. May
across the county to deter-
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Miller,
Rock. Seaforth,
mine the appropriateness of
Jodv and Stacey, and Mr. and
materials to classroom
Mrs. John Engel, Pam and
In order that the program
Judr had an enjoyable camp.
be implemented , smoothly
ing holiday at Sauble Beach
without disruption to the
and Midland.
students, teachers will have
it before Sept.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Fitzim-
th�tr hands on
mons -of Windsor, visited with
too hecome familiar with it. A
Mrs. Lloyd Smfth and family
,PA Day Sept. 24 and other
and also visited Lloyd in
Phone 527-0240
'A* 454 g.
$ 73
1 '/3 I.B.
3® TIN
®rices effective until Saturday, August 7, 1982
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to Nan f Fv—MV Rs�?.