HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-01-24, Page 6ti Kernels from the Sanct THE WINGW[Aht TIMES JANUARY 24, 1907 The following frau: this county arc NERvou um mill taking the short course at the Ontario Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. A man who is waiting to have someone give him a Start can see his finish with his eyes ehnt, Bears the Tilm Kind You lima Always Bod gig f a� � a(4A era Half a million grouse and nearly half million partridges are killed yearly in Great Britain. SPICING 3IEDICINE. As a spring medioince Burdock Blood Bitters has no equal. It tones up the system and removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired, weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. A Mt. Forest farmer tried to Bell two boys as part of a load of hay and got caught. Have You Eczema? -Have you any skin disease or eruption? Are yen sub- ject to chafing or scalding? Dr Agnew's Ointment prevents and cures any and all of these. and cures itching, Bleeding and Blind Piles besides. One application brings relief in ten minutes, and cases cured in three to six nights. 35 cents. - 71. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. It is said that goodness is rare, but be- ing good seldom attracts any special at- tention, ',we notice. en, 'St Cne ? X -A.. Bears tho The Kind You liaeeAlAlways Bought Signature of a theills t of Tees - water registrar for o v g recorded during the year 1906, 18 births, 16 marriages and 13 deaths. Many people say they are "all nerves," easily startled or upset, easily worried and irritated. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are just the remedy such people require. They restore perfect harmony of the nerve centres and give new nerve force to shattered nervous systema. A scheme to shorten the voyage be- tween Britain and Canada to four days is to be placed before the British Perlia - =tint, DR. A. W. CHASE'S 25c.CATARRH CURE is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. 1 Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and permanantly cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Toronto and Buffalo. Mr. Jas. Harkness has bought the front half of lot 20, 4th eon., Culross, from Peter MicNaughton. Price $1,500. A Cry for Help. -A pain in the baok is a cry of the kidneys for help. South American Kidney Cure is the only cure that hasn't a failure written against it in cases of Bright's disease, diabetes, in- flammation of the bladder, gravel and other kidney ailments. Don't neglect the apparently insignificant "signs." This powerful Iignid specific prevents and cures. -70 Sold by A. L. Hamilton. Mr. Geo. Buxton has sold the Waver- ly House at Clinton, to Mr. Goo. Ste- wart, of Goderich, who takes possession on the let of March. We have nos heard what Mr. Buxton intends to do. He has for years had the reputation of setting one of the best tables in. Western Ontario. Health Insurance for Women. "Woman's work is never done." There is always something to do -running up and down stairs, lifting, bending, straining -no wonder the Kidneys become affected. That is why so tetany women suffer with Headaches, lame back, dragging pains through the hips, nervousness, weak spells. When the Kidneys are weakened or strained, the delicate female organs are dis- turbed and inflamed, bringing on a train of female complaints. Insures health to women who work. Bu - J u keeps the Kid• net's strong and healthy, purifies the blood snpply, and acts as a gentle, strengthening tonic on the delicate female organs. Br,AiC$', One. ""I was not able to do my own work in the house, and was barely able to dress myself. My fingers and hands were all stroller! up with pain. 1 think there is nothing like Bu -Ju. Am able to do nay own work now with comfort, which I want not able to do before taking Bu.J'U. ikI>3e. Jas. 1MfeLnrcIIi ir, I't at • J tt is invaluable duringpreg- nancy. Alt expectantniothers should take a ills-Jts Pill at bedtime, to insure her swat hod& and that of the held. yoc. a Savo boor. At all druggists, or from IHS CI.AIt't.fN CHLMICAIL, Ca., 1.1141110 WItt'DfOft, ani". 7f Mr. Jas. D. Hinchley bas sold bis fine farm of 100 acres, on eon. 7, to Mr. John Scott, for the sum of $6300. It is ane o': the best farms in the eastern end of Hal- lett. Dr ,Agnew's Catarrhal Powder Rev W. H. Main, pastor of the Baptist Ena- mel Church, Buffalo, gives strong testi- mony for and is a firm believer in Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. He has tried many kinds of remedies without avail. "After using Dr. Agnew's Ca- tarrhal Powder I was benefited at onre," are his words. It is a wonderful reme- dy. 50 cents -65 Sold by A. L. Hamil- ton, having won it also in 1900. When it is remembered that the best shots in America compete for this prize, Mr. Cantelon's success is all the more praise- worthy. If you are constipated, dull, or bilious, or have a sallow lifeless complexion, try Lax-ets just once to eee what they will do for you. Lax.ete are little toothsome Candy tablets -nice to eat, nice in effect. No griping, no pain. Just a gentle laxa- tive effect that is pleasingly desirable. Handy for the vest pocket or purse. Lax- ete meet every desire. Lax-ets Dome to you in beautiful lithographed metal boxes at 5 cents and 25 cents. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. Mr. John Rome, 12th con., Culross, has sold his farm to Mr. Condy. The price is $6,000. Mr. Rome will reinvest in another farm, likely in Culross. South American Rheumatic Cure Cures Rheumatism -It is safe, harm- less and acts quick -gives almost instant relief and an absolute cure in from one to three days -works wonders in most acute forms of rheumatism. One man's testimony: "I spent 6 weeks in bed be- fore commencing its use -4 bottles our - ed me." -66 Sold by A. L. Hamilton, Mr. Wm McDonald, of Rolland, Man. is visiting his brother.in-law, John Mc- Rae, 2nd line, Culross. Mr. McDonald went west 25 years ago and has not since visited Culross. Row to Prevent Biliona Attaok6. One who is subject to bilious attacks will notice that for a day or more be- fore the attack he is not hungry at meal times and feels dull after eating. A dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets when these first symptoms ap- pear will ward off the attack. They are for sale by all Druggists. Out of nearly 20,000 Barnardo boys who have come to Canada, 98 1-2 iper cent have succeeded, This is a pretty good record, and shows that the boys do not deserve the hard name they some- times get. HOW'S THdS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any case of Catarrh that can- not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Oman aY & Co, Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 16 yearn, and be- lieve him perfectly honorable in all buss. news transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WALDING, KINNAn & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal- ly, noting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi- monials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- tion. Mr. John Turner, of Hills Green, gold to Mr. Anderson, of Forest, a team of four year old geldings, weighing 3,600 pounds. The price paid was in the neighborhood of $;700. THE LADIES' FAVORITE. Lasa -Liver Pille are the ladies' favorite medicine. They onre Constipation, Siok Headache, Billionsness, and Dyspepsia without griping, purging or sickening. Mr. Robt. McCabe, of town, and Miss Mattie Johnston, of Goderich Tp., were married quietly at Victoria St. Parson- age, Goderioh, on Wednesday, Jars. 17th - at 6 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. McCabe will re- side in Goderioh, Little BrareL.-01d time a quarter -a box "Purgers" aro quitting the field in whole battalions. Dr, Agnew'e Little Liver Pills at 10 cents a vial are dri'fifg them out at all points. Because they act gently, more effectively, never pain, and are easy to take. Siok Headache succumbs to one dose. --69 Sold by A. L. Hamilton. The Stratford Herald says: Two young boys made a fuss in a London, Ont. drug store, when they were reins. ed cocaine by the druggist A police- man removed the lads from the store. London druggist may this sort of thing is by no means uncommon, and according to their statement there must be a large number of boye and young men addict - ad to the use of morphine and cocaine. One druggist relates how one rrotnwn showed hint her arm, whioh Was oower- ed with soars made by the needles need so inject morphine into her Nysten. Agricultural College Guelph: C Arm - Strong, 13ruesebi; John Elder, He sail; Do You Brood? J. D. S. Lovell, Wroxietor; Robt, Ste. Have morbid Fears? wart, Hensall. Toss in Your Sleep? Help the Overworked Heart -Li the great engine which pumps life through Your Physical Condition is Below your system hard pressed, overtaxed, Par and Must be Built up. greening under its load because disease Try ,Ferrozone. has clogged it? Dr Aguow's Care for the Heart is nature's lubricator and cleanser. and daily demonstrates to All the vital activities of the body are heart sufferers that it is the safest, surest quickened into new vigor by Ferrozone, and most speedy remedy that medical which ooutains all the constituents nee - (weary science knows.- 67 Sold by A. L. flans-. to make nerve Strength. Ilton. Its firbt action is upon digestion. It stimulates the secretion 01 gastric juice, ensures perfect digestion and pre- pares the food so as to be easily assima- lated. Thus everything you eat is converted into nourishment that enriches the blood and lends new strength to the nerves. BF Ferrozone the mind is relieved of there brooding tendencies, of morbid nn - natural fears, of uuwillingness to con eentrate attention on things that should be done. Wou't yon try Ferrozone? Won't you give it a chaueo to win you back to health; it will do it, just as it did for Mrs. Cr. ighton Zi ok of Palm St., Lurenbnrg, N. S., who says: -"I wan't to give my experience with Ferrozone because I believe it will bo of aseistance to thousands of woman who need it bad- ly. I was very thin, run down in flesh and lacked color. My nerves were in a dreadful state. If anything fell I would jump and start. At night I would sud- denly wales up, heart palpitating and all keyed up. Ferrozone went right to work. It restored my poise and balance, gave me self-control, cured my nervousness. Mr. Robt. W. Moore, of Manitoba, - Ferrozone inoreased my appetite and my who at one time resided on the corner of - weight came up so ifast that I simply the 16th concession and the Huron road, didn't need to use it any longer. Eight Mr. and Mrs, Alex McDonald of the 4th line west, Culrees, accompanied by Mrs. Anthony McDonald, have gone to Michigan where they will attend the marriage of their daughter, Miss Agnes, to Mn. O'R:rk. Thi marriage took place on the 23rd. For Ov4,r Sixty rears. An old and Well -Tried -Remedy -Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions of moth- ers for their children while teething, with perfect sucoces. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, oures wind colic, and is the beat remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure yon ask for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Goderich township, is down here on a visit after 20 year's absence. Although nearly 80, he looks unusually well. He Dame down to look after the sale of bis deceased brother Charles' farm, near Chatham. Indigestion that menae to human happiness, pitiless, in its assaults, and no respecter of persons, has met its con - enterer in South Amerioan Nervinetie with two others, and six birds were allowed,, to shoot off the tie, "Shorty" killed the six straight, which neither of dispels emaciation, and brings,back the _ the other two did, and thus won the glow of perfect health. Cores hundreds championship. This is the second time boxes mired me." Why won't you nee Ferrozone also, it certainly iv i11 do you good in many ways -sold by all druggists in 500 boxes. At the Hamilton Gun Club contest on Wednesday, Mr. J. E. Cantelon, of Olin - tan, had the honor of winning the live bird championship of Canada, with a score of 26 bards. At 20 birds he was a This great stomach and nerve remedy stimulates digestion, tones the nerves, aids circulation, drives out impurities of "chronics" that have baffled pbysi- - ho has brought this honor to Clinton, oians.-68 Sold by A. L. Hamilton. For the first time in 16years the f[• To stop a Cold with "Proventics" is safer than to let it run and euro it after- nanoial statement of Walkerton showed wards. Taken at the "sneeze stage" a surplus on Deo. 15th, 1906. The debt Preventics will head off all colds and of Walkerton is $100,000. It requires 14 - Grippe, and perhaps save you from mills to meat the $10,000 payable each Pneumonia or Bronchitis. Preventios are little toothsome candy cold cure tab - year for instalments of interest and lets selling in 6 cent and 25 cent boxes;' principal. The last debenture of the - If you are (hilly, if you begin to sneeze, town does not mature till 1919. try Preventics. They will surely check a cold, and please you. Solcl at Walley's sr . Drug Store. The Grip. "Before we oan sympathize with oth- ers, we must have suffered ourselves." No one can realize the suffering atten- dant upon an attack of the grip, unless he has had the actual experience. There is probably no disease - that causes so much physical and mental agony, or which so snooesafully defies medical aid. All dangers from the grip, however,may be avoided by the prompt use of Cham- berlain's Cough Remedy. Among •the tens of thousands who have need this remedy, not one case has ever been re- ported that has resulted in pneumonia or that has not recovered. For sale by all Deo ggists. Major Rory McKenzie, who was born and raised in Lnoknow says_ he is the second tallest man in the world. He is seven feet, two and a half inches in height, and weighs 828 pounds. The Major has been around the world, has been before all the crowned heads of Europe, including two appearances be- fore King Edward, and has been offered the position of bodyguard to the king of Great Britain. Croup oan positively be stopped in 20 minutes. No vomiting - nothing to sicken or distress your child. A sweet, pleasant, and safe Syrup, called Dr. Sheep's Croup Cure, does the work and does it quiokly. Dr. Shoop's Croup Cure is for Croup alone, remember. It does not claim to cure a dozen ailments. It's for Croup, that's all. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. The railway workmen a few days ago unearthed a complete whiskey -making outfit in the swamp in the southeast corner of Grey. The machinery had evidently been buried there for 20 years. It was buried beside a Iarge pine stump and was covered with brush, and wag in a fairly good state of preservation. It had evidently been used to make whiskey for early settlers. • CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of At the election in Ripley, a lady voter, on being asked if she wished to vote for or against the by-law, replied, "I want to vote for whiskey." An old gentleman (rippled with rheumatism, was driven to the polls in a• carriage; upon his arrival at the booth, the returning officer asked him if he wanted to vote for or against the by-law, the old gentleman replied, "No, I want to vote for the hotel -keep- er." e -'-- SIJDDENIF ATTACKED. Children are often attacked suddenly by painful and dangerous Colic, Cramps, Diaa'rhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantnm, eta. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt and wore onre whioh should always be kept in the house. Either run a town with a vim or just sell out and leave. One thing must be done -run the town for all it's worth, get up steam and keep it up. Do you want trade? Bid for it. Do yon want business to come to your town? Encour- age what you have. Do you want a prosperous town? Then never permit the jealousies to rule your actions, but work together for common prosperity and mutual benefit. Stop knocking.- Exohange. For any disease of the skin there' is nothing better than Chamberlain's Salve. It relieves the itching and burn- ing sensation instantly and soon effects a cure. - Sold by all Druggists. Sweden's Government has fostered the use ofthe telephone for a number of years, with the result that in some parts of that oonntry the instrument is in more general nee than anywhere else in the world. There is being introduced storm of telephone transmitter so sensitive that it is not necessary to talk directly into the mouthpiece. The now design has a very large bell, which is held anywhere in the vicinity, but not directly to the mouth. Doan's Kidney Pills aot on the kid- neys, bladder and urinary organs only. They pure backaches, weak back, rheum- atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation gravel, Bright's disease and all other MAMBOS arising from wrong action of the A biinoli of hogs alike in color, alike kidneys and bladder, in size and alike in condition, will al- ITCH, Mange, Prairie Soratohes and ways strain the market up a notch or two. • Dear Mother Your little ones are a cesium care in Fall and Winter weather. They will catch cold. Doyen know about Shiloh's Consumption Cure, the Lung Tonic, and what it has done for so tnany ? It is said to be the only tellable temedy for all diseases of the air passages in children, It is absolutely harmless and pleasant to aske. It is guaranteed to euro or your moaey is returned. The price is 25e, per bsttie, and all dealers in medicine trait art SHILOH 7tuist remedy should be ins evil tosseheldt, everp form of contagions Itch on human or animals cured in 80 minutes byWol• ford's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by A, L. Hamilton, A large company enjoyedthe hospitali- ty of Mr. John Watt, at his home in Hnilett on Wednesday afternoon of last week. The 000aeion of the ;gathering was the marriage of Mr. Watt's nieoe, Mise i argar,,t Faireervice to Mr. Rioh- ard Armstrong, of the Township of Grey. Tho bride and grooni Were at- tended Only by a tiny little lad, (Master Ernest Stevens,) who filled the import- ant offioe of ring -bearer, and the marri- age oeremony was oondneted by the Her Neil lid, Leokie, 13, D., Of Loader- borough. Mr. James Sanderson, some 25 years ago, removed from Wioxetor, in this county, to Prince Albert, Sask. After being there acme years, he petered into the lumber business, and he has lately disposed of his esten:iye saw mill and timber limits for the handsoine sum of $225,000. He still rotaias a large atuoant of valuable property in Chat district, wbioh would bring rum in a very large amount if be sees lit to realize on it, Mr Sanderson and his family have b -en down east at Ottawa and Toronto for two or three weeke, but again returned to the west a few days ago, to close up ' his lumber business, having still over 1,0000,000 fent to dispose of and ship in the next few months. The essential lung -healing principal of the pine tree has finally been successfully separated and refined into a perfect Dough incdioine-Dr Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of 'satisfaction. Price 25 °ants. Piles get quick relief from Dr. Shoop's Magi( Ointment, Remember it's made alone for Piles -and it works with cer- tainty and eatisiaction. Itching, pain- ful, protruding, or blind piles disappear like magic by its use. Try it and see! Sold at Walley's Drug Stora. A new arrangement has come into ef- fect on Canadian railways for the re- demption of unused pa°eongor tickets. A circular has been issued by the pas- senger department of the companies stating that any wholly unused tickets sold in Canada and presented for re- demption at the ticket office wheie sold within thirty days from the date of ex- piration of such tickets shall be redeem- ed immediately by the agent in charge of said tioket office at the price paid for the tickets. The word "void" must be written by the agent in ink heavily across the face of the ticket at the time of its redemption. The purpose of this regulation is to make easier and more expeditians the settlement of claims in repeot to such tickets. Dangers of a Cold and How to Avoid Them, More fatalities have their origin in or result from a cold than from any other cause. This fact alone should make people more careful as there is no dang- er whatever from a cold when it is pro- perly treated in tfie begiuning. For many years Chamberlain's Cough Rem- edy has been recognized as the most prompt and effectual medicine in use tor this disease. It acts on nature's pian, loosens the cough, relieves the lungs, opens the secretions and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condi- tion. Sold by all. Druggists. , A preacher recently Dame at a news- paper man in this way: You editors do not tell the truth. If you did your news- paper would be a failure. The editor replied: Yon aro right and the minister who will at all times and under all cir- cumstances tell the whole truth about his members alive or dead, will not oc- cupy his pulpit more than ole Sunday, and then be will find it neoessary to leave town in a hurry. The press and the pulpit go hand in hand with pletieant words, magnifying little virtues into big ones. The pulpit, the pen and the grave- stones are the great triumvirate. The great minister went away looking very thoughtful while the editor turned to his work. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT re- moves all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and swoolien throat,coughs, etc. Save $50 by the use of one bottle. Warranted the moat wonderful Blemish Cure ever known, Sold by .A .11,. Hamil- ton. The two-year-old ought to be as gentle as a dog by this time, and it is well to be handling the weanlings and the yearl- ings. Bilious Colic Quick rolief 15 afforded by Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It never falls and is pleasant and safe lo take. Tho attack may be warded off by taking r. double dose of this remedy as soon as the first Indication of the disease appears, t'or sale by druggists everywhere. Sunflower seed adds lustre to the plumage. Burdock' Blood Bitters guide a position unrivalled by any, otltstl blood medicine as a cure for DYSPEPSIA* BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, . SALT R t1Jldz SCROPtial HEARTBUJR1f, SOUR STOMAC;1 DIZZINESS4 DROPSY, luau MATISM, Eos ItimPutai 'Pltt(1WORM, ottny mow stisiag from s disordered staid at ttEn*oli, Liters Bowels or Biol. Mel oR require a good blood niadlaint iL >1. _ 2'02D BLOOD ISITTl* _... MADE IN CANADA N OO M PANY, CANADIAN ANA., ..,.„. ,. 1 A Smooth Running,• 1:10urablo and 'Beautifully made Machine. Easy to :Learn and will last a Lifetime. ALWAYS LOOK FOR THE PIAl•ilm. X�990 vi91'n'+lr�.. • .aux; ` t,rJ''tt.i 9iliF6 11 THE WILLIAMS !MANUFACTURING CO. Oo11I?ANY OFFICES : MONTREAL, P. Q. LIMITED, TORONTO, LONDON, HAMILTON, OTTAWA, ST. JOHN, N. B. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. AGENT DAVID BELL, WINGH.AM, ONT. 4900000ro00•90000064asit3B•B• 00•0800•000090••6JO••••B•• • • • • • 0 • 1424 1.4 19.0.44++44+ CLU 1111BINGI RA'TES FOR 1906 - 07. dtll,.Y,31,'J.iit�:GW.p:IlVii..aM1LLd„.6i�Yi.dtlli.iL:6�ii I:a'CII, The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the rates below g for any or all of the following publications : Times to January 1st, 1908 - 61.00 Times and Daily Globe 9,.50 Times and Daily Mail and Empire 4.50 Times and Daily World 3.10 Times and Toronto Daily News . 2.30 Times and Toronto Daily Star... 2.30 Times and Daily Advertiser 2.35 Times and Toronto Saturday Night 2.60 Times and Weekly Globe . 1.35 Times and Weekly Mail and Empire 1.70 Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.75 Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and book " Handy Home Book " 1.90 Times and Weekly Witness 1.65 Times and Montreal Weekly Herald 1,35 Times and London Free Press (weekly) 1.80 Times and London Advertiser (weekly) 1.60 Times and Toronto Weekly Sun 1.80 Times and World Wide 1.85 Times and Northern Messenger. - 1.30' Times and Farmers' Advocate - 2.35 We specially recommend our readers to subscribe to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine Times and Farming World 1.35 Times and Presbyterian 2.25 Times and Westminster - 2.25 Times and Presbyterian and Westminster 3.25 Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) ... 1.90 Times and Youths' Companion 2.75 Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly) 2.90 Times and Sabbath Reading, New York 1.45 Times and Outdoor Canada .(monthly, Toronto)1.85 Times and Michigan Farmer . 1.65 Times and Woman's Home Companion 1.75 Times and Canadian Woman (monthly) London 1,15 Times and American Sheep Breeder ...... 1.90 Times and Country Gentleman - 2.10 Times and Delineator 1,95 Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine - 1.75 Times and Green's Fruit Grower. , 1.35 Times and Good Housekeeping 1.80 Times and Modern Women 1.45 Times and McCall's Magazine 1.45 Times and Pearson's Magazine.................. 1.70 Times and American Illustrated Magazine........ 1.90 Times and .American Boy Magazine.... 1,65 Times and What to Eat . •••••• 1.60 Times and Bookkeeper ... 1.65 Times and Recreation ...... 1.75 Times and Cosmopolitan ....................... 1.65 Times and Ladies' ,Home• Journal 2.15 Times and Saturday Evening Post 2.45 Times and Success - 1.80 Times aid Housekeeper ... 1,50 Times and Pilgrim 1.60 Times and Poultry Keeper 1.40 Times and Hoard's Dairyman 1.90 Times and McClure's Magazine . 1.90 Times and Munsey's Magazine - 2,00 Times and Rural New Yorker......, 2.00 Times and 'Vick's Magazine ..,. .... 1.40 Times and American Gardening .......... . 2,25 Times and Health Culture ..................... 1.85 Times and Rarld's Horn.............. 2.45 Times and Fent' Track News - - . 1.90 Times and Breeders' Gazette .. - - 2.26 Times and Pra,etieal Farmer - 1.85 4e 4. 40 When premiums are given with any of above papers, subscribers wrfl eeoure snoh premiums when ordering through us, same as if ordered direct. from publishers. These low rates mean a considerable saving to eubroribers, and art STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANOE. Send resnittancee by postal note, poet Moe or express menet order, addressing TIMES OI CIO, tc� 1116143111411,.A.R ON*O.