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The Huron Expositor, 1982-07-07, Page 15
Bell still builds better boilers BY DARLENE FEREIRA 111 started out as a small, one-man operation but has had more than 100 people on staff. Although presently it ,employs 2010 25 people, Seaforth's Robert Bell Industries Limited is still one of only four or five boiler omanufacturers left in Canada. „ The company has been plagued with lay-offs and a sluggish econtimy. Last year, in particular, was a struggle. but Bell Industries has been in trouble before and 'survived. "The economy has been dead. Last year, from a package boiler point of view, it was. trouble. But. it's better this year," says office manager Dan Bennewies. Robert Bell, front Hensall, moved to Seaforth in 1899, .and .started his steam engine business in a foundry and machine shop purchased from the estate of Dr. Coleman, and which, conveniently, was located next to the railroad traeks. In 1903, due to iriereasing demands for extra capital. a joint stock company was formed and the Robert Bell Engine and Thresher Company Limited was founded. In the next four decades the company witnessed both turbulent and thriving times. It was hit hard by the depressions of 1910 and 1930. In fact, in 1911, the Town of Seaforth guarante6d bonds for $.50.000. payable in 30 years, in order to save the company. The 1930s were just as destructive as the company's offices and warehouses .in Winnipeg and Regina were permanently. closed. Both World wars brought the company some financial gairr with the high demand for the m anufacturc of shells. But, with the advent of electric power. sales of steam' engines, the 'company's major trade, slumped. and the company concentrated on portable and traction threshing ma• chines., After the death of Robert Bell, in 1934. his son Earl took over. Upon Earl's death in 1948, Mrs. Earl Bell sold the assets and the present company, Robert Bell Industries Limited., was formed in 1949. Today, the principal shareholder is Brad Smith Of Seaforth. But, Mr. Bennewies says that it's still "basically a family owned operation." The company no longer concentrates in manufacturing complete products. but. Instead, business is primarily along the original equipment manufacture (OEM') line. "Most of our business. 60 to per cent. is OEM. That is. we build products and sell them toothers, who make what they want ,- sayS Mr. Bennewies. Bell still makes some complete packages, such as domestic boilers and furnaces, and high-pressure boilers. Oil -line burners are distributed at the domestic level and gas burners to commercial outlets. However, despite stable sales in Canada and U.S.. Bell has had to change its product line to compete with current demands. "In the last three years we have been involved in the solid waste wood equip- ment:We're building the pressure portion of thc boiler," Mr. Bennewies says. However, Mr. Bennewies admits that the future is uncertain, although the company has plans for more projects. 'The future is hard tn say. We're progressing more into the wood energy ,t field. We're looking int() package boiler rooms where we'd build the whole boiler room. We feel there is potential in this. • STEAM ENGINE — Also known as a steam tractor, this steam engine was built in' 1924. It was once in regular use but today its purpose is for display only. (Photo by Fereira) Art winners Winners of I hr. Scaforth Recreation Committee.'s June I 2 art contest n lisplas at the farmers' market. ere these area students in order of placing: (trade I Julie Cronin. Kim Mciloney. I isa Barrs Grade 1 Brian Melady. Michele Cronin. 1.1,1%a VanSteelandt. Grade 3 I isa Murra‘ ( iith Malone). Sean Malone% Grade 4 Sandra Claessens. Chris Vogels. Jason hoon derwoerd Grade 5 Rob Sloan. Da% e Mary Ann Vogcls. Grade h 5andra O'Reilly. Jeff Hoelscher. Pat Movlan. Gradc 8 -Wendy Hoelscher. $0,11_,171t] 527-0180 WHAT'S NEW? Hand Dipped Ice Cream Cones OPEN DAILY 11 a.m. till midnight Sunday through Thursday Friday and Saturday 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. Eat -in Take-out Air Conditioned COVERED FOR PROTECTION — Gerry Armstrong is somewhere under all that equipment. He is an employee at Bell Industries. (Photos by Fereira) Province's "Canadian" coins made in USA ina farm work and that, as a matters as artifical ins Qu@@no 17©ch result. foreign %+orkers will tion. 1APP The inscription on com• memorative coins by the Ontario Government reads "We're Proud to be Cana• dians". These coins v. ere the official memorabilia of this province. and it has been discovered that '?hey were stamped in the United States by Metal Arts Company of Rochester. N.Y. The coins cost Ontario taxpayers $10.740 and could have been struck right here inOntario. but it has been_ discovered that local companies were Tint invited to mint the coins. This purchase oh% Mu sly violates this province's pledge to "Buy Canadian-. 11 is ,orthwhile to note that the French language coins hich %sere stamped had to he replaced because of a mistake in spelling. YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT Provincial Secretary tot So- cial Development. Margaret . Birch. indicated that young people are ti n Willing to do ‘111101111111111Mill11111111111111111•11111111111M1 NI Ill III MB NW alto 111 UP TO 1 . . : . $800oo . • . i REBATE i .1 . . .WITH THE 1 I I I . LENNOX . . LOWBOY i • I GAS i i FURNACE II ii 1 • • Less than 3 fent iall fits easily rio cnnfined oreos ° 5,9 r`r, er-orlomv Durocurve heat e hanger pro e‘ceptionolly efficient hem tronster 0,,,et tool M • ALrailable wh optional. electron, ignition III • Wit, speed motor for single or two.speed operation I• tOrge Hammock' filter traps dirt No 'fired pi,. slips +rough • Accommodates Central Air Conditioner Hem PLImo Electronic Ar Purifier Humidifier or Ctrronotfierm Ther rrostoi I'0' 1..pvn,,,,e, ,h0i• f1,(1,1, INSISION LENNOX I THE BEST... wr Air Condittoning Heating, 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 .1 111 GBAILEYS 1 Kippen 262-6319 *moan BRIM OH III El me me em so es re av NE ea 0 _ soon come into Ontario to take up the slack Mrs. Birch indicated that she was upset by the suggestion that the government had no problem providing jobs for it% friends while i,uth unemploy ment hovered around 16.5 per cent Her remarks were in ,eplv to a question raised hs I iheral Deputy LeaderSean Conr. as. who asked for information on what the government 01', doing about high youth un employment SURROGATE MOTHERS Scan Conway, M I' (Renfrew Netthl has fckpii ed that . he government amend the ( hild Welfare Act to deal o.ith the ease s% here an Ontario couple paid a Miehi gan mothirr to has c flu husband's hild. It ss as also suggested 'hat thc Child Welfare deal is such The Minister of Commun- ity and Social Services indi• cated that the government cannot get involved in partic- ular matters at this time until there has been a breach of the current legislation. but he gave no indication of the dcsclrrpnicnt of amendments to the legislation. However. hi: did indicate that the gok (Tilt -tient will not allow a Miehigan lawyer to set up a business whereby women arc hired to be surrogate mothers. POOR MAN'S VIGIL Queen's Park was the site of a 24-hour vigil by a group of religious leaders who are against the government's ne- glect of poor people in the province. Th c churchmen were supported hs seventy- seven Ontario churches and SV nagogues THE HURON EXPOSITOR JULY 7, 1982 — A15 You've heard about it... read about it. We have it! amer MeNSOCHNHAVeit •:;ens.r•Controlled arid pig Perm , Realistic Sensor Perm - Experience it now. Realistic Sensor Perm, the wave of the future. Sensor Perm is like an electronic brain. Times your wave perfectly every time. What's more. iVs,programmed by your hairdresser for your exact hair type and condition. What a perfect combination: Sophisticated electronic technology. Acid pH chemistry. And our own hairdresser's expertise. Try it. Call for an ap- pointment today. • Tues. & 'Fri. 9 -5:30 Wed. & Thurs. 9.- 7:30 Sat. 8 - 2 1, a r uesIqn • • 18 Main' St., .Seaforth 527-1270. , 1 1U 1 1 I - OF BUSINESS Surplus Furniture Warehouse has been ordered to close its Stratford location by order of the Principals Accountants. D&L Liquidation Services has been authorized to liquidate the entire inventory of Quality Furniture plus Supplemented Stock consisting of: a. • Orthopedic -type mattresses and box springs (all sizes) • 4 piece living room suites, • Sofa beds • Bedroom suites • Coffee -and end tables • Wall units • Furniture accessories Sole conducted by 0 & L Liquidation Services ia Registered Ont,irio Liquidation Comparurt on the premises of FURNITURE WAREHOUSE 550 Huron St. Stratford. Ont. (Across from the A & W) TERMS: All sales final. Cash. Visa. Cheque. fit - :Lht, 273-4570 YES!! Wilt, ON SALE sm, SKIRT SETS $9.99 TO 96.97 1 FOUR GENERATIONS MAIN STREET MITCHELL 3411-9451 YES!! . WE'RE ON SALE LADICS SWIM WEAR Volvos is to '90: Alt FOR '15.97 '9.99 2-1IX SUNDAY DRESSES BEST 27,47 25.47 NOW ONLY JEANS SCRATCH 71.GIIR'-- '19.97 solooup ro '13.97 SWIET MARY JANI BLOUSES MOO 14.97 SAVE $BIG$ 20. '30.'40. SIZES OFF SIZES uP TO ICA UP TO 24 V, SPECIAL WALL RACK SUMMER DRESSES by EDIE JOHNE • NANCY G • PERRI • POUR VOUS • TRACY • LESLIE POMER • CAMI ORIGINALS • 04.997°112.97 SIM MN i5.99 7,012,97 KEN R. CAMPBELL FARMS LTD. R.R. 1, Dublin 527-0249 OLGA BRAS regup to 27.50 FOR 59.97 PANTIES 12.0Fiiow $5,00 ttlIttf 1/2 PRICE STILE -RITE DAN' SION NINA WILLS ienum MASTERCARD HURRY' WHILE HitY LASIIII LIMITED QUANTITIES' MAIN• PHONE sTREET MITCHELL 1s.94$1 STORE HOURS MONDAY to tkUkso A 9:30 to FRIDAY -9:30 fo SATURDA Y.9.30 So 3