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The Huron Expositor, 1982-07-07, Page 13
©ncl cm@© THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JULY 7, 1982 - A13 Popular church service HURON CENTENNIAL GRADS - Graduates of the 1981,82 class of Huron Centennial School in Brucefield include (front " row from left) Kevin Steckle, Donna Gerger, Leigh -Ann Taman, Danielle Harman, Diane Armes, Sherri MacDoudd, Lorelei Robinson, Joan Binnendyk, 'Serena Chilton, Terry McGregor and David Telford. (Second row) Calvin Salter, Bonnie Turner, Dianne McCtuarrie,' Lori bonsitt, Missy Caldwell, Kim Rathwell, Chris Westlake, Luanne Erickson, Susan Dalrymple, Monica Speziale, Tracey Fansher, Laura Roy, Todd Marshall and Rob 'Duff, (Third row) Brad Falconer, Steve McKeller, Brian Gosse, JOhn Purkis, John Garrett, Todd James, Kai-Uve Visch, Rob MacLellan, Barry Ellis, Rob von Euw, Brian Steckle, Willie Fraiser and Dale NOM (Fourth row) Peter Rose, Brent Taylor, Marlow Gingerich, Jeff Ryan, Rod Freeman, Michael McGregor, Glen Rose, Dan McGregor, Gerry McBeath, Kevin Howard and Dale Reid. (Photo by T. Marr) Correspondent MRS. BERTHA MiseGREGOR 262-2025 Mrs. Jack Fraser, Mark and Matthew of Marville, Ontario spent a few days with Mrs. Fraser's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Keyes. Mr. Charles Mickle of Hamilton spent a few days this we with his mother, Mrs. Laird Mickle. Mrs. Bertha MacGregor returned to her home after convalescing at the home of Mr. and Mts. Don MacLaren and family in Oakville, follow- ing surgery at University' Hospital, London, recently. Mrs. Jack Consitt received news that her uncle. Louis A. MacKay of Berkley,. Cilifor- nia. formerly of Hensall, passed -away at his home on June 24. He was a Professor at Berkley University. a -------- '- __ .• - „..„ .1,- - YOUNG ONTARIO "BUDGET PACK" ,s, PORK LOIN. CHOPS .,, - 3 CENTRE CUT CHOPS 3 RIB PORTION PORK CHOPS ,. 3 TENDERLOIN PORTION PORK CHOPS $ /kg , , MAPLE LEAF FULLY -COOKED . SMOKED PICNICS (PORK SHOULDERS) . . e zehts fine markets. of firr bath % . ' Itil 0 2.18/kg 9b. CHOICE "CENTRE cur LOIN PORK s4 gip CHOPS4 81 /kg dg. imp Ito BONELESS "CENTRE CUT" OR LOIN CHOPS ,„" ROASTS ,pj. REGULAR STYLE GROUND $., 48 3 26 /kg C BEEF ft, •11* GRADE FROZIEN 5-10 lbs. 3 04/K9 BUTTERBALLso 20 TURKEYS Lao. MAPLE LEAF SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE si op ROLLS 4 37/kg g• rfWth MAPLE LEAF -BY THE PIECE LARGE 2 60/kg S. to BOLOGNA II. rim .. NO NAME BRAND SLICED PKG CHICKEN . ,t4 41A BOLOGNA 375 g E. Ey REGULAR STYLE 1 lb PKG NO 18 NAME .2 WIENERS ZEHRS 5 VARIETIES SLICED COOKED vile MEATS 175 g /7 r,,,, S FRESH PRIDE OF CANADA SLICED SCHNEIDER3 92/kg SIDE BACON soog 149 EAIGAVIE Stleb MAPLE LEAF COOKED' ' MAKS 1p7K5G9 #159 NO NAME SLICED COOKED HAM 375 49 , SCHNEIDERS FAMILY PACK SA. fiSMDYSI -; - , - K USTMORRE OSLAICSEDT BEEF •. i , ,..„,. . < SCHNEIDERS CHOPPED SLICED 1.77 '3.98. CHOAOMKE17D5 9 .s. an SCHNEIDERS SLICED SMOKED ,P7KG 1 19 g4 MAPLE LEAF STORE SLICED SCHKIDERS SCHNEIDER LOOP STYLE COUNTRY KITCHEN HAM,, 1. l qt• n kg 9gb ZEHRS ROUND COOKED MAPLE LEAF 375 g BOWL STYLE kir Zel 5°5/kg POLISH $9 90 SCHNEIDERS SLICED MOCKED CHICKEN MACARONI & CHEESE LOAF LOAF OR 1.93 7eg 169 it) RIATAIE613t, $2.89th GOLDEN FRY SAUSAGE 1.29 HEADCHEESE CU, SAUSAGE -'",..-q!'-'. PRIDE OF .CAUADA -- - . - rk,g 4} , ,5.cAg Prices in effect' till closing Tues July 13 1VISKING SALAMI SLICED 439/kg 199 lb We resetve,the right to limit quantities k.:liq•:$pEciAt. ,:>•.,.:..1,‘,- , , iir..0_,:s/strJAL, ,,, . ,Il V„AlsptcH9\,. Li,,,1%,a120 111 TOMATO SAUCE. LIBBYS AlpHAGETTI OR ?OODLES 1 4 oz TINS st , FOR FROZEN PINK OR REGULAR CARMAL 5 FLAVOURS SUN PAC ICE LEMONADE. CREAM 5 r 3 TINS FORoSt990 2TLN FOR c 5 COLOURS -- COTTONELLE TISSUE 129 14('AL • PKG WHITE.YELLOW-CHAMPAGNE VIM ' TOWELS ROLL 990 2 PKG 3 VARIETIES ZEHRS BREAD 675 9 LOAVES 97012 FOR m. I :§e:sgriiletl. 000#4t<t:* ,' .o.t. 1 ,•.., ,• , :71 , • k.,,tk, ise.gogsc,, . k. „„T,pEcfm.avi ticlootaml IN TOMATO SAUCE LIBBYS 4 SPAGHETTI . 2 ,,,:ii st , PURE VEGETABLE BRAVO : OIL • 3 $3 5 LITRE . 9 SCOTTIES HANDY PAN FACIAL TISSUES COIALFIS 2gr,,,,,,,st WHOLE CHOICE ZEHRS TOMATOES 0 ,,,z 79 "TRADITIOIr 3 GRINDS ASSORTED VARIETIES„ NABOB PURRR COFFEE ' CAT FOOD *2.69 1 lb VAC 3 .7„Ts Roo PAK F OP eiir W SUAVE ROLL-ON ANTI-PERSP1RANT POWDER OR UNSCENTED FLAKES OF CHICKEN MAPLE LEAF 6 5 ,.z.IN 1.79 DILL PICKLES RICKS 3 VARIETIES 1 5 LITRE '1 99 SWISS ROLLS WE STONS RASPBERRY PKG OF 4 79e _ FABRIC SOFTENER NO.NAME LIOUID 5 LITRE 189 PINEAPPLE 1:001.E.3 VARIETIES SYRUP PACK or 19 or TIN LUNCHEON K L 1K,BRAND 159 MEAT BICKS PICKLES SWEET MIXED OR Y UM YON I 5 LITRE A . ,4F2s4Rki?AtZ410 JR 159 McCAINS PIZZAS 11.,8TT.12tgr 1 R C R I S P q 99 BOWL CLEANER ,NO NAME AUTOMAT1C no 350 ml CANADA DRY ..7.W7ASAl 7FUI4 fGCR1A0 MW * '4 1 00 LIGHT TUNA $119 , LIBBYS BEANS DARES CANDIES W?EElI TEoHPr iTINr N 1 29 6vgisrviEs I 59 FRUIT COCKTAIL i3noerrsTIN 1.39 HIRES ROOT BEER ciwsei sor I DIIP14 S 06 pun, %MIMIC, MI V F7.5 750 erd BOTTLES 39t PLUS DEP CHEESE SLICES MAPIF LEAF IND qWRP7C. OF 20 $2.49 PEANUT BUTTER ZEST 08COAST 111485 SMOO I H 1 Ng JAR $2 99 F=1.134AsFoi TABLE st 89 • , PKG OF 3 LIBBYS PEACHES 7H8ALzE TIN per SL iCE S sit 29 N ire 1 wONDERLAND BONUS iTE IV r''''."----- MIMS WORLD AQUAFRESH WOWERFUL - , ,,, • -1,L,,, , RE PHOTO FINISH' ' ' 9F *COWOb ,.. e\ 'SPECIAL SOFT MARGARINE REG OR MiNT "ANNIE' • ,, ,PAPERIAL BRAND_ too ,,, TuBE '129 OR 1 lb SLEEVE 99# JAM FILLED,,, FASHION DOLL IN WESTON BUNS 6, -ANNIE,, , ,A„ '5.99 FRENCH ,, .16 oe l OAVES A tree pocket album w,lb every VIENNA roll of colour print film brought S In for processing 2 PRIDE OF NEW ORLEANS SMALL SHRIMP 40,129 STUARTS ANNIE FASHION '2.88 , FOR BREAD Elfective July 7 Auci 3 McCAIN 3 VARIETIES PK C. A COCO FINGERS 119 COSTUMES F A ‘.. ) FREt4CH FRIES 7 it, 119 OF 6 ANNIE SEALTEST LIGHT •ei LIVELY 2189e RAG DOLL 16 T Al L '9.99 COUNTRY OVEN FRESH BRAN 6, , OLD SOUTH FROM FLORIDA NEW FREEDOM 2 VARIETIES 590 MINI -PADS 30 s • '2.19 YOGURT 17S q 9F - V SANDY DIETRICMS PKG. 01 12 PLUSH DOG SCONE ROLLS 99? ,, TALI 1.99 MUFFINS -9 ORDICA CREAMED COTTAGE CHEF ALUMINUM „e HEM -,-, 1.19 FOIL WRAP , 2 .50 169 PROD. OF U.S.A. CAN. li0. I CALIFORNIA LARGE PROD. OF USA CAM NO. I FRESH FIELD SUPER SPECIAL ' • UPER SPECIAL DOLE, DEL 90919 09 CHIQUITA ' PROD. OF U.S.A. CAN. NO. 1 RED FLAME OR THOMPSON SEEDLESS PLUMS $ 3 06/ko /39 lb CUCUMBERS 3 FOR 1 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. LARGE, JUICY PRODUCT OF CANADA FRESH ONTARIO BANANAS 0 • 864 kg 39 i GRAPES 3 73 I< q 1 69 lb ONTARIO GROWN BUNCH ROMAINE LETTUCES, PRODUCT OF SOUTH AFRICA 4 lb 01ITSPAN ORANGES '2.99 CALIFORNIA HEAD LETTUCE ONTARIO GROWN BUNCHES GREEN ONIONS 3181 ONTARIO GROWN° BUNCH RADISHESPI ONTARIO GROWN FRESH ,,,,, ', ENDIVE BUNCH 61, PRODUCT OF ONTARIO 1 30 89 BEAN SPROUTS 59°,b NECTARINES ,1 5O'q NO I GRADE ONTARIO CHINESE STYLE DR NOODLES , 70,79e PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CAN. NO. 1 SWEET 2 18 Kg GREEN PEPPERS,t, 99 ' ONTARIO CROWN FRESH ESCAROLE BUNCH 69 ONTARIO NO. 1 WKITE . 4 37 KO NT MUSHROOMS St 98, C It ° ONTARIO NO I 1 74 'kg MINI -CARROTS 79°,b PRODUCT OF ONTARIO TO FU 5009 1.19 ZEHRS SAVE -A -TAPE PLAN CAN ASSIST THE ORGANIZATION k . it YOUR CHOICE lb. EA, LOCALLY GROWN COLOURFUL 6 FLOwERiNC MUMS $4.49 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. FLORIDA LIMES WM THESE SPECIALS HPBHWAY NO. 8 GODERICH i SEPHINE $T. (HWY. NO. 4) WINGHAM 1 INTERSECTION HWY. NO. 4 AND 83 AVAILABLE ONLY IN: ' 1 MON., TUES. 9 TO 6 P.M. WED., T1 -1(11S., FRI. .9 TO 9 P.M. SAT. 836 TOE P.M. 975 WALLACE AVE. t4. LISTOWEL IEXETER MON.. rues.. WED. - 9 TO 0 P.M. THURS., 181. 9 TO 9 P.M. SAT. 8:30 TO 9 P.M. . Rhodes scholar and also held professorships at a Toronto university. Surviving are a son Pierre and daughter Camilla, and one sister, Mrs. Marion Thompson, Toronto. An outstanding Vacation Bible School was held in Hensall United Church this Past week when 120 students and staff met to study the theme "God Speaks ' To Man". The school met -each morniug from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and opened with a time of singing led by Shirley Luther with Joyce Pepper at the piano. The leaders for the school were nursery department superintendent Barbara Gackstetter with leaders Peggy Volland, Bev Bell. Verlyri Houston, and Tammy Bell;'..Kindergarten, Susan Elder as superintendent with leaders. Elaine Stebbins, Linda Towton, Nancy Camp- bell and Kathy Ingram. Pri- mary department, Evelyn El- der as superintendent with leaders Cindy Parker, Judy Kyle and Deanna Brock. Middler Superintendent Shir- ley Luther with leaders Kay Elder. Kay GArdner, Pauline Ingram, Nan Britton and Janis Bisback. Junior Super- intendent Stan McDonald with leaders Janet McAlli- ster, Karen McAllister, Joyce Pepper and Pat Cook. Ladies of' the community supplied cookies for the school which were very much appreciated. On Friday morning parents and friends in the community were invited to attend a closing assembly at which time the students presented their songs as well as each department presented one day's study theme through music and drama. The nursery presented the birth of Jesus, the kindergarten the story of jacob, the primary the story of Noah and the middlers The Ascension. Preaching on the mess e "Citizens of Three Coln tries", Rev. Stanley McDon- ald conducted the Canada Day service at Hensall United Church on Sunday. July 4. He said all are citizens in three ways: of country, of the world and of the Kingdom of God. Belief in the future of Can. ada. sharing of every talent and personal spiritual renew- al are essential factors in citizenship on all three levels. Citizens should ask them. selves, "What would our country be, if every citizen was just like me?" Gary Kyle conducted junior congregation after Rev. Mc- Donald gave a talk on boom- erangs. Kindness and love, which we give to others. comes right back to_us. Mrs. Florence Slade greeted wor- shippers at the door and ushers were Donald Waring and Mark 'McGregor. In charge of nursery was Mrs. Dianna Brock. Next Sunday, Rev. Gordon Pickett of Wind- sor will be conducting the service. I cats enjoy estern trip Correspondent MRS. MART CHESSELL 482-9969 Ron and Joyce Taylor, in company with Bill and Mil- dred Lobb, spent a week in the West, visiting Mrs. iLobb's sister 'and her hus- band of Calgary, and their sons Craig and Brian in Edmonton. Craig is employed with the city of Edmonton as a mechanic in the Municipal Garage. Luanne Taylor has received her diploma in Behavioral Science from Fanshawe Col- lege and is presently employ- ed at the Blutwater Centre. Readers of this column would appreciate news of any college or university gradu- ates in the area. Please call me at 482-9969 before noon next Monday, as 1 will be away the latter part of the month. Don and Debbie Rathwell held a family picnic at their home on Sunday. Guests included Gordon and Lois Coleman, Dan and. Marlene Fisher, Jodi and Jaimie, Ken and Debbie Coleman. Mark and Shelley Coleman. and Nancy Coleman, all of Walk- erton, Fenie and Harry Baker, Mabel Reid, and all of Debbie's family. Gail Vanderwal was the recipient of many lovely gifts at a bridal shower in the Varna hall on Wednesday evening. Doris Wilson wel- comed those present and the honoured guests. and Ber- nice Reid announced the programme numbers, which included two song and dance routines by the Varna girls' Nancy Webster. Lori.Consitt, Robyn Norman, Laura 'Roy and Monica Spezinle. accompanied by Julie Web- ster at the piano. and with ukeleles in. the second num- ber. Peggy Reid conducted a Couple of contests and hu- mourous readings were given by Bernice. Margaret McClymont read the address of good wishes. and Mrs. Vanderwal and Mrs. Kirnbauer assisted Gail in opening her gifts. Gail 'graciously thanked everyone for the gifts. and those who had arranged the shower and programme, and invited them to the wedding recep- tion in the township hall at Holmesville on the sixteenth. Gun dub eilks and western visitors Correspondent RENA CALDWELL 262-593S Kippen Gun Club met June 29, 1982. Scores: 50s -John Anderson, Dart Cnerar, 25 - Bob Smith, Jim Butcher. 24- Ack Mills, J. Caldwell, Jim Cocker, Dale Passmore. 23 - Bert Mahaffy, Barry Miller, Al Kyle. 22 -Roy Lamport, Grant McGregor, Dean Kulich, Lloyd Venner, Mery Batkin. 21 -Harrison Schack, 20- Gladys McGregor. 18 - Glen Mogk, Bruice Anderson. Mrs. Jean 1. Gemmel], Moose Jaw. Sask., visited over the weekend with Mrs. H.A. Caldwell and John Cald- well. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Mur- ray. Don Mffis, visited with relatives in the Kippen area last weekend. 4-H members elects new officers, Seaforth 3 4-11 club met at the home of Brenda De Jong. July 5. The officers were elected and then members talked about where Initnals' tracks were found.' Following this members made plaster of paris animal tracks. The club then identi- fied several different animal tracks. They cooked ham and cheese roilups in foil on the coals. After eating the roll - ups. the meeting adjourned. Couple celebrate 61 st Sg©Icxith *Iwo Congratulations were in order last week for Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClure who celebrated their 6Ist wedding anniversary on Tuesday at Seaforth Manor. Church service was con- ducted by Rev. James Broad. foot on Wednesday with Miss Jill Wheatley accompanying' at the piano. The service c'oncluded with all singing Oh Canada to commemorate Canada Day on Thursday. July 1st. Good wishes were also extended to Mary Finlay- son bv Ila Gardner as it was her 40th wedding anniversarv day. On Wednesday a bus load of residents from Chateau Gardens. Parkhill and Green Gables Nursing Home, called at Seaforth Manor and all enjoyed refreshments with Seaforth Manor residents on the patio and also attended the Flea Market. Last Monday was "Picnic Day" and the weather was ideal for a barbeque. Monday of this week over thirty residents enjoyed a trip to the Freeze -King and had ice cream there. Thanks to Pam Bell who volunteered her time to accompany the group. On Tuesday morning Mrs. Cleo Colquhoun.-Cnunty Co- ordinator for the' Ontario Heart Foundation was pre- sented with four hundred dollars on behalf of the residents of Seaforth Manor to the Ontario Heart Founda- tion. This much money was raiser due to the splendid team effort of the pupils of Seaforth Public School who took sponsor sheets for the residents and collected a total of three hundred and fifty- three dollars. and fifty-three cents. The balance was from the proceeds of the flea market and staff donations. Residents are now busy on their project to raise money for the Arena Fund. PERSONALS Residents were saddened to learn of the death of Mr. Wilber Keyes who passed away Sunday morning at Seaforth Community Hospi- tal. Mr. Keyes was a long time resident of Seaforth Manor and his presence will be greatly missed also Mrs. Keyes and family visitations. Funeral service was held ' Tuesday at 2 p.m. from Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home. Visiting with Dr. E. Sadlier were Mrs. June Lambton and Mrs. Donna Farley and Michael all of Toronto. Mrs. Ruth Noll spent the weekend at her home in Palmerston with her husband and family. Mrs. Gladys Ruston spent Sunday with her family. Isobel Lamble enjoyed an outing to London with Jackie Racho to visit with Mrs. Freda Litt last week. Also visitiniwith Isobel was David McKnight of Egmondville. PRE-SCHOOLERS - Huron Centenniat School, Brucefield, concluded its 1981-82 Preschool Story Hour with a graduation hour of stories, rhymes, crafts and picture taking. 'Here are the graduates. N'7Y