HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-01-24, Page 2E1114. W1NGRAM l'IMES, JANUARY 24, 1907 SulTertdiferrible Agony i FROM PAIN ACROSS HIS KIDNEYS. DOAK'S KIDNEY PILLS OUREEi HM. Head tbet verde of prelim: Mr. IL A, Melinda Merien Bridge, N.S. has for Don's Kidney Pills. write e us): "ror the past three years have antlered terrible agony from pain across my kidneys. I was so bad I could net stoop or bend. 1ooneulted ar:d had several doctors treat me, but cooldget the relief, On the advice of a friend, 1 precured a box of your valuable. We -giving remedy (Doan's Kidney Pale), and to ply surprise and delight, I immediately get better. In ray opinion Dean's Kidney Pills have eo equal for any form of kidney trouble." Deari'f. Kidney Pills aro 50 oente per box or three bones for $L20. Can be Procured et a dealers or will be mailed direct on receipt of price by Tim Doan Kidney Pill Co,. Toronto, Oat. Do not accept a spurious substitute but be aura sad get "Dean's." TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than. Saturday noon. The copy for ohanges must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted. up to noon Wednesday of eaoh week. ESTABLISHED 1872 THE WiNatint Tuffs. R. ELLIOTT,Priumentlett ANDPROPRIRTop THURSDAY. JANUARY 24, 1907. THE RECORD OF FAILURES Aft4fibel 4, • • ...... * • * • 3101)011.414 Amu. Wm. Jacques ...... ..E. Frei* mai A. Scott Brnee ......... ........ Santee Mewing Filsinger and W. Promeray .,4afitnor --ear! zee ... ,.,J. D011aideon .41: • Do 1.4"Ire'r Buren, .W. LMODonila, J. lidolaintaid, laeardiae $p ...... Kiacarditee town ........, tWra. Hooter A. McDonald Luds.. T=T7Y771)erit1y argon Allan Idellinuon St, Edinoade 801, Spears Qlehtleo1 o.".0 et* , .. ..Dr, Crow kIoy .......,...I. Shoemake Port . ........ .,..7..H. Tare R. EL Dobson Wm. Oollin6 Teeswater L. A. Brink Tiverton A. Aiainaou 41EITItelrte%71112-447rfez2.33i..r8e1:.mti*-4beti'siPtArearkst Wiarton„,„ , against e VOntii u Bradstreet's record of insolvency for 27 years past is a remarkable testimony to the flourishing condition of Canadian trade in the past few years. The failures are tabulated as follows; Number Asset s, Ltabilities 1006 1,232 t 4,258,810 $ 9,540,915 1905. 1,421 6,556,331 13,837,176 1904 1,177 4,136,618 10,018,299 1903 956 3,852,197 8,328,362 1902 1,092 3,597,220 8,328,658 1901 1,270 5,106,951 11,656,037 1900 1,833 4,244,932 10,786,276 1899 1,285 4,507,608 11,077,891 4,085,722 9,644,100 5,191,647 13,147,929 6,724,535 16,208,360 6,299,177 15,793,559 11,947,253 23.985,283 7,388,692 15,690,404 4,848,095 11,603,210 6,014,000 14.884,000 6,746,000 12,482,000 6,119,585 13,147,910 7,178,744 15,498,242 8,407,000 17,054,000 5,566,474 11,240,025 4,201,831 9,210,334 9,074,000 17,126,000 12,367,000 22,155,000 3,948,000 8,139,000 6,122,208 1838 ...... 1,427 1897 1,907 1896,..,,2,179 1895 1,928 1894. 1.873 1893 1,781 1892 1,682 18911,846 1890 1,626 1889 1,616 1888.. 1,730 1887 1,315 1886 1,186 78851,256 1884 1,363 1883... 1,464 1882 755 1881 607 3,278,475 1880 839 4,760,372 9,340,929 The liabilities of insolvents last year in Qii*Obeo and the Maritime eProvitmee. were only a trifle greater than in 1880, tatThirieeia thousand persons came to when the population of Canada was 50 Canadii Under the auspices of the Army per cent less than it is to -day. Last year litTriterr, and were selected from a pos. there was a decrease of 13.4 per cent. 111 Bible one hundreaholsand applicants. the number of failures, as compared Thgrfigures convince us of the fact with 1905, and a decrease of 31 per cent. that great discretion is used in the selec- in the liabilities. These statistics con- Gil "Duiing the coming season, 1907, firm other evidences that the past year it is estbnated that fully 25,000 persons brae all prosperity records, Have we wilr-alitril themselves of the -Army's yet reached the crest of the wave? Enugration faoilities, and book passage's - ee co'Canada. The entire accommodation of 111 Temper from a Bad Liver. three.steamers has been chartered for ahe istason : Carlyle justly attributes the ill -temper swam - besides all available which made hint a monster in the eyes oe raodations-on Dominion,Allan andt0. the world, to a bad liver. Nothing g.-5Teameltip Linee. 115i makes one feel more miserable or more orThe majority of the newcomers will gloomy and discouraged than liver com- plaint toad consequent biliousness atid, dyspepsia, and nothing so promptly and Laborers,' Teamsters, Navies, Quarry- ' nothing so promptly and thoroughly sets alien,Raintray Construction :Workers, the liver right and overcomes the ail- 111Vtiory , and General Laborers, and itteitts as Dr. Chase's Kidttey-Liver Pills, e - rumen and others desiring the services the great !amity medicine. Of ne will do well to apply to Bri- gadier Howell, .Tame e and ,Albert Ste., Bruce County Council. Toronto, for application aorms. nen reee The Bruoie (Jaunty Commit for 1907 eoIf house accommodation can be fur - will be made up as o11ows alahed, raartied men with growing Altiemeal tt families are specially recommended as beteg more permanent and stable. Farmers are recommended 02 apply for married men when possible. Anderson oder the formerar- ranger:lieut. TOANJOY A GOOD DINNER. Row to Avoid Distress and Indiges- tion After Eating. Let us tell you how yo a oan enjoy a good dinner, so that the heartiest meal will set well on your atonal:oh and cause rio unpleasantand disagreeable after ef- fects. We will show you bow to regain the appetite of your ohilditood aud the en joynaent of food, so that it will taste as well aa when mother ,cooked, the dinner. There is no hard wet* necessary to do this; no need of a rieid aud eelf-denying diet riot; no call for nasty and disagree- able medicines. Simply take a Mi-o-na otomeoh tablet before eaoh meal and be- fore going to bed, and it will so strength- en the stomach that before long a hearty meal will give you gratification. and comfort, without the least fear of dis- tress,and suffering. The strongest proof we can offer of our faith in this advice, is the fact that we give an absolute, unqualified guar - DESERVINGS. (Pall Mall Gazette.) This is the helghe of oar deeertel A little pity/or life's Warts; A. little rani, a little auto A, little sleep when work is done. A little righteette punishment, Less for our deeds than their itteeut; A little pardon maw and then, Beoause we are but straggling eneu. A. little light to .11307r the way, A littla guidance when we stray; A. liege lore before we pass To rase bet:teeth, the leirkyavd grass. A little fai ir in days of °hangs, When life is stark arid bare aud strange; A soloe when our eyee are wet With teams of 'ententg and. regret. True it is that we menet claim Uutueasured reoompense or blame, Because oar Way or life is small: .A. little is the sum of nil, morm.......11100.wommew• NOVEL CURE FOR COLDS. Dealing Medication that is Breathed giving quick relief. It seems jut as ridicalout to• oat inedioiae into the $I013:114011 tO cure aQ.)111 iu the head or lungs as it does to go oat in the rata it we want to keep dry. Tho foot that many. people right in Wingham congtt and hawk and snaffle for days and weeks after they treat a cold with .he usue4 stonaaoh dosing, shows how valueless are the ordinary cough and, cold cures. The rigat way to care a coldin the head or a cough and irritation in the throat and lunge, is by breathing Bye:minis medicated var. Put a few drops of Hyomei in the neat pocket ins hider that conies witn every outfit and breathe this healing air for a few times and immediate relief will be noted. Ttie medioetion goes nett to the epot where she disease germs are looated and renders them harmless in the future. At the sante time the soothing and healing effect' of nyomei on the irritat- ed mucous membrane give quick relief and the cough or cold is broken up. A complete Hyomei outfit, consisting of a bottle of Hymen the inhaler and a medicine dropper, wets but $1, while extra bottles of Hyomei, if needed, can ante (applying to two 50o boxes 01 Ma be obtained for only 50c. a -ilea that your money will be refunded t All druggists should be able to eapply unless Mi-o-na cures.,yon with Hyomei or we will send it by 111.-o-na is not a mere digestive, gv- mail on receipt of price, and every pack- ing only temporary relief, but a speoifio age is sold. with the distinct understand- ing that is costs notbbag unless it cures. for all diseases of the stomach, strength- ening the digestive organe and making a Write us to -day for a symptonl blank, which we will send you free, together with treatise on Catarrh and how to our. it. When you fill in and return to as the symptom blank, our consulting Lehr/Wien will give your case the best care and attention, and write you a letter of advice without charge, Booth's Hyomei Company, Botfalo, N. Y. permanent cure. We abaolutely agree that your money will be refunded should yon buy a 50cent box of Mi-o-na stomach tablets and not be satisfied with the results. Mt-o-na is sold by druggists everywhere, or will be sent by mail on receipt of price, .50 cents. Write to -day for a free sample pack- age, and also give us your symptoms, and one of the best known stomaole specialists will give your case his care- ful and personal attention without charge. Booth's Hyomei Company, .13taffalo, N. Y. 25,000 New Settlers for Canada: As a anisceisfiii-Immig-rition Agency tire' liat come into great prominence, and years, about? twenty thousand people • have been directed to this „country throtigh the agenoy of thist world-wide organization. Sixty per cent. of these a -Ye -bees plaoed in Ontario, 30 per cent in the North-West, and the remainder Fatigue Frani lkolsons in S stem. In almost every newspaper yon pick ' up you ate pretty SIM to find a lot of gush about the man behind. the counter and the man behind 'the gun; the man behind the btizz-saw and the man behind the sun; the man behind the times and the man behind the rents ;the man behind the Ploughalatire and the man behind the fenee; the man behind the whistle ancl the man behind the °era; the plan bes hind the kodak and the matt behind the bars; the man behind his whiskers and the man behind his tests; and every- thing IS entered on the list. But they've slatiaed another fellow Of whom nothing has been said -the fellow' Who is even, or a little way ahead; who pays for what he !gets, :whose bills are always signed, he's it blame eight more import- ant than the Zan Vela) is behind. All the editors and mershants sad the Whole ounacurroial elan, at* indebted. for exit. tenet to this honest fellowman. He keeps vet all in baldness and hit town Is never deed; and sO We take off =pets to the man who IS eheed.--Zadge. Tired, languid feelings are the result of the accumulation of waste products in the system. On the failure of the liver taid kidneys t,o remove these impurities the blood beconees filled with poisonous Aubotariers which instead of aiding the fitnetioria tend to erred them and give tate to pains in the limbs, beekaehes, headaches and tired, worn -oat feelings. There tomtits to be discovered a more prompt and effective interne of enlivening and innigotating the action of the liver and kidneys than Dt. Chase's Kidney-, Liver ?pls. In fact this medicine is unique M its Otitehined influence on the liver and kidnaps and to this double ace tioa is attributed its extraordinary suc- cess in the diva of complicated diseases of those Altering organs. Efliotteneee, headaehee, indigestion, ketlatay disease and constipation are promptly and thoroughly cured by Dr. Chise'sKidy-Liver Pills and the whole sylietele cloaraed of the foul imputitkv wit/oh result M idieekea 'td entering. altbs $1a iorro, oonO.: box, *1.011latAL YE'RE WELCOMEINAME '47,3 TwENTI yEtifis Ago Local history of the early EiOs. Itesas frOra The "Masa" tYloi • 'tkrOni THE INTIM:14.1,d '141,he J• &net' dlr.', 1'1374 1.1 NUMB aallOOD NE W3. The Gtleri town exeunt woltikup the year ?well a bele:ate of $4,040 10 ia the treasurr. • Mr. Paisley, of Clinten, has been ap- pointed impeoter analsr the Soott At Fr West Herou, in the plana of the laTe Stephen Yates, The exporte co tereign coaecries from the port of Kimoarcline and the outpai; of VViaeat.a for 113Javan ei D 31st, 183e, a lama al to aeli1,139. aloha Coulees, of the ad, ItT1 East We .vea elu, awl parch let i 200;00 a 0 feet pole see, wet b.3 ens taill twee= and shingles tins winter. Tho monsbare of the Balgr sve Pres.)2.- terian. cmaraealon reeeatly . oras3 lead Mrs, M. 0, eta rateaoa *with a pifrie of $20 in mu senitioa of her sarviese as organist. Vie LOYal Oreaee District aoleo of Howiok mat tt tleslat last wask and elected tee e ) V'1.3c ',ol- olling year: -Wei, H. Cts, W. D. M.; John g.0.0. ¥,L;chaplein; %sae ,v De ie, rto ese ; jes, Perkins, An. sec ; Janie Webnee, ;CS:13. ; Adam epode% D. .if O.; D. Welters and Jas. Wood, lecturers. &111 BYaoseph Wright.; TUNE—" The Auld. Hoose."J e Ye needna think it's no for you, An sync ye'll lea'e alane; -trete He bocht an entrance wi' His bluid-. An ye're a' welcome harae. Ye nesdna hanker 012 the road; ;,40 If sae, He's no' to blame; "Come unto Me," He hays to a'- tFor ye're a' welcome lame. .e The beggar mo wi' tattered claes, eeeee, The queen wi' silken train, Who, pleads the merit o' His bluid Will has a welcome hams; The rich, the puir, the yoang, the auld , To Jesus are the same. "Come unto me," He says to a'- For ye're a' welcome haute. Ayont the clouds the sun is bricht, An' whiles oor hefts are fain To lea' the straggles o' this warl' And flee to you bricht hame. The mansions o' the blest are there; Wi' harts a' free free pain, We'll gang when His gnid time comes roots - For we're a' welcome hame. Lomat, alma. Mies Hattou has offisiated as sreanist in. the Prts tytecien Gamma s'19 pelt three Suatleye, ano-int a the aet 11 settee en Vla Dtvidson. e • • On 833011011 nf even w tattler lest week, `.1 Se. ea Grin' Seoritiry aol Grand Instraotor of the I 0.0. at , who was to have visited Maitland Ledge here, was tumble to come, aud his visit nes been indefinitely paatpone I. Well meet wi' freen's we kont lenge yne Wise free oor hefts were ta'en; They couldua' bide, for Jesus ()it'd Them tip to His ain hame. We'll meet them, and. we'll Welcome be Whaur Jesus is to reign; We'll gang when His guid time comes neon - For we're a' welcome harae, At a meeting of the Claaeorvativet of dela ta ma, held in 'Ca nlyn's taeok, Wed- nesday evaniug, a Yoang Menet Omer- _ vative Association was form td. with the following officers; J. A. Treoey, pram - dent; ,T. Patinae, me erssiis it; W. H. Youhill, watery and Anson Ile:Anse% treasurer. On Tuesday eight lachibill Anise- -- son, of the 12th cote East W t vaaesu, had a number ot his geese and htVtdiarl.:. ed end cerriel ill by bl.C41 4L1-1 CU, The clover plant is the cheapest and most effective subsoil plow that can be used on soile where it will work, runs deeper, is self propelling and in passing leaves more fertility than ib takes. I1ORWAY PINE 'SYF{IJP Ceres COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, NOASSENISS and all TIIROAT AIM LUNG tRotrinats. Miss Florence ID New Germany, X.B., writest-, / had. a aota, Which left and with bad cough, 1 was Afraid I was going into Consumption. 1 was advistal, WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SIR had little faith In it, but before I had 'taken one trAtle 1 began to feel betters end after the iteefirot x felt its whit sa ater. My cough hat completely Wear Pftria PRICE AS COTS. MARTYOOM DiSORIREO. Kingston. Man tells how he Suffeied and }tow he was Released. "For years a mar- tys," is how Chas. 11. Powell of 105 Raglan St, Kingston, begins his story. "A mar. tyr to chronic mai- pation, but now I am free from it and all through the nse of Dr Cane. H. PowsTA.. Leonhardt's Anti - Pill." Many who are now suffering from this complaint will be glad to learn from Mr. Powell's story that there is hope for the most stubborn case. He continues: -"I was induced to try Anti - Pill by reading the testimony of some one who hasbeen cured of constipation by it. I had suffered for eighteen years end had taken tons of stuff recommended as cures but which made me worse rattler than better, Doctors told rao there was no cure for roe." Dr. Laonhardt's Anti Pill is for sale by all druggists or by The Wilson-Fyle Co., Ltd., Niagara Falls, Ont. Mr. Powell will verify every word of these statements. sal oe leaking tato his sheep pen daring Wednesday morning he dieooreMcl his ctetship there as 'ergo as life, and evie deetly in pursuit of mere planier. ' The annual meeting of 'lee n131111)311 ll et elle Wingleeta El rtioaltarel Society wee held in the raAM t eh OS' Iastitate, last Thursday, wee the following di. reotore nod aulitorwere eleoted for the ensuing year: Crow41 Wilson,preeiclent; D. UbluneFe,viee prelate nt eles, A. Cline, Kebt KaiadOD, W. F. Brockenshire, S. Yoahilt, J. A. aacpaa, R3ot. Patient, ,T. B. Ferguson, Wai; Elliott, and Wm, Clegg, directors; Jha Neeland and, Buolaenan, auditors, At a subsequent meeting of the directors, S. Youhill was re -appointed sooretary and T. A. Mills, treitsarer, -. pa the assembling ot the new council . „et 0•1.401-IdaY morning it Wa9 found that Five of tile newly sleeted members de - Wined to take their seal: Alex, Daw- son, of the 1st ward; W. P. 'Bra:ikon- shies, of the 2a1; Cass. LitoeAtal W n . lisore,of the 3rd, and Ones Me0oraell 'cif the 4th, Tate necessitated a new' idea- tion in awls of. the wards, and . al tyor Meyer at owe issael a W811',31111 to the game, TOWN connote, The new °newt,. for the year 1837 met tc.c;rding" to statate in the eoasiell ohlreaer, 011 Monday warning at 11 o'clock. The following Members were present. ern) severally tulle aid Sab33riOid 110 ttte biltrteol'oicp. tug. loin 1.a1i Viz: \layer, H. Mayer; Reeye,-W S3ott; Deputy awe, Beet eielrilea; 0 inacillera,- Ward., 1"7- Pir:n7G*tiustt S eTtoleals; Wird. 2, J. 3'. 01111 Gate eteKey; Ward 3, Alfred.' R;e; Wert14, G33, Iltsin, Joan Eller. ,) Marohison-Herdle -4-At Witteham, on the 12th inst,, by IZ9V; R. MoQaarrie; Danoaa 3. Murehison, of the township of Rama, to atm jaast Isabella Elerdie of Cents. Sanderson - Gsrrettl-Ia Rosehill , state, at the residanos of the bride's eataer, on Deo. tad lilt, by the R37. 0. Illaanamera, Wra. Senderson, to Ma- tilda, daughter of Sirdeel Gerretaforea- ertv of Wiagbairt. 11 pear Hunting., Bear hunting, with the assistance or guides supplied with a well trollied pack of hounds, may be satisfactory metely the killing of them Is desired, but it certainly is ne sport and de- serves not even to be ranked with trap- ping bears, as in the latter case the hunter must possess at least some knowledge of the quarry's habitat and habits. Unlike a fox, a bear, when once found by the hounds, stands no chance whatever of escaping, and There vrotdd be just as mach isport 111 shooting the animals In a park or pen as to kill run to bey bear. .And, while this truth applies to mountain lions also, there Is not even the ex case of the animal's destruCtiveness, Which is applicable as far as the lat. ter Is conterned.-Fleldband, Stream. 'rim roosts. IS zi poodle, so called? B01110 one says: "Probably the natural an- swer would recall the *Id lady vile said that no credit could be given to Adam for naming the plg, duce anybody would have known what to call it Poodle' seems se obvious a tante for this dog. And, Infact, thl le not far from the truth about the origin of the word. It is quite recent in English, not being found before 1864, apparently. It is the German spudela Winch coiner iron the LoVe German, "pialein,, to waddle, and the dog tnuet have been eo called, as Skeet saye, either because he waddles aftet his master Of because he looks fat and clumsy on aceonat -of his thleit Coldnexs ot I6e. It stvms strange to think that Scene ig colder than otber lee. The tetra "lee cold" always seems to signify a definite tempernture. All water Wider conditions freezes at 1i tertithi aelluite temperature. Pint When the thermometer falls below Abet it con- tinues to affect the ice, making It hard- er and colder. The test has been made by placing a piece of ice from the north and a piece of ace formed in the vicinity of New York near a stove to. gether. The former took much longer to melt than the latter. Viewing the Romaine. It had been a strenuous afternoon:tot the devoted teacher who took six of her pupils through the Museum of Nat ural History, but her charges had en joyed every minute of the time, "Where have ,you been, boys?" asked the father of two of the party that night, and the answer came with joy ons promptness: "We've been to a dear) eieerta 00-R „le ett 414.#1" 47. 7r/g. OVRIL Will build You up A run down condi- tion of the system is due to improper nour- ishment. What you need is a food, not a tonic. Beef' is the most nourishing food there is and therefore the best for building up a run down condition. But the difficulty with beef is that many people' fine it hard to digest. BOVRIL contains all the nourishing properties of beef in a highly concentrated form, easily assitnilated by the most delicate stomach, TOWN DIRECTORY. BAK= 011UMe11-5ableatle SerViotei 11 a and 7 p m. Sunday School at 0:30 p m, General prayer Meeting 013 Wednesday evenings. Bove B. R. Fitch, B.A., pastor. B Y P U. meets Monday evenings 8 pan. Abner 008e110 5,2. Superintendent. Maraomer Oxtunon-Babbath suer/nee at 11 a m and 7 p ere Sunday School at 2;80 p m. Epworth League every Mow dey evening. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. W. G. Buereon, pastor. A, E. Lloyd, S. S. Superintendent. PRESBYTERIAN Onname-Sabbath eer- vices at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday $ohool at 2:30 p Cameral prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev, D. Perrie, pastor. L. Harold, 5 8. 5ut perintendent, Sr. PACIL'S 0111140H, IIPISOOPAL--Sab- bath. services at 11 a m and 7 p m. San - day School at 2180 pm. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev. T. S. Boyle, M. A., B. D., Rector and 9.9. Superintendent, Sohn. Taylor and d N'ash, assistant Superintendents. m aSALvdoreow AEMY-Servioo at '7 and 11 and 8 and 8 p m on Sun.da,y, and every evening during the week at 8 o'clock at the barracks. POST OFFICE -1U Iffa0dOnald Block, Oface hours from 8 a m to 6:30 p m, Peter Fisher, postmaster. Ponalo InteetanY-Librawy and free reading roam in. the Town Hall, will be open every afternoon fr0Tn 2 to 5:30 o'clock, and every evening from '7 to 9:30 o'clock. Miss Maud Robertson, librarian. Tower Coution-W, Holmes, Mayor; Dr. A.. J. Irwin, Rave; David Bell, D. M Gordon, Taos. Gregory, John Kor, D E. McDonald Wm. Nicholson, Councillors; 3.13, Ferguson, Clerk and Treasurer; Anson Dunnage, Assessor. Board meets first Monday evening in eaoh month at 8 o'clock. ESTABLISHED 1872 .1111E WiNoto Tins. 18PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING -Az- The Times Offiee, Beaver Block WINGBAK, ONTARIO, Trams or 83.ritSeitiPTIon-Z1.00 per annexe In ad,vancq, mee it not so paid. No paper dieoone tinned till all arrears are psid, except at the option of the publieher. AD VEKTIKNO ReTICS. — Legal and other casual ativertie meats 10c per Noupariel line for drat insertion, 8o per line for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements in local columns are charged. 10 cts. per Lino for 4110 insertion, and 5 cents per line for each subsequent ineertion. Advertisements of Strayed, Parma for Sale or to Dont, and similar, *1.00 for first three weeks, end 25 cents for each subsequent in- sertion. CoNvateoe Reass-The following table shows our rates for the insertion of advertisements for specified, periods : - 131,41.021. 1 an. 0 go, 3 mo, One0olumn ••........$70.00 ;40.00 422,50 $8.00 Half on 25.00 15.00 0,00 QoarterCohunn.....- 20.00 13,50 7.50 8.00 One Inch 5.00 8.00 2.00 1.26 Advertisements without speolfie direetions will be inserted till forbid. and charged. accord- ingly. Transient advertieemente must be paid for in advance. Tim fon DEPAET3rONtr is stocked with an extensive assortment of all requisites for Pent - Ing, affording facilities not equalled in the countyfor turning out first class work. Large type and appropriate outs for all etyles of Poet - ere, Hand Bills, ate.' and the latest styles or choice fancy type forthe liner *lessee of print, ing. H. B, ELLIOTT. Proprietor and Publisher T P KENNEDY, M. D.C. M..P. 8.0, CP Member of the British IledicalAesoola- tion. Gold Medallist in Medi:due. Speoial attention pahlto diseases of Women and Child; ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. m. ; 7 to 9 p. m. PLIBLIO 201100e BOARD. -A. E. Lloyd (ohairman), B Jenkins, H. E, Isard, T, Heil, EL Kerr, Wm. Moore, Alex. Ross, 0. N. Griffin. Secretary, John F. Groves; Treasurer, 3. B. Ferguson. Meetings second Tuesday eveningin eaoh month, man SCHOOLBOARD.-Dr.A. 3. Irwin, (oheirraan) Dr. J. P. Kennedy, Dr. P. alendoaald, John Wilson, 17.9., S. A. Morton, 0. P. Smitla, W. F. VanStone. Dudley Holmes, secretary. A. Omens, treasarer. Board meets second Monday evemng in eaoh monbh. Hinz SCHOOL TEACHERS -J. A. Tay- lor, B.A., principal; G. Workman, B. A., mathematical master ; Miss F. B. Ketcheson, B.A., teacher of Eaglish and Moderns, PUBLIO SOHOOL TRAOHEREL-A. H. Musgrove, Prinoipal, Mass Brook, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Wilson, Miss Camraings, and Miss Matheson. BOARD OP Hatzru-Thos. Bell, (ohairman), R. Porter, Thomas Greg- ory, John Wilson, V.S., S. B. Ferguson, Secretary; Dr. 3. R. Maodonakl, Medical Health Officer. THE FIRST DAY The first day 'of oar Winter Term will be JANUARY 2, 1907 We will then re -open with nn- doubtedly the largest chess in the history of this school. If yen want the education that prepares for good positions, write for our catalog; costs nothing, Berlin Business iCollege ' 7W. D. E11,1 • Principal ,3 Treasurer's Sale of Lands': for Taxes. Town of1,Vinghant'()aunty of liuronl To Wit : • By virtue of a warrant under the hand of the Maynr and seal of the Corporation of the Town of Wingham, in the County of lluron, bearing date the twenty-fourth day of Novem- ber, 1008, and. to me direoted, commanding mo to levy upon the lands mentionedin the follow- ing list, for arrears of taxes due thereon, and costs therein set forth, I hereby give notice that, =liege the said arrears and toste are sooner paid, I shall proceed to sell the said lands, or so much thereof as shall be necessary for arrears and coste, at the Town Hall in the said Town of Wingham, on Saturday, the 2nd day of Mach, in the year 1007, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, in compliance with the provisions of the Assessment Act-. 'A 0 Arrears, Costs, Total Lot NU. 0 en the east side of Scott street, C. Tait Scott's survey, patented $15.30 $2.00 118.20 Lot No. 7 on the east side ot Scott street, 0 Tait Scott's Sureey, patented 14.00 2.85 10.85 A Lane about ten feet wide between Lote Nos, 3 and 4, 0. Tait Scott's survey, pat. 2.14 2.76 4.80 Lot No. 10 on the east aide of Shuter Street, government Additional eurvey,patent'd 4:1.50 8.55 40,05 North pert Lot No, 12, Peter rieher's subdivision of park Lot. No. 25, patented 8.81 2.75 0.08 Lot No. 22 north Aide of Me- Intosh etreet,Peter Fisher's original mill reserve pat84 245 8,50 Lot No, 28, north lade ot Mc- Intoehetreet,Peter Eisher's oreinal mill re -serve, pat.84 2.75 • 8,59 BOOth pert Lot NO. 143, West side of Catherine street, Leet and W101.'4 servo, patented 5,08 2.75 7, J. E. PERGUSON, Treasurer, Dated, Tree/niter's °Moe, Wingham, Nov. 29th, 1900. gaystut. DiKlail Vir flav *a go* Sigtetrre ID 11. MAC1DONALD, Centro Street Wingham, Ontario. DN., AGNEW, Physioian, Surgeon, eto. Office-Mcdonld Bleak, over W.111ellibbon's Drug Store. Night orals answered at the office. DR. RLOBT. 0, REDMOND, X. R. 0.8. (Eng) . R. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Office. with Dr. Chisholm. 'eD VANSTONE, Ito • BaRRISTER, sOLaorron, ETC, Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate of interest. No commission charged, mort- gages, town and farm property bought and. sold. omoe, Beaver Blook, Wingham A. MORTON, BARRISTER, ito. Wingham, Ont. E. L. DICKINSON DUMMY EIOLXES DICKINSON & HOIMES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc., MONnY To LoAw. Oman: Meyer Block, Wingham, JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Wingham, Ont. A IRVTIBL D. D. 8., L. 83.3. RTHUR J. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Penal:71.'8We Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal CovoellrepgeosloDifienatenlwSiurnagheaomins, of Ontario. Office ang J. PRIOR, B. S. A., L. D. $., D. D. S. V . DENTIST (Successor to Dr. Holloway) Will continue tne practice in the office lately occupied by Dr. Holloway., in the Beaver Block, Wingham, ALEX. KELLY, Wingham, Ont, LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Huron. nales of all kinds oonducted at reasonable rates. Orders left at the Tmnrs omoe will receive prompt attention. FARMERS and anyone having live stook or other articles they wish to dispose of, should adver- tiee the sante for sale in the Timms. Our large circulation tolls and. it will be strange indeed if Yon do not get a customer. We can't guarantee that you will son because you may ask More for the article or stook than it is worth. Send rota advertisement to the Tibnas and try this plan of disposing of your stook and other articles. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY eYBTEI,I. TRAINS IMA4714 von London 8.40 eon 8.80p.m. Toronto &East 10.40a.m0.48 a.m.... 2.40p.m. Kincardine -11.15 2.08 P -m.... 9.150.m, ARItIVII PROM Kincardine a.rn10.40 a.ra .... 2.40 P.M, London.... 11.10 a.m ..... 7.85 p.m. Palmerston . 9.85 Ban. Toronto & East 2.08 p.m.... 9.15 paw. L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham. CANADIAN PA0E010 RAILWAY. TRAINS DRAVia toll Woronto and East 0.58 a.ra., .. 3.34 p.m. Teeowater 1.25 pan ....10.51 p.m. Ailinirla 1111014 Teeswater 0 45 Ran 8.28 p.m. Toronto and East - ....I. 17p.m10.48 p,m. S. H. 13112M1411, Agtnxt,Winghant. Oa t'lel 60 YffAeltie EXPERIENOR antic MARES DESIGNS OnPVITItliefit &O., .AtounD !tending sketch Mid deserletien mai reetekir ascertain aur opinion free weetbtr tnventtott I prnbablY ontentnttlo. (Yantis:Dim, tionesulotlynetthilltinal, HindboOktttt Pat,ents :lent free. Oldest twenty for oseurime)9atents. Patents taken through Nunn ¼ CD. reenkra ?gala natio, without ebsrge, in the $ckntITIC JlmcrkaL .t°12411 u.°111711115iii Z,e8Eft 011' jt yr , co ao Esbadwiy, New v-rk