Clinton News Record, 2015-05-06, Page 22 News Record • Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Laura Broadley Clinton News Record
St. Joe's students, from left to right, Obi Siebert, Jakob Boughen, Dean Middleton and Aleksandra
Masowa participated in the HPCDSB learning summit at St. Anne's last Tuesday.
Innovation and inspiration for
students at HPCDSB summit
Laura Broadley
Clinton News Record
Innovate, inspire and net-
work were the themes of last
week's learning summits at St.
Michael's and St Anne's.
Organized by the Huron -
Perth Catholic District School
Board, this year's summits were
the first of its kind. Students rep-
resenting all Catholic elemen-
tary schools in Huron were in
attendance last Tuesday at St.
The summit was created to
bring students together to leam
about innovation and technol-
ogy. Students are then encour-
aged to bring backwhat they've
learned to their own class-
rooms, said Sean McDade,
twenty-first century learning
coordinator for HPCDSB.
As a part of HPCDSB's com-
mitment to inclusive learning,
the summits were an opportu-
nity for students of all learning
styles to engage. The confer-
ence was meant for students
who wouldn't normally have
the chance to attend something
like this, which could mean
anything from students who
don't get opportunities to shine
to students who have learning
disabilities, said Vince Mac-
Donald, director of education
"These are student who
have learning disabilities,
these are student who have
gifts of all kinds. What we're
doing is bringing them
together to learn that you can
be very successful even if you
have a learning disability,"
MacDonald explained.
The day began with a pres-
entation by keynote speaker,
DJ Cunningham, CEO of
LEARNSty1e. LEARNSty1e is a
business dedicated to helping
people learn through different
training and technological
methods. Cunningham has
lived with significant learning
barriers which makes it all the
more powerful for the stu-
dents, said MacDonald.
The day was broken up into
four workshops. Digital Lead-
ers encouraged students to
brainstorm how they would
create a popular technology
club at their school. There
was a coding class led by Dr.
George Gadanidis from the
University of Western Ontario.
During Dr. Gadanidis' work-
shop the students explored
the relationship between code
and math. The third workshop
was Google Read and Write
which taught students how
technology can be used to
enhance everyone's strengths.
The last workshop was Faith
Leaders where students cre-
ated interactive presentations
to highlight the Ontario Cath-
olic expectations.
The model for the confer-
ence was unique to the school
board as teachers and stu-
dents attended and partici-
pated together.
The school board has a
strong technological empha-
sis. It has invested in portable
devices, almost one for every
two students. But it's not just
about buying the equipment,
said MacDonald. It's about
training the students and fac-
ulty to use the technology to
enhance their strengths,
which is the goal of the learn-
ing summits.
MP Ben Lobb honours Clinton veterans
Laura Broadley
Clinton News Record
Two Clinton veterans were
honoured last Saturday at
the Royal Canadian Legion.
MP Ben Lobb presented Ter-
rance Maguire and Douglas
Andrews with a tribute lapel
pin and certificate in recog-
nition of their service.
Veterans Affairs Canada is
honouring veterans to mark
the 75th anniversary of Can-
ada's participation in the
Second World War.
The honour is meant to
recognize living Canadian
citizens who served with
Canadian Forces or any
Allied force. It is estimated
there are 80,000 living veter-
ans of the Second World War
in Canada.
Noel Flagg, Gordon Her-
man, Allan Neal and Doug
Bartliff are also eligible for
the recognition but were
unable to attend the
Community support is
essential for the Legion to
continue its commitment to
veterans and their families.
Membership applications
can be picked up at the
Legion, located at 95 Kirk
Street in Clinton.
Laura Broadley Clinton News Record
MP Ben Lobb presented Clinton residents Douglas Andrews (sitting)
and Terrance Maguire with a tribute lapel pin and certificate at the
Clinton branch of the Royal Canadian Legion last Saturday.
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