HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1982-07-14, Page 1esoorporating
Brussels Pf„Ist
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UP IN SMOKE - Seaforth's Main Street was full of smoke early Monday
morning when the former Hessen Haus Restaurant caught fire,
Residents lined up along the opposite sidewalk to watch as firemen
fought the blaze for four hours. (Photo by Pereira)
An attempt to pay councillor...the Same
amount as ineerobers of the public .-ith .hom
they- work cm speciala committees was
'defeated in a recrn-ded rote at Seaford'.
conned Monday night.
-A don't feel ttc should bc paid more than
thc pubis, 4a ho seine ow extra c01nmincr4.-
...and councillor Bob Dinsmore_ alio nitro
doted a motion that aould see CI, 011c Mt
non-standsng .ornmrtacck paid 520 per
meeting "1 get 5-15 for a reareatioa meeting
votes no to pay cuts
1 ha rest 01 the mernhers got S20. II-chon(t do
more alum they dot and -shotildn-t be paid
more.- the councillor said
Other special committees that aould hase
been affected arc fire area. district arena.
LAC al. OLanning board and landfill.
Masco John Simians:no left the chair to
propinse zn amendment to the Dinsmore
rminora Hc proposed that the pas for
standing commoner and council meetings
also he reduced 51 cath. to 530 and S50
Tc4Fic,inch, calling at "a .realistat reductsem
that effects cierybotly.- " therefore its members hase taken a "SO per
Pointing ont that nod all council/mit: scrwco- cc:nein": and the mayor. also a member "a
on extra committers. he called onalcolintilat-Agr, per cent cut. --
take "a meaningful reduction. not a piece- -Whs iusi members of council?'", the
tex-c 4: asked. "Other people sorL for us, a hs
should rouned do rt
onnetflor Dinsmore said he disagreed
ravish the Sinnamon amendment stitch aas
defeat. d on a he sole
%mink sts on the Dinsmore Motion to
equalut pas kW cora comminc-es sere
councillor, Dinsmore Gerald Groothuis and
Irsin of'^,ton, tolIng no acre the, Matt?
the recta depots recta. Bill Rennin. and
tounedlors Ilait 1 Hildebrand and Alf Ross
onnt FL,•••••• nas absent . alt hough he
am% ed sI • , nuns 4 %sent into pri1 ate session
at <I 4- r
Pollens trig Ott defeat of the moloon
Min, .1 unt salattes sere passed for
pa% ment Itt. arc 10.1*01 Sinnamon. 53 1 f•-.
tees( Dalt 1" &put. Imre c Bctincit 5245.
and VO.011., dims Ihnsmorc Slsf Groothuts
51:4, tohnah.r3 %.7 V- Hildebrand SI" Pool
Ross 5200 and lilt ILK/. 10-0 It sas rioted
anon. allot 111 Rosa pal mem reflected di
redu. ton .4 5" Ist aus.t, .4 an error ho.
mcal one
Re-st Ball Dale the onfo other c-ouncill,
104.0 part an the dascussao-n. said thc Duo.more
rto.ol urn "doesn t bother me so niudi 1 (( A(
t Itc on14 °vv.:de...mantles I hare,' But ht
pointed nut the Una n's arc-na %sandhi" e
antimonies has run 11411 za all %nom distr.'
onuarritinato centre planning stared anal
May use Hensall dump
fiensall council has agreed m print -Tic los
(.1.10 10 altos. up tonal' Toekersmnh Tos whip
residents to use thc Hx-risall landfill sae
1 ngineet Burns Ross told councers Juts
ma rang Slondasthat hr. rum. 0 M Ross
and iv -mutes, 3151 ,1(15 4% enema -Yrs for the
tow n .4 Scalorth and 1 uttersmah f col nshrp
Mr Ross noted the Seaforth dump now
used ln both munittpahriors as- full and an
alternartsc for garbage disposal most fAs
1hr engineer sand that expansion .4 tht
Ss a barb dump sac sis unklicf, Ancli
cm -darned the diffeculties of location and
11.4dang hearings on 2 nest sae.
' 1 *cis both. contnbutc-s to thc sastie Inn
'lobo& am.. to dral unh n.Mr. Ross said
' third ahernatise b. to took at sharing
• sisang laadttics
‚a. tier to eintrord fmm thc engineer noted
that on hininars %ludic-4mo the Rensall dump
shoo a4 that under a plan 14 operatton and
bast .1 on .urrent rate of use. the Hens.all
dump has a Me a about 30 scars.
Ali Ross outlined sescral ahernans es for
itt .,Plage to consider 1 tic first indicated a
maximum ernitrilhonng population 14 6,14 -
Town almost sells High lot
Seaford' entincil nas all sc1 in accept an
offer 11» pursh.asc 11S (01•11CT kr( at High and
Alariket Sts former sue a Huron anadian
Fobratators, ashen n learned thc lot rs ton
small for an apartment bloddmg
The offer, from an unnanoccl RR 4. Seaford'
resident, . a.. Inv 5 15,000 arid the purchaser
had agreed to start construction 14 20
aparionerii alma a scar and food' 0
%ohm om 0 scars
1 rider Seaford" rontng it:Jame* .Ierl Jun
( rosier ;o44 tOltIsil 0 1105szve of I sapiarc
fee:0 reopured for an apartrnene builduag
Ths- High St lot is about fx.500 square feet
Of 0,411.'"*.0 the purchaser could 00 SO
( ..tronoter14 Adpustment and ask for rebel
'roam die slx. cc strocnon," the alert added
The f.,1 is Ing enough for a duplex or
,g..V12‘ Iscd fosecsethe clan* said ahloongh
a sir ono apartrarro could fit it curnantwe .4
1tforstruent .21106,4 presein lot sire requite-
merair. The r, il C.Vale aerrat'ormildn't reach
(;-‘-‘ '
Ifie put. id•droCUS4 rirOnel OM before
the council meeting. the clerk added
' The town has spent at least 515.000 to get
rid of ounedimg nc didn't main there Ithc
ficat • mdustrs. n Inch mimed to the mdust
nal park), and ise should be seri ta.alul
about <shall gocc, up there." said councillor
rerald Crroothuts
fas mired sate plans and dketthes being
presented to council before the lot is sold to
ans.-rue "1-d rum as soon see a note part ay
diniolcit If, a prette decent area. then
siouldn't Irc pleased sub z cheap building .r
lerk (-rocker thought a purchaser could be
asked for that information and a minfon to
crairodacc a fra.12,-% accepting the offer. r to
purchase . as defeated
(mond nein Into corrttrunc`c of the %hole
m pro ate session at 443 p on arid reported
bad', mot public session at 10-20 that "an
offs" to purchase a certain pared aloud." had
been dtscussed Thpta the coveting adjourn
'0 0
f.orn Stah.ilh. and Tuckersoirth and 51(fs •
loss rashly.,
54 engineer for the Hens.all dump al,.
Ross said Ow, st.uld reduce tht lil< .4 11.
dismr 1.. 5, fess as frac %cars
511 Ross re.omirriended the s ..-
s,4. 4.i.plmz garbagt (1015 15* FriOra" fia•
MOO lot tcr‘mnh residents
!ha- hest onto occult' do for 1 au kersmnfi
iit.t ngincer said. anuld be to ond% atc tha•
iouried 5,1014 onnsidet ziatepling stunt .4 it
eadiagt and ads use die toss nab, OP the .
0.1 use wise engineering at the Hew:all dor
...fess As aompletcd and the osts thc plan •
• pc ration vs erc knoss n
t ounaillor Minna% %cakes said that
a al • farm ,oncorn 111I4 for 'the pcools '
Ilc roan and that slith the nestle arm, it '
land Illensall M.1% %CC an Ifitnrasc off
Pkat' filf11 to page 1
Genesco off
three weeks
I OS 01 COITPIMCCA, of GelleS4-0 ol( J.
limited sill be seeing more sunsban. 0. -
[inc to dosser hustricass..the COTrip0r,
be taking an extended 44(411011 tbis ova -
starting eridax. Joh 't Moo anaplosces
receive an extra . et* of c+ 4 anon a ith no pa •
For others • 'they has e three aceks tom mg
them any. as according to Genes. a.
Seaforth inaruoter. Charlie Geddes.
It appearsbmiever.that layoffs are not -
the coinpan. 4 ornmediak plans. "Not Oa<
ise kno% of set awraray,'" says Mr. (red&
Blame fuses
for blaze
SMOrtia residents were awakened 'Monday
rimming by the fine siren as firemen svere
tedled in to put out a fire at the Hessen Haus
Restaurant on Maim Street_ Ken Holmes
discovered the fire and called the fire
department at 642.
h took 20 firemen to fight the blaze and
they were at the soene for four hours.
However. fire chief Harry Hak said that Main
Street was iever seriously. endangered.
aurage to the restaurant is estimates] at
540.01110. by the fire chief ischading 525.000 to
the building. and 515.000 to its contents.
Although flames were kepl tinder control.
the building was engulfed by dark smoke and
neighbouring businesses suffered rainier
smookedamage. Graves Wallpaper and paint
received the Mint damage. indirdlOgwa,ater itt
the basement. .
"There was a lot of smoke damage ben we
haste no estimates yet.- ,said Graves
ecoowner Keith Snell.
There were no injuries but Clem Dickson.
lilting in an apantaireat above the wallpaper
store. had to be evacuated_
The century old wooden building was the
last of its kind on Main street
Arena goal
is very close
The Seaforth and IDistrici Community
(entre'. fund raising campaign is within
540,009 of us: goal. Campaign chairman
Marien Vincent said Wednesday morning the
total has readied 54-9.0000r the 5516.250 to-
ht- colt,ied from the public.
-The fund raising s Mee is very
exalted and pleased about the way people
have respizaded.....ifs been just we:mead-
Mr • Vincent said ba prr cern of the
donations from residents a the foe mutate -a-
• 40' an cash. and that inonc . in bank
eini deposits "is collt-cling a constderabiC
:,mount of intt-re..1
1 ht. rt--st of the 31110.1111 is in pledges. and
1114 .4 them mill he' honoured in 1 982s83.
t int too reship ts %aging for a fess cans assers'
kns to he turned tn and there are -just odds
and ends to bc picked up" the local
..impzign. according to the chatrman
fasa letter% scrit to former residents has
omt haak beianse of Improper addresses
and 51r 'intent emphasized that an%
St atorth nano c she'd like to pee to the arena
hut has not been Lomacted can send a
donatum claret -Os to Boa 1 I SO. Seaforth.
1• sic -11 a folios% up ts starting MI thc
national and corporate campaign and letters
zrstarting to come haek from those donors,
flu building is expected at the site later
s,ek 51- 51necnt satd Beams sill he
panned before thc building Is pin in place
• Imam -nth
Lions Park loses
in two break-ins
hil. pran idung en sero Th.
,,.tr the Ss aforth I sons club hat fost
, 4,, $34,11 not f‘t mod of rinsranagt
111, 111 Nil, Chit lo In( Ai Ms, .11 th,,, 1 pm.. Perk
Re ,i"cattcon doc.tor Bre 411 Petal
first break tai o." tiered on how 1 5 door
fon, cl op, *11,1 gam a. IttS 4044 pop 11,4‘1,1”(
14 6.10111.3 et d 1 ha Ontario Pro% in. *al Polk.
in Crock Ikt 11155 .li5414 d bin rut 14
• ',JIM, 121t4
SUisplfit and ash %Aural at 51 •'• ; arr.
taken said treasut an 1 1: ao
floggarah flt- said +tr. 114* no la Fit
for repairs nlisf a 111044 se II f•.•urrJu 5111
hand 1 sis,Jeinc la cr., • rl .th
said 5fr floggarth
The break 111 4114 1,4 ft ,c 4.
hursdas (setting Jul. s .51-
mapot damage az, dont 1 To door dad
4PV•calt in be fOrAtil As 15 the first .t.to
‘prroannant I+ 51(54 IA,. 4.
' The torltroch 0 f• 1' _Astra. ilt firma la
13. la d said Mt Peter hut thc 'dem
Itt 1 stsgalcd '1,1TIC(slif 111.3S
,..0115 a s aa. the door said Mt Po-scr
I L,. 1 Itt f-ont door ,14,S.CqUCTIIIS
rs,. hail dianumd and .011Ces.alOn
' ara all operated b% the 1 inns a lub 51i
f'. • • said • 10-.1 pool staff operatc she hoof'
10141 hose. ' Thc sers lac tut' s
.•ang aa, 4115 It thr Iscricitt ..4
. .
-,„' t •• •
,• • IP, : •
.- •
, • rs. fl r
oa'oltec annual'. Mr l'e,cr
T,1. I 14.n, ,Sub enough 1.
po.4 %infanta suficrine
tr• 1 he nccd,
.41' 24.1 10 icrp ti.. psk
1,, 1 • . pros ides an t •••••a tit
a wits, .ornosionns I tan"' undt-rstand
a• -.•• • saac,.- g to hr. akin 1Ahots ea- took 'hi
r •.-sa • pro% oh time for u II
-4 51r Peter 1/.4 n thc
lico. a hat all is as -rooked
Egmondville loses a building /A19
When Fire raged damn& a four block arei
of Mani' street inlirfillnas buildiOgs such as
this dim fed die &sines- To ensure there
would be no repetition. council &Aiming the
1876 fire established mabi street and
adjacent land SS a fine area an whirl the
construction of womien buildings was prohth-
The Fire began in the restaurant area but
firemen were able to prevent flames from
spreading to a recent addition at the back of
the building. There was extensive water and
smoke damage to the remainder of the
building- Chief Hak said the builthig is
insured for 180_000.
ofthe fire may have been 25 and 39
amp fuses in the electrical panel whinah should
have had 15 amp fuses- The fine renarshall was
called in to investigate and spent Monday and
Tuesday at the site widi the fire chief but
would run comment on his investigation -
The restaurant had been unootopied for
several months but the hydro was still on.
Owner Heinz Ludjettka of Rayner. has been
in to see the damage but he could tun be
reached for comment_
Built in the early 1860s the building was
first used as a depot and office by John 5.
Porter at whiela hides. fur and wool were
purchased...By the mid 1880s the building had
been divided and accommodated Papst
jewelry- stone and die James Dobie bather
shop. For many years James Elliott operated
a restaurant in it.
Heinz Ludjenka purchased the building in
19-'6 and carried out entensive renovations
including a two storey addition.
Here he operated the Hessen Haus
Restaurant. later renting the business. The
restaurant continued to operate under
several names. inthuling the Copper Cafe
Gary and Robert Heipel. and later by Yfichael
Owen. Most tecently it was operated by Karl
,-Muller as Karl's Schnitzel House. It had been
dosed for several months.
Os our way to
$516 250
-- 5350.000.
la▪ wsiees
111.Seeepenms 51 so 000
Shoring makes
Dublinfest succeed /A5
Fun in the sun
for Brussels kids /A7