The Wingham Times, 1907-01-24, Page 44 THE WINGIIAM TIMES I JANUARY 24L, 1907
Tot -lea of Changes) must be lett at this
°Moe net later than Saturday non,
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Monday evening.
Oteettal advertiseineats accepted
SO noon Wedueselan of eaoh week.
U. I. iseanener, Puerasneet Arm pima/tenor
Canadian Bank of Commerce
Oa another page of this tame will be
laurel a full report of the 40th annual
meeting of the Canadian Beak of.00m.
Hon. Gen. A. Cox, before reigning
his position as president to Mr. Byron E.
Walker gave a few figures showing the
Wonderful growth of the bank's buste
nees during the past twenty years. The
capital in that time has increased from
$6,000,000 to $10,000,000, the reet or sur-
plus remount from $500,000 to $5,000,000,
net profits from $60,6,715 to $1,741,125,
deposit') from $9,085,040 to $87,152,536,
'current loans from $15,381,180 to
$88,804,623, and total assets from $19,-
574,094 to $118,545,060. The new preen
dtent's addrees bristled with feats con-
cerning Canada:1s expanding trade, and
gave mnoh general information. Mr,
Alexander Laird, who succeeded Mr.
Walker as general manager of the Bank
of Commerce, has been with the bank
since 1878. Ile was manager of the
spawn, in New York for a number of
years, and succeeded Mr. J, H. Plumme
er es assistant general manager four
yeara ago.
A branoh of this long established and
Well managed bank was opened in
Wingham last year, with Mr. A. E,
Smith, who is well-known to the people
of this distriot, as the manager.
recent visitor under the parent el roo'f.
He will in future hold the position of
conductor on the G.T.Re and is taking a
few well-earned holiday') before coin- A Severe Case Cured by D. Williams
mencing his new atltis. Mr. Nethery is Pink P1114.
in every way worthy of hie promotion, Fiero darting paine—pains like red
ad he has the wishes of his many friends hot needles being driven through the
the ye,. flash—in the thigh; perhaps down the
tbatetacceee will attend him in
legs to the analee—thet's sciatica. None
tire as a bee in the put. but the victim Can realize the torture.
Last week a petition, signed by about But the aufferer need not grow diseour-
one hundred of the intelligent farmers of eleged for there io a otarn—a enre oure in
the northern part of the townehip, pro. ainkWilltanas' Ville. These pills
Sooting agren
etnet therenewal of the seven
emnd esl:reewnelteonci; IllitiellniaeervWeebloaondd feeds
dollar a ton bounty to iron and eteel theta from pain. Theniain Is banished
manufacturers was fo warded to D. to stay banietted—the mere is complete.
Chisholm at OttewMr. Chas B. MoLeau, a proeperous farm -
e, for preeintetton
er near l3rookrille, Out, has been cured
to the Deminion Govertraent. We are of a severe case of soiaties, and wishes
told that petetiones hare also been sent other sufferers to hear of his cure that
tram the eouthern part of the township. they may benefit by his experience. He
Farmers in this vicinity, as well as in leapt: —"For upwards of five years I was
other parts of the country, are down on taiipsermioadriaciaalgsnwftheiriser gferx4soniaptiloaw. out
the bounty system with a vengeance, be seized with agonizing pains in
hips, Sometimes theca, pains eat ded
down one leg, sometimes d. en the.
Blue Tills No Longer Used. other; often down both. Th: sin was
When the stomach need e cleansing, terrible. Imagine the ag.. • caused by
the bowels inoreamed acterity, the liver a, red hot spike being dr!, on through the
additional power, don't use mercural flesh, That was ' at y feeling when
pills, try Dr. Harailton'e Vegetable in the sciatica was t s worst, Often
compoeition, exiremely'1d, yet eure to while carryingw. .r to the horses the
flush out all impurities and wastes, no pain besame so acute I had to drop the
remedy is so well adapted for family use. pail in the middle of the yard, 1 fol.
Positively a cure for biliousness and sick lowed dootorse treatnient but with slight
headaohe, unfailing in constipation and relief, I then tried rheumatic plasters
bowel trouble, exceptionally good for in and liniments but these did not help me
digestion, no medicine is so nuiversally at all. Then I decided to give Dr. Win
needed in every home as Dr. Hamilton's liame' Pink Pine a trial, At first they
Pills. Good for the young, the old, the did not seem to help me bat as they had
sick and the well ones, the benefits of been so highly recommended I persisted
Dr, Hamilton's Pills are manifold. Sold in the treatment and graanally noticed
a change in my condition. The pain be -
everywhere in 26o boxes.
came less severe, I felt stronger and my
appetite improved. I think I used the
NVELITZCIIITEUEL. pills about four or five months before I
Mr. and Mrs. K. Paterson, gave a wwaase tiwomap;seatresly oguaritcli,abvustatahtonsfahastItti
The epacions residence of Mr. and.
Mrs A. S. Strome, Fordwioh, was the
scene of great festivity on Wednesday,
jau. 16th, when their eldest daughter,
Ethel U, was joined in wedlock's bonds
to Dr. Edwin J. Foster, the successful
young practitioner of town. At high
noon as the strains of the wedding
march wee played by Miss Tena John-
ston, the bridal party,'preceeded by four
ribbon girls, dressed 'in white, Miens
Ada Strome, Ethel McLaughlin, Maggie
J. McKee and Jean Waddel, took their
place in the parlor under a wedding bell,
of smilax and roses. The bride was be-
comingly attired in white Liberty silk
with an all-over silk brocaded chiffon
and silk applique and wore the bridal
Tell 'with wreath of orange blossoms.
She carried a bouquet of bridal roses,
maidenhair ferns and lilies of the valley.
The bride was assisted by her cousin,
Mimi Bessie Witmer of Hespeler, who
wore a dress of white silk trimmed with
overlaoe, chiffon and silk lace and carri-
ed a bouquet of pink roses, maiden hair
ferns and lilies of the valley. The groom
was snppored by his cousin, Dr. Geo. E.
Smith, B. A., Toronto. Little Mies Core
Glebe was the ring bearer; she carried a
basket of smilax, pink carnations and
lilies of the valley. The ceremony was
performed by the Rev. A. B. Dobson.
party to their friends on Thursday even- the slightest returnlof soiatioa. I think
ing. Some friends were present from Dr. William& Pink Pills are e marvel- r
Wingham and all had a very evjoyable boas medtoine and so does my wife who
used them as a blood builder. She says
evening. they have no equal and never wearies of
The returns are in for the last ship. praising them to her friedes."
sent of sugar beets. The test was very Good blood is the secret of health—Dr
low, 12.7. The growers are very much Williams Pink Pills the 'secret of good
diesatisfied. Wnen everything is taken blood,iiThat is why they cure sedation,
r euraatism, St Vitas dance, heart pal -
into consideration and the high price for pitation, indigestion and the ailments
butter, many think it would have been common to women and growing girls.
more profitable had the beets been fed Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at
to the cows. 50 cents a box or six boxes for 02 50 from
The Dr. Williams Medicine 0o., Brock -
On Wednesday evening,January 16111, ville, Ont.
1907, the Presbyterian Church, White-
church., was the scene of a very pretty
wedding, when Sarah Florenee, second
daughter of Mr. Hector McKay was unit-
ed in marriage to Mr. James W. Markle,
of Wawota, Sask. The church was dec-
orated with artistic daintiness. An ever.
green arch spanned the space before the
pulpit, a beautiful white bell suspended
from its dome was jewelled with white
silk ribbons for the occasion. The cere-
mony was impressively performed by the
pastor, Rev. G. P. Danoan, in the pres-
ence of a large congregation, nshured in
by Messrs, McKinnon and McDonald,
cousins of the bride. Mrs, (Dr.) Jame son
played Mendlessohn's wedding maroh,
during which the bride enteredthe church
leaning on the arm of her father; she
was unattended and looked charming
and wranef al in a dress of cream eolienne,
with a wreath and a veil, and carried a
boquet of cream bridal, roses, Immedi-
Moly after the marriage ceremony the
bride was presented with an address and
a beautiful family Bible, testifying to
the respect and esteem in which she was
held by the community in which her
maidenhood was spent. Mr. H.D. Hen -
demon read the address and Mr. John
Gillespie presented the Bible. Mr, John
McKay, brother of the bride, in a few
well chosen woeds, replied, thanking the
congregation for their kindness to his
sister. While the bridal party was leav-
ing the church, the choir sang, "The
voice that breathed o'er Eden," Miss K.
Gillespie presiding at the organ. After-
wards a reception was held at the home
of the bride's parents. The bride was
the recipient of many valuable presents
testifying _farther to the high esteem
and cordial feeling in which she was
held. Mr. and Mrs. Markle left next
day for Detroit, Windsor and other
Mr. Jonathan Pattison lost a valuable
snare lately.
•Mra.Robert Melon has been suffering
a good deal lately with rheumatiem.
Mise Mary Mason of the 8th con., who
has been ill for some time is now im-
Mr. John T. Ourfie, our Reeve, went
to Goderioh, on Monday of this week to
attend County Council.
Mr. Robert Scott, sr., of the 8th con.,
Who lately went throughean operation for
appendicitie, at last &cadent, was doing
as well as could 'be expected for a
man of his age.
Mies Scale, the new teacher is doing
'her daily weak in S. S. No. 11, and in
addition to teaching the young idea hew
to shoot, is making much improvement
in the order of the school.
Mr. A. H. Nethery, of Sarnia, was a
11 111. 1
For that
There is one thing that will
cure it—Ayer's Hair Vigor.
It is a regular scalp -medicine.
It quickly destroys the germs
office, the Reeve in the chair, the minu-
tes of the test meeting of Deo. 15, 1906
were read and passed.
Mr. Gillespie then moved the that pre-
sent clerk be reappointed for 1907, when
that official tendered his resignation, and
promptly deolined the honor of acting in
the capacity of clerk any longer.
Taylor—Parks—That the application
of Alex, Porterfied for olerk, (the only
one received) be acoepted, and that he
be appointed to that position for 1007 at
a salary of sso. Oarried.
Gillespie—teaming—That Finlay An-
derson be re -appointed Treasurer at his
former salary of 685, expense of getting
out financial statement in Deo next to be
included in this sum. Carried.
Messrs Bone and Scoot were reappoint-
ed auditors of emote for 1906. and in
event of either of them declining to act,
the Council claimed the privilege of fill-
ing such a vacancy forthwith.
Onming—Parks—That Wm Robinson
be reappointed assessor for 1907 at a
walary of $95, this sum to include the
amounts required for postage and 'stat-
ionery. Carried.
Board of Health for 1907, the Reeve
and Olerk, Jas McCallum, reappointed
for 3 years, Jas McGee and Thos.
Straughan of Auburn. (in place of Walt -
ter McGowan) for 2 yrs, and 1 yr re-
epectively. Dr. Hamilton of Belgrave,
M. H. O.
County Treasurer Holmes of Goderiolt +
reported that he had in 1906 paid to East I
Wawanosh ler schools and colleotione,
the sum of $433.57. Dominion Bank, +
Wingham also reported mot on the
evening of the 81s1 of Dec last amounted
to $3591.82, and savings /mot $448.16.
By-laws Nos 1 and 2, 1907,—the form- +
er ratifying the appointment or Town-
ship officials for 1907, and the later ap- +
pointing the Council as road commies -
'anent for °arrant year, both duly read
and passed.
Debentures were signed for payment
Of the following soots: —B. H. Hamilton ;
M. D., Belgrave, balance of Root for 1906 +
$5; P. Porterfield, services as olerk in +
We announce Bargains in our Tailoring Department
As the present time is a little between seasons,
and in order to clean up our stock and make room for
the new goods which are arriving daily, and also to
keep our hands employed, we will sell at the following
reduced prices :
Suit Lengths only of our fine
Scotch and English Tweeds and
Worsteds, worth 02, for $18.50
11 Suit Lengths only of our $20
Snits, now - • 17.00
16 Snit Lengths only of our $18
Snits, at - 15.00
10 only of our $16 Suits, at 13,00
Only a few left, at the
same reductions.
Also special bargains in
and a large stook to
seleot from.
Come early and get first choice. Remember, these are not old
styles, out of date, but made any style to snit yon. Chit and made on
the premises. No Sweatshop Work Here.
HEN'S FIIHNISHINGS—Althortiat our stook is all new
you can pick up lots of special bargains, such as Underwear, C/aps, Fur
Collars, Mitts, Gloves, eto. We sell the best Overalls made in Canada
(The Monarch), all double -ditched seams and made in good'style,
Merchant Tailors and Men's Furnishers.
..*+++++++++++++++++++++•• +++++++++++++++.44++++++++
. _ ' I
▪ I_ , ri _
i We . ..lixtelld
A ,, i anis i
-- .r
. • .. . . .
I 4.
for the liberal patronage we have enjoyed in the +
+ +
✓ past, and in return we have decided to give all +
+ our customers an excellent chance to +
I m
• _ Tie HNC!'
places to spend a few days among their 1906, $90, P. Porterfield, services as
friends, atter which they intend to linger Div. Regr in 1906, $11.80; P. Porterfield, +
with tie yet a little longer, at the home
of the bride, before departing to take np
their residence near Wawota, Saab,
The following was the address pre- Robertson, aid for Sick Chndren's Hos-
Fantod to the bride; : pital, Toronto, $5; P. Porterfield, ex •
To Miss Sarah F. MacKay: perms of last nomination meeting, and se
Dear Friend,—We, the pastor, office- Municipal elections :fan. t, 1907, $43.50; ;
postage and ,stationery 1906, $4.90, and +
for services rendered under Ditches and +
Watercourses Act in 1906, $4; J. Ross +
bearers, members and adherents of the F. Gutteridge, 7, 9 inch tile, 17e feet, 4.
Presbyteriati cengregation of White- $4,88; Thos Nicholson, Auburn, gravel +
°hurdle, desire to mark the occasion of in 1006, 6to; H. B, Elliott, Winghata,
the first marriage in this ehurch by pre- bal. of printing contract, 1906, $18 98;
high esteem in which you are held by us. of paper for Connell 1907, $5.75.
We feel that you have been an exemplary The annual certificate from the Regis -
member of the congregation and a great Iran General, Toronto received, certify- +
help in the choir and Young Peoples' ing that the clerk in 1906 had duly reg
Guild. We shallanise you in the work of
the congregation, but we realize that our
loss will mean gain to the community
in which yOne lot natty be oast. We
unite in wishing you. itend-apeed in your
seating you with a small token of the Municipal World, St. Thomas, 6 copies
mitered, 32 births, 9 marriages and 18
deaths, and ordering that he be paid for
same (59 entries) $11.80 in full.
Gillespie—Carding—The Council then
adjourned to meet again at Belgrave on
Western home, and pray that Heaven'. Thursday, 7th Feb. next at 10 o'clook
choicest bleseings relay be granted to you sane At= PORTIMFTELD, Clerk.
and your beloved partner in life. We
trust that the memories of your life
to yoa, and the message of the Bible we The following are the quotations:
now present, give yon strength for every Exporters' cattle— + W
Per 100 nee. aik
Live Stoat markets.
tunonget us may be a source of blessing
$5 00
4 80
4 25
3 50
4 15
at special prices until April lst.
Anyone wishing to get an outfit of chairs at the
cut price, call and see what are made in Wingham
Chair Factory, as we have them all set up to
choose from. 40 per cent. off list price till April
ist. Now this is a chance that seldom comes
your way ; take advantage of it.
Clearing Sale
All Fur Coats, Muffs, Scarfs, Ruffs, etc., at clearing
sale prices.
Girls' Tweed Coats
All new goods. New styles. Must be cleared out •
this month. Big cut in prices.
Children's "White Bear" Coats at clearing sale prices.
Men's, Youths' and Boys' Overcoats at prices that
We are paying big price3 for Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples,
Tallow; White Beans.
must sell them this month.
The above lines must be cleared out at
once. We'll make the price so low
that they will sell at sight.
is* 4
• 4
Special Announcement for
Bedroom Suites and Sideboards
See what are made at the Union actory, Sold
at the same cut price as chairs. We have them
all set up to show you.
Gouches and. Parlor Suites
We carry the best in stock, which will be sold at
lb. 4
Fall and Winter.
tn prices this Fall. As the season goes on, many lines are going at less than • i
I have determined to clear out my Dress Goods stook at great* reduced
1,7 75o on thealollar. Black Dress Goods a specialty.
at PRINTS. i
ID. 4
fr, 4
la Fall and Dark Winter Prints at Cost. 4
le I purchased very largely by the case in all kinds from 5o per yard np.
E Can give yon heavy, 86 in, wide, all colorings, at 10o.
Grey Flannels and Flannel Shirtings.
And a nice variety of Shirts made to order.
; •
cut prices up to April 1st.
From the Wroxeter, g " • . _
t well cleansed and very oheap, at the price wool has been this summer. Oall 4
0. and see them if in need of a pair. Sheeting, white and grey, 86 and 72 inohes. 4
All the best, made at Walker & Clegg's, and
Now is your chance to get all the Furniture you 4. From the Wellsley Knitting Mills direct. The best wearing geode in
0. 4
• I keep the celebrated STANFIELD Shirts and Drawers, made from Nova 4
11" Scotia wools, soft and flexible, and guaranteed not to shrink, sizes 36 to 46,
Ladies' Wear in the Puritan make The best brands in Canada. Also Misses'
and Children's in all Sizes, from 15o eaoh up to the finest. ,
S ER .
Canada, made from pare North-west wools, and at prioes that cannot be,
need for Spring, before you get busy. •
equalled, quality considered.
duty, and comfort yon in every trial. Cheice .... ........ .. $4 90
May non carry to the great western land Medium 4 25
unfeeling strength in God, and 'seek to Bulls ........... 3 50
build, as far al you can, the strength of Light 8 00
Our Nation, through a happy Ohristian Cows 3 50
home. reedere—
Sigribd on behalf Of the congregatiote beet 1000 potindei and tips
'wards 3 75
Stokers choice 8 00
" bulb. ...... 2 00
Picked . 4 40
Choice 8 75
Medium—. 3 75
Cowan .. .... 2 60
Bulls 2 25
T%� ben meta ea a testa:donjon. January 14th, purivant to Statute, the nese 6 60
often see over sixty atearmeo member thereof being .Thhti T. ()aerie, Lights........ ...... ... 6 30
II 1149043$ and Wm. 3. Parke, Thee. H. nneep—
atadeXch.O. 4411134 WI"' Taylor, jr, Jamei Onming and John Extant Web 6 50
Seedteletelatet. Gillespie, Ootittell100, who were ail pees Backe.... 8 50
which cause this diSease. Rev. G. ie. ntincan, n. .w. simpeon,
The unhealthy scalp becomes H. D. Henderson, Frank Henry,
healthy. The dandruff disap- John Gilleitlinitses,NettltrAia(sliver.) Jamieson,
pears,. hid to disappear. A Whitecharch, Jan'y Ittla 1907
healthy scalp Meant a great deal
to you—healthy hair, no dan- EAST WAVVANOSIE
druff0100111Ples)no eruptions The Council elect for 1007 met on
YerS WittleCtIMLUn Set t'
sea earterally ortbootibe4 to per 85, ro
istimionsiolimisioliggoppopoogi 1 the 'aeOlaratiort Of qtraliftOritiOn and of Gavel,. each ...... 00
8 25
2 25
4 70
4 50
+ Undertaking promptly and
— —
tVettesenAnt letAitteket ex,lienteratit
Whightem, Shed. 28111,1907
Mloutaplar 100 lbs.. ...... 2 00 to 2 60
Fall wheat .......0 69 to 0 72
Oats, ..„„ ....•,. 0 82 10 0 84
Batter .... ***If 6441W4.1.1, 0 22 100 23
vglo poi
............... o 22 to 0 25
er's Furniture Store1
ood pot bad 2 60 to 8 00
Hay, per tort— . 00 to 10 00
Potatoes, per butiliel new0 45 to 0 50
Tallow per lb 0 5i to 0 06 .
Lard....... 0 16 to 0 15
Dried Aitples per ib 006 100 06'
700 Live Hop, Der owt 6 10 to 6 W
450 Turkeys, dratvn 0 10 to 0 18
8 65 Goose, $, 0 08 to 0 10
20 Ducks, i:ler 0 08 tO 0 10
ft 00 0 0810 0 10
Ohlokeree, Per lb 10/01.10#
satisfactorily attended to.
in the lino of tusineal Tratning Institutes
in Cattatta and that one is the '*ell-knovrn
The Central Business College
Toucan°, ONT.
tett le Mutate of etede. Best in more
beta sad expenieitee Taftehers Best in
method/5. Get it more you. decide which
eChOolyatt will stood.
WiliTSR nit* NOW OPEN.
You will be welcome. Enter any time,
W. 11. strAlv, Prilitipal.
Gerrard Ste.,Woronk).
I have decided to olear Out tay large stock of Clothing this fall and. Win -
ter, and can give yott great bargains. A nice Overooat for $4.00, nettally $9 .
A good, serviceable Snit $4.00, and large stook to select from,Boys' Sohool
Suits, splendid 'meter, A good Work Pant for $1.00, worth $1.40.
Carpet, Oilcloth, Linoleum.
b. A. large rtainber of ends in All -wool, Union, Tapestry and grunge, at
abont half priee. Oen and see them and get prim. SoMe cheap Hemp
A .
and 4 yards Wide. Oiloloth in 1 and 2 yards wide.
Men's and Women's Fur Goods.
(Joon, "Wombat, Itneefan Calf, Dog and Bishop Nate for Men. rot the
Ledies, Astrachan Coate that otn't be beaten for values and quality, Work-
": naanehip guaranteed. Call and Bee them.
• Hata, Cape, Glovee, note, Shoes, Itubbere, Grooeries,
Batter and Ego, Timothy and
mover Seed, Badkwhaat and
Tateee King Gate Wanted,
igaillitkitAlWASAIWKEIMMIt“ 111414stakalatallair
4 k4