HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1982-07-14, Page 5•-•1 4.1 IDub[1001 ofid ©in@ THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JULY 14, 1982-- A5 ALL DECORATED UP — Jody Maloney, Mary Anne Saunders and Lynn Feeney of Dublin with bicycles decorated for parade Saturday for Dubl nf est . (Photo by Marie Dynes) • e, S n, n i L es ublinfest success Correspondent JOAN CRONIN 345-2772 This past weekend re. semblyd the words of the song "Those lazy, ha/y. era/x days of summe.i". It was a beautiful week for holidayers and the rest of us folk who stayed at home trying to catch up on all those jobs vie didn't get done during all those rainy days. The world and its peoples are all moving at such a fast pace. I wonder how many paid any. heed to the song sung by Mac Davis. -You got to stop and smell the roses. You've got to stop and count your blessings every day". I do not mean to literally go about the tovi n snifflog flbwors or people may think that you hiVe flipped our Iiii, but. instead one should take time out of the, hustle. bustle lifestyle to obsertc the people and hap• penings about. A moment spent o. ith someone ill or a brief kind ttord vii 1111 the person next door can bring sunshine 10 others %%hen t het knon tit at someone reallt does tare ( ommunitt lune tions such as the Du blinfest held this past Saturclat . Jul% 10 are a super examplc id time and sharing ss hull re- sulted in a t ert rcessful et ent. 1 ht. pancake breakfast vi as estremelt tt ell attended and vi hat a heart x ss 115 to start the Atrhe Is cic parade at I( . a.ty. had 2- young/ children paddling *41" 11 11111111 ,,I rcct on their tvi 0 or th WC 11 heel 11111111111e5 all decorated uith streamers and do. 1111d.1 35 11101115 and 1111115 and Irtends looked 00. A great dos) of appreciation should go lkl alc 5111111111T 11111 leil(11.1'5, % It kit. MeCreight. Kitti 0 ISratiskopt mut Bath liana Bingo jackpot reaches $450 1 he 1 ruta‘ night bingo hold at tht- Dublin ( immiun its ( entre lit the 1)11111111 and lit Association has its kpot getting bigger and lugger eat lilted:. 1 his eek lia .1.11. knot Is 5450.00 en 55 t alis Ma lie this %% cek sill h silIIr luck% tt eek so come out and pl41,5 tt 105 11 111115 1 WO l.5 'A 11111175 ttere, Regular games I. Jean Cunt ing and' lilt k Cook. 2. Ra him ing and I ti I:tenting. 1. Joan Punts , 4 Viitla Johnson. Mary More% and Annie 0111111. 11. 1 hor‘ I K mg. a. I ill\ Dobhs and Mrs Jack ( ok. M lee. 9, Mrs, Bid, (rot enloi.k and Kat Siwesdalc. 10 lack ( ooh and tt1i s Bolt enlock. I I. 1 Ma I hompson la, Fleming, 12. Mrs. Fd 13. Susan enlock , (Itm ingt , Mrs, Rob (iovenlock. Anita Chessel a 11 d Mrs. Dobbs. 14. Mrs, Bob Govenlock, 15. Nils, Jack Hart. Shafe the Wcalth N1.(11(1' 1 . !leen Bailey.. 2. Lilly Dobbs 12). 3. Shirley It:rattlers. Ileen Bailey, Flea• flu r ileart and Marg Dale. The door pria. %, en; to 011 C11111111 .11111 the consoialion 11011 10 Mrs.WoIfsariip. gan who helped the play- ground children decorate their hikes on ['tido and who satt to their safety and xt ellare during the parade. DUBLIN WINS 1111., Ladies Slow Pitch Ournament held in the after- noon saw Sebringville win the "A" trophy and Dublin win the "B' trophy. The two trophies vier(' presented hs Moison Brtmeries. Thv pork barbecue was delicious and very. ‘5 ell • at- tended also. The chefs sure knew o hat they were doing as es ery one went away happy. The dance in the es ening was fu 11 to capacity and everyone danced up a storm because it rained at midnight. But all in all Dublinfest tt as a huge MI00055 and the organ 1/ars and uorkcrs LTV pit:1111:11. Is your kitchen ready for a face lift? CUSTOM KITCHENS AND " VANITIES Ilita:ILAWKWECEUE NEW CONSTRUCT ON OR REMODELING COME IN AND SEE THE SPECIALISTS John Patterson 482-3183 BALL-NIACAULAY SEAFORTH 527-0910 LIMITED CLINTON 482-3405 HENSALL 262-2418 Hetherington Foundy otwfar SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE Main Street Seaforth Phone 527-1110 LADIES Dress Shoes 14- 8* 2199 REG. TO 44.95 KIDDIES Sandal NOW 8.99 12 - All Handbags Reduced LADIES COOL SUMMER Sandal REDUCED 30% & MORE MENS Canvas Casuals ONLY 1 2'99 Canvas Runner 20% OFF ESCORTE — Cars driven by Dublin Lions Club members acted as an escort for the Dublinfest bicycle parade held last Saturday morning. Children from far and wide came with their decorated bicycles to participate, and each went away with a prize. (Photo by Marie Dynes) The parade ot bicycles for the Lionsannual Dublinfest last Saturday was a parade of characters. This youngster wore his Mickey Mouse ears to ride his decorated bike along the. main street of Dublin, while others were decked in rib- bons and bows.(Photo by Marie Dynes) BErrim amets FOR CAIWIL DRIVHIS. If youi track record is a gtxtd Me, your independent SAFECO agent may be able to save !mu a bundle. Everything from offering you kiwer rates to making sure yr)* not buying more coverage than youneed• Interested? Brussells 887-6663 AITLAND Come talk it over with your independent SAFECO agent soon. SAVE WITH ...me tor SAFECO INSURANCE ALLEY BROKERS LTD MURRAY SID ALL C.L.U. Monkton Stratford 347-2241 271-1522 o s 20, ea. SA (Limit one hot drr,Per customer). One Day- - Only FRIDAY, JULY 23RD 9 A.1. to 9 V.M. 'FREE BALLOONS PONY RIDES 'HELP SEAFORTH BUILD AN ARENA We are donating 5% of our Store Sales to the SEAFORTH ARENA FUND Friday, July 23rd Only Heavy Duty Poulan 3400 Countervibe Chain Saw ;Pe'sterful 3 4 cu engine tor tittper cutting per'trmance Features bow automatic ano •nanual oiling 20 sprocket nose cony 1 top bar throttle lock out and chain cos 1,er 5 point taiJsate antivibration sy.tpm allows for comfortable rutting tor periods Cutting capacly 4(1 597 110 SAVE ON SAVE ON SAVE ON OLYMPIC, • 40 pc Standard & Metric SOCKET SET Fully Guaranteed CHALLENGER 11 SOCKET SET ONLY $4495 Reg. 569.95 WRENCH SETS • SAVEON 30 Metre (tor outdoor use) EXTENSION CORD SAVE ON SAVE ON ONLY $999 Reg. 514.25 Complete with Starter K.1 SKILL EXTRATOOL 142 NMD.7 75 Metre Spool ELECTRIC WIRE SAVE ON LAWN CHAIRS & LOUNGERS We SAVE ON Kiln Dried Spruce Co•CO PICNIC TABLE Bolts & Nails included SAVE ON Regulation Size Co -OP SOCCER BALL reserve the richt to limit quantities • Sale �n all items except feed. seed. fertilizer. chemicals '& petroleum products SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OP Railway St. SEAFORTH 527 0770 -