HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-01-24, Page 88 "001,Willt%%11,41,1001014/0110404/41,11/4%/WWWWWW0,411111 A Great Sacrifice Sale of Furs AND ALL WINTER GOODS During the month of January Fine Sleigh Robes, regular $1.2 to $15, sale price 60.50 Men's splendid Black Fur Coats, in ilne curl Persian Dog, regular $35, sale price 27.50 Ladies' Astrachan Coats, regular $25, sale20.00 tc $30, " 26.00 I I $35, " 27.50 Electric Seal and Bocharan, with Sable Collars and revers, regular $45, sale price .. ; 37.50 With just the same reductions on all our very large assortment of fine but smaller Furs. Ladies' Cloth. Coats and Misses' Coats must sub- mit to the same severe reduction. Youths' and Boys' Snits and Overcoats at the most tempting prices ever heard of in Wingham, Comte and see and you will be convinced that this is the greatest opportunity of saving money ever offered. D. 11. GORDON. 4411eiteil, MINOR LOCALS. —Mats and Weekly Globe for one year for only $1.85. —Have you renewed your subscript - tion to the Tines? If not, "Do it now." —Mr. W. J. Plenty, late of Wingham has sold his newspaper property at Brig - den. —Regular meeting of Court Maitland, Canadian Foresters on Friday evening of this week. --Messrs. Jas. Armstrong and W. H. Gregg, of Gerrie, have been appointed justices of the Peace, --Owing to the darkness on Saturday the electric lights were put into service" during the afternoon, —Many people are taking advantage of Our special offer of the TIMES and Week- ly Globe for one year $1.35. —Huron County Council is in session at Goderich this week. Reeve Irwin is in attendance from Wingham. —The many friends of) Mrs. John A. Mowat will be sorry to learn that she is seriously ill with pneumonia at tier home in Acton. CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS A simple and effective remedy for SORE THROATS AND COUGHS They combine the germicidal value of Cresolene with the soothing properties of slippery elm and lico- rice. Your druggist or from us, 100 in stamps. [ammo, Mars Co., Limited, Agents, Montreal. 4ot —The glove works at Toronto of Mr. A.C. Chapman, formerly of Wingham were damaged to the extent of about $5,- 000 by fire on Saturday last. —The editar of the TIMES has reoeiv- ed an invitation to attend the seventh annual At Home of the Huron Old Boys to be held at Tiorouto, onFebruary 15th. —Last week Mr. Wm. Nicholson sold big house and lot on Centre street, occupied by Mr. D. T. Hepburn to Mr. Thos. Field. Mr. Field has !secured a good house. —The annual meeting of North Huron L.O.L. will be held in the village of Blyth on Tuesday,Feb. 5th, at 10 o'clock a. m. for the transaction of business. All member e invited. Visitors welcome. —On Friday last, the Wingham Bast - meg College hockey team journeyed to Gorrie to play the team of that town. Nothwithstanding the thirteen rigs of rooters the College team was defeated by 14 to 9. --During Saturday night's severe whadeatorm one of the big chimneys on ' the North at. Methotits4 church at God - °rich went ever with a crash, smashing through the roof and ceiling of the choir loft and almost wrecking the organ. —Mr. Geo. Harris, sr., who was one of the pioneer residents of Turnberry, lassoed away at his home in Gorrie on Tuesday of hist week in his 89th year, lifr. Harris was for many years a resident of Wroxeter before moving to Gerrie some Ave years ago, I' --The Municipal World puts the mat- ter in this light: "If you want to injure your town, bay nothing at home that you can get elsewhere, and If you are in business), don't advertise." There is a good deed of sound sense crowded into a small speed in the above. —The funeral of the late jots McGuire took place on %tardily afternoon and large number of our townspeople at- tended to pay respect to one of the pione. reettlents of the town. The palbbear• seta were Mama mom Bell, A. Roo, IL Davis, Z. A. Marton, *Thos. Gregory, sted John Marlin, TEE WINGILAM TIMES JANUARY 24, 1907 PUBLIC $01-1001, BOARD. The that wtlug of Winghata 'ublio Sohool Board for 1007, was held as per data°, on Wednesday evening, January 10th; members all present. The Secretary read the statement of the Town Clerk, certifying to the eleot- ion of the following trustees;—Ward 1— H. E. Isard. Ward 2—B. Jenkine. Ward 3—A. E. Lloyd. Ward 4—Theo, Hall, Seoretary Groves tools the chair, when it wee pureed by Trustees Hall and Griffin $ that A. E. Lloyd be chairman for 1907— carried, The minutes of December meeting were approved. The report of the Principal for Decem- ber showed the attendance as follows:— Average in Dept. 1-44; Dept, 2-41: Dept. 3-45; Dept, 4-45; Dept. 6-44; Dept. 6-42 and Dept. 7-56; total average -217. The Prinoipal aloe presented the annual report, allowing —Boys registered, 252; Girls registered, 310; Total pupils regis- tered, 562; Aggregate attendance, 71,220; Average attendance, 366; Teaching days in 1006, 201; Sohool was open, 199 days. Classes—In Part 1-80; Part 2-07; 2nd Book -113; 3rdBoo-116; 4th Book -04; Contianetion class -92; Total -502. Promotions—Part 1 to 2-46; Part 2 to Sun. 2nd -43; Jun. 2nd to Sen. 2nd -40; Sen, 2nd to Jun. 3rd -39; Jun. 3 to Sen. 3rd -41; Sen. 3rd to 4th -32; Entrance class -27; 2nd Class certificates -11; total promotion -279. Receipts—Bal. from 1906 05.45; Gen- eral Gov't grant, $262,00; Continuation class grant, $700,00; Non-resident fees, $70.00; Sale af seats, $100.00; Taxes of 1906, $4457 00; Total, $5654.45. Expenditure—Salaries, $3576.65; Re- pairs, fuel, caretaking, secretary, sup- plies, eto., $1555,86; total, $5112,b1, On motion of trustees Hall and Griffin, the reports were adopted. The statement of the Bank of Hamil- ton was read, stating that on Jan'y 4th, the balance to the credit of Board was $733,94. Griffin—Kerr—That the aotion of the Chairman and Secretary in paying the bplance of elate roof account be ratified —carried. Griffin—Kerr—That Dr. Redmond be re -appointed member of High School Board—carried. Kerr—Jenkins—That W. MoKibbon be re -appointed to Public: Library Board —carried Committeea—The following commit- tees were appointed :—Finance—Trus- tees Griffin, Hall and Isard. Property— Moore, Kerr, Lloyd and Rose; W. Moore to be chairman. On motion of trustees Hall and Kerr, J. F. Grovesvas re -appointed Secretary, and on motion of trustees Griffin and Isar& J. B. Ferguson was re -appointed Treasurer. The following accounts duly certified to, passed for payment:—W. G. Gray, teaming coal, eto., $12,85; A. Ross, wood $3.75; 3. Brock, work, $4.20; J.D.Burns, supplies, $.96; J. McLean, lumber, $4.85; Wm. Moore, work, 86.55; Wm. Gannett, wood, $10.00; E. Dennis, teaming, $1.75; j. Roe, wood. $14.00; W. Nicholl, wood, $13.50: D. Fryfogle, rep. and material, $2.50; T. Taylor, 2 months rent, $16.00. It was decided to ask for tenders for caretaking of the School, tenders to be received up till 29th inst. The Board then adjourned. 1 —The Wingham. Branch of the Wo- man's Institute will hold their regular monthly meeting in the O.O.P. hall, on Thursday, Jan 31st, at 2.30 p.m. Sub - jade for diecussion: "Home made can- dies," "Winter diet," and "Indoor games for the children," Ladies are all cordially invited to attend. M. I. Gillespie, Sooty. Homy Your Heart Flatter Yon know heart fluttering means you're not as well as yon should be. It is an evidence of impaired nerve and muscular power. To obtain euro, try Ferrozone ; it has a special action cm the heart as seen In the case of Thos. Grov- er of Cole Harbor, N. S., who says: "If I exerted myself it would bring palpita- tion. To carry any heavy weight or go quickly upstairs completely knocked me out. When bad attacks came on I lived in fear of sudden death, Ferrozone gave my heart the very assistance it needed, and now I am quite well." For heart or nerves it's hard to excel Ferro. zone, 60c per box at all dealers. PERSONAL. We shall be glad to have contributions to this column from any of our readers. If yon helve visitors or purpose going away yourself. drop in and tell us, or send us a note to that effect. Miss Lizzie Gilchrist is visiting for two weeks with friends in Chatham. Mr. D. C. McKenzie, of Winnipeg was °ailing on Wingham friends this week. Mr. Thos. Cassels was in Olinton 011 Monday attending the funeral of his uncle. Mr. David E. Hastings, of The Dallas, Oregon, is visiting with his relatives in Turnberry, Mr. Robt. Maxwell, of the Bluevale road was visiting for a few days with relatives at Galt, ' Mr. Jas. MoKelvie, of Petrolia was visiting for a few days with old Wing - ham friends. Mr. Ohas. Turnbull, late of the Bank of Commerce here has been promoted to the branch at Brantford. Miss Ramage, St. Helens arrived in Own this week to attend the steno- graphic department of the Wingham Business College, Mr. J. N. Bell, real estate agent, of Brandon, with Mrs Bell,are visiting with relatives and friends in Wingham and East Wawanosh, Mr. F. W. McGuire arrived hbme from Winnipeg on Saturday morning to attend the funeral of hie father and is spending a few days at his home. Mr. and Mrs. John Bryden, of &Inver - ton were visiting at Mr. Wm. Maxwell's, Bluevale road for a few days. Mr. Bry- den is a brother of Mrs. Maxwell. • CHILDHOOD AILMEMTS. As a remedy for all the ills of child- hood arising from derangements of the stomach or bowels Baby's Own Tablets have no equal. You do not have to oat or threaten yonr little ones to take • em,, children like them. The ea with which they can be given as onapared with liquid medicines wil appeal to every mother. None Is e. led or wast- ed—you know just ho •ig a dose has reached the little o.. •h, And above all mothers have White guarantee that the Tablets ntain no opiate or poisonous soOthin Muff, They always' do good, they can't possibly do harm. Mrs. Edward Donovan,St. Agatha, Que. .aye:—'I am delighted with Baby's 01411 Tablet,. 1 know of no medicine that can equal them in curing the ills of yttig children." You can get the Tab- lets from any druggist, Or by mail at 25o box by' writing The Dr. 'Williams Medicine 41o„ Brookville, Ont. CHURCH NOTES. The annual congregational meeting of St. Andrew'e Presbyterian Char& will be held in the lecture room of the Church next Tuesday evening. ' The Rev. W. G. Howson, of the Meth° Jilt Church, will take for his sub- ject next Sunday: -11 a,m. "Through an art gallery, on the walls of whioh, hang the pretreat; of some of Wing - hams worthies," 7. p, m. "A common sin of the streets," Men specially in- vited. All welcome. The Rev, T. S. Boyle is preaching a series of sermons on Sunday evenings on Christian Evidence. They are popu- lar and historical in forra, The missionary contributions of St. Paul's congregation this year are $50 in advance of the sum asked for. add over $100 more than in previous years, BORIC Ll'uttny —In Morris, on January, 6th, the wife of Mr. B. Laundy ; a daughter. TAyron—Tn Morris, on January 14th, the wife of Mr. Chas. R. 7ftylor; a sort. MARIIIRD MAIUME-,-MCICAIr.—At the Presbyterian Church at Whitechusch, On January 151h, by Rev. George P. Duncan. Mr. James W. Markle, of 'Wavrota, Sask. to Miss Sarah P., second daughter of Mr. Hector McKay, of Rinlosa. EA1UI4E1—MeLnAlt.—At the Presbyterian liaise, Mt'oet, on Zan. 15th, by the Rev. Mr. Hanna, W. J. Ifni -rim, of Gerrie to Misa Belle McLean, of Harriston. DIED 13TnErrox—In Brussels, on Zanuary loth, Zane McCrielten, beloved tvife of James Strat- ton, sr., aged 71 rests, 4 months and 23 days. MePRAIRSON—lriTurnberry, on January 22nd Wm. McPherson. aged 80 year and 8 months, (loom—In Actcm, on jatittary: 21st, Mary Groves, relict of the late James Grores. of Wingham. aged 77 years. Seat Luelinew oriJaa, 141h, 1e07, Mts. Sarah Bell, aged 7 yeara and 5 montlich RA Ttelm—In Welt Vrawarloah, en am) leth, Margetet Reynolds, teed es yesra 11 ARMS,—In Gorrieeon armor' 1011, George Ea rrit, in his Beth year, • r--0411•40141100404•0•411001010•01.4140.4000411 • Grippe -Or Influenza, whichever you like' to call it, is one of the most weakening 0 diseases known. 0 Scotes Enna:don, which is Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites in easily di. gested forxn, is the greatest strength -builder known to medical science. It is so easily digested that it sinks intei the system, making new blood and new fat, and strengthening nerves and muscles. Use Scott's Ematsion after Influenza. invaluable for Coughs and Colds DOMINION BANK SPECIALBARGAIK IIEAD OFFICE TORONTO. Capital paid up, $3,ounl000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $3,928,738 Total Assets, over 49,000,000 WINOHAM BRANCH, Farmers' Hetes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Intereet allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal 30th June and 31st December each year. — IN — Watches, Clocks• and Jewelry R. KNOX'S • D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. Watchmaker and Praotical jeweler 043.04100.410000000011040061 ALL DRUGGISTS; 500- AND $1,00.; MEETINGS OF ist-• EAST IITJRON 1.9 e i ,0' Farmers' Institute will be held as follows: FORDWICR FEBRUARY 4t12., 1.30 p, ni, -Thos MolfiIlan, Seaforth, "Breeding and Marketing Beef Cattle"; W. F. Kidd, Simooe, "Am 1 Raising a the motet Profitable Horse?"; Miss B. Maddock, Guelph, Address. - 7 30 p. m.—Thos, McMillan, "A Talk to Our Young People;" W. F. Kidd, "Dropped Siitches;" Miss Maddock, Address, BLUEVALE FEBRUARY 5t 1.30 p. m,—Thos. K. Bennett rex- eter, "Dairying;" W. F. Kb , "Am I Rising the most. Profitabl orse?" (A. live animal will be an it for objeot lesson.) 7.30 p m,—Thos. °Milian, "A Talk to Oar Young People;" W. F. Kidd, "Dropped Stitches." JAMESTOWN FEBRUARY 6th, 1.30 p. m.—Thos. McMillan, "Breed. ing and Marketing Beef Animals;" W. F. Kidd, "Dairy Cow, her summer care and winter feed." 7,30 p. m,—Thos. MoMillan, "A Talk to Our Young People;" W. F. Kidd, "Dropped Stitehes. MOLESWORTH FEBRUARY 7th 1.30 p. m,—Thos. McMillan, "Breed- ing and Marketing Beef Animals;" W. F. Kidd, "Cultivation and Manures." 7.30 p. ra.--Thos. MoMillan,"Demands of Oanadion Agriculture;" W, F. Kidd, "Dropped Stiches." A musical program will be given in the evening. Everybody Welcome. Tilos. MCMILLAN, P. A. MCARTHUR, President. Secretary. FARM FOR SALE Lots 4 and 6, Concession 17, Howick Town- ship, containing 250aefes, mote or less. belong- ing to the estate of the late Jas. Ritchie. There are about 165 acres cleared and balance in swamp and wood land. The farm is under drained and fenced throughout. There are on the promises a two story brick house with stone foundation, brick kitcken and stone woodshed, cement cistern, furnace, etc. There is also a good frame barn With stone founda- tion and stabbling underneath; large driving shed, pig and hen houses. .A. drilled well with plenty of water forced. to house and stable by a 16 ft windmill on barn Windmill also used for chopping. This farm is located five miles north of Gorrie and three and a half miles east of the village of Behnore. Close to school, etc. Any one desiring a first-class farm in a good locality at a reasonable price would. do well to investigate. .Apply on the premises for full particulars. THOMAS RITCHIE, Delmore, P. 0. THE BEST PLACE IN WINGHAM TO • SECURE A Piano Organ OR Violin IS AT DAVID BELL'S Terms to snit purchaser. titivvvVYWYSIVYVVVVYYVVVVVvV 100 per Gent. value It's the all-round value that counts up. You will appreciate that more by giving this store a fair trial. Your Money Refunded for anything leaving my counter in Grocerlee and Provisionif not exactly ati represented. JUST TRY My special blends of Teas and Caftan. They are undoubtedly the best that moneycan buy. Give them a trial and be convinced. Coffee, 250 and 40o per lb. Teas, 25o, 80o, 40o and 50c. PRODUCE TAKEN. 411 Henry Christie Greeer and China lierehtint wxtraabi, ONT. MAAAAAAAAMAMAAAAMAAMAA DO YOU WISH TO VISIT California Mexico Florida OR TUE Sunny South Are you anxious t a escape the cold weather and snow. and spend the winter in the "Land of Fruit and Flowers ?" Winter tourist tickets- are on sale daily, and if you are contemplating a trip see that your tickets are routed via the Grand Trunk. For tickets and full information as to rates, routes and train service call on L. Harold, Depot Agent. J. D. MoDOwALD, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. CENTRAL "died' STRATFORD- ONT. The Leading Commercial School of Western Ontario. Our courses are thorough and pra- Meal while the teaching is done by able instructors. The ambitious young men and women who desire to get the beat possible commercial training patronize this school while Business men are in search of our graduates to fill responsible positions. The best time to enter our classes is . NOW. Beautiful catalogue free. 1 1 ELLIOTT & M'CLACHLAN PRINCIPALS. WINGHAM Flour Mills We are often asked by farmers, whioh is it better for them, to get wheat gristed, or buy &Mr, grist- ing is the cheapest, you will save from 25o to 30o on each bag of flour, and then you get our flour, which is the best. We have our chopper running again and can chop from 4,000 to 6,000 lbs, an hoar, so their will be no waiting to get your ohop done, PRICE LIST Five Lilies flour, bl, $2.10 to $2.30 Prairie Rose " " 2.00 to 2.20 Star - " " 2.00 to 2.15 Cream Pastry Flour 1.80 to 2.05 Low grade Flour,ton 26.00 to 27.00 Bran, per ton 17.00 to 18.00 Shorts, " • - 18.00 to 20.00 Soreenings 18.00 to 20.00 Chop 20,00 to 25.00 Winter Wheat, bus. .08 to .70 Goose " " .60 to .62 Manitoba " .75 to .85 Goode delivered promptly to all parts of the town. HOWSON, HARVEY & BROCKLEBANK, WINGIEEAM Machine Works Havingoeoured a first-class machinist, tan prepared to do all kinds) of repair - log on the shortest notice. Also CASTINGS MADE TO ORDER are 6180 building a fair Portable Sawing Machines --..seradthing new. Oafl and inspeot before placing your Order elseWhere. W. G. PATON. 22 Yemeni, Souotter, THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000. Reserve Fund, $5,000,000 HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO B. E. WALKER, General Manager ALEX. LAIRD, Asst. Gen'l Manager' BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND IN THE tUNITED STATES 'AND ENGLAND A GENERAL. BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED COMMERCIAL AND FARMERS' PAPER DISCOUNTED SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT 74 Depositof $1 and upwards received, and interest allowed, at current rates. The depositor is subject to no delay what. ever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit. WINGHAM (ONT.) BRANCH - A. E. SMITH, MANA,GER. gust Wien You ice( ?ie Goods With a long stretch of cold and frost still to come and just when you need the goods The Bee Hive Two Stores are offering wonderful price inducements on all kinds of Winter goods. J. OLEARING OF ALL LINES. These stores don't propose to carry over goods, of any kind from one season to another nor do we expect people to purchase Winter Goods under warm weather conditions—therefore while it is positively necessary to provivde self and family with warm comfortable ap- parel we place on sale at quick clearing price, our entire stocks of high-class Winter merchan- dise The Clearing of Stocks is ours. The Money Saving is yours Easy prices for buyers 50o Wool Toques fine quality - 85o 40o Wool Toqueclearing at 80o 25o Wool Toqueth sale Pr/00 • 190 600 Wool Hoiseey, at topeoial 88o 85e Wool Hosieryt now at - 290 25o Wool Hosiery, going at 7, 20o More Price Induce- ments. Ladies extra quality black Sateen tlnderekirte, you get 85o value kind for • • 68o $1.00 BlackSateen tInslerakirts for 80o $1.25 value kind at • • $1.00 $1.50 quality noir at - - $1.20 Overcoat Clearing. Its less than cost of produotion but we'll move 'eat out. $4 Overcoats for - $2.50 $5 Overcoatd for 53.00 $7 Overcoat)) for - $4.50 $9 Overcoat)) for - - $6.00 Underwear Clearing. Undeawear made by the best mills priced like this Special 50e value quality, now - 40o Special 750 Value quality, now • 60o Special 650 value quality, now • 52o Special 60e value qtality, now 4 48o Spoial $1 value quality', now - 800 iiimalm•••••••••••••• 11 _waitemakiwillOmaiV Wonderful Clearing Prices in all Department THE BEE HIVE CO. TWO STORES. Next door to Elmer Moore's and in The Carey Stand. • sk•