HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-01-31, Page 22 ['RE MOAN TIMES, JANUARY 4I, 1907 Murray two iuetru to arta coilec Austere= to aimt ee of JAW Sti•t tisin 1'i P. a)413, re the suit of P. Walsh LAXA.UVER PILLS are mita, sure and +safe, and are a perfect. regulator of the system. They gently unlock the aeoretioaa, clear away all effete and waste ;natter from the system, sad give tone and vitality to the whole intestinal trent, curing Constipate tion,, Sick headache, Bilionsnese, Dyspep- sia, Coated Tongee, Foul Breath, Jaun. dice, heartburn, toad Water Brash, airs, R,. S. Ogden, Woodstock, N,B., writes: "My husband and myself have used Mil. burn's Laxa-Liver Pills fora number of years, We think we cannot do without them, ti'hey are the only pills we ever take." Price 20 cents or five bottles for $1.00, at all dealers or direct on receipt of price.. The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. TO ADYERTISEfiti N•ittee of chanes mast be left at this office not later than Satixrday noon. 'Fine copy for changes .insist be left not later than Monday evening. CiaauQ1, ;dvertisomeute aocepte3 up to room Wednoedav of each :veal, M.81ABLi iaae 1872 % INIIlAM T1 Es4 1 L LIOT`I', l'IrStEnvait Arm PRorawerroP TA€URSDAY. JANUARY 31. 1407. WEST WAWAN0S11. with the ahall, married. tp . oP W. W aw s 'e . lie following cheques were issued:-•- 6ltinioipal World, supplies, $12.17; WM. Parke, 32 yds gravel, $2 66; Colleetea'a entire, $G0; Collector, trip to bianohest• er, postage. c i t .vh l,psto g,25:i • ,Rgsrati ou13,M. Awl Deaths, $17.80; Express, 600; D E, Mauro,, flu steteatent, $10; postage, $5;. P McMillan, 6 days at statue labor re- funded, $4 00; Jas. Lyons, 3 days $2 25; ce Greer, 4 days, $3; Reeve, 1 day on ria. statement, $2; St. Helens pablia Libreery grant, $5; Manaheeter Peblio Labeery grant, $5. Moved by Medd and Andereou that we do now adjourn to meet ou Saturday, Feby 9th,at 10 o'clock, W. S. WWIcCROsrn , Clerk. NATURE'S CATARRH CURE Sensible and Scientific Way to Care this Disagreeable Disease. Nearly everyone suffers. at one time or anatber with oatarrh, The natural way to cure this disagree- able disease is by applying healing medi- catlone direct to the diseased spot. In no other way can this be done as naturally as by the use of-ycmei, breathed thro.uglz the neat pocket label- er that comes with every outfit. Put several drops of Hyomei in the in• haler and then for a few minutes, three or tour times a day, let the fur that you breathe come through it. In that way all the an. that enters the nasal paseagee, the throat or the lungs, is filled with Hy. omet'e healing medication, reaching tine most remote air cells of ttze respiratory organs, destroying all catarrhal forme • and eooth,ug and healing the irritated mucous membrana. A tew days' use of Hyomei will show, how quickly it relieves all catarrhal con ditioue, and you will not have to ase it long before you find it has effected a complete and lasting cure. The compete elyomei outfit posts but $1.U0,,extra bottles it needed, 50 cents. All druggists should be able to supply you with Hyomei or we wail seed it by mail ou receipt of price, and everts Pack- age se sold with the distinct underataud- tni; that It costs nothing unless it cures Write us to -day for a symptom blank, which we will send yon free, together with treatise on Catarrh and how to on it. When you fill in and return to as the symptom blank, our consulting physioian will give your case the best cure and attention, and write you a letter of advice without charge. Booth's Hyomei Company, Buffalo, N. Y. Counoli rise according to statue Jany 14th, 1907. The newly elected member, subscribed to the necessary declaration and qualification papers. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved on motion of Medd and Anderson. A communication from the Sick Children's Hospital wee filed. A communication resec.606 ot the Municipal Act was signed by the Reeve and Clerk and soot to the Legislative Assembly on motion of Merle, and Murray. A copy of the Municipal Act and Amendments and also of the Municipal World were ordered to be pro- cured for sash of the Connell Board and the treaearer, on motion of Medd and Thompson. Moved by Anderson and Thompson that the clerk's salary be . reduced $20. Moved in amendment by Murray and Medd $hat the salary re- main the same as last year. Amendment carried. Moved by Thompsou and Mur- ray that to treasurer's salary be $80 and $10 for the financial statement. Carried Move . by Anderson and Murray that the aseessor's aalrry be $60. Moved in amendment by Medd and Thompson that the salary be $50. Amendment carried. Moved by Murray and Audereon that the collector's salary be $60; moved in amendment by Medd and Thompson that she salary to $65. Motion carried. Mov- ed by Murray and Thompson that the auditors' salary be $7 each; moved in amendment by Medd that salary be $5. No seconder, motion parried. Moved by Anderson and Medd that members of the Council Board receive $40 each and the Re.:ve $55 as a salary for Comical meetings and Road Commissioners, Carried. Moved by Murray and Medd that W. S McOrostie be clerk. Oersted Moved by Thompson and Anderson that D.B. Munroe be treasurer. Carried Moved by Anderson and Murray that G. Webb be aessssor; moved in amendment by Medd and Thompson that John Boyle be assessor. Motion carried. Moved by Murray and Medd that Wm. Thompson be collector. Carried. Moved by Bathe and Anderson that Jae. Johnston be aud- itor, Carried. Moved by Anderson and Murray that W.A. Wilms:. be auditor; moved in amendment by Medd and Thompson that R. Anderson be auditor. Motion parried. Moved by Anderson and Medd that the roll be accepted from the collector and an order drawn for the amount of his salary, $60. Carried. Moved by Andereon and Thompson that the Lueknow Sentinel receive the con- tract for fp. printing at $00. Moved by A Quick Cure for Group People who realize the suddenness with which croup comes on, and the danger which accompanies it, usually keep some of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Lin- seed and. Turpentine in the house for use in case of emergency. For bronchitis, whooping cough, asth- ma, and every form of throat and brae- rhial trouble, this great family medicine is a quick and certain cure. Mr. Win. McGee, 49 Wright avenue, Toronto, Ont., writes: -"There is no remedy in my opinion that can act more promptly than Dr. Chase's Syrup of Lin.aeed and Turpentine. It cured my eon of croup, abealuteiy, in one night. Wo gave hien e. dose when he Was black in the face with choking. It gave him instant relief and cure.'' There are imitations of Dr. Chased laynip of Linseed and Turpentine. Be pure you see the portrait and signature of Dr. A. W. Chase, the fatuous receipt book author, on the bottle you bury; 25 mitts a br at all dealers, or JS , Toronto. COMBOS'S. The re:entiy elected township council held its first meeting on Monday, Jan. 14th. All members were present: Jas. Donaldson, reeve; Purves, Falconer, BalIegh and Baptist. As is usual at the first meeting organization was the chief business of the aeeaion. The connoil as a whole were appointed road oommis- eioners S. L. Purves was appointed chairman of finance committee, and Messrs B. Biengeeener andThos.Mof)on- ald were appointed auditors. Salaries of the paid officers were fixed ea follows: Olerk, $125; 'Treasurer, $85, Assessor, $60; Collector, $60. To these positions the officers of 1906 were re-ap. pointed: Chas. Button, olerk; John CIark, treasurer; Jesse Johnston, asses- sor; Alfred Oasliok, collector. 3, J. Stephens, Esq. was appointed legal ad- visor for the year. The application of A. D. McKenzie for the township print- ing at $$65 was accepted. ' Robt Wicks was appointed member of the Board of Health and Dr. M. Ti. Gillies was ap. pointed Medical Health Officer, A petition from the Municipal As. soolatton asking the Provincial Legisla• tore to ammend stiction 606 of the Municipal Act, so as to relieve munici- palities from responsibility for accidents on the highway ander certain conditions, was received. The petition was signed by the council and ordered to be sent to Dr. Olapp, M.P.P„ who is requested so present it to the Legislature. The following accounts were present- ed and on recommendation of the fin- ance committee were ordered to be paid, Jesse .Johnston, polling div. No. 5, $8; Robt Ballagh, polling der No 1, $8; D. McDonald, polling div No 7, $8; W. H. Elliott, 60 tile, $2; Ohas Batton, deliver- ing ballot boxes, $5; W. R. Thompson, lumber, $2.70; Al, Wilde, 33 yds gravel, $2 31- - Next meeting of council will be held In the town hall, Teeswater, on Monday, Feb. 11th. 0. BUTTON, Clerk. Superstitions oa Skin Diseases Of all superstitions probably the most polish Is the idea that when a rash or sore is healed and cured by zasane of ex- ternal applications it will "strike in" and do furter harm. No reputable physician will give any countenance to such a notion. Skin diseases Of every forret and especially' eczema, salt rheum, scald head, eta„ are promptly relieved and certainly cured b1+Dr. Chase's Oint. Ment. ii'loklus. The Oonncil elect for the year 1907, viz:•• -'Cleo. Taylor, Reeve, and Meagre,. MoOntoheon, Campbell, Shaw, and Taylor, Councillors met pursuant to Stettin, on Jany 14th, and made and ettbroribod the neocessery declarations of affioe and qualifications, the .'Rest , oeotipied the o6air. Minutes of last meet. Ing for 1806 were read and confirmed, Shaw-Oimpbell-Wm. Clark wee re. appointed Clerk, slalary CO. 1 "ofinteheotl -- Taylor.• Mr. Peter liiae1 ab and Mr. Biohar8 Jahniton were appoialed auditors, salary $8 ea4b, TWENTY YERS AGOG (From TtlV1<aul r zaa; f 0 Friday, Januars 28th, 1Sa7.1 LOCAL NEW. On ac000ut of the regent heavy thaw the prairie is handsel with water. Dr Gu..n, ui Bract field, who to w511 and favorsbty rain an in Wiugbam, will have charge of Dr e1.e•"donald's practice during the petty: sl o tt'ipai) n. While ek. ri•tp• down by the pre ria, on Wednee.iasy,A.rn,ai G, Cilia, the young son of N+•lsoo Gaiffi-i beets) through the iae and stunk ov r tiro 'haat its water. Sev- eral of ht+t cowpeui,,ns rushed to his as- sistane': n.id men sg.•d ro drag him out. Oa '1`a,••sd sr F•vs,tung of test woeb the following offl yrs ot Wingham Lodge, No 280, A F & A M., were installed by Dr ram lye Past °Master; E. L Diakenecn, W. M ; J. le Iiineoots, S. W; W E G rtvc'& J W ; J A. Mor toe, eec't+tris, ; 13. Wiliam, trsasnrer; Charles ylcCounell. S. 17 ; A Yauug, J D ; Jas Fleury, I. G.; R Paulin, tyler. We have tee ser:.ssars Ibis week of an- nouea ne III,• mammas or S. E 1Mferri- Cmmpben-M:C.7teheou,-Tbo ordin- ars towesh'p printing for the current year M as awarded o to W. H. Kerr, re- muneration, $40 00 Tay ler -1M1;r.Cnrohsnn -Te Clerk was instructed to solicit tenders for the oort- structiou of the Ellison drain, tenders to be opened at the Town Hill on the Ilth Feb. next at 2 o'clock p m. Sna -Campbell,--Mr. W. J Joho- ,ton was appointed mtmbar of the B .ard of 8•'alth, in plane of the late W. J. Johnston. McOatohe•'n--• Campbell. -Dr. Hamel+ ton was appointed Ma,dical Health Offi• car, MoOntchesou--Shaw -Mr. John Wat- son was appointed Assessor at a salary of $70 00 Accounts were ordered to be paid as follows: -Wm. Wella, filling on south boun.iary, $f5; S, V tanorman, inspect- ing filliog,;near Belgravia $3.75; Wm. Ltsidlaw, Jas. A Moore, 5 Irvine, Thos, Miner, Robt Garnise, and Silas John- ston, Deputy Returning Officers tees, kelt $4; D Laidlaw, Geo. McCall, Robt McO-ea, P. MoNab, Wm. Guaira and Jas. Peacock, Pall Clerks fees, each $2; School Sections Nos 1, 9, 5 7 and 10, for nae of school house, at election, each $3; O Turvey, cleaning award drain, $1 25; P Fowler, gravel, 22 70; R. Prootor, collector's salary, $85; R Prootor, post- age and stationary, $8; Sick Children's Hospital, donation, $5; R. Yoaill, material for bridge, $2; W. Clark, post- ing financial statements and election ex- penses, $10; W 11 Kerr, balance print- ing account $20; T. S. Brandon, part salary, $75; Jno. Scott, gravel, $5.90; Municipal World, election forms, $7 20. By-law No. 1, 1907 was duly read and passed. Campbell -Taylor. -The Council then adjourned to meet again on the llth February next, W. OLARn, Clerk. Guaranteed Stomach Remedy. Will Refund Money if Mi-o-na Fails to Cure. Yon may ask why it is that Mi-o-na stomach tablets are sold under a guar- antee to refund the money unless they cure, when no other treatment for stom- ach troubles is sold in this manner. The answer is simple and conclnsiye. Other medicines for stomach troubles : merely digest the food, while Mi-o•na strengthens the whole digestive ayetem so that it soon becomes able to Dare for all the food that is eaten. It you do not nee your area or leg for a month, the muscles become flabby and weak and you hays to resort to artifioial help. It is the sante way with the stom- ach muscles. If they are not used, they become so weak that it ie .necessary to continue using digestives with the food sea eat. On the other hand, when you use Mi- o-na, your etomaoh soon grows so strong that you can give up the use of medicine. Mi-o-na costs bat 50o a bog and does more re 1 good than a dozen boxes of or- dinary digestive tablets. We absolutely agree that your money will be refunded should you buy a 50oent box of Mt•o-na stomach tablets and not be satisfied with the results. Mao-na is sold by druggists everywhere, or will be sent by mail on receipt of price, 50 Gents, Write to -day for a free sample pack* age, and alto give us your symptoms, and one of the beat known stomach specialists will give your case hie cares fel and personal attention Without charge. Booth's Hyomei Company, Buffalo, N. Y. THE MOTOR CAR. (London Opinion.) Stinkle, Stinkle, motor -car, What it wretched thing you are! Breaking made up through the town, When you are not breaking down. Braving cabmen`e persiflage, One you rush from Wild garage, With rude Bound Mind fury fraught, Ornel modern Juggernaut. How shall we escape the reek, As you bubble, groan anal Igueask? Gioggtsd driver, fouling ,air, Hear ni when we humbly swear. Stinkle, *Stinkle, ndotor-oar, Aw otitr metal yore daily jar- Imp of Haden -only wow. Teke orao - Take our eta rlialttag carne, Loeal history of the early 80s. Items from Tb.e "Times" fylei field, oneof Mingham ' s most highly* res emoted, young men, told Miss Minnie Small, a most estimable young lady of Mount Forest. A largely sttended meeting of the Young Liberals et Wingham and vicini- ty was held on Monday evening, when to Young Menai Liberai Gab was re- organized and the afoltowing oMears were elected for the ensuing year: S. G McGill, president; Frank Holloway, vioe•prealdent for Wiagham; A. Tipling vine -president for Tarnberry; Jas. Hen- derson, vise-presideit for Morris; R. Carrie, jr., vioe-president for ,East Wa- wanosh; J. Conti, treasurer; R. E McKenzie, secretary; John Henderson, J. W. Iuglie and G. McIntyre, executive committee, TOWN DIRECTORY, RY',. BArrI.$T thermos -.-Sabbath, *Services at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School at 2;30 p tn. General prayer meeting on Wodneeday evenings, Rev. E. R. Rivas, B.A., pastor. I3 Y L U. meets Alondey eve mugs 8 , n Abner r Cose s B.S. Suporinteudent. M allonIST 0nm:eon-Sabbath aeryloe*S at 11 a m and 7 p m, Sunday School at 2:80 p m, Epworth League every Mon- day evening, General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings, Rev. W, G. El tws lu, pastor, A, E. Lloyd, 5, S, Superintendent, PRasBYTll1srAN 01wzsoa-Sabbath ser. vices at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School at 2:30 p m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. D. Perrie, pastor. L. Harold, S S. Su- perintendent. Sr, PAUL'S Oguua01I, EPISOo$AL-Sab•• bath services at 11 a m and 7 p m, Sun- day Sohool at 2:30 p m.. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev. T. S B ivle, M A., B. D., Reotor and S. S. Superintaudent. John Taylor and Ed Nash, assistant Superintendents, SALV tereei ARIIr-Service at 7 and 11 MARRIED, a m and 8 and 8 p ra on Sunda-^, and Cassels--Dodds-At the residence of every evening during the week at 8 0 olook at the bacraoke. the bride's mother, on the 26th inst, by th3 Rev. H. MaQeirrie, Geo. Ousels, of Pose O8'F10ra.-Qffiee hours from 8a ni East Wawanosh,to Miss Frances Dodds, to 6:30 p m. Peter Fisher, postmaster. of Wiagham. PUBLIC LniaAaY-Library and free reading room in the Town Hall, will be open every afternoon from 2 to 5;80 o'clock, and every evening from 7 to 9:30 o'clock. Miss Maud Robertson, librarian. TOWN' OouNOIL-W. Holmes, Mayor; Dr. A J. Irma, Reeve; David Bell, D. M. Gordon, Thos. Gregory, John Kerr, D E. McDonald Wm. Nicholson, Ooanoillora; J. B. Ferguson, Clerk and Treasurer; Anson Dalmage, Assessor, Board meets first Monday evening in each month at 8 o'olook. HIGH SCHOOL BOARD.- John Wilson, (chairman) Dr. J. P. Kennedy, Dr. P. Macdonald, Dr. R. 0 Redmond, J. A. Morton, 0, P, Smith, W. F. Vaustone, Dudley Holmes, secretary. A, Cosens, treasurer. Board meets second Monday evening in each month, CHEER UP. Don't be discouraged 'Dense de oloads is black; Sunshine is a-lraitin' Foh to travel back. I's seen rain a' plenty; Thought 'Would never quit Thu derin' and lightnin'- But i ain' drowned yit, When de snowstorm's threateniu' Don't you be afraid; Spring will come as usual, amain', undismayed; When de rose is bloomin' You won' mind it a bit. I's aeon a lot o' winter, An' I aftt' froze yit, Washington Star. Character in Medicine In medicine, as in every sphere of human action, it is character that tells, Every presoription that Dr. A. W. Chase gave to his fellowmen is fell of ohareot. er, fall of the honest, /sterling oharaoter which made the grand old doctor re- speoted, admired and loved by all who knew him. The integrity of Dr. Ohase 18 ahowu in every one of his famous family medicines. C:/A.SS er CIe rt. X As.. The Kind Yon Have Mays Bonghi Beare the Signature izeze THE' FIRST DAY The firat day of oar Winter Term will be JANU \RY 2t 1907 We will then- re -open with un- doubtedly the largest class in the history of t iia sohool. If you want the education that prepares for good positions, write for our catalog ; costs nothing. Berlin Business College W. D. EULLR,I - Principal Treasurer's Sale of lands for Taxes. PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD. --A. E. Lloyd (ohairman), B Jenkins, H. E. Isard, T. Hall, fi. Kerr, Wm, Moore, Alex. Ross, O. N. Grifiln. Secretary, John F. Groves; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. Meetings second Tuesday eveningin each month. HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS -J, A. Tay- lor, B.A,, principal ; J. G. Workman, B. A., mathematical master ; Alias F. B. E-stoheson, B.A., teacher of English and Moderns. PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. -A. H. Musgrove, Prinoipal, Miss Brook, Miss Reynolds, Miss 'Farquharson, Mies Wilson, Miss Cummings, and Mies Matheson. BOARD OF HEALTH -Thos. Bell, (chairman), R. Porter, Thomas Greg- ory, John Wilson, V.S., J. B. Ferguson, Secretary; Dr. 3. R. Macdonald, Medical Health Officer, OUTSIDE ADVERTISING sucOrders steachefor rs insertion busiinvessNchances mechanics wanted, articles for sale, or in faot any kind of an advt. in any of the Toronto or other city papers, may be Ieft at the TINES office. This work will receive prompt attention and will save people the trouble of remitting for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest rates will be quoted on application. Leave or send your next work of this kind to the TIMES OFFICE, Wingjiam. IT PAYS Town of Wingham, County of Huron. 7ro Wit : By virtue of a warrant under the hand of the Mayor and seat of the Corporation of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Karon, bearing date the twenty-fourth day of Nbvem- her, 1000, and to me directed commanding me to levy upon rho la••ds mentionedin the follow- Aring list, for arrears of taxes Ino thereon, and ta therein set forth, I haroby give notice that, unless the Raid arrears and costs are sooner paid, i Shall proceed to eels rho said land, br so much thereof as eha11 be neasesery • for arrear,, and costs, at the Town Hall in the i said Town of Wingham, on Saturday, time Zed day of (larch, in the year 1007, at the hour of i two o'clock 1n the afternoon, in compliance With the proristons of the Assessment Aet. Arrears, Costa. Total Lot No, 6 on the east side of Scott street, re Tait Scottie survey, patented $15,89 $2,90 $1$,29 Lot No. 7 on the east side of Scott +street, 0 Tait Scott's _ survey, patented 54,00 2.86 16.$5 A Lane about ten feet wide aitSesapt.O Totta er y, a 2.14 2.75 4,80 Lot No. 10 on the east side of Shnter street, go'teernment Northport• li of No'12, Peter 42,50 11.5b 10.05 Fisher's eubdivia(on of park Lot No. 26, eateuted 8.81 2.76 6.06 Lot No. 22 north aide of Mc- Intosh atreet,Peter Fisher's orielnalmillreseree pat84 2.75 $.60 Lot No. 28, north tide of Mc II►toadx tltreet,Peter Pigher e orgqi(nalmillreserva pat.84 2,76 8.80 f4onthpart Lot No. 1e, West side of Catherine street, Leet sad. Mel y'l l snrvey pittemied.... ,.,J. B.• .. ".auso N', TreMnrer,, Wed, Trammell oiAoe, Winglaara, Noe, nib, IOW. TO ADVERTIS.E IN T I,E 0 ESTABLISHED 187a THE WINO. a TIMES. Is1'Ul3 L ISH15D BVERY THURSDAY MORNING --4T^ T1 a Times Wilco, Beaver Block WINGRAM, ONTARIO, • TSltxa or SUAa0RIPTioN-$1.00 per annum in. advanoe 81.5015 not so paid. No paper discon- staged till $il arrear, aro paid, except at the option of the publisher,. ADyaRTIBIN5 RATaB. -- Legal and other casual advertisements loo per Nonpariel line for first insortton, 80 per line for eaoh subsequent insertion. Advertisements in local columns are oharged 10 els. per line for Brat insertion, and 5 cents per line for each enbsequent insertion. Advertisements of Strayed, Parma for Sale or to Rent and similar, 81.00 for first three weeks, and 25 cents for aaoh subsOquent in- eertlon.n4 oNT O ox RATas-The following table shows our rates for the insertion of advertisements for epeoided periods:- aPAaa 1 YR. 6 Mo. 8 Ito. Imo OneColumn ,$70.00 840.00 822,50 88.00 Half Comma . ,... 40.00 05.00 15.00 0.00 Quarteroolamn.., .... 20.00 12.60 7.60 8.00 One Inch ...... 6.00 8.00 2.00 1.25 Advertisemeata without a eoitlo direotione will be inserted till forbid and charged accord- ingly. Transient advertisements must a paid for in advance, TIIa Jou D$pAU m'mNT 1a stooked with an Ing oaffording ilitient ofe lnol tgeegsualledrin the eonntyfor turning ont first plass work. Large typo and appropriate cute for aUstyles of Post - era, Hand ills, eta., and the latest styles of holce fancy type for thg. e finer classes of print ' H. B. 15 ,T,IOTT, Proprietor and Ptblieher r7T P KENNnDT, M. D.C. M.P. S. O, tion. Member 7Medallistf the British eddisiiMedne 1 Speecial attention paid'to diseases of Women and Child, ran. Office hoary -1 to 4 p. m.: 7 to 9 p. m DR. MACDONALD, • Centre Street Wingham, Ontario. DR. AGNEW, Physician, Sdrgeon, etc, • Soi%caedathofficDg Store. Night calls answered at the e • DR. ROBT. C. REDMOND, M. R, O.R. (Eng) L. R. O. P. (Land.) PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Office, with Dr. Chisholm, RVANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, RTO. Private and Company fonds to loan at lowest rate of interest. No oommissiou charged, Mort- sloverlibought and d. town and B Bocproperty Wngim J• A. MORTON, BARRISTER, &o: Wingham, Ont. E. L. DIoirINSON - Dm,nay efona gs DICKINSON & HOMES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Rte. MONEY TO LOAN. OBM'ION: Meyer Block, Wingham, . JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCR AGENT, Wingham, Ont ARTHUR .1. IR,WIN, D. D. 5., L. D. s. Dental• r of College sand Surgery of Licentiate of the Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgeons of 'Ontario. Office over Post Office, Wingham, Tar3. PRSOE, B. S. A., L. D. 8., D. D. S. �T rT + DENTIST (Successor to Dr. Holloway) Will cupied continue Dr �olloway, the the Beaver Block, Wingham. ALE%. KELLY, Wingham, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Huron. sales of all kinds conducted at reasonable rates. Orders left at the TIMES office will receive prompt attention. FARMERS articles and they wish to�disnpose of ,hon d adver tise the same for sole in the TIMES. Our large circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if yon do not get aouetonier, We can't guarantee that you will sell because you may ask more for the article or stook than it ie worth. Send Your advertisement to the TIMss and try this plan of disposing of your stook and other articles. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. • GRAND Tilt/NZ RAILWAY 8YSTRM, TI,A,INB 7.ZDAVE Bore London . 6.40 a.m.... 8.80p.m. Toronto &East 10.40 a.in.. 8.48 a.m.... 2.40p.m. Kincardine -11.15 a. m2.08 p-111..,. ARRIVN rreost l;incardine ...,8.40 a.m.-10.40 awn ., ..2.40 p,m, London.. 11.10 awn... 7.85 p.m. Palmerston 9.85 a.ni Toronto & East 2.08 p.m.... 9.15 p.m. L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. v TRAINS r*&Yn BOR Toronto and East0.55 a.m.... 8.84 p.m. Tee8water pen.1.25 p.m....10.51 p.. lreaivn triune freeswater6.45 awn .. 8.26 p.m.Toronto and Cast .mpan. 3. Agent.Winghani. B0 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS; DESIQNS COFYrHCH7a,l m, minima eehdliig a &ketch and _description tea innerly ascertain our opigni�on ree Whe�t&h&r as ton, stitch° conndenrttpaat Handbboolt on Patein. sent free. °ide&t, gne,'forsecnrt �tfata tr. Petonte taken throe h Montt &n"0o. Meths*Via00406t 11101011t {t, 14 the AlitatiAsoi,a61y illiertraaed•wesk4r elreet eolatton of anyeet etqiteap Journal. T yI 81 a year:fear InonIke, SI, 5014 eyaltYtkBir de tidlM&. UNN Co.9etafsr**i.Neyil ri Brent* 194 I 54..117ashbKoa. SENSIBLE YARDING. 1"lau Recommended br a Wail' eellOWn Asnriculturul Authority. A style ot yarding recommended by Professor James E. Rice of Cornet; College of Agriculture and shown herewith consists of a long or contin- uous house 240 by 15 feet, divided into pens 15 by 10 feet, there being sixteen. pens or fewer, the samo proportion, ot course, being maiutatned. This is a most convenient arrangement, says L. E. Keyser in Poultry Success. Tim yard Is 800 feat each way, containing 90,000 square feet or pasturage for 800 or 900 fowls. The pens are aznple fox fifty fowls. There are a little over two acres in the yards. A method followed with similar yards Is to confine the fowls to the north yard about Aug, 1. Then the south yard Is plowed and about Sept, 10 sown to rye and grass seed, or clover may be sown on the rye in the spring. When the rye has, made a good start, say the eatddle of October, the hens are turned on it andi allowed to run there until confined to the house for winter. In the spring the north yard is plow- ed and planted to corn,�,which is culti- 70 ' ewes e ant t: i1 /!t ------/6x/S424O' aoew vua Q LOCATION OF HOWE AND DOUBLE )(ANDS.. vated in the usual way. After the last cultivation and the corn bas reach-; ed a , considerable belght, which will; be about the 1st of July, the hens ares aIiowed to run in both yards. The, corn affords them shade, and they wale low in the soft earth, eat the lower leaves and suckers and keep the corral well cultivated. They will get some of'. the lower ears, but on the whole thee crop will be about as large as if the' hens did not occupy the yard. They; will not have been able to stamp down' the rye, and some of this grain will ripen, If the hens do not secure it all, it may be cut and used for winter lit- ter. In September the hens are again- confined to the south yard, the corn in the north yard is cut, the land plowed and sown to rye, and the following sea- son the south yard is planted to corn. This gives a constant rotation of crops on the land, which keeps it sweet and at the same time affords considerable food for the fowls. Feed For Waterfowl. In ° feeding the young of all, kinds of waterfowl depend upon the mash. Nothing is better for them than ground, oats, corn and bran, says the Feather, -equal parts in weight mixed into a, semi -dry mash and fed to them fro boxes or troughs, not a large amount at any one time, reasonable amounts frequently. Always have a full wa- ter supply near at hand. Waterfowl always eat a little, then drink a little, This they keep up until fully satisfied.: An inexhaustible supply of green food is an absolute necessity for the raising of geese. Nothing is more easily raised; when once hatched than the young gos-' lings. After they have become a few. days old they may wander with the; mother goose, provided they are watched a little when they go about the water or storms come upon them. After they are a month old they can, battle with the parent geese in the struggle for life. "Scaly Leg" Is Contagions. Scaly seg is a form of scabies or mange, caused by the mite known as the Sarcoptes tautens. It is a con- tagious disease, but does not spread very rapidly, and there may be only a few affected birds in It flock at ohe time. When the disease is first ob- served prompt and energetic measures should be adopted to eradicate it. The affected birds should be isolated to prevent the spread of the contagion. Begin treatment by soaking the legs in warm water to which soap has been added until the scales have become thoroughly softened, and the Ioose scales can be removed without causing bleeding. After this has been done apply a good coat of carbolic ointment or balsam of Peru. This should be repeated daily for three or four days. Beef Scraps. Beef scraps is the•nanie of a byprod- uct of slaughtering houses and consists of waste pieces of the animals, such as shins, heads, lights, the "sticking pieces" etc. These aro steam cooked, then subjected to strong pressure to extract all the fat possible, then kiln dried and ground into scraps or meat meal. When rightly made, they are a fine animal food for hens and chicks, but if filth and offal are thrown in with them they are anything but a good food. They are then • only fit for ter - Wizen The Ban P>iarker. The buff turkey is of American Oft«. gin, leaving been brought out but a #e*: years ago. Plumage color, pure but, the wings being a very light sisade 14 butt. Standard weights Cock, alf liofnndin. dockerel, 18 pounds; ben, 1t pdrindss; pullet, 12 pounds. Dieq laid' 11x8 ivetghte; OOek, less that, 18 poandl4. heti, lest there 12 pounds. pretunewass in 'Wreathe* 1ibsisa. . If you hope to critre ailments In po tom, you mast Ctmtfi litia a to treat theft !Matt the stOpearance of 'the first *ea Do atitilogey4 at roil 1elq: