HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1982-07-14, Page 22Ara ••••'"1-71.- THE HURON EXPOSIT R. JULY 14,1 - CLEARING THE LAND -Four students were hired for the sUrnmer by the Ausablle-Baylield .Conservation Authority to fsh a boardwaik through the Banno&burn Wilde Area The four are Fatly Masnica, Mike Taylor; and rime Shaw from Exeter, and Pam Carnochan from Seaforth_ SMDRE HOURS: MON.-TIDES.-WED. 9 - 6 PI& MORS & FRI. 9 - 9 P.M. SATIMDAY 9 - 6 P.M. EVERT WEIPSESD. AY IS SENIOR CTITZENS DAY! 5% DISCOUNT OR FREE DELIVERY PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SATURDAY, JULY 17. 1982 Winthrop couple honoured Cloraespondent MARGBUILEY • S27-1856 Mr. and Mrs. Earl M- anage were ganeSrs of honour al a reception allel dance The Brussels 21.M111 recently. Many hds ian. neighbours and uelathes gathered To wish Earl and Betty well. Frank Mintage. brother of griimm pmsented the couple with a purse of money and Anna Illohnace read nhe alidresr, lEar'd on behalf of les -din -erns florist Upon The himself Betpi g,„ The annual Sunday School • Rock" acrid "Jesus Loves The niply. Lunch was served. Earl and Betty weR reside in Elora_ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dot - mage. Dans and Denny, Jean Agnes Scanow, Pat- Dolmage and GrA_ce Dolmage attended a shower far Mrs. Earl Dahl/age, the former Betty Romeo!. Elora.:Earl and Beatty were maniac! June 4th in Elora where they will be Kerr family meet in Clinton The Kerr cousins picnic 'uns held July II the home of Mr_ and Mrs_ Eldon KezT of Those amending unre anal IVIrs. Wyman Griffin of Albany. N.Y., Miss Jean Hammon, Bob Grieve of• Moinitateville, Northern On- tario, hla. and Mrs. Zoe Vie) er Landon, M. Ael Mrs_ hoto by Fereira) CDation_ MP and Mrs. FOOD Lapse Smith. Mrs. Mary Snlith, Mrs. Dons Muir, Mr. and Mrs. Graham Kerr and Mr. and Mrs, Robert M. Scott 411e Saciforah and Mrs. flOrothy Dalton, Walton_ A pot luck dinner wils servelil at noon, atter which many pictures were taken and an afternoon of reminiscing was enjoyed by all. A KET SEAFORTH BLADE STEAK CUT FROM THE CHUCK SHORT RIB & BLADE ROAST LEAN-ALINATiS TENDER CROSS RIB ROAST GREAT FOR THE GRILL MEDIUM GROUND BEEF LEAN -BONELESS BY TFTE PIECE STEW BEEF 1.59E. 1.58 Lo 1.88 FROM THE DELI . BURNS PRIDE OF eANADA SANDWICH STYLE COOKED HAM 1.78 1.98 2.39 SCHNEIDERS OLDE FASHIONED BAKED HAM, ' 3 • LB HAM 8. BACON OR CORNED BEEF MEAT LOAF SCHNEIDERS ;lime° SUMMER SAUSAGE SCHNEIDEBS ROAST PORK LOIN B 3.59,B 4.4% BURNS ITALY COOKED SMOKED PICNIC PORK SHOULDER 1.18,B SC FINE IDERS ARCA RING BOLOGNA BURNS PRIDE OF CANADA TIN END BONELESS DINNER HAMS HNF IDE RS BREADED CHICKEN -00 PKC, I:WRNS PRIDE OF CANADA YlSKING BOLOGNA BY THE PIECE BURNS PRIDE OF CANADA CORNMEAL BACK BACON BY THE PIECE BURNS PRIDE OF CANADA BREAKFAST GRILL 175 G PKG 1.99 2.19,B 3.88 pKC, 1.18, 2.39,. 1.98,,, Kraft WC:#3t M11:1)LE 1 Litre Jar 1.89 vvvv-z, Tide LAUNDRY DETERGENT 6 Litre Box 3.9:9 picnic was lied at Cavan Little Ones like Me". Winthrop Chinch on Sunday Jane Schade led in the June 27 With the young responsive reading Linda petiole raking care Of the Axteriarai gave the children's seratoe before hand. story. Ilarrarsty Drisooll read tit ZI*111 Hunt had the call to the scripture lesson followed worship. Paul Dodds teed the by the sermon on "Peace" prayer, The imilenaly class, by Mary Lou Audersox. la by their teachers Sherri Debbie Ridley gave a FAY - McCall and Mary Lou Ander- er. Kathy Payee grwe a Poeth son, sang "-The Wise Men "A Welcome Peace". Susan Wheatley's class sang. The doxology and the announcements were given by Sandra Hunt and *be benediction by Nancy Schade. Primary, irmior, later - mediate, senior and adult games were enjoyed by all taking part. A pot lock meal added the finishing touch to a haPPY day - Friday, Saturday, Sunday Specials Plume S2741034 Uncle jades tiornemade PIZZA L. - titenl 5-95 Med - 2 item 4,66 Sm. -2 item 2.40 icire SUPER SUBS • rink 2.25 Fish and Chicken, RNGER DINNER 3.00 TRY A PEANUT BLUSTER (whole peanuts, Your choice of topping -and soft ice cream) et0 1.60 t‘ 1W an our business the ouscomer is King 64561S7IontaTio 41•11,11EIMITIE11160 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANITIIES KGroceries BLUEWATIER h.8ON BLUEFISH FISK& CHIPS 12 02. PKG RICH'S COFFEE RICH 500 G CARTON DOWNY FABRIC SOFTENER 2 LITRE JUG KRAFT CND SINGLES CHEESE SLICES 1 KG PKG KRAFI ASSORTED SALAD DRESSINGS 2.49 2/1.00 2.99 5.99 1.59 SOO ML BOTTLE KRAFT WHITE OR FRUIT 250 G PKG MARSHMALLOWS MINI FLAVOURED CRYSTALS TANG ORANGE 650 G TIN KELLOGG 5 RAISIN BRAN CEREAL 525 G BOX CRISCO OIL 1 LITRE BOTTLE MAXWELL HOUSE DECAF VAC PAC COFFEE ASSORTED 1 LB 3.99 LIBBY S ALPHA-GETTI, ZOODLES, CARNATION INSTANT MASHED POTATOES 1.19 350 G PKG LB. SMITH GARDEN COCKTAIL OR TOMATO CLAM COCKTAIL 4802, ;ARS CALGONITE PREPR10ED 3.69 DISHWASHING DETERGENT 1.4 KG BOX PIJRINA DOG CHOW 16 KG. BOX DARE ASSORTED VARIETIES .59 COOKIES 450 G PKG 2.29 1.69 2.09 OR SPAGHETTI .69 14 01 TINS IOHNSON 5 BLANCHED PEANUTS 400 G BAG 1.59 2.99 15.99 1.59 1.59 CHRISTIE REGULAR OR SEASONED WHEAT CHIPS ISO G PKG •79 _Am Bakery DIETRICH 100% WHOLE WHEAT BREAD 675 G LOAF VVESTON PKG OF 12 HAMBURGER Olt WIENER ROLLS .69 .79 WESTON PLAIN ENGLISH MUFFINSP" .69 OF 8 PROD. USA SUNKIST ORANGES 1•29.0,, PROD USA CANTELOPES .99 E ACH PROD .USA LARGE • GREEN PEPPERS 4/1.00 PROD. ONTARIO SEEDLESS FROM THE TROPICS B ANANAS 3/.99 L., CUCUMBERS 1.49 ONIARIO LETUCE 2/.89 PROD. ONTAlii I BUNCH RADIS ES 311.00