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The Huron Expositor, 1982-07-14, Page 14
A14 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR 41.ILY 14, 1982 Vallt©n and Loncl@sboo© Happy Gang says Happy Birthday Canada Correspondent DORA SHOBBROOK 523-4250 ' 17 tnembers of the Happy Gang Seniors met July 6. President Jean Scott wel- comed all. Happy birthday to, Canada and a reading "How to get along with people" were enjoyed. Secretary Isa- bel Scanlon read a thank you . from Jim Neilans. Winners at cards were ladies high Isabel Scanlon. lone hands Stella Adams, low Myrtle Fairservice, men's high George Smith, lone hands Clare Vincent, low Charlie Scanlon. Lunch was served by Hazel Read. Any young person from 12 - 26 years wishing to join the 4-H Club "More Outdoor Living", please phone Marj- orie Duizer or Helen Kolkman Members must be 12 by May. Boys and girls welcome. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Vacation Bible School opened at United Church July 5 with 70 registering. Leaders were: principal, Rev. Scott and pianist and musical di- • rector Barbara Bosman. Open house was held on Friday when mothers and friends viewed the crafts. Rev. Scott welcomed all. The theme was 'Jesus is the Way'. The exercises were each class presenting musical numbers. Juniors with Laura Scott and Brenda Riadford leaders. Pre Kindergarten, Carol Cartwright. Joan Bergsma; Kindergarten. Suzanne Tam- blyn, Lorna Vincent and David Whyte:. primary class Joan Whyte, Karen Wright, Chris Bylsma. Middlers Class -Ann Adams, Laurel and Lisa Dui- zer. All staff members of Bible school were presented with awards„ Collection was received by Crystal Whyte and Deanna Lyon. Rev. Scott pronounced Benediction. All were invited to the S.S. rooms for refresh- ments by Burns U.C.W. Unitc Berean Unit provided first 4 days assisted by Aimwell Unit, UNITED CHURCH . Welcoming on Sunday a.m. was Margaret Whyte. Ushers were Larry Hoggart, Gary Wilts, Robbie. Radford and Stephen Duizer. Rev. Scott announced the congregational annual picnic wiff.be held July 25 at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hardy at the river south afire village at 11 a.m. followed by pot-lunk lunch. Members are to bring chairs. cutlery etc. Junior leaders were Kathy McDougall and Bernice Nor- Charlie Crawford in Kelo- man. The sermon !v•as "at the wana Mid Vera and Alf Bell in end of your rope . Musical Prince Rupert. offering .by Rev. and Mrs. Congratulations to Mr. Scott singing "For Those Jack Armstrong who . cele - Tears I Died" and "Broken brated his 86th birthday with Up People". a family, dinner on Sunday LONDESBORO LIONS July 4. Mrs. Armstrong was The Annual Londesboro able to be home from Seaforth Lions Golf competition will be Hospital for the dinner. held on August 15. Entrief, Attending •the funeral on Monday July 5 of Mr. Fred must be in by July 31:---.F.04 ' details contact lion Brad Youngblut in Woodstock Kennedy. from here were Mr. and Mrs. Donkey baseball which was Russell Good, Mr. and Mrs. scheduled for July was post- John Lyons. Mrs. Stella ,, paned to August 31. The draw Adams and Mr. and Mrs. for the Tin Lizzie will be made John Sanderson. at that time. Anyone not Mr., Clare Vincent returned home July 3 from 3 weeks having a Tin Lizzie tickedt can holiday. He attended Domin- having # Tin Lizzie ticket can • ion Legion convention at obtain one from arty Lion as ,there are still a few left. Quebec City anud visited with Rumors persist that Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Snell in • another country style break- • Labrador City. fast, while not set as yet. is Sheldon Mustard of Strat- planned for early August. ford spent the past week with PERSONALS his grandparents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Dave An - Mrs. Jack Lee and attended drews returned home July 4 church vacation school. Visit - from a pleasant trip to the ing last week with Mrs. west coast. After flying to Myrtle Fairserviee war. her Calgary June 18 they -joined a twice Mr. -and Mrs. Louie • group..of 21 Ontario residents Bogel from Washington. qn a bus trip stopping at Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Riley, A Banff. Jasper. Kelowana,ndy and Vicky Lou spent Vancouver and Victoria. Then last week withMr- and. Mrs. y a cruise up the inside pas- Bruce Kelly and Kathat sage:' Thunder Bay. They visited Wendand Dorothy. ' Geraldine, Jan- y Huilett voters to rule on iiquor BY JOANNE RIMMER At the request of a delega- tion of ratepayers, Hullett Township Council has agreed to bring the question of the sale of liquor in the township to a public vote in the municipal election this No- vember.' At a special meeting on June 21. a delegation from the Londesboro, Auburn and Clinton area asked council to include the following question on rhe election ballot. "Arc ycni in favor of the sale of spirits. beer and wine under the dining lounge lieenoe for consumption on licenced premises where food is available?" If this motion is passed at the next election by township yoters. service clubs and 'other organizations will he allowed to hold events that serve liquor in the presently dry township. Hullett has been a dry township since 1415 when ratepayers voted in favor of prohibiting liquor sales. In January.. 1978 legisla- tion was changed outlawing all special occasion permits as ell. In the fall of that year the liquor vote was included on the election ballot. It lost by. a slim margin when 57 per cent of the people. voted in favor of a wet tonship. Law requires a hO.per cern mator• ity. In other council business, the court of revision on the Murray •Lamb drainage v,orks. %.% as set for July 19. .At this time rhe engineer will call for tenders. Hon ard Cartwright of RR1, Londesboro was gis en per• mission to put in a catch basin On his fence line and extend the ditch with 12 -inch tile to close in an open portion of the Harding Drain on concession 8. lot 18. Council instructed the drainage superintendent' to complete the Vincent drain as soon as it is dry enough 10 take the required/ -amount from the bid cheque and return the rest to th6 contract • or. Clerk Harry Lear was in- structed to notify' E. Shaddick that on meeting v,ith Bill Bromley. council has the opinion that the outlet was not changed. Counol ',peen hoed drain problems ilia' bc from the four -inch lile dosing ith pressure. from the ice in the creek uot letting !tic mulct clear or from t wo six-inch tiles also coming into that catch basin. creating pressure on the drain. The road superimprident 0 as instructed to apply for relief from compliance to the fencing regulations under Section 19 of the Pits and Quarries Act on the gravel pit at Auburn. Clerk Lear was instructed to notify the OMA F office that council cannot support a program for 4-H exchange as the budget has already been Nei and does not have provi• -.mon for such programs. A tile drain loan for B. '.'shillinglaw for 58.300 x% as approx edsubjeei to too.n• ship bxlims and availability 01 binds. Walton ladies invited to Alma Correspondent MRS. ALLAN MeCALL 887-6677 At Duff's United Church Sunday morning Mr. and Mrs. Murray Dennis greeted the worshippers. Organist was Mrs. Ray Huether who accompanied Mrs. Herb Tra- -viss and Rev. Swan when they sang a duet. ;*Cleanse Me-. The responsive reading was led by John Huether who also read the scripture. Rev. Charles A. Swan's talk with the youth was on 'You win some. you lose some" and his sermon .was More than Conquerors' Offering was received by Harvey Craig. John Huether and Lavern Godkin. Anyone interested in going to the Alma one day school for women. Tuesday. Aug. 24 is 40 please have your name and registration fee in to Mrs. Viola Kirkby by. July 15. Worship continues until Sunda,. August I at 1010 a m The minister is on holida%s for the rest of August AREA PERSONALS 'citing recenth with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Huether and John were Mrs. E. Kay and her daughter Miss , Doreen Kay from Teesside-Stackton on Tees -England. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Dereck Deane from, Barrie. Ontario. TiAent% ladies of the Wal- ton Unit motored to Mrs. Viola Kirkby's cottage near Point Clark on Wednesday. July -. Although the %%ind %%as quite strong making it a little chilly coming from the lake. a very pleasant time was enjoyed. The pot luck.;101;10 ti.ak held at noon- tion. of souvenir spoons %%RS made to Mrs. Jean &ult.% who has moved to Brussels and to Mrs. Edna Hackuell who plans to move tn Seaforth in the near future. Thewill both be grcatl . missed in church and communily. The afternoon was spent visiting and plaing cards. Sescral ent for %% Mks Ilening thi. cottages not far from the sandy beac.h. Mrs. Ethel Mills. Kippling. Sask.. spent thc weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Hanes Tasty -Nu Specials . - Fresh Soft i r• Dinner Rolls , , .99.0„,, Nutrittous FirAn nr FiluF•bPrrs, Muffins 6/1. 09 m.,,,,u„, , h,,„,,a, Cheese 2.89Th. ,la\ art. flIdte, Cheese 2.99,h We ha,e ' 1 ,sit Sr hneitirr Cold Cuts SHAW S FRF SH DIPPFD ClI( RI AM- ( 0,4 s' TASTY NU BAKERY & CHEESE HOUSE 14 Main St. Seaforth 527-1803 Craig %%ho took her to Sarnia on Sunday.. Miss Cathy Baker mit Lon• don spent a few (tax ,111h Mr. and Mrs Herb Boettcher and farnib.. R.R. 2. Brussels. prior to her leasing fir Gernianxto take part in the students exchange. Tour correspondent would like ans local new'. happenings in the area to be called in before Monda1 a.m. Guests rectintIN ISIIIIIR o ith Mr. and Mrs. 14:.o Huether and John were. Mr. .lack VVebster. Edmonton; and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Webster. Big Valley. Alber• t . Mr. and Mrs. Da‘c Wat• ,on. Lliwdminster. Sask. arc holida‘ing at thc home of the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Watson. also s 'siting his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watson And other relaiiscs in the area. Burns UCW meets at Konarski home !he Burns U.( . VV. met on Wednesdas aft crnoOn at The 11001C Of Ka\ Konar.ki with members prrsent. lean St. Ot opened the niecting mm th "Thougbi for I hu pax Ka' Konarski read the ripturc Psalm 101 s 'isri•22. Beth K nos v,ase a reading "The voung genera t " lean Si ott conducted a qui/ 11.1 Canada. and gas c a reading on "Canadian am complish mem, Amelia Rice %Nits in charge ••1 hustness, Roll call was ansv,ercd %%ith a Bible 1erSC. Minutes ,1erc read 115 Beth Kowt. Ha/c1 Reid thanked thc•1 01itS 15 hc copper l"ntc,t for thc dessert pro- \ 'tied at thu dinner. and (dads., 1 iper thanked the losers For thy first 1:01.1rst.. 1 here 0 ill he another copper .ontest nest %car. FAMILY 4 PARADISE CAMPGROUND where something different happens every weekend! UPCOMING ATTRACTIONS ARE: *URBAN COWBOY DAYS *LUMBERJACK WEEKEND *BEACH PARTY WEEKEND ,A1.01. '1 PAPAWS! , THE REST TIME YOU'LL HAVE , , 'ANYWHERE' Your oats John & Judy George. R.R. 4 Walton 519 527-0629 NEAR SEAFORTII ettVand Karen Johnston attended the Shelbourne Mo- hawk Jamboree on Saturday. There was a large attendance to hear the Oakridge Boys and other musical talent. Last week visitors with Mrs. Myrtle Fairservice were Mrs. Sadie Gayman, Miss Winnie Draper and Mrs. Isabel McLeod from Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Rose Rose- bush of Bobcaygeon spent the weekend with Mrs. Dora Shobbrook and attended the Shobbrook reunion in Clin- ton. A number from here at- , tended the 50th wedding anniversary ' of Marjorie (McEwing) and Norman Lloyd on Friday July 9 at Harriston Legion Hall. Les Reid was best man at the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Pater- son and Katie of London visited Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burris on Sunday and cele- brated Vi's birthday. Shob rooks unite There were 53 in attend- ance at the ' 49th ,aurnrial reunion held on Sunday July 11 at Conservation Park,' Clinton. • President Doris Andrews welcomed all. A minute's silence was held in memory of Rosalie Crich. All enjoyed a pot luck dinner. Minutes were read by secretary Connie Chomiski. The re- union will be the same time and place on. the second Sunday in July 1983. Officers for 1983 are past president Doris Andrews. president Bill and Joan Craw- ford, vice president ,Charlie and Shirley Shobbrook, sec. treas-Connie Chomicki, sports committee Verna and Bonnie Gibbings,nominating Bill Gibbings. Results are: pre-schooler Marsha Miller, girls 10 - 13 Valerie Sifton, Leigh Will - stein; girls 14 and over Valerie Sifton. Elaine Calli- son , men over 14 ' David Saundercock, Frank Ganrow, kick the slipper ladies, Valer- ie Sifton. men Cliff Saunder- veock. .\ Longest married Pere and Bessie McBride. Oldest per- son present Laura Saunder- cock. Youngest person pre- sent Cara Chonaicki. Furthest distance -Gordon Storing, Manitou Manitoba. Guess jelly beans -Vic Sifton. Two ' relays were enioved by all. AMSTERDAM WINTER RICES IN SUM ER 9 Tow TO TO AMSTER AM RETURN & tax • For travel August or September '82 • Subiect to space V&c be SAVE $1 0 OR MORE BeeIc°4 or c/roore persons and save 525 per person Book 2 persons and save '23 per coupe * Must book on or before Saturday, July 17th for this sped& o er. 2351E2000 Or Toll Free 11-800-265-7022 I HOURS I Mon.. Fri'. a to 5:30. Sot. TO to 2:00 Evenings by A.pp. Located in Exeterr's Otd town frat•11 ' SEE THE ALL-NEW TW SERIES FORD TRACTORS • ON WEDNESDAY JULY 21 FROM 10 A.M. TO 7 P.M. IN -FIELD & ON -LOT DEMONSTRATIONS DOOR PRIZES * DEMONSTRATIONS * FILMS Olt Hot Food and Refreshments for everyone! SEE OUR RECENTLY -EXPANDED FACILITIES!! 1 5 % OFF ALL PARTS PURCHASED DURING OPEN HOUSE A You won't be disamiointed - mark your Calendar for July 21st COMPANY REPRESENTATIVES WILL BE PRESENT ord Tractors Equipment LOGAN FORD TRACTOR HIGHWAY 8 EAST OF MITCHELL SALES LTD. PHONE 348-8467