HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1982-07-07, Page 20.14 A20 - THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JULY 7, 1900 Roses Milbank] OM regular )trarte I6sicr WS taken by Rev. James Broadfose_ As 'was unable to attend the service, he came le any ream and told me his topic was /elm theBarks!' gee St. John the Baptist -a Day. 1 mat sorry to miss this service as 1 BY MABEL TURNBU1L find Ms aerobes very inter- esting and isisphing. As Wednesday June 23 was a good day. die staff organized a barbecue ram roe horn lawn off Church St David McKnight. Eg- mondville United Chinch. • 41, ,rr BEST SEAT IN THE HOUSE - These •spectators had the best view SaturdayJpr, the bed and tricycle races along Main St. They Were sitting on the balcony of the Commercial Hotel_ (Photo by Fereira) Maple leaf Sweet Pidded speak louder than words was booked for the service, As some of the residents felt the west breeze a bit dolly we moved inside. I alfsdn't get back ilk ter the church meet- ing so Mr. McKnight called in tny MOM he See what ale matter was. He kindly told lite waht his topic vas ''Life's problems make es pettiest. as we draw closer to God"' for iles h To Blustrate he brought,allong his oollection of stones which he had made 'hes taking a rleerSe in geology- When rocks are chippesk surey are tameless' mom beautiful Peg Grieve. Egutorriville eatlee andbasught a beautiful bouquet of rich red Thin From Stewart basonglitt some oftheins. Friends are so kind and genettons with mrei roses_ Roses speak louder than words- ' VISITORS George Regele, WjUow- iswe visited his sister Anna Hoegy. George Pewee. Seadordr. with Merkeic Powell Mr. and Mrs. CITIThee Groat Auburn smith Anna Homy_ Marie hfuegge came and STOREROURS: MON.-TUES.-WED. 9,6 P.M. THURS &PM. 9 - 9 P.M. SATURDAY 9 -PM. EVERY WEDNESDAY IS SENIOR CITIZIEMS' DAT! S% DISCOUNT OR FREE DELIVERY PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY, JULY 10, 1$2- took her mother Anna HMO, to Galt Cambridge where Louis and Heim Heegy celebrate§ the 4.5h siesta:11MB anniversarry (mem sure week - caul Jean _M. Dab% came whin her sister Beatioe Bur- gess. Pent Milligan to visit Mabel Tumbill Art Snide and grandson Belie. Staffs with Bessie Sunk atm Ross Sante and Doris Hackney. Eames arid Smarr Ifildebratal Colbert. Godericia Mel alLsightter. Lied - say Sim_ tin& Monism' brought her infant son. Daniel Wil- liam. a brother for Garry Christopher. who was 1 New Tear's baby at tthe hospital in M see nis- i hea ne SDHS band maim' g. They were going to pass by while we were sitting out on .ure lawn. The Latest report is ruey will pass by our dining room windows whene we cara see r.4reen. When the thermometer registers 151F 1 begin to wilt while others take glory is itt. There's nothing Bic a minus zero montring se gett going. That was the missal in Me tea years 1 spent to Muskoka h iieeile3SeS your paoe. No time to clods& and waste time That is why people ie e temperate zones are MEM energetic than those in the soehlterri dimes. so. 11 ham read Raper* is letter 1 received showed pictures of large fish called -"Sleeps- heads- caught in de gulf of Mexico_ FROM CALIFORNIA SZEVASe. Sererise_ LUE Clegg came in uttresprotedly Mho!.11 knew sloe u as r.on her way as phoned for Jane 24. Nved ,..rs les is throe days. two drivers. She is at e snottage where she is making itt theady for the surtarrner. With her is Kirn. Susan and "Tiger" Me pert poach. When ion California she is head dose for over JD Whit- tier solo -cols. a suburb of Loa Atm es. Liz is an RN. B.A. Se- of Nursing, having had her kiting training at Tomato Childrettes Hospital_ • She tomem aim aboott ,he gmallisaiicitty gives that hospital art the moment as itt has been written up in Los Angeles papers where graduates from there were highly tegarded. She is slim a srunassnlort at heart Fru Ted to keep his job in N_A_S_S.A. on the space , peograna he hal to become am Auserinta citizen. They will be at home to friends alt "Schadeview"s RIM Dash- wood ia /Idly and August except Aug. 9 the reurrion date when Us is having a far* Christmas party. She had a wery sumessful one last hely mis having another dais year ito the StileleeeT- Datis Tartaboll Amold's widow. of Weybridge Eng- land has advised ns sloe, is coming. also her daughter - Gilliam. Ottawa. Far Mother's Day Manlyto HIES gave roe a book to ROI in oar our fartaly history. Eadh Seminar its rue book haS a heading to At is When 1 was in Scotland IP shook§ have been obtaining haturanatioa the' Grandpa Torrabairs name& iatte family . I was at the family grave in Dmipace bet failed to record information. ICH try to get it by snail. km a class. a teacher irrr. sits malty different personalities. A teacher must adjust Meach, of these to be mccessful 1 read in the Huron Eaphster this week of an es-grapE who has sandmil education and treccived atom& for his inter- est anal understanding in this to a marked degree_ I refer to Chore Westnett who has matted the top im OM study - He keeps in touch. by deopp- ing me a cant and note wherever he goes. very thoughtfully. GREIENTITUIRDS I was given a beautiful African wieder which had three gdants in it. deep purple mauve and pink. As most ottirese plants do it hook a rest period and looked sink. Thelma noticed kt and asked me if rd get her have it to bring it tort. I svas pleased tbo let her try it - In what it seemed a very Aunt time she returned it in full bloom with a barkgronod of fresh leaves and blooms. What a miracle. 1 just couldn't believe it Issas vetty pleased to say the least Evelyn has done the same far sey drannorks. They'd cume back bloorning beamtifuRy. must be a given talent- h is Mettetdhime inst agasen thumb whidh many people have- FRIDAY,•SAT.. SUN.. SPECIAL , • Dhmers $3 -75 Fish & Chips Chiden Finger I Uncle Jack's PHONE 52741034 ROTH sopfs F FOOD MARKET lun" SEAFORTH "hro Our business doe otostoDoonetr os !Kuno Noommomm.. WE RESERN E THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QC &NTITIES COTTAGE ROLLS "an Cnvvac Maple Leaf Bar -13-Q WIENERS Sdeneiders Haso 8. Cheese, or Hank & Boom fir Vilma COOKED MEAT maple loaf CORNED BEEF Maple Leaf BACON BOLOGNA Schneiders Cooked SALAMI Maple Leaf Coil Kofbassa SAUSAGE Maple Leaf Cooked ROAST 454 g Pkg. 175 g_ Pkg. 3 Pak 150 G. 3 Varieties 506 g Pkg. FROM THE DELI Kitchen 1.68 1.38 pkg .98 1.69 2.69 1.59 rb 2.89 2.89 3.9 unr Fresh . Pkrk Stile Pork Shoulder ROAST FREsif 'lit: 1 P., 5 - 6 lb. Ave. Fresh - Utility Grade Roasting CHICKENS Great for the Grill - Pork & Shoulder eon CHOPS Tender - "juicy" Boneless Pork Bon ROAST , ShinteSs Deveiner "Fresh" Beef LIVER . .1.09 it, .99 1• .49 . L69 Eb .89 Fresh Horwierrnade "Pure" Pori SAUSAGE gegular& Garlic J .69 CARNATION' 2% _14 volt oz, Pkg. Je11-0 Asst, Varieties JELLY POWDERS 3/1.00 -7,./,,Ar- 3.6 litre Jug Javex BLEACH 1.39 Pkg. of 12 Je11-0 Asst. Varieties PUDDING POPS 1.89 Groceries chridie SOUR CREAM & Dream WhiP CHIVE CRACKERS 1.29 - DESSERT TOPPING 250 g gs g pkg .89 Club House VEGETABLE SALADS'N DIP 2/.95 THINS Christie 250 g Pg 1.29 lanai Christie' . SPAGHETTI - ReAdV Cut SWISS CHEESE 1.19 CRACKERS pkg. MACARONI 250 g 1.29 Club House Salad OUVES Clover Leaf Cohoe SALMON 1:75 cot Jar 7_75 oz _ lin chrisse 1.19 CHEESE & GREEN ONION CRACKERS 250 „ 1.99 - TR ,65 ISCUITS Clover Leaf Chunk Ligh1oz. TM 1.29 CHEESE NIPS TUNA SPAGHETTI SCARIOS 05 Tomato Sauce or Chef Boy-ar-dee Conned 19 or. Tin PASTA DINNERS 30 oz. Tin Chef Bor-ar-dre PIZZA ,wilh Cheese 15 - Glad 12 Freel KITCHEN CATCHERS 1/8 oz. .79 1.59 1.29 Pkg• of 12 .89 Pkg. 1.29 1.29 1.29 250g Pkg. 300. Pkg. fifitoo Enrkhed WHITE BREAD Dietrich Scone ROLLS Weston Jam BUNS 675 g Loaf .59 Pkg. of 12 .79 Pkg. of 6 09 Prod. USA Canada 01 NECTARINES Prod. Ont. Canada 81 LARGE HEAD. CAULIFLOWER Front the Tropics BANANAS Prod. B.0 Wine Sap APPLES .89E.cb 1.793 Ib. Bag Prod. Ont. Canada 111 BROCCOU Prod. Ont. C.anada 01 CABBAGE 2/.99 -MART-