HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 2015-11-25, Page 17Wednesday, November 25, 2015 • News Record 17 A 1913 shipwreck finally found in Lake Huron Shaun Gregory Postmedia Network When Shipwreck hunter David Trotter saw the faded orange coloured side scan sonar of what appeared to be a large ship at the bottom of Lake Huron, blurting out obscenities, he knew right then this was 'her', the Hydrus. It's been 30 years for Trot- ter surveying this body of water in Huron County's backyard, with complete hopes of finding the 436 foot steel freighter that sunk in the catastrophic storm known as the White Hurri- cane. According to the Weather Network, the disas- ter thatoriginated on November 7, 1913 was the "worst storm in the Great Lakes History": During the four days of violent condi- tions, the hurricane pro- duced approximately 50 cm of snow with winds reaching more than 130 km/h across the open waters of Lake Huron. "Every one of those ships that went down, half on the US and half on the Canada (side), out of those 12 that went down, there were no DRIVERS WANTED survivors, 270 people died in a matter of just a few hours," commented Trotter, 74, from Canton, Michigan. The 102 -year-old steel treasure is believed to be the last of the six ships lost and later discovered on US boundaries. For Trotter this is one more artifact to add to the pile of history he has stumbled across in the past three decades. At this time the senior has found roughly a hundred stray items on the bottom of the Great Lakes, ranging from steamers to air- planes as well as numerous other different kinds of ships. One of his most glori- fying moments was in 1993 when he deciphered the mystery of the largest schooner ever built in Can- ada. The Minnedosa was first constructed in 1890, the 250 - foot wooden yacht would later be found by Trotter just east of Saginaw, Ont. This leisure pursuit is not an avenue for employment, for Trotter and the rest of his marine companions this job is all hobby. Every spring Trotter assembles a group of divers and shipwreck hunt- ers 'literally' scavenging up and down most parts of Lake Huron putting in 24-36 hours straight of gridding. They are equipped with the latest state of the art marine technology including visual underwater time capsules that are capable of high-res- olution bottom profiling with 1,000 -foot depths. See- ing as the Great Lakes com- pose the largest body of fresh water in the world, locating ruins can take years or longer. "Lake Huron on the US side has 9,000 square miles of surface, if you think of that context, so a ship is 400 -feet long and 50 -feet wide. Well let me tell you (in) 9,000 square miles of the (lake's) surface, that's a pretty small dot," Trotter stated regarding the complexity of the side scan sonar and how difficult it can be to pin point these objects. "If a ship was lost, unless somebody saw it go down, which in a heavy storm you're fighting for your own survival. (Back then) nobody knew except the debris that came a shore during the next couple of days on the Cana- dian side as the winds pushed it across the lake:' CONTINUED > PAGE 19 , li i 114.; ADVERTISE ACROSS ONTARIO OR ACROSS THE COUNTRY! For more information contact your local newspaper. ilirmr.i....— 4 THE E[ 1LE GROUP WE ARE URGENTLY LOOKING FOR THE FOLLOWING AZ DRIVERS: OWNER OPERATORS **Now Offering Higher Mileage Rates** CROSS BORDER COMPANY HIGHWAY DRIVERS $.514 Cents Per Mile APPLY TO: recruiting@rosedale.ca OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-855-721-3962 For More Details JOIN THE FAMILY DRIVE THE BUSINESS www.rosedale.ca/drivers LAIDLAW CARRIERS VAN DIVISION requires experienced AZ licensed drivers to run the U.S. Premium mileage rate. Home weekly. New equipment. Also hiring Owner Operators. 1-800-263- 8267 BUSINESS OPPS. HIP OR KNEE REPLACEMENT? 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