HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-01-31, Page 11 VOL XXXYL-NO, 1825. What is the hest Emulsion ? ANSWER: HOWARD'S Why? le It contains 50 per cent. Pure Cod Liver Oil. 2. It Contains Hypophomphites aid: Glycerine. 3. Is easy to take, and a perfect Emulsion. FOR SALE BY Walton •McKibbon THE DRUGGIST Macdonald Block, Wingham. $540 per year Mise Snell, formerly of Bine- vale, is receiving $45,00 per month' from the Calgary Milling Co., ° Calgary. This estimable young lady had only a common sohool ecitcation, and in a few months with ns prepared for the above situation. With a few years' ex- perience Miss Snell will receive at • least $75,00 per month. Stenography is better than school teaching. What we have done for others we can do for yon. Enter any time. Individual instruction. Write for catalogue. Wingham Business College (Affiliated with Clinton Business College) ORO. SPOTTON, - Principal. RE4.44+444. MINNIE M. , Williams SHAKESPEARIAN RENDERING "The Merchant of Venice" WINGHAM OPERA HOUSE TUESDAY, FEB'Y 5th In aid of Wingham Hospital. Plan of hall at W. MoKibbon's drug store. Open to subscribers Friday, Feb. let, ,at 8.30 a,m. General public), 2nd to 5th. e tot , N4%.4•44e144;14414414+44-31;4•+++++ . , 'GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Near Oreer's Shoes and Rubbers Appointed cjrand Steward. At the annual Onvocation of the Grand Chapter of ILoyal Atoll Masons, held in Toronto last lveek, Dr. Kennedy of thia town was ap inted Grand Ste- ward by the M. 0. rand Z. ./ ••" IC.nozei great sale ow n. Bargains In all goods. Knox' s J elry store. A tlonlplete line of ohs, Rubbers and Shoes now on hand at R. Joluiston'a Boot and Shoe Store. Curlers Last Friday wi Vtingham rink. from Luoknow, El ad and bad A ye • `seen*. play. Tltej Winghstra Dr. MattdOriald,'• WhighaM LtreknoW. p. ni. and on holi V. Patterson, ek, 16 3. Bryan, sk....14 and to 5 pak, Wirigham.tIItIL aerviee to the peo A. IL Crawford Dr. Ireland think it hardly skip . .18 $kip........21 ante elicadd be hi Lttoknow. Mount Forest, W. Allan, ek.... .26 Ge0. Allen, sk 12 et until 9P. nu, VichnOtara, Harrisisis. the Meru The Minnie M.jWilllams Concert In the Wthgba#1 Opera Hone oti Tuesday evening, Februar . The following talent wll tak. t:—Miea Mies 0 isholm Mr. F. J. Hill, soloiete; Iiss B. H. Reynolds, pianist, Highest price paid for bides and poul- try at T. Fells' butcher shop. High School In pector Here, Mr. 3. E, Wetherel of Toronto, In- spector of High Soh IS, was in town this weele making his frat inspection of Wingham's new HigliJ School. Daring his stay in town Mr. etherell was the guest of his old pur4ls, Dr. and Mrs. Kennedy. SLAUGHTER SA-LE—Cash slaughter sale of Dress Goods, Furs, etc. G. E. limo. New Vestbt The Grand Trunk has put on a new v which passengers ma Kincardine to Toroni leaving Wingham at turning at 9 15 p. m. one of the latest, an in the service will n ed by patrons of the ed Coach. Railway System tibnled coach by be conyeyed from without change, 6 40 a. m. and re - The new conch ie this improvement doubt be appreciat: oad. Highest cash price paid for butter and eggs at W. Bone's groeery, Chisholm block, Donations o Hospital. The following 4onatlons have been received during th past week; Huron County Connell g4.nt, $500; "Special", $53.61; Bank of amilton. $25; A. L. Hamilton, $25; John Kerr, $20; F. Longhnrst, $10; Griffin Curled .Hair Co., $5; A. Bennett, old boy, $5; A. E. G riflin, old boy, ,;5; Young, $5; T. M. Henderson $5; Robt. Maxwell, $5; Benjamin Detoore & Go., muresoo, valued at $5. BIG SALE—Don't mites the opportunity of buying goods betow wholesale prices at Kaiser's, the Jeweler. Celebrate 90th Birthday A most enjoy ble gathering was held in Blair at the r sidence of Mr. and Mrs G. A. Tilt, csi Thursday, January 17th, it being .he celebration of the ninetieth anniv rsary of the birthday of Mrs Wm Tilt, mother of Mr. G. A. Tilt. Mrs. Tilt is sti I remarkably smart for her age, and if able to read the daily papers and ta all public aff is ax aunt o Wingham. a wonderful interest in ra of the day. Mrs. Tilt Mr. Abner °omens, of Call at R. Johnston's and see his line of Felts, Rubbers and Shoes and be con- vinced. Health Ontario. The monthly ret rns for December, 1906, as received at the Provincial Board of Health office fro the division re- gistrars of no m ioipalities, with a population of 1,961, 00, gives the 'deaths for the month fro all causes at 2,100, a rate of 12,8 per th nand of the report- ed population. T e figura indicate a slight excess of den he from measles and typhoid fever or the corresponding month in the previ LLB year. There were 51 ones of smallp , compared with 127 in December, 190 and two in 1904. Of scarlet fever ther were 112 oases and 12 deaths; diphthel , 203 cases and 26 deaths; whoopin cough, 13 cases and four deaths; m ales, 147 cases and seven deaths; typ oid fever 178 cases and 51 deaths; c usumption, 158 oases and 143 deaths. Petition for I triproved Service. During the past week a petition has been cirouleted am nig the business men of the town, ankh g that changes be made in the pos office hours. The petition alike that e office be open to ,m. to 9p.m. and to om 3 a.m, tO 9 p.m. e to be open all day r the general pub - and frOm 4 to 5 p.m. net need for an imt sent service, we are the petitioners are re than ii reaionable. a singleent service • e offioe were open to m. lie from 8a, ut. to 7 ye from 11 to 12 a. a. xn. to Op. m. and is would give a good o of this section. We nary that the aseist. tenclanoe at the wit*. the early hour at ails trete be Made • , box -holders from 7 the general publi0 On holiday. the al to box -holden; and ere Busy. lic from 10 to 11 a.m a busy day at the 'While there is no d p rulers were presentrevenient on the p rieton, and lit. rOr. 01the (*aim that interesting atter. asking for rather m following are the re. We would oonaide would be given. if Mount Forest box.helderi from 15 Dr. %maim, ek 18 for the general pu 011atea. 6 R. HOlton„„,,,26 up it 00t1sideisid, t WINGITAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1907. Wingham A. An emergency m Lodge, No, 286, A. F. held on Thursday eve The regular February Tuesday evening Feb 5 ren are cordially lavltj TAKE NOT1011.—.A.11 paid at once, The R. & A. M. ing of Wingham & A, M. will be ing, Jan'y eeting will be on all visiting breth- d to attend. accounts must be H. Onownnn Co, Director Lost, The Wingham sup ly of the Deoenaber issue of the Bell Tele hone Co. directory has been lost some p. ace between here and Toronto. The directories were shipped from Toronit on the lith of December, but as ye have not reached Wingham. Submit ers will now 'mote the reason they hayI not been eupplied with a copy of the n w directory. Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, 370 Queen's Aeenue, London, 3rd door East of St. Andrew's Church, Thanks frJm Auxiliary. Tho Lay SuNrintendent and her assistant, with the President and mem- bers of the Woma: t's Auxiliary of the Wingham Genera Hoepital, wish to thank the people oe this vicinity for the generous way in w rich they responded to the request for d nations for the Hos- pital. (Mete) G. V STONE. Con Seo. WESTERN M NEY MAKERS. The undersigne wishes to correspond with or see perso ally, any pars persons who wont wish to 1 est in Wertern Lands orpity proper or in British Columbia nit land: • s I have for sale some of tle Oleic e and. ben money making pro in flow n the West, including lots in Vi' nii g, Edmonton and other western dti t Improved and unimproved landie in Manitoba and Saskatohewan in eemolesale blocks to sell at from $7.50 per acre and up. Investi- gate at once as het values are advanc- ing. Enquire of L. Agnew or Thos, 11. Taylor, Wingham .1 N. BELL, Wingham. Free Tele hone Service. Mr. P. N. Tans ey, local manager for the Bell Telepho Co. this week reoeiv- ed instructions ft m the head office to at once instal a lo g distance telephone in the Wingham ospital and give the local service free o oharge, as the com- pany's donation o this very worthy enterprise. This ndness on the part of the Telephone Co parry is very much appreciated by e Hospital Board. The number of th phone will be 114. I have quite a number of good mond- handed watches from one dollar up, all it good running erder and must be sold regardless of their value; also 2 silver show oases that must be sold. Call and see goods and be convinced of the great bargains. Kaiser, the Jeweler. St. Andrew's Prc The annual ming St. Andrew's Presb held on Tuesday ev well attended. T Perrie, oconpied th ent reports showed been prosperous du total reoeipts from sbyterian Church. gational meeting of terian Church was ing, and was fairly e pastor, Rev. D. chair and the differ - hat the church had ng last year; The 11 sources amounted to some 113,900, be ng an increase of about $300 over the previous year. The contribntions to Ste schemes of the church amounted t i $466.20, an increase of nearly $33 ove the previous year, adding to this amo nt what was contri- buted by the Sab ath &hoot, Mission Band and other •°Drees, brought the oongregation'a co tributions to missions up to some $730. T e meeting empowered the Session to pur base individual cornmunion cups. T is movement is only in keeping with t e times and the action of the meeting eh uld be approved by every member of he congregation. The report showed a stance on hand, but during this month .xtra expense has been incurred which w 1 put the congrega- tion in debt. Thi year however, will likely close with everything clear of debt. Digin the ear 52 members were added. Thirty-six removed. from the bounds of the cong egation,and six were called away by dea h, leaving the mem- bership at 410 at th close of the year. The board of Mana era for 1907 are R. A. Hutchison, Joh Ritchie, Itobt. Max. well, D. T. lIepbn ,Alex Young, Wm, Nicholson, D. °aerie, L, Harold, and John?. Linklater. 11.1.1amilton WAS re. engaged as coretaket. The salary of Geo. W. Oline, the choir leader was increased by 650, showing th t his eervioes are ap. predated. The E dere are P. S. Link. , later, Wm. S. Li star, john Atom., L. Fyfe, Jos. Ad LP. Campbell. The pastor, Rev. D. Pe 0, and the membent Of the congrogatloz are to be congratu. lotted on the mete Int standing of the ohnroh, Into His Nel quarters. Mr. I, Davie, col otor of enstoms, yesterday won i to his new and spacious apartments in the postafdee building. The office -s well arranged for convenience in 41 e transaotion of businen, Fon SAM—Erick Nene and lot; also a good brick hone —Ma. all modern convinces; hard and 0 dt water, good barn, and from one tq four acres of land, Get particular at the Times office, Offenders Brough to ,Justice. The looal justice mill as been grind, ing during the past w k. On Friday last, Howard. Finlay, J eph Finlay and Jas, 11. Finlay appear before Police Magistrate Morton, on arges preferred by Mr. L. W. Han n. The charge against the first named was that of us - lug profane language, nd against the latter two of grossly In ulting language. After hearing the avid nae of a number of witaesses, the magi trate imposed fine in each case of $5. and $2.85 costs. R. Vanetone prosecut d, while the de- fendants were not - °presented. On Saturday this same trio - were again brought before the P. 11 , to answer to the charge of assault 'referred by Air. Edward King. The oence was oommit- ted on the evening of the 21st inst. A number of witnesses w ire examined, the case luting the greate • part of the day, On Wednesday the Aolice Magistrate gave his decisions. J . H. Finlay was fined $2 00 and coats, J seph Finlay $10.- 00 and costs, while Howard Finlay was sentenced to one mo th in the county jail, and also to pay he costs, which in each case amount o $6.30. Dudley Holmes conducted th • prosecution, while the defendants' lute este were looked af- ter by R. Veneto e, Last week the Times expressed th hope that these of- fenders would be br ught to justice, and we have hilt to exp ess our satisfaction in knowing that the erpetrators of row- dyiem on our streets or public places will not go unpunished. tie hoped, however, that such oases will '. the futare be very rare indeed, The New Hos The formal opem new hospital on Thar very successfully and ed the building, but weather kept a num home. Mr. Thos. Bell, Board, and Mrs. C. M dent of the Ladies' Au the visitors. The ladie luncheon and during Citizent' Band furnishe gram. The hulloing ha ed as to furnish ace forty patients. Mise Ka of Buffalo, has been superintendent. We issue to give our reade oription of the building is a list of the donatio thus far received: Rec nished by Walker & ital Opened. g of Wingham's ay last passed off any people visit - the disagreeable er of people at President of the Walker, Presi- iliary, received served a light he evening the • a musical pro - been so arrang- mmodation for hrine Stevenson appointed lady pe in a future a general des - The following in furnishings tion room fur- Cllegg. Private 1. rooms furnished by os. Bell, Wing - ham; John Leslie, 2trinnipeg; Wm. Button, Orangeville; Walker Bros. & Button, Wingliam. Loretta Ward, fur- nished by proceeds of Rev. Father Tobin's leotnre. Dini tg room, furnish. ed by Canada Furnitule Manufacturers. Lady Superintendent't room, furnished by H. 0. Bell, Wing tam. Range for kitchen, donated by Restern Foundry Co., Wingham. Hall gee by S. Graoey. Donations of furnit re, dishes, linen, eto., by The Bee Hive Co., 0. N. Griffin, Geo. Mason, 3. H. Chrietie, Mrs. 3. B. Ferguson, Mrs. A. E. Smith, John Galbraith, Wm. Bon e• H. E. Isard, Rev. N. S. burwash, Mee Lizzie King, Mrs. and Min Baer, Mrs. r. 0. Smith, Misses McLaren, Robt. Mo 'ey, Miss Boyd, F. H. Walley, Mre. oily, Mre. Arch. Taylor, Mrs. H. H. ,Chisholm, T. A, Mills, J. F. Hartz d Co., (Toronto), Newton Brown & 4e., (Toronto), Mrs. (Dr.) Irwin, D. M. Gordou, Miss K. II. Fisher, John Lenno , Mise Bugg, Young & McBurney, Bis & Ball, Thos. Field, J. O. Leckie . J. Nioholls, J. Kelly, T. Fella, L. e Indy, W. G, Pat- terson (clock), hire. It bertson, Mrs. W. i ore (10 pillows/. IL Green, lflisi Ell rnyn. Conduotor Connell, Mrs. Deii Mrs. O. M. Welke, Mrs, Fergie; Mr. Tougher, Mrs, Ph an, Mts. Cunning. hem, Miss Teresa elly, Mrs. Ilepburn, Mrs. John Arm . Becatete of the large attendance t the opening it has happened that th lialileti Of some donors were not obtainsobtaiuoj and 14 1. hoped that any omissions o this kind will be par. her seemed desirous of ite........g the u nishing committee, it doned.IAa 7 has been sugge ed that among' Other requitemente ar the following: Rubber Itl:labilIFIC 'int= idle; p o ny"' all el" - e y hro-gbotit the building, furniture for 4ho head nurse's room, linoleum tor dlfrxing room and kitehen, rug for reoeptidn room, mins for bread, ooffee, tea, eto, bedside tables, drafters And wash eta cis for teems partially furnielied, pill we, table elethe, nit.pkine, blankets, towel. and A Secretary. MOUNT FORE T WON FROM HOM TEAM. In probably the aetest game ef hockey ever played on Wingham rink, Mt Forest stepped int._ first place by defeat. ing the local puck chasers on Friday night, the more be 'ng 6 to 3 favor of the visitors. Mount Forest team accompan ied by 300 oupportera arrived in town by special train at 8 cit.:look, and it was neatly 8 30 when eferee Chas. Rankin, of Stratford, caU4 the teams together. Mount Forest pres nted a line-up of all "hired" men and i praotice looked very formidable but th i supporters of the green and white little thought their favorites would go Gown to defeat even at the hands of the visitors brought in from all corners of the country. The game started fat . and furious and Wingham landed fret goal and it look- ed as if the home cam was going to climb away with he game, but Mt. Forest came bob etrong and soon tied the score, bat Fleming soon forced Wingliam ahead. by a shot from centre and although they hit the bar and posts and the goal tend many times they failed to pierce th goal while Mt, For- est notched two be ore half time, the last being ecored after ime was up but al- lowed by Referee iankin, The second hall was mostly 3t Forest, who scored two goals to the lo als one, se d the, game ended 6 to 3 in &vier of Mt Forest. For the visitors Moen lough in goal was a stone wall and say d his team defeat by his excellent stops and Marlott, one of the "hired" men fijom Otterville, starred on the forward ne. For the locals Elliott and Fleini g on the forward line showed fine forn and McGillivray as rover played a hard game, but the defence seemed to have an off night, many easy shote beating them. Referee Rankin of Stratford refereed to the beet of his ability, but Eddie Wetlaufer can teach him the game, Line-up McCallough • , goal Moore Haletead. . 1 poiut .. .... Wilson McLeod .. .. , ...cover point ,.. .. Johnston Kennedy, ...... „, . rover .. „McGillivray Moncrieff , ... .... centre McLean Menai' right wing Elliott Marlott ele t wing,. ,.....-Fleming at The Gorrie Ho key Cleb played the return game wit the Wingham Busi- ness College on 1onday night and lost by a soore of 9 t 7,at half time the soore being 6 to 3 in vor of Wingham. Pro- prietor Spottoi4of B. C. team refused to allow any outs de juniors to play and the red and w ite was purely college team, but pm, up a wonderful game of hockey, H. Elliatt, 'Cody, White and Trout being the most conspicuous. For Gorrie their tea n all played well and Howe, Sandersen and Howson gave B. 0. defence lots o do. McLean in goal missed some go d ones in the first half but was almost 14oiiewalI in second D. D. Wilson was .eferee and made the 'kids" play hooey all the time. The line-up. MoQuaig... ..... goal. McLean White , ......... e. point. .... Sharpin Lowery cover point. ..... ..Irwin B. Elliott .... ... rover...—. Sanderson Cody centre. King Trout 1 ft wing Howson H. Elliott right wing Howe In a Northern on Tuesday nigh eagne hockey match Harriston won from Mt. Forest at thelatter place, the score being 7 to 4. This makes a more hope- 1tul outlook for e boys retaining the cup. The locals lay in Mt. Forest next Tuesday night, r d are going down with the expectation alf winning the game. NOTIOE.—I ar sending out a le‘ber , of accounts, an having no °Mott down town, I have aranged thate' payment may be made at he office/ or the Cana- dian Bank of Clo mercek*there receipts will bo given for he amounts. W. IL GREEN. Death of . Cameron. Mrs. Cameron, w e of Rev. Dr. A. A, Clameron, of Ottaw4, whose death was stateti in our last is e, in 1905 attended with her husband tie World's Baptist Congress, and addreesed the assembly in the interests of Canada. She returned broken down in hea th. Mrs. Cameron was born in Oagooda, near Ottawa, and was the youngest lighter of John Fish. er, late of 'Ningbo She was married in 1869, Mr. Camaro t being at that time the young pastor of tie StrathroyEaptiat Church. Since then she has been the devoted wife and eftscient helper during his pastorate in 4ttawa, Winnipeg, Denver and New Yo4k. Her many gifts, social and public, ad ea to her cheerful disposition, made he4 pronitnent in 'ad, omit forms of Ohri tian service, Her death tomes with g eat regret by her many friends. Be des her sorrowing husband she learee4xree daughters, the Misses Mamie, Chri.ine and Rattle, also three brothers and two sister*, Peter Fisher, postmaster, 'Wingham; Arable Fisher,mancifisettim, Paisley ;301111E11h. er, Regina; Mimes 11, rigid and K, ht. Fliher of 'gingham/ Si A TEAR IN ADVANCE WELL-KNOWN PEOPLE mrt. •IOHN CURRIE. Warden of Jitudu County. The Tmxx, this • eek gives a picture of Mr. Jobe, T. C4rrie, Reeve of East Wawanooh, and Iwho was last week honored by the II rou County Council in being elected 7varden. Mr. Currie was born in the Twoship of which bela now Reeve, hie fether, Mr. Robt, Currie, of Wingham, bei ig one of the very early pioneers. Mr. Cerrie's Beet experience in public affairs Nan as e School Trustee in S. S. No. 11, .nd for a number of years held the eisition of Secretary - Treasurer for th • section. In 1899 he entered the Tmvnithip Council' as a Councillor and let this contest headed the poll, and agaserved as Councillor in 1900. He was Reeve for 1901 and 1902, giving good service to his muni- cipality. In Jaw my, 1903, he contested this division for leoanty Council honors and was unsuccettful, but in January, 1905 he was elect% d as a County Coun- cillor, polling a very large vote. In reverting to the o d system of the Reeves forming the Comity Council, Mr. Currie again ran for the l'eeveship and was elect- ed over Mr. Wm. Beecroft by the narrow majority of two. The new Warden has given rat:M.04)a matters considerable study and he shaald fill his new position with much °nide= to himaelf and honor to his municipalr. CLEAN SWEEP S&nx—Lasf Saturday, first day of H. 11 Isarde& Co's 10 day male; although r th extra help they were unable to to all customers. Next Saturday t will have still more salespeople, so tl at customers willhave better service. etig bargains for every- body. Change 'n Landlords, This week Mr. T, W. Orf, who has for some time been tjie landlord at the King Edward Hotel, 41.. his business to Mr. Algie, of Goderich Mr. Algie was for- merly a G. T. R. conductor running out of Goderioh. Just received 0.1.. new colored pictoral post Gard Ingham views at Knox's jewelry store. PERS NAL. we shall be glad t have contributiorus to this column from any j1our readers. If yon have visitors or purpog4 going away yourself, drop in and tell us, or s4nd us a note to that effect. Mies L. Meyer, o Victoria, B. C., is visiting Mr. and Mr4 Thos. Bell. Mrs. P. S. Linklat friends in Goderich Mr. and Mrs, F. a few days with frie r was visiting with ar a few days, '11 were visiting for de at Petrolia. Mr. John Oampbe , of Warman, Sask. Is visiting with Win ham relatives. Mr. Geo, Mellen le is visiting with her daughter, Mrs, edding at Toronto. Rev. Father Rani n, of Clinton was calling on Wingha friends lad Thurs- day. Mra. H. B. Elliott was visiting with Mrs. E. H Kaiser at Mt. Forest for two days last week, Mr. W. W. Baer f Winnipeg was the guest of his brothe , Mr. E. Baer, Ed- ward St., for the at two weeks. Mr. C. K, Wil n, Manager of the Bank of Hamilto at Swan Lake, Man,, is calling on his o d Wingham friends, Mrs. Taylor ha returned to her home in London atter a nding a month with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mc - Chicken. Mr. John Taylor ,of Hanover, was via. 'king his father, Geo. Taylor, of the 13.1ine, Turnberryj and his sister, Mrs. W. 3. Currie, of Eat Wawariosh, dux. ling the past week. Mr. and Mrs. 3T. Currie, of East Wawanosh, were rt Toren° this week, attending the It leral of Mrs. G. Mel - lash, (a elder n_ Mrs Carrie), whoa, death took pip% suddenly Saturday eyenittg. The demoted, wheee Maiden mane Wits Rebecca Riggine, was form. erly *resident of East Watrailesli. YOU WILL FIND that the Drugs and Medicines you purchase at our store are fresh and pure. NV e keep everything that Ought to be in any iirst.class drug store; /JO do not pass us by. We use you right, and appreciate your trade, at Walley's, IDruA Store Iftt PHONE 100. WINGNA.M, ONT. ,1101.1.J 1 1,, 11 11 11. 44 mi. 5 i,i Properly tOwners Will find it distinctly to their advantage to make me their agent; based on quick returns and satiate°. tory dealing. The following list are a few of the many properties for sale: $1050-134 story house, 8 tooms, and. repair, rents for $96 per year; John St. $1100-1% story frame house, 8 rooms, hard and soft water, fine cellar, ex- oellent repair; Francis St. $1200-13 story new solid brick house, 8 rooms, a comfortable home:Charl- es St. $1250-134 story house, 8 rooms, hard and soft water, nice location, rents for $102 per year; Victoria St. $1300-2 story frame house. splendid cellar, stable worth $$00, fruit trees, rents for $109 per year; Leopard St. $1300—new brick cottage, 7 rooms, hard and soft water, stable; Joeepli- ene St. $1500-2 story house, 9 rooms, good repair, a beautiful home; Scott St. $1950— 2 story brick cottage, 7 rooms, electric lights, good stable; John St. 820O0-14 story double house, 10 rooms. all conveniences; Minnie St. $2500-2 story house, bath, electric lights, two 1.5 aore lots worth $1000, stable worth $500; Minnie St. $2700-2 story solid brick house, bath., furnace, °add not be built now for $4000; Maple St.. If you want anything at any time in Real Estate, come direct to head- quarters. Money to loan on farm security. J. It cnisHoui, Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Agent. Vanstons block, Wingbaro. Dr. Ovene, Oculist, London, Surgeon Eye, Ear, Non and Throat will be at Mc- Kibbon's drug store, Tuesday, Feb. lith. Hours 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. Glasses prop- erly fitted. 4.111 IN Li THE LEADING SHOE STORE Great Clearance Shoe Sale I. ! EVERY WINTER SHOE !JUST LEAVE OUR STORE We will not carry Shoes over from one Season to another, there- fore eery pair of Man's, Wein- an's, Boys', Misses' and Children's Felt Shoes and Oyershoes, will be priced so low that they will go at once. Don't fail to see the bargains we are offering in these lines. Yon should 555 (nar stook of Trunks and Valletta before pur- chasing electirhere. W. J. Greer TEE SttOER