The Wingham Times, 1907-01-24, Page 1VOL XXXYI.-NO. 1824. PURE DRUGS Walton McKibbon THE DRUGGIST Macdonald Block, Wingham. $540 per year Miss Snell, formerly of Blue - vale, es receiving $45.00 per month from the Calgary Milling Co., Calgary. This estimable young lady had only a common school edoeation, and in a few months with us prepared for the above situation. With n few years' ex- perience Miss Snell will receive at least $75.00 per month. Stenography is better than school teaching. What we have done for others we can do for yon, Enter any time. Individual instruction. Write for catalogue. Wingham Business College (Affiliated withOlintonEusineas College) GEO. SPOTTON, Principal. MINNIE M. Williams SHAKESPEARIAN RENDERING "The Merchant of Venice" WINGHAM OPERA HOUSE TUESDAY, PEB'Y 5th In aid of Wingham Hospital. plan of hall at W. MoKibbon's drug store. Open to subscribers Friday, Feb. let, at 8.30 son. General public, 2nd to 5th. taileleleRelelo4.1414F+44 CHAMPIONSHIP. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Wear Greer,s Shoes and Rubbers Ready forl Business Messrs McGee & fiampbell, who last week purchased thej clothing and gents' furnishing business of the R. H. Crowd- er Co., have compl ted stook -taking and the store was toads opened for business. The firm has secur d a dean, up-to-date stook. Read the' new advt on page five. Highest price paid for hides and poul- try at T. Fells' butoher shop. Returns to ournalism. Mr. Dan. 31c llicuddy, formerly proprietor of the derich Signal, and lately in the civil service at Ottawa is about to return t his old love, journal. ism, and i11looa e at Calgary. "Dan" as he is familiary known to newspaper men,hae many ol friends who will wish him all kinds of moos in the growing West. SLAUGHTER SALE -Cash slaughter sale of Dress Goods, Furs, etc. G. E. KING, Clean Sweep Sale. As will be seen b r the reading of the large advt. on page five of this issue, Messrs. 11. E. Isere & Co. intend holding a ten days' clean irveep 'stele, oommeno- ing on Saturday of this week. Except- ional bargains ar. offered in general dry goods, olothiag, boob; and shoes, E4 ad eto. ft ad the advt. and then visit the store ear and secure some of the bargains. Winghar Two rinks of Wingham on Tu lost by a score of man's rink was F. Paterson's ri to 6. In the ev by L. W. Hanso rink 11 to 9. rink skipped by have been a diffe Curlers Win. orrie curlers visited sday of last week and 0 to 29. V. Vannor. feated by 12 to 11 and won by a score of 20 ing a loofa rink skipped lost to Lorne Shier's sd it not been for the Paterson there would ent story to tell. • Highest cash price paid for butter and eggs at W, Bone's grocery, Chisholm block. Cold in 1anitoba Mr. Wesley Wed er, who is in Mani- toba in the interes s of the Bell Piano and Organ Co. wri es the TIKES from Brandon. He says he receives the Tims regularly and it is pre a weekly mess- ' enclosed efolipping age from home. from the Brandon e on, of January 15th, which says -' 'For degrees below zero. It's cold, h t; you don't feel it, the atmosphere is olcity." To which Mr. Walker adds, allpt when you are in bed and your rout warm, but put your nose outside and antinvill soon feel it." Old, residents of M4itoba say this is the most severe w nteo they have had in many years. Mr. 'Walker says he will finish his trip in bo4t eight weeks and wilhthen be glad to ee his old home town of Wingham ' lio Death ot Mrs Stretton. Tuesday afternoon f last week, the silent boatman conveyed the spirit of Mrs. James Stretdan of Brussells over the river of death She had been seri- ously ill for some days and death did not come nnexp iotedly. Deceased's maiden name was Jane 31(3C/reckon and her birthplace we] Whitby. She was matted in the same locality to ker now k e 0 c rnttecii„ Binrottit„.8b5,, If dRotioanohtintuheeya bereft husband in 1854. After a short their residence t iere. For about le years the subjeet of this notice was in WINGHAM RINK failing health, anemia being the ail- ment and de'epite a 1 that could be done by physicianaod nurse she paid nature's debt as a ewe stated. In ad- dithen to her husLnd Mrs. Stretton is survived by two anghtere, and four sons. Deceased as a abater of Mr. Sohn McCracken 6 this town, Mount Forest vs. Wingham JANUARY 25th Game called at 8 p.m. Citizens' Band in attendance. Skating after the game. ADMISSION, CARD 0 THANKS We wish to rail to the people of W for their Very 'Ube • hoe. and. 16d the Aro years rte • WISHING A PA1tT/011/411,1,T DES/R- 5 per Cent Investment WealOAtt, tot( ABNER OMENS Ottrt and beittrat160 Agent* in Wingham. By 'very latest and 4os wear, and byi value for their build tip a large t the pUblio for the •age, To our an • do Campbell, wh nem men and w of this distriot, Mine liberal pa ask all thee() wh thing in Olothin not forget the" our hearty thanks dighard and district 1 patronage during ve been in business Myrtle keeping the in =en's and boys' g the people good nay we were able to de and again thank Very liberal patron- .. •ssors, Messrs McGee • are exPerienoed bud - I -known to the people 6 hope may enjoy the nage and we would ate in need of any. or furnishing line to hat trout Store." E ig B.11. Olowovill 0o. WINGILAM, ONTARIO, TTITI1tSDA, JANUARY 24, 1907. Canadian Racg Circuit. The dates fixed at t •e Stratford meet- ing for the Canadian _acing Cuonit are as followa: Mitchell May 24; Wing - ham, June 5-6; Lon n, June 11-1,4; Seaforth, June 19-2 ; Listowel, June 25-27; Stratford, Ja 1-4; Hamilton, July 9-10; Preston, nly 17-19. Call at R. Johnston's and see his line of Felts, Rubbers and Shoes and be con- vinced. Detroit Exc irsion, 1907 Whioh date do yo say is b t, leave Goderich Tuesday a d etu `hureday, or, leave Goderich rJg aud return Monday, or down o a ay and return the next? Write r. Ayer, Steamer Greyhound, Detroit, Mich., what you think about it. mat traine from Wingham, Clinton, • erlin, etc. Opera Ho The Town Council to do something in th ing better means for holm. On Tuesday e was very oold and peop all through the ante understand that fires w in the morning, yet the from being warrn, Thi all that is required, in matter may be remedie People will not attend they are forced to sit in e Cold. ill certainly have matter of provid- ating the opera ening the place e were in misery tainment. We re started early nilding was far hint should be rder that this by the Connell. tertainmente if a cold building. A complete line of Fe ts, Rubbeis and Shoes now on hand at R. ,Tohnston's Boot and Shoe Store. BRONCO BUSTER: DEFEATED. Ou Monday evening at the Bronco Busters, of Harrieton, r nners up in last year's ohampionehip r ce, faced the local in the eecond home game of the season and held them do n to a score of 5 to 2, mainly through th ir whole team, playing a defence gain°. At 8.15 Mr. Ed, Wetlanffer, of Berlin lined up the teams. Both teams we in for first blood, and after many en 1 -to -end rushes Fleneing found the net, owl the ()roved went wild with excitemnt. After 10 minutes play McDowell tended No 1 for Harriston after getting '6hind the lobal defence. The loeals wero playing away and Harrieton team tc a man were blocking the goal, but hnston found a spaoe and beat Llixo for No. 2, and the half ended 2 to 1 or Winghara. On r miming play Hard on atilt put up a defence game, and the lay was all at Harrigan goal, but Diz and Howes were always in front and on a rush by McDowell a pass to War a goal was scored for Harriston, w oh was their last -with the score 3 to in, favor of Wingbam, McGillivrar making the third, Harriston broke I lose and many attempts were made on Wingham de- fence, and on a shot frori Ward, Moore made a stop right at th net which was olaimed a goal nut the mpire who was at the side of the net of mod it was no goal, and referee Wet auffer did not allow it. Shortly af :rwards Elliott planted one in the net a d was followed before full time by Mc an making the 5th and 011ie the game nded 6 to 2 for Wingham. Ed, Wetl uffer, of Berlin made a capable referee and not a mis- play escaped his eye. The game was clean, only 6 penalties eing hand out. Mt, Forest plays on Fr ay night and a win for Wingham mea s the silver mug. The line -up: - Moore goal. . Dixon Wilson . point •Howes Johnston. cover poi 6 Bates • McGillivray rover MoDoWell MoL an centre Ward Fleming. _left win Bennett Elliott right wi • g Whitmore Shakespea e's Plays. Minnie M. Wi lams' professional career covers a peri of twelve years, during which time he has pdfr two extended tours of E gland, Ireland and. Scotlaud and Wale , I ne season she gave four recitals ondon, two in Cambridge, six in dinbnrgh, four in Glasgow, eight in Liverpool, eight in Birmingham, five in Dahlia, four in Stratford•Upon-A n, and eighty-six in other provincial o ies. Miss Williams' audienoes were orfoal and representa- tive, and the wa weleorned by both petite and publin n a soholarly• iuter- preter of the plays. Opera house, Wing - tam, Tuesday eve ng, Feby 5th, BIG SALE -Don't miss tjetropportunity • of buying goods belnweewleoleeale prices at Kaiser's, the Judean From Our Neighbors. The Wingham T r&E$ has celebrated another anniversarl and grows better as . it advances in year. Bro. Elliott is de- servedly acoordedj a large advertiaing patronage and noj doubt the business men reap cdrrespendingly large returns from it. We win i the TIMES continued prosperity. -Brussels Post... ... ... We notice that the Wingham Twos has passed its 86th m lestone; seeing, that it was originally .n offshoot from the New Era, and Omit the writer of this was its first local editor, we are natur- ally interested ire Lts progrees, and are glad to see that n ider Mr.11. B. Elliott's management it Onloing well; the only improvement we would suggest would, be to drop out tko paid readers from among tke locale that however, ie Mr. Elliott's bushier, not ours. -Clinton New Era. Fon SA TY.-Briok house and lot; also a good brick house with all modern conviences; hard and soft water, good barn, and from one to four acres of land. Get particulars at the Ti o10°. Local Op on Results. Local option by.laws were voted on in five municipelitie in Huron county last week, namely, in he townships of Grey, Stanley, Tuokerslnith and Usborne and the village of He sail. In every one of theme municipali es a majority of votes was cast for the y -law, but the require- ment of a thraeilfths favorable vote to bring the ineassee into effect was not fulfilled in the 4 ownehips of Grey and Tuokersmith, an the by-law therefore was lost. In UsbIrne, Stanley and Hen. 'tall the vote wa. deoisive and at the doge of the licen year these places will "dry."go The vote pofledl in the several munici- palities was as, foglows For Against Grey .... ..„.. 411 285 Lost Tuokersraith 254 .191 Loot 'Morrie „ 352 178 Carried Stanley,.,. 288 118 Carried Henson.... 140 72 Carried There is at pre ent one lioensed hotel in Ushorne, th4 at •Woodham. In Stanley there are hree, at Varna, Blake and Hipped. Throughout th4 Provinoe voting on local option bpi took plane in 111 municipalities. 11he Pioneer reports tha results in 108 f these plseea,tbe bY. WO being oarti ;in ISO kits:wet and ;10st in 58. At • Mt. Forest on the home teain won dine hockey team e berthay evening om the Kinosir- score of 12 to 4. At Harriston, on T ursday evening last in a Northern L ague game, the home team won from Kincardine by a score of 10 to 5. Hospital 0pJning Ta -day. Today (Thured ) is the day of the formal opening of the Wingham Hoe - pieta The memb sof the Ladies' Aux- iliary will be in attelldS000 this afternoon and evening to sery coffee and cake. A silver colleotion wil4 be taken at the door. It is expectd that many of the people of this aeon n will avail them- selves of this opport nity of inspeoting Wingham's new Holaital. Bodies 1 emoved A few week ago Lr. J. A. Chapman employed Mr, Gne t, caretaker of t the A fast and excitin game of hockey will be played. in the Ingham rink on Friday evening of 4:js week between Mt. Forest and Win otam. The Wing - ham boys are deter 'nod to keep the NortIrrn League sil erware here, so a fait gime can be loo ed for. Band in attendance and skati g after the game. cemetery, to lift th deceased husbaud, and little danghte them in her own lc recently deceased Chapman. Notice t Public. All parties who h Id keys for boxes in the old post office «111 kindly return them to the Postm ster. Box roan.- in new office are payab e in adyancedid date from jelly 1st, 1907 4ox.holders who were overpaid in ol Moe will receive refund. The Govei nment prohibits the • posting in the build ng of bills or notices of any kind, except theme telating to the P. 0. department. • P. PISITER, Postmaster TARE NOTICE.-Uoonnts ran St' be paid at once. , The . . CROWDER CO. bodies cf her first Mr T. H. Kinsman , Mdlie, and place along with her re- nsband, Mr. A. Died al Ottawa Postmaster 1l'ishr on Tuesday after- noon received a me sage announoing the death of his sister, Mrs. Cameron, wife of Rev. Dr. Camerca, of Ottawa. The deceased lady had men in poor health for some moieties. 3he was also a sister of Misses K. M. an Margaret Fieher, of Disgracet .11 Conduct Monday evening Winghamites heard with much disply sure that a fighting row had taken place, at the supper hoar that evening on. th main street. From what we have bee able to learn three young rowdies pon ced upon an innocent young man and ave him a terrible trouncing. While his sort of conduct may have been to erated in the early ages, surely we are now living in a time when etude perform :noes should be cora- pletely out out. ght-thinking people are against things If this kind, and wo hope to report the , the guilty parties have been brought° amount. I have quite a number of good second - handed watches from one dolla , alt it good running erder andn1t be sold regardless of their yalu9.ralsO 2 diver show oases that mt$t,bdoid. Call and see goods and beMinced of the great bargains. Maher, the Jeweler. this town. The be sympathy of man illation. Miss K. Wednesday for 0 funeral. aved will have the friends in their af- M. Fisher left on taws to attend the International Grand The third concert of the tlospital course was held on Inesday evening and was well attended. The International Grand Concert Con pany was the attrac. tion. The compan;\ is a good one. The numbers by the p1 moist, Ms Newland were enjoyed, as evere the violin selec- tions by Mlle. 'Vereaarel. The singing by Mr. Crampton ant Miss Mary Peyton was good, but h=l the selections been more modern they vould have been more appreciated. Mies Peyton's rendering of 'Coming through he Rye" was well re- ceived and more sfleetions of a similar nature would ha'rq been more appreoiat. ed. The next att otion will be Minnie M. Williams, on nesday evening, Feby 5th. TENDERS PO CARETAXING-Appli• cations marked Tender" will be receiv- ed by the unser igned up to .6 p. . on Tuesday, 29th int., foy the staking of Wingham Pu ic S ool Applicants may learn the duiesfoipp1ioation to the Secretary. St&h1ary expected. John F. roves, Seoy. Public School Board, ingham. Many Peo e Fooled. ' Many of our to nspeople went to the old post Office on Wednesday morning for their mail,onl to find that the Poet - master and hie o liging assistants were doing business in the new °Mee. It has been a long atir tedious wait, but we now have the ve y best of post offioe so- ownmOdation. The changing of post • Wilde Operations 1.rOill one bididing to an. other Melina co siderable work, but in the three mor4t that Mr. Maher has • made, they bMs been done without any rinterruption in 7rnslnea. Our best wish. es are with Mf. Visher an& vite hope he maybe iparedj for many years to enjoy • [the comforts cft tile 110W 616,00o Changea e Weather. During the past .veek we have had all kinds of weather. Friday and Saturday mild, with very he Ivy rain on Saturday. Saturday this seat n was visited by a very severe wind torm. The wind it blew and blew. Some people were afraid to go to bed as their honey] were shaken with the force of the strong wind. Some dam go was done about the town. Sunda brought snow and now wo again hay fairly good sleigh- ing. The gale on ake Erie forced the water into the Nia are River in such quantity that it rea hed the superstruc- ture of the steel arc bridge, the highest point on record. ni.large section of the Gorge Railway wa considerable damag works on both sides washed out, and done to the power the river, Death of Win McPherson Mr. Wm MoPh‘son, one of the re- spected pioneers c Tnrnberry passed away at his homepot 11, concession 7, on Tuesday morning in his 81st year. Deceased was a native of Scotland and came to this con try in early life. He had been a resid nt of Turnberry for up- wards of fifty y rs and helped to make the Township w at it ie to.day. He re- ceived all the m nicipal honors that his fellow ratepay rs could beatow upon him, He firat served as a Councill- or, then as D uty-Reeve. He was the honored Hee e of the Township, re- signing at the en4 of 1899, after serving eighteen yeas cdptinuOusly in the posi- tion. He was ale the County. He munieipal law an one year Warden of as a luan who knew • always .gave good service both in to ship and county af- fairs. Ile was a swatch Liberal in poli- ties and a Pres1Pyterian in religion. Pifty•five years wo he was married to Helen MoDougallewhe predeceased him on the lit of .Tspnary, 1904. In the death of Mt. M Pherson, Tnrnberry loses0 citizen, wh# wall known to all the older residents 41 the distriot. For some night years Jie has not been enjoy- ing good health d a few years ago his sight failed him nd he has been forced to remain at ho on McPherson ond another sO 40 on the hole plitoe this (Thu ham oemetary. $1 A TEAR IN ADVANCE WELL-KNOWN PEOPLE ) Eye Use and Abuse Those tired oyes of yours wit stand lote of abuse, yet there is a limit to there patience and powers Yon ntay worry along for quite a time but there will come a time when you will regret your present indifference. We will give eye advice free and eye ease at very moderate cost. Our guarantee means something for wo aro always here, MIL SOtt N UIESS Olerk of Turnber Township. Probably no man n this district is better known or mor highly respected than the gentleman ose photo we re. produce in this ism Mr, Burgess ha3 been a resident of luevale since the very early days, set ling there when it was a thriving vil go and the place where Wingham no stands was a dense swamp. Mr Bur -g shasfor many years been the obliging a d efficient Secretary for the Bluevale 0 eese and Butter Co. In 1888 he was a ..pointed, on the death ::.?1 Thos. Fortune, as Clerk of the Town- ship of Turnberry In these positions he has given the vex y best of service, and they have broug/ot him in close touch e, One sOn, Mr. Dan - resides in Wingham Mr. Alex. McPherson The Ifnneral take' day) attertioett to Wing - with the people also a member o of theBlnevale f the township. He is the t oard of Managers resbyterian Church and Watiey's Dru 6 .Store PHONE 100 WIN43154M, ONT. ‘t :1ki since the early days has held the position of Church Seoretary-Treasurer. Mr, Burgos: is op., oi the charter members oL he Carnahan Foresters and for many year.] has represented his local Court at t te High Court meetings. For some yeurl he held the position of High Anditor o the Order, a position he was well qualiii to fill. • Mr Burgess wa ter Some time troubl- ed with rheuma sm, but we aro pleased to know that he as pretty well recover- ed and his hosts f friends will wish for him many years of vigor and ontivity. Congratulatio At the opening Oonnty Council. at Goderich, Mr. of East Wawanoe Mr. Carrie is one Councillors who w has now been hon position in the gif This is an honor, n but to the mum° ,and also to Wing Currie's home to hearty congratula Death of On Monday, 21s away at the reside Mrs. John A. Mo of the very oldest in the person of relict of the late deceased hal exoe score years and t s, Warden Currie. ession of the Huron Tuesday afternoon, ohn T. Currie, Reeve was elected Warden. f the three old County re re-elected, and he ed with the highest of his colleague% t only to M. Currie, ality he represents m, m this is Mr. n. We extend our one. rs. Groves. inst., there passed co of her daughter, at, Acton, Ont., one esidents of Wingham Mrs. Mary Groves, James Groves. The ded the biblical three , and was closely ap- ptoaching the fo. r score. She came in 1860 with her h band into the township of Turnberry a located on the 131ue- vede Road abon a mile from the present town of Wingh m. In those days the merest relieve was Clinton, and it took three days to r: ach the bush farm, where she spent t • early days of her resid- ence in Homo '. At that time Wingham was not even xnown with a name on the post office m4, the nearest post officer] being Blueval and Zetland. A small hotel (Cornyn s) occupied the site of the present Quee 's Hotel. Shortly after Edward Foley nd Thomas Long opened small stores on what ie now the Main St. Settlers apidly tame into the , locality and spa ily there grew tip the nuoleus of a thri ing town around the water powers on the Maitland River. Some years aft ,r the Clinton Road, generally known le "The Gravel Road," was extended fro n Blyth northward to Teoewater. Thi it was that gave Tipper Wingbam its Ste --t over Lower Town. It was most inteLating to hear her relate the experiences e2 the early settlers, and many times has -he been called upon to relate the story a' what is now but at tale that is tole. She was a kindly Woman, poesessitor the love and respect of all who knew her. She leeerell One datighter,Mria Jo n Mowat, Acton. and . Groves, Wingham, , Toronto, as Well as a morn her departure. right here and inter' Winghtan oinattery Property Owners Will find It distinctly to their advantage to make me their agent: based on quick returns and satisfao- tory dealing. The following list are a few of the many properties for sale: $1050 story house, 8 rooms, good repair, rents for $90 per year; John St. $1100-1;.; story frame house, 8 rooms, hard and soft water, fine cellar, ex- cellent repair; Francis St. $1200-114 story new solid brick house, 8 rooms, a comfortable home ;Marl - es St. $1250-1af story house, 8 rooms, hard and soft water, nice location, rents for $102 per year; Viotoria St. $1300-2 story frame house. splendid cellar, stable worth $300. fruit trees, rents for $109 per year; Leopard St. $1300 -new brick cottage, 7 rooms, lotnaredsatnd soft water, stable; Joseph - $1500 -2 story house, 9 rooms, good repair, a beautiful home; Scott St. $1950-2 etory brick cottage, 7 rooms, electric lights, good stable; John St. $2000-1;t4 story donble house, 10 rooms. all conveniences; Minnie St. $2300-2 story house, bath, electric lights, two 1.5 acre lots worth $1000, stable worth $500; Minnie St. $2700-2 story solid brick house, bath, furnace), could not be built now fpr $4000; Maple St. If you want anything at any time in Real Estate, come direct to head- quarters. Money to loan on farm security, J. H. CHISHOLM Real Estate, Ineurande and Loan Agent. Vanden° block. Wingham. two sow, John and W. E. Grove hoot Of friends, tc 1111.6 body was b ment took place yesterday. Dr. Ovens Oculist, London, Surgeon Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Mo- Kibbon's drug store, Tuesday, Feb. lith. Hours 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. Glasses prop- erly fitted. ,