HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1982-07-14, Page 6Ati — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JULY 14, 1982 ft.a1.2.1111E.1.11M.• CRAFTS, GAMES, songs and swimming are some of the activities organized for approximately 30 youngsters par- ticipating in the Summer Activity program in Brussels. _Hired under an Experience Grant to organize and run the events are Velma Elliott and Kim Exel. The grant of $1,576.44 pays 75 per cent of their wages with the Brussels recreation departmen responsible for 25 per cent. Gayda Duncan Of the Ministry of Tourism and Recreation, centre, met with Velma, left and Kim to discuss the program. On the teeter totter is Jill Smith, right and Dawn Ten Pas. (Photo by VVassink) New sidewalks possible Plagued with a deteriorating condition of sidewalks in the village of Brussels. council discussed the construction of new sidewalks at their regular meeting on Monday evening, July 5th. • Councillor Betty Graber asked when tenders would be let on new sidewalk construction. When council discussed new sidewalks last year, "we were too late," she said. Although it is more favourable to tender and contract the work. councillor Stu Parker asked if lcids could be hired." "There are enatigli pecitile in Brussels whir are not wbfkitresitistreould do the work, all that has to , be done is the framing." • COttneillor Hank Ten Pas reiterated saying its better to ask for tenders -and "know where we're at." The possibility of replacing only broken sections of sidewalk was questioned by councillor Parker. "We have to have a ball park figure of how • much will be spent and where. Then we can decide," said councillor Ten Pas. Reeve Kreuter added that the sidewalk situation "has to be looked at. Some sections are just humped up because of trees." With the mention of trees, council was informed that approximately 15 stumps have to be removed off village property plus several stump removal requests of residents. • Village employee Dave Hastings was authorized to contact Les Dale of Blyth to remove the stumps at 535 per hour or 524.50 per stump. In other couincil news: accounts payable of approximately 560.000 were approved. Six building permits were granted. In- cluded was a new roof for Dave McCutcheon valued at 51600; front and side porch for Alex MacLeod. 5600; Pete McWhirter, partial rear roof, S1500; Gerald MeArter, new rear roof. 5285; new roof, Harvey Shaw, $525; Albert Ten Pas. new storage shed valued at 52.000. The fire chief has ordered additional hose which was budgeted for. Council was told the hose was purchased at a special price. 530 Rededicate vows Obotgay IBLUEVALE Correspondent MRS. JOE WALKER 357-3.558 Friends and family from London. Wiarton. Mel- bourne. Rockwood. Wards- ville. Wallacetown. Elora. Alsia Craig. Toronto. Bay- field. Alberta. Inverhuron. U.S.A.. Inwood. Oil Springs and surrounding area attend- ed the rededication service for Bob and Thelma Perry. Rev. Terrance Trites and Mr. Arch Andrew officiate& at the double ring service. Mrs. Carl Johnston was the organist and Mr. Jack Wyt- tock assisted with prelude and postlude numbers on his violin. The Bluevale Sunday Schbol snng The Lord's Prayer" and Whitechurch choir sang. "Walk Hand in Hand" before the wedding party entered. Bluevale choir offered The Wedding Pray- er" and Miss Lavonne Bal. lagh sang "Because" during .. the serviCe. Bluevale and Whitechurch , choirs sang "0 Perfect Love" at the- close of the service. Thelma had all her former attendants with her. Mrs. Joyce.Hill (fat -merle. Thomp- son) a coy si n from Rockwood as flower girl. Margaret Perry and Shirley- Mott of London as bridesmaids and her sister Jean Burt of Mre;issauga as matron of honour. ktob had his brother Ken act .as •ring -Hearer .in the ,abseace., of hit former ring :bearer Fred; Fowler who as BERG, Se .= Service FREE ESTIMATES • 7 Barri Cleaners o uiik Feeders • * Stabling \ isor G. .; Ives BlY111 Phalle: Brussels 887-9024 ' unable to attend; Dave Mur- ray of RR I Melbourne and Don Murray of London were the ushers and Charles Perry of Alsia Craig was his bro- ther's best man. Mr. Joe Tiffin's orchestra supplied music for a recep- tion held in the Bluevele Hall where many friends enjoyed dancing and visiting. Mr. and Mf -s. Keith Mof. fate Sandra and Greg and Mrs. Lois Teeple of Paisley attended the Jamieson reun- ion Sunday at the home of Bit and Judy Henderson of Galt, Miss Marie Walker and Miss Arlene Johnston spent a couple of days at Tober- mory. EDWIN W. KRAMER Edwin W. Kreuter of 255 Mill Road, Stamford. Con- necticut. died Monday. July 5 at the Greenwich Hospital in his 80th year. A fashion photographer. he was the first to use photographs in catalogues, Prior to the 1930s. when he introduced photography to catalogs, drawings were used for illustrations. An advertising executive. the late Mr, Kreuter was founder and owner of Letter- ing Inc.. a nationally known advertising company. His studio and offices were lo- cated in New York City. He 1 WINGNAMSALESARENA 1 "COMMITTED TO BRINGING YOU WWI LOW! PRICES Meow Groceriss Canned goods, toilet tissue, detergents, soaps, etc., Bulk Baking Goods Bulk cookies, pie fillhags, peanut butter, nuts end candy, raisins, Boer, sugar, dates, coconut, cherries, and more. Hundreds of Wins to choose froos. Bring your °WEI contaLuers and save even more. gookty New arid Used femitere Llyhag room suites, dhihiglrailITI2 mites, bedroom suites, kitchen and table and chair sets, rockers, boa and mattresses. We tike erode ens on new furniture or will buy outright. Comet and No Wax Flooring • Carpet remnants, roll ends, and complete yolk. &bug your room sires we will do the cutting. raearms - New and geed - AMINIMition Scopes A good selection of new and used alike and shot gum. We take trade bet on oew guns or win buy outright. Work Clothing, Work Shoes, Robber to, Rho Jeans Coveralls, work pants, work shirts, work socks, blue Jeans for men, ladles, and children; kaggIng suits, ete. Tools for the Handy Mall Socket sets, vises, wrench sets, pliers, drill preattes, Impact wrenches'. The Wingham Sales Arena 357-1730 680 Joeephine Street, North End of Wirigharn OPEN MON. SAT. 9- 6P.M. FRJ. NIGHT TILL 9 p.m. VW% Mid Master Card Accepted Lots of Free Parking WINGNAMSALESARENA Reunions abound in Belgrtive Correspondent MRS. LEWIS STONEHOUSE 887-9847 EDGAR REUNII N The 34th annual Edgar reunion MIS held on Sunday, July 11 at the Wiunghain Riverside Park with about 60 in attendance. • Games were conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jacques of Walkerton and Bill Anger and Lois Darling of Wing - ham. Greetiegs were read from COUShatS, Mrs. Nicole Fantac- LegR n news hicluded during the in- stallation eel -enmities of the Brussels Legion, Branch 218 was the installation of the executive of the Legion Ladies Auxiliary. The event was held on June SthWith the Howick and Seaforth branch- es participating. Past president was Joan Miller with Grace Jutzi elect- ed the 1982-83 president; Kaye Duncan, 1st vice; Barb Knight., 2nd vice; Barb Gra- bet, secretary and Bessie Blenkhorn, treasurer. Elected Sergeant at Arni's was Nancy Currie; Mabel Willis, Standard Bearer; Judy Rutledge, Sunshine Sis- ter; Martha Logan, sports officer; Fannie Somers and Mary Pennington. Auditors. The executive includes Bernice McFarlane, Martha Logan, Jane Lamont, and-. Verna Tunney. Kitchen du- ties include Helen Dobson, Nancy Currie, Bessie Blenk- horn and Dorene Rutledge. In charge of Legion book- ing S are Barb Knight, Marg Taylor and Grace Jutzi. A social hour and dance followed the installation cere- monies. less per length than anticipated. Recreation chairperson. Betty Graber said 23 applications were received for three available summer positions.. Velma Elliott and Kim Exel will assume pool and playground duties and Kim Bauer is in charge of the concession booth. Council was opposed to having new maps drawn of the village, as requested by Klar, MacMillan and Montieth. If council had agreed. the village would be responsible for payrnent. Councillor Workman was against the mapping. "The maps we have now were goettenough before. They (province) are just creating another job." was also art director for Montgomery Ward. Born September 22. 1902 in Ethel. he was a son of the laic William and Isabella Krate ter. A former resident of Greenwich. he lived in Stam- ford for 20 years, An accom- plished golfer and skier. he was also a member of the Millbank Club in Greenwich The late Mr. Krautcr is survived by his wife. Karin Staindl Krauter. one son William of Tucson, Arizona and a daughter Nancy also of Tucson; two brothers. Russell of Atwood and Albert of Dwight: two sisters, . Mrs. Mary Errington of Gooder idge. and Grace Kreuter of Toronto. Two grandchildren and several cousins in the Brussels area also survive. Funeral services were held at the Brussels Chapel. M.L. Watts Funeral Home. on Friday. July 9, 11:30 p.m. conducted by Rev. Ken Innes. Burial in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery. Ethel. , Pallbearers included: Ken McDonald, Don McDonald. Murray Huether, John Kul- mperbeck. Paul Kreuter and Ed Kreuter With us, your business could really go places. See us al wmgham Motel wingharri. Ontario ON The 2nd 8, 3rd TOr:sday of each month (Next Visit Date July 20 RFPRESFNTATIVE Peter Hwitahle We're FBDB, and our mandate is to encourage business development and expansion. If you need backing; and have a problem getting it, try us. We offer financing, counselling, management training, and information about government assistance programs for business. Perhaps together we can get your plans moving FEDERAL BUSINESS BANQUE FEDERALE DEYEIAPMENT BANK PE DEVELOPPEMENT Yolk success is our only business. For an appointment or further inform at Fon on the Bank's services call 271-5650 (collect)or write 1036 Ontario St :Stratford, Ontari`Va— nada' • A Post Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial Brussels 887-6641. ci, Ottawa; Mrs. Kyle Mac- Phail, Mount Royal and Mrs. Vipla Heist of Toronto. Kenneth MacDonald of Teeswater gave Grandpa Charles Edgar's blessing af- ter which all enjoyed —a Alberta are spending their vacation at the home of tree parents Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wightman. A get-together of relatives and friends was held on Saturday evening in the W.I. Hall. Belgrave. Those present were from Brampton, Bolton, Guelph, Kitchener, Hanover, Kincar- dine, Ripley, Seaforth, Luck - now, Burlington, Britton, Please turn to page 7 The business meeting was cancelled on account of heavyob. rains which started almost before sapper was finished. Relatives attended from London, Walkerton, Wroxe- ter, •Teeswater, Gorrie, Wingham, Beigrave, Blue - vale, Goderich, Holmesville and Mississauga. . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mc- 'Grath, Angie, Rena, Sean and Danny of Vermilion, H 8, N DAIRY SYSTEMS LTEt--i.; SBLSfiteVbeff S'Insitt.11 ti n ,, f ., .. , , . i81 A ' .. t "•••...:-----..._ ..t/a114 . We Specialize in Collision and Refinishing Classic & Antique Car Repairs McNeil's Auto Body Brussels Bus.: 887-6833 Ontario Res.: 687-9216 pi t,,l nes villiclp!J ..rlours • It .RA ';', : .1, r , 3 i__. ,.. ., , WALT!J — .. .---4,-- --,-- - L L 1)11Ll laY i LiJitie Savers i • Mrs. Yvonne Knight Agent for Elma Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company R.R. 3, Brussels 887-6476 11 - S_Iris 8874525 170 waiiace — _ Avenue N . Flower Phone 291-2040 i ----)i' illtoi_/L t'Ef \i.vii.it Ltd l ISTOWEL, ONT. ._ „ • - ... Your Personal Florist With world• War- Connections _ , ii i.,,J I, ,_._ , to,J - B IN ii ssels Sale ends July 17, 1982 — Cash and Carry \•••, ..._ 4, - Warr ••• 1 APER Bra linyale• ?..,_ ..,..„ 2 .. rui....' eke. 012 Rolls Anstett Jewellers Ltd. Watch and Jewellery Repairs . —We Sell and Service— BULOVA —ACCUTRON—WATCHES —3 Stores — SEAFORTH—CLINTON—WALKERTON WEE ot„ EATER For sate warli-saving grass trimming. The light weight unit is double insulated or added safely. Eight inch cutting area CSA approved. 5073-742.8 . OCHEMBE HIBACHI 7.-: --...........,..,,:. -:::::•-.• - P % • - ,12.95 • ' • • ErS.Vir, i ‘'': CHARCOAL * • BRIQUETS ..' 1 - \ KNOW' ,cEpria.cirLu-ce-otasi KligrOREI 1 0 lb Size 69 3. ...,.„, 134itaulli-Tone 7:741"*.--- ,,„,, l'ilRIVE-WAY / 1 r SEALER ..s, ...Jr 10 MCapel I • 20" FAN ....• Tro mweds You tap own" us• A in Our • ...........,.,.....,. now • 0,,a, 29 . 9 8 Ifdaada- , . mi. 411,_. Oh • . DER ./EViAi SEALER APPftET ROUTER ,...., UV ornulvon NO among Undo In Canada ?-as' 1 9.99 Wingham Memorials • Guaranteed Granites • Cemetery Lettering • • Reasonable Prices Buy dirt and save • Business: 3514910 . Residence: 357-1015 or 357-1535 BUSINESS DIRECTORY A ' .. t "•••...:-----..._ ..t/a114 . We Specialize in Collision and Refinishing Classic & Antique Car Repairs McNeil's Auto Body Brussels Bus.: 887-6833 Ontario Res.: 687-9216 David Longstaff Ltd. Optician 87 Main Si.. South, Si At OM I if OPTOMETRIST'S and ..' OPHTHALMOLOGIST'S Prescriptions filled promptly HOURS: Mon., Tues.Thues., Fri., 9:00 a.m. • 5:30 p.m. Closed Wednesdays Saturday 9 - 12 . COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE 527-1303 ED Agrornart for FERTIITZERS-Bag & Bulk PESTICIDES ' FEEDS-ProvIml Ag,romli FARM SUPPUES Cattle mineral Salt Aureomycin Crumbles SEEDS -NK Corn Brussels 887-6016 BRUSSELS BUILDERS 887-6408 Mill St. West Since 1956 NOG 1110 RES1DENT1AL—COMMERci A I. .H. TEN PAS ' CONSTRUCTION LTD. WE SELL AND INSTAI 1 PELLA AND HUNT Windows - Patio Doors Insulated Entrance Doors - Insul. Glass • Mrs. Yvonne Knight Agent for Elma Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company R.R. 3, Brussels 887-6476 . BRUSSELS TRANSPORT Ltd. Livestock Trucking arid Shipping Service Local and Long Distance Phone 887-6122 - George Jutzi, Brussels 'le.‘meti • 170 waiiace — _ Avenue N . Flower Phone 291-2040 i ----)i' illtoi_/L t'Ef \i.vii.it Ltd l ISTOWEL, ONT. ._ „ • - ... Your Personal Florist With world• War- Connections 101TE a i4,,.. -:4c iii .7Ploe °cm," I C2. r - ..-.. __,..,, ._ M cGavins Farm Equipment We specialize in a Complete L ine of FARM EQUIPMENT Soles and Service Brusiels Walton Seaforth 887-6365 _ 887-6365 _. 527-0245 1.. Anstett Jewellers Ltd. Watch and Jewellery Repairs . —We Sell and Service— BULOVA —ACCUTRON—WATCHES —3 Stores — SEAFORTH—CLINTON—WALKERTON (