HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-01-31, Page 8A Ore.t Sacrifice Sale of Furs AND ALL WINTER, GOODS During the month of January Fine Sleigh Robes, regular $12 to $15, side price $9.50 ]lien's splendid Black Fur Coats, in fine curl Persian Dog, regular $35, bale price 27.50 Ladies' Astrachan Coats, regular $25, sale20.00 .. „ $30, " 26.00 „ „ $35, " 27.50 Electric Seal and Bocharan, with Sable Collars and revers, regular $45, sale price 37.50 With just the same reductions on all our very large assortment of fine but smaller Furs. Ladies' Cloth Coats and Misses' Coats must sub- mit to the same severe reduction. Mens', 'Youths' and Boys' Suits and Overcoats at the most tempting prices ever heard oti iiieWiugham. Come and see and you will be convinced that this is the greatest opportunity of saving money ever offered. D. 11. GORDON. alisasiletale,WaitalaWVIllisetaaaWallvitellAteelstelbeleaastalaQ MINOR LOCALS. -Cold weather during the past week. -Have you renewed your subscription to the TIMus? -Wingham L. O. L., No.' 794, meets Friday evening of this week. -Regular meeting of Camp Caledonia, Sone of Scotland, next Monday evening. -A re-count of the votes cast on local option at Teewater is taking place to- day. -Mr. J. A. Hacking, of Listowel was last week elected Warden of Perth county. -The regular monthly meeting of the Town Council will be held next Monday evening. . -You can get the very latest in wedd- ing invitations and visiting cards at the TIMES office. -There is talk of a telephone line be- ing ran from Goderich to Rintail and Dungannon. CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS A•simple and e1 ectivc remedy for SORE THROATS AND COUGHS They corebite the germicidal value of Cresolene With the soothing, properties of slippery elm and lico- rice. Your druggist or from us, 10e in stamps. jxxv,pe, +,yfmcg Ce,, Limited, Agents, Montreal. 401 -The supply of ice for coming summer is being stored away this week. It is of extra good quality. -The good -sleighing has given farmers an opportunity -to deliver large quantities of wood and sawlogs, -The Huron county spring stook show will be held at .Clinton on April 4th. se $500, will be offered in prizes. :..r• --The annual meeting of the Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Co. will be held at Gorrie, on Friday, Feb'y 8th. -The License Commissioners for East Huron for this year are John Shannon, John Cardiff and Robt Musgrove. --The annual meeting of the North Huron County L. O. L. will be held at Blyth on Tuesday afternoon of next week. --A Meeting of the .EXeentivo Com- mittee of the East Huron Conservatives was held in Chisholm's hall on Thurs- day afternoon last. -Mr. J. Wild had two of his fingers on his right hand badly cut while work- ing on the shaper in Wacker and Clegg's factory on Friday last. -Three rinks of Wingham curlers went to Lnoknow yesterday afternoon And played a friendly game with the curium of that village. --The mintttee of Morris, West Wawa - nosh and Onlroae Conneil's, which were crowded out of onr last issue, will be found an page two of this i - e. Miss Williams' recital ' art oharaoteriz, ed by the most ohs .,.Ing .finish and delioacy.--Toront• • ebe. In Wingham opera house neat Tuesday evening. --lir, Alex. Petrie, of Grey Township fell one day Isst week and broke one of hit legs. Hey. D. Petrie visited hie brother on Monday and found him doing AI well as could bo expected, -•--As a result of the scrutiny of the 'rote On the furniture factory and carri- age companyby-laws, atGoderioh,whioh the returning ardor declared defeated, e by-laws are now declared carried. To a flexible voles ]lids Williams adds A porter of expre which enables her to pretend, 'ratio or character in a - obarratng fraliion.-Edinburgh Soots - :soon. Xn Wlagba t opera house next ' 'Alasdair st4tiitif�, -Subscribe for the TPMEs and Week- ly Globe at $1.35 per year. -The TIMES has received an interest. ing letter from Mr. Arthur MoKereie, who is a missionary in the Island Lake district, Alberta and we will next week give a portion of it. Mr. MoKersie is a son of Postmaster McKersie, of Glen - fano 47. -In St. Andrew's Church at Trail, 13. C recently, the Rev. E. A. St. George Smyth united in marriage Mr. Eric Oscar Kamm to Miss Zella Oliver. MissOliver 1 is a sister of Chas. M. Oliver of Spokane and A. McLean Oliver of Rosslaad and cousin of Miss Maggie A. McLean, of Wingham. -Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, the governing body of Capitular Masonry in Canada, held its 49th annual convocation in Temple building at To- ronto last week. Mr. John Leslie, of Winnipeg, a Wingham old boy was elected First Principal, the higest office in the Society, -Mr, John Mowbray and family left for Edmonton, Alta, last Tuesday and intend to remain there. We wish him success in his new home. We hear he has sold his place and the Frost Wire Fence business to his son, Fred, who will continue the fence building this coming summer. A MOTHER'S PRIDE A mother's greatest pleasure is in see- ing her little ones bright, playful , and healthy. The well child is a bing to the home but the sick child is a regular tyrant. A few doses of E y's Own Tablets will make the sickl child well, or an occasional dose will, prevent sick- ness. There is nothin to equal these Tablets as a cure for s mach and bowel troubles. The m s teething easy, break up colds, ea el worms and cure simple fevers. y's Own Tablets are sold under the arantee of a govern• went analyst not to contain one parti- cle of opiate -they never do harm-al- waye good. Mrs. G. M. Kemp, Carle- ton Place, Ont., says: --"I have given Baby's Own Tablets to my little one since he was a week old, and have found them a splendid medicine. At eleven months be weighed over twenty-six pounds." The Tablets are sold by drug- gists or by mail at 25 dente a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. A huge landslide buried the Grand Trunk track under tone of earth a few miles west of London, Ont. John Carrie, the Glencoe baggageman, w as sentenced to two years and a halt in penitentiary for robbing baggage. West Middlesex Conservatives nomin- ated George Stewart of Strathroy for the seat in the Legislature vacated by Hon. Geo. W. Ross. Senator John Dobson of Lindsay died Monday after a long illness. Joseph Dearp was found dead on the railway near Chatham, and it le sttppoe- ed he was struck by a train. et Mats tic )tour tars, That same cough is everywhere yon go, deep and hollow because eonsanip. tive. Find it was catarrh which could have been cured by Caiarrhozone. Mor. al, never neglect a cold, never trifle With oatarrh, go to your druggist and get Oatarrhozene. It's instant death to coldt, cares theme in a tew minutes, Throat trouble and eaterrh disappear at by magie. Catarrhozone is the great throat, nose and bronobial remedy to- day. Thoneands use it, doctors prescribe it-wi.y, because it does relieve gniokly and s .re thoroughly. Two sizes, no And V.00 At all de>Rlert. THE WING-LIAM TIMES JANUARY 314 1907 PHURCH NOTES. Lent begins on Feb. IUitt this year. Easter Day will be the 31,t of March, Rev. T. S. Boyle gave his interesting lecture on Japan in Trinity Church, at BIyth, eta Tuesday evening. Rev. T. S. Boyle will deliver a third sermon on Christian Evidences next Sunday evening; subject, "The Witness of St. John," "A Satisfied Farmer Surprised" is tho the subject to be discussed by Pastor Fitch next Sabbath evening. Colne and hear some straight talk. Rev. E. R. Fitch delivered an address at the sixteenth anneal convention of the Union Sabbath School Assoolation, held at Auburn on Tuesday. During the last Conference year Cana- dian Methodists contributed nearly $500,600 to missions, an increase of near- ly $15,000 over the previous year. At the annnel meeting of the congre- gation of Knox Church, T'eeswater., the reports showed that 114 new members had been received during the past year, making the total membership 514. The salary of the pastor, Rev. D. Tait, was increased $100. Next Sabbath having been see apart by the General Assembly as Young People's Day, the evening service in St. Audrew's church will be devoted to that purpose. The Rev. D. Perrie will give an address on "Presbyterianism," It is hoped there will be a full attendance of the young people of the congregation. Next Sunday is Communion day at the Wingham Methodist church, The Rev. W. G. Howson, pastor, will have charge of the services. Subjects, 11 a. m., "The Feet of Christ." 7 p, m., "The perfection of Beauty," Lovers of the beautiful, will find this evening eubjeot of special interest. The saora- ment of the Lord's supper will be ad- ministered at the close of the morning and evening services. The reception of new members will take place in connec- tion with the morning communion, All are welcome, NEWS NOTES. 'the C.P.R. will build a $200,000 stat- ion at Calgary. Mr. George A. Brown, ex -Warden of Grey, died at Meaford. The revenue from the Bureau of Mines for 1906 aggregated $250,000. A serious outbreak of smallpox is re- ported on the Muncey Indian reserve. The Canadian Bank of Commerce has opened a branch at Prince Rupert, 13. C. Julien Cormier, stableman, and a boy named Douglas lost their lives in a fire that destroyed a stable at Westmount. George Katzenmyer, a ten -year-old boy, waskilled at Rodney while attempt- ing to crawl under a train at a crossing. The Dominion Salt Agency, that has sold most of the salt produced in Canada in the last two years, is going out of business. A Storehouse for 'Poisons You may not think so, but that's what you become when the kidneys are af- fected. These organs cleanse the body; they are the filters that remove from the blood the waste matter that acts like deadly poison on the vitality and health of the system. Dr, Hamilton's Pills stimulate the kidneys, expel fermenting matter from the bowels, restore the liv- er and stimulate all excretory and sec- retory organs. This enables the blood to quickly replenish itself and establish perfect health. No medicine does such lasting good as Dr. Hamilton's Man- drake and Butternut Pills, 25o at all dealers. 1. BORN. HA7.'J,ArD.-In Wingham of January 20th,tllc wife of Mr. Smith Hazzard; a son. DIED RAnxAnD.-In West Wawasosh, on Janu- ary lith, Margaret Barnard, aged 88 years. NOTICE TO ARCHITE S. Designs for New Departfaental and Justice Building, Ottawa. EXTENSION ola TIME. Mlle time for receivi dompetitive designs I. for the proposed o Departmental and Justice Building at Ot e, is hereby extended from April 15 toJuly 007. Br der FRED, GELINAS, Secretary. Department of Publie Workv, Ottawa, January 24th, 1007. Newspapers will not be paid for this adver- tiseinent if they insert it without authority from the Department. THE BEST PLACE IN WINGHAM TO SECURE A Piano Organ ox V fol irw IS AT DAVID BELL'S Terms 10 suit purehater. 4400044 0.401000000000104 CO DNursing baby? 0 0 Go. Scott's Emal sivn contains the greatest possible amount of nourish - anent in easily digested form. cao It's a heavy strain on mother, Her system is called upon to supply nourishment for two. Some form of nourishment that will be easily taken up by mother's system, is needed. Mother and baby are wonderfully, helped by its use. ALL DRUGGISTS: Soc. AND 32.00 o 0 0 0 0 000 003 0 0 06000000000000000006000 MEETIN ' S OF EAST URON Farmers' Institute will be held s follows: FORMIC"' FEiLIUARY 4th, 1.30 p. in, -Thos i oltfiliau, Seafortb, "Breeding and MarktingBeef Cattle"; W. F. Kidd, Simcoe, "Am I Raising a the mo.t Profitable Horse?"; Miss B. Maddock, Guelph, ddrese. 7 30 p. m, -Thos. °Millan, "A Talk to Our Young Peep ;" W. F. Kidd, "Dropped Stitches ' Miss Maddock, Address. BLUEVALE F .BRUARY 5th, 1 30 p. m, -Thos. 1, Bennett, Wrox- eter, "Dairying;" F. Kidd, "Am I R isina the most Pl-:rfitable Horse?" (A lave animal will be present for object lesson.) 7.30 p m. -Thos, McMillen. "A Talk to Our Young Peeale;" W. 1.F. Kidd, "Dropped Stitches JAMESTOWN FEBRUARY 6th, 1.30 p. m, -Thos. McMillan, "Breed- ing and Marketin Beef Animals;" W. F. Kidd, "Dairy ow, her summer care and winter feed." 7.30 p. m.-Tbo . McMillan, "A Talk to Our Young P ogle;" W. F. Kidd, "Dropped. Stitehe ." MOLESWORTH FEBRUARY 7th 1.30 p. m. -Tho 3. McMillan, "Breed- ing and Marketing Beef Animals;" W. F. Kidd, "Cnitiv ion and Manures." 7.30 p. m. --Tho . MoMillan,"Demands of Oanadion Agri Iture;" W, F. Kidd, "Dropped Stiches " A musical prop am will be given in the vening. Everyb y Welcome. Tuos. MOMILLA , P. A. MCAnrmw., Presid t. Secretary. DO YOU WISH TO VISIT California Mexico Florida Olt THE Sunny South Are you anxious to escape the cold ' weather and snow, and spend the winter in the " Land of Fruit and Flowers ?" Winter tourist tickets are on sale daily, and if you are contemplating trip see that your tickets are routed via the Grand Trunk. For tickets and full information as to rates, rontes and train service call on L. Harold, Depot Agent. J. D. MoDoxALD, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. vVvvWvWNWWVWVVINVV ' V 3A WINNER f� . 1 IIt's EXCELLENOE that tells in the long run. QUALITY is al- ways my first consideration. For that DELICATE AROMATIC flavor Iof most blends. It costs you no more than is often asked for infer- for kinds. Befit quality, per ib., 40 cents. My Coffee is far ahead Try Christie's Pure CREAM Or TARTAR BAKING P O W D Ia R. 'Phone Your Order Every attention given to 'phone orders. Goode sent out just as if you were here. PRODUCE TAKEN, 1. Hevry Christie Grocer and China Merchant 'WINC+I3AIt, ONT.NotAAMMAAAMAMAAMMANI DOMINION BANK HEAD OFFICE : TORONTO. C ipital paid up, Reserve Fund and Undivided profit; Total Assets, our $3,000,000 $3,928.198 49,000,000 WINCHAIvi BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT -Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal 30th June and 31st December each year. D. T. HEPBURN, manager. R vsustono, solicitor. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. The Leading Commercial School of Western Ontario.' Our courses are thorough and pre- tical while the teaching is done by able instructors. The ambitious - young men and women who desire to get the best possible commercial training patronize this school while Business men are in search of our grad aates to fill res onsible positions. The best time to enter our classes is • NOW. Beautiful catalogue free. - E[LIOTT & McIACIILAN PRINCIPALS. WINGHAM Flour Mills We are often asked by farmers, which is it better for them, to get wheat gristed, or buy flour, grist- ing is the cheapest, you will save from 250 to 30o on each bag of flour, and then yon get our flour, which is the beat. We have our ohopper running again and can chop from 4,000 to 6,000 Rea an hour, so their will be no waiting to get your chop done; PRICE LIST Five Lilies flour, bl, $2.10 to $2.30 Prairie :Rose " " 2.00 to 2.20 Star " " 2.00 to 2.15 Dream Pastry Flour 1.80 to 2,05 Low grade Flonr,ton 26.00 to 27.00 Bran, per tan - 17.00 to 18.00 Shorts, " - - 18.00 to 20.00 Soreenings - 18.00 to 20.00 Chop - - - 20.00 to 25.00 Winter Wheat, bus. .68 to .70 Gooeo " " ,00 to .02 Manitoba " " .75 to .85 Goods delivered promptly to all parts of the town. HOWSON, HARVEY & BHOCKLEBANK. AIVI MacIlille Having secured a fire$ -clues machinist, I ani prepared to do all kinds of repair- ing on the shortest notice. Also CASTINGS MADE TO ORDER Into also building a felt Portable Sawing Machines ---something new, Call and inspect before placing your order elsewhere. W. Os PATONI .1- - Al .P I :4..y l 0..0. CAPITAL PAID Pr: $'1,000,0110 sesamcommililliklimmmoce TOTAL, assiiTS ; R£sERvn VT.INP Thirty-two Million- Dollars. $22,000,000 BANK OF H,VI TON RJ CEIVES accounts of corporations, firms and in. dividuais, on favorable terms. Deposits o1 $1.00 and upwards received, and highest current rate of interest allowed. 96 Branches throughout Canada. WINQI-IAPI BRANCH C. P. SMITH, AGENT. IIIMMENWIRIMIMMIMMISISMINIMMIGEMMIMM THE CANADIAloT BAND OF COMMERCE Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000, Reserve Fund, $5,000,000' HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO 13. E. WALKER, General Manager ALEX. LAIRD, Asst, Gen'i l Tanager BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND IN ' THE UNITED STATES AND ENGLAND BAINIIC.iNG BY MAIL 71 Business may be transacted by mail with any branelx of the Bank. Accotnts may be opened and deposits made or withdrawn by avail. Everyd attention is paid:, to out-of-town accounts. WINGHAM (ONT.) BRANCH A. E. SMITH, MANAGER. • i Everybody Should Avail Themselves of this Opportunity The monster stock reduction sale at The Bee Hive Two Stores goes merrily on and a smile and a bargain greet you on every hand. Our Proposition Just think of the proposition we place before you. The only question is can you, dare you in justice to your- self overlook a chance like These Stores offer to save at least one-third and in some cases even one-half the price you would be obliged to pay regularly for your winter merchandise. Some of the Bargain Lines. Dress Goods, Silks, Linens, Shirting, Cottons, Men's and Boy's Clothing, Furs, Carpets, Curtains, Lino- leum, Floor Oilcloth, Hosiery, and Gloves, Underwear, Men's and Boy's Furnishing, Ladies' and Misses Jackets. We Could We could write column after column of price quotations but space in this valuable paper costs money and our tremendous low prices won't allow of our telling you in print of the hundreds of good things we have wait- ing for you -enough said, we'll look for you in. Bring along your farm produce and secure highest prices in exchange for any of the splendid bargains offered. THS. BEE HIV's CO TWO STORES. \ east door to Elmer Moore's and in The Carey Stand.