HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1982-07-14, Page 21He share t his travels with community BY DARLRHE FEREMLik Unfike most travellers, Gotdort Wright doesn't just share postcards and pictures of his s- he presents sfide shows to whoever wants to be entertained. take a glimpse at far away places, or reminisce. Before 1973. Mr. Wright had never been in Engiand or Scotland. but he itas now viSited Britain four times in less than 10 years. And while many tourists spend their time relating, Mr. Wright has walked as miny,as eight miles a day in his excursions through old London, in order to get the feel of the city and capture it on film. Mr. Wright's first nip to Britain in 1973 w -as the result of some coaxing on behalf of retired Seaford' bank mattager Bob Spinal, who just happens to be from the same village as Mr. Wright's patents. Mr. Wright was persuaded to go to Scodand and meet his relatives he had never known. But he did net concentrate his trip on family reamions. Instead. he did his first slide show caned "Scotland Splendour." a history of doe -highlands in Scotland, including the capital city of Edinborough. By that time Mr. Wright had been smitten with the beauty of the British Isles and one show just wasn't enough. He returned later and did a second show entitled "The Road to the Isles," a story of the Hebrides Islands off the west coast of Scotland, including Lewis. Harris, Skye. Mull and Iona. Mr. Wright lived on an island for one month and filmed every day. trying to grasp the local flavour of fishing and sheep raising on film. He was particularly imp:ewes! ?nth the hand weaving on the islands, done with the sheers' wool which they shear. The islanders have developped up to 1.100 different patterns in their weaving techniques - Mr. Wright's third show, The Scottish Borders and Sir Walter Sam" was started on a 1977 trip but wasn't finished alt last year when he returned! abroad However he worked on a fourth presentation While in London last summer and it turned 010 10 be the most popular with his audiences. h deals with the royal wedding. His shows are an average of one hour at641 30minutes tong and althougta Mr. Wright's shows attract an adult audience. young people have enjoyed them also. "Any young torerson who has come has been surprised. They usually say 'oh, 1 didn't think that it would be like that*, he says. He has no fee for his shows. Church groups and other interested organizations ask him to show his slides and usually give him a gift or pay for expenses. "The only thing 1 hope to gain is to share what I've learned and seen when I was there (Britain)." Mr. Wright says_ Even though he didn't visit Britain till later in life. Mr. Wright feels that he had seen a tot of the world through his books. The retired a -ray technician has always hived to read_ When he managed to save some money. he decided to see what his THE HURON OPOSITOR, JULY 14,, 1902 — 11,21 GORDON WRIGHT grandparents haddescribed to hien when he was a young boy. His grandparents also gat him interested in music_ especiay old Scottish tunes. "When I .was about 12 years old my grandfather gave me his violist he brought with him from Scotland. In the ease was a pipe chanter for pipe music. 1 didn't do anything with this chanter for years and vears. but. finally. in one of my trips. I brought a set of bagpines•-' Mr. Wright took some lessons but insists duel he onttr plays die pipes for himself. As for photography. the only training he teceived was front a to wesipoodestee COWS@ in photagraphy. but today he has his own darkroom and does his own colour prints. The four slide shows that he has compiled have taken a tot of time and effort but he &asks forward to making more. _ "I vroold hlte to do one on Ireland. Australia. New Zea/and. and 100 other places 1 would like to see_ Tame just might not let me, that's Poor turnout at meeting Seaforth residents were given an Opportunity to voice their opinions. con- cerns. complaints. or suggestions in ire-, gards to recreation facilities in the commun- ity. but very few took thc time. A public meeting was held last week in the town hall when the recreation depart- ment's master plan was explained in detail. pitarnocis wrre'ttoprrig ttequesttons and feedback tiara the public. but with only sixi people present. including those from the recreation committee. the results were minimal_ Despite the poor turnout. however. Proctor and Redfern representative Carol Oitment eher company is under contract to prepare the plan) Weill through the steps of creating a master plan and took notes on cam:erns that were raised. The master plan will cover five basic phases: data collection and analysis. public awareness pwglaln_ needsanalysis. plan- ning and development priorities. adtd a final report. The public will have a chance to review this report before it is finished_ In making the master plan. organized recreation groups here now will be recognized. Their estimated growth. oper- ating c-osts. and how they feel about present facilities will be ConsitTeia:aswcfl astikr interests of the general population. There win also he special meetings held with Dutch rider at Hully Gully The 1982 Hully Gully House League Motocross Mol • Season Championships were held, at Bully Gully on Saturday . July 10 ith over 50 riders competmg m the annual event. Riders from across Ontario and even a special van horn a rider from Holland were on nan0 to put on an excellent aftinanin of exciting Motocross rare action. Local winners include: NOvire A • Mark McCarthy. Shelburne. Steve Chapman. Si, Thomas, Greg Parsons_ Earner Nov um II- Brian Giles. Shel- burne. Brian Black burn . Esc - Members receive Elma emblems BY STEPHANIE LEVESQUE In recognition of Elrna Townships 12Sth anniver• sari. Perth Counts Council held sta July session at the township council chamber here MC11111Crt of 521-10115 com- mittees working on the versary functions were On hand for the non iiing session to observe munty council in 2C171111 -lin pleased to see so many guests. s reward- ing."' commented Perth Warden Elsie larges Elma Reeve Glirin (tighten welcomed county council to his township and coffee cups with the 125th annaersary emblei— were presented to Catil council member. Elma is gearing up for its anniversary artiviiees which will take prate on the civic holiday w erte-nd. A highlight will be the parade 21 12 noon on July 31 I_ATTENTION WHITE BEAN GROWERS introducing The new fungicide for white mold control Information Meeting to be held at Seaforth Legion Hall Friday, July 16 Sponsored by Niagara Chemical Please contact your local Dealer for further details, if you would like to attend, ICT: Norrn Williams. Watford Junior A -Nick Rasa_ Clin- ton. Junior' B- Wade Litt. Lem • don. Darryl Simpson. Exeter: Dace McGregor. Kippen Enduro B -Gars Los ie. Esc ter. StCVC Ferguson. Exeter. Old Timers- Herman Bat dos -t. Putnam: Gord Whitely. ood. Gary Loy -ie. lieter Per Wee 13 -Kat London. Jan Dickens_ Hen - salt. Mike Hardman Ill. London. Junior A-Kcs Fechan. Sarnia% Nick Rasa. Clinton. Junior B -Wade Litt. Lan• don. Daml Simpson. Exeter: Das c Mearcoor. K rppen Nos rce, A•Crreg Parsons. Exeter. Robert ( alrorietu. Hamilton. Mark MeCartha. Sclburne Nos It C 8 Brian Blas-kburu. V a clef Brian Cain. She!. huirie Brian Key s, Seaforth. FORMATION ABOUT FUNERALS NERAL DIRECTOR ROSS RIBEY Benefits of Mourning Customs Attending a wake making offering help to the bereaved • of care-grving These mourning prac1i5es_. bereaved farmtv and one s If the Final Stage of Crow t Kul:der-Ross ar/vrs•ed that the should be to allow for a full &louming becomes the opportu re -group after the loss of a mem .able then. to continue Irving emoymg one and other By getting this outpouring of to prevent pent-up feelings of g blosseming later wrth psych repercussions "Getting it nut soon as possible is appropna 1/151211CPS, emperts agree . This rs one of a series of brief be helpful YOU TaV ask us oar and al public ioterest a condolence call, aft are two-way- acts directly benefit the In her book Death, h Dr E lisabeth purpose of mournmg outpouring of grief °IN for the family to her especially to be Inv rng %VOA Ong and grryf early, we help ink and regret frorn hsgrcally unhealthy of VOW SVStetil • as re therapy in most artrdes .e hope will estains for yourself WHITNEY-RIBEY FUNERAL HOME, 87 GODERICH STREET, WEST SEAFORTH, ONTA10, NOK 527-1390 groups that might not be adequately represented through the regular means. such as senior citizens. the disabled. and teenagers_ Meanwhile. Seater -1h residents will re- ceive a questionaire in the mail as part of thc data col/sena:no phase. This is another ' chance s tn state any profile= and suggestions. Hcrpcfally more people will take the time to fill n ow. Old Timers -Herman Bar - duel. Putnam. Gard Whitels. At000d. (,any Lode. EICICT. Per Wee B-Kirt London, In Poeeltman. Walkerton Mike Kaaaeh. London rim Dinkins. Hen sail. Bill Ramford. London Solar El Brian Blackburn. I- %soy Brian Keys. Seaforth. Brian Giles Shelburne lunior -%-Hugo Ma.askant. Clinton. Kevin Feehan. Sar- rna. %nit Rasa Chilton Jurnor 13 Dam 1 Simpson. FAC1CT. Svott Wilson. [00 - don. Wade lat. London F ndurn 13 Gan Loam. Far ter. Stye Ferauson. raver: Kirk Sitit II London. Old Timers Gott White -h. Atwood. Gan tenet- Fteter. Herman Bardnel Putnam rhe neat Hous e League Moincross is s. heduled for Thurida% night Jul% 15 MART HENDREIRS. daugh- ter of Mr. atnd Mrs. J liendrilks of PLR_ 1111 Seaton& graduated June 17 from Fan- shawe College in the Legal Secretarial Program ficLAUGIIILIN CIIEV OLDS SEAFOR511110_TORS LIMITED will be dosed Saturdays at 1 pa. During hay and Agog 12 MONTHS INTEREST FREE For a limited time only, so hurry in today to +ONTARIO', TB BOO WAREHOUSE 550 Ham St. Strafford (Across from A&W) 273-4510 Cheques VISA Easy Budget Terms HOURS_ Nolen. Toes. Wed. Sat_ 10 - 6. Timms. Fri_ 10- 9 HIGH PERFORMANCE PIG STARTER —features— *FAST GAINS *LOWER FEED COST PER LB. GAIN *RECOMMENDED AS BOTH A CREEP FEED AND STARTER RATION - SAVE ON STRBS AT WEANING *FEWER DAYS TO MARKET —available at_ BAR -B -DEE FARMS LTD. R.R. 1 BORNHOLM Randy DeBlock Tim DeBrock PHONE: 347-2966 DEALERS FOR IT'S RESULTS THAT COUNT! TO SEEK AND FIND ' NEW WAYS TO SAVE YOU MONEY! MAIM ,SAVIRS ,„„.A... nwa FLAG 1SPRAY DEODORANT 0 nsI R STICK DEODORANT 7 • $1 .99 ONSNagy ' COLOUR HOUSE & GARDEN BUG KILLER \\ <Ng only $3 .39 °Nur $30 79 flAtgot ilria ESSENCE SHAMPOO 01J2.34 CREST TOOTHPASTE 140 ONLY iAXAtIVE TABLETS 0,4„ cc`3" MOUTH.ItAS.H DISPOSABLE ." LIGHTERS / $ .49 1Litre For congstantly Yaw discount prIcas. chop rho Triangle In your Graknryt TRIANGLE 175 Ma Squers 000ESICI4/ Moan Crimea CLINTON/Moln Conroy SIEAFORTH