HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-01-10, Page 68 1' 4,.,0,« .ver D. M. GORDON'S Great January Sa � of FURS 1 And all late Fall and Winter Goods AT COST is now on. Everything in favor of the buyer. All, - Come. We Are Ready. D. rt. GORDON. TAE WI,NGRA1 TIES JANUARY 10, 1907 J ME$TOWN. **11••••••••••••••••••••••• Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ecknnier and Mr. McKenzie of Ethel, vieitcd at the THE home of the former's brother, George, • of tlaie,pleoe on Saturday of last week. Robt. Forrest lett on Wednesday of t last week to assume his duties as teach- • After er is a school near Dungannon. Oar1.1 MINOR LOCALS. -Very mild weather for January. -Mrs. J. C. Smith, John street, will receive on the firat and third Wednes- days of each month, . -Mr. Jas. G. Stewart, late of Wing - ham, teas sold his hardware business at .Auburn to Mr. Jos. Young. -The regular meeting of Court Mait- land, Canadian Foresters, will be held on Friday evening of this week. -Mr. W. J. Elliott, brother of the editor of the Ti yrs, was elected as a Councillor in Ingereoll on Monday, -The many friends of Mr, J. B. ()um- eninga will be sorry tolearn that he has been confined to his bed for some days. -Piper McDonald and Mise Mabel Mc- Donald will take part in a Soottlah con- cert at Ridgetawn next Monday even- ing* -Mr. A. M. Robinson, late of Wing - ham, will continue as manager of the Bank of Hamilton at Teeswf}torl nfi the prrangeruents for his tranefeg tg itnat pr place did not materialiiid: -The annual meeting of the West Wawanosh Mutual Fire Insurance Co. will be held at Dungannon, on Wednes- day afternoon, January 23rd. See advt. elsewhere in this issue. -Mr. Frederick Dane, well-known to many people in this district, was ap- pointed to the vacancy of the Temiskam- ing Sr. Northern Ontario Railway Com- mission, succeeding Mr, 0. B. Smith. CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS A simple and effective remedy for ORE THROATS AND COUGHS They combine the germicidal value of Cresoteno with the soothing properties of slippery elm and lice. rice. Your druggist or from us, 100 in stamps. ;,ticitu,a, Musa 0o., Limited, Agents, lilontreal. 4or --The firat meeting of Huron County Council as composed of the Reeves and Deputy Reeves of the different muni- cipalities of the County will be held at Goderich, commencing on Tuesday, Jan. 22nd. -Mr. Arthur Aitken, late of Turn - berry, was married at Glenburn, North Dakota, on Christmas Day to Miss Rose U. Carroll. Mr. Aitken will have the test wishes of many old friends in this section. -Mr. A. E. Anderson's bus team ran away from the G. T. R. station on Fri- day morning, going as far as the first bridge south of the town. The bus was very badly broken and will take some $200 to repair it. Dr. Nelson -Tait of 498 Spadina Ave., Toronto, will be at the Queen's Hotel, Wingham, on Friday, Jan, llth from 8.80 a. m, till 3 p. in. for consultation in diseases of Eye, Ear, NOse and Throat. Glasses fitted. -The Kincardine Reporter appeared telt creek in a new dross of type. The Reporter is naw one of the best papers In Western OntnrIo, and has made won- derful improvements tinder Erer. Hunt- er. Continued eueoesa is the best wish of the Toles. The post egos at Marnoch, Tp. of Seat W*wa Bosh, after doing a general port oiioe btuineeo underthe charge and direotiesz of P. Porterfield as postmaster for the past 45 year•, and 4 months, bar now been closed by order of the P. M. C+a errft1 wt Ottawa. PERSONAL. best wishes for success are hie, Jos. Combos, of Molesworth and Gordon Macdonald of this place visited friends in Bluevale on Sunday last. Gordon MacDonald, who has been with MacDonald Bros. for the past six months leaves in the near future to take a course in the Owen Sound Business College. - The best wishes of his many friends will accompany him. Miss Kathleen Idle of Toronto is visit- ing at the home of her sister, Mrs. D. Miller. Mrs. D. S. Hicks of Howick recently visited at J. D. Miller's. We shall be glad to have contributions to his column from any of our readers. If you have visitors or purpose going away yourself, drop in and tell us, or send us a note to that effect. Mr. Trout visited his home in Wier - ton during the holidays. Mr. W. G. Gray spent Sunday visit- ing with Mr. John Taylor at London. Mr. Spence Currie, of Hamilton, spent a few days at his home here last week. The Rev. J. M. Horton, Rector of Ripi ey, was a visitor in town this week. Mr. Harding has returned after a coup- le of week's visit at his home in Orange- ville. Mies Mabel Howson, and Miss Tibbs were visiting old friends at Clinton on Sunday last. Mr. Wm. Jobb, of Dauphin, Man., is visiting with old friends in Wingham and Turnberry. Mrs. John Johnston, of Belleville, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. 1. Pattison, in town. Good d Trunk will build w Herr 1 M Ottawa. Mr. Sinclair Snell of Prince Albert, Seek., is visiting frieuds in this vicinity, Herb Edgar and Russell Moffatt have left to receive a business training at Stratford and Toronto respectively. A. Jacklin and A. McLennan have gone to learn telegraphy at St. Thomas, Anumber of the Brussels friends of Mr. and Mre Duncan MacDonald were entertained by them at their home here on Friday evening of last Week. Mr and Miss Maunders of Brussels and Miss McNair of Cranbrook, spent Thurs- day evening of last week with friends here. Bert MCEwan of MoEwan Bros., Goderich, visited at the home of his parents here recently. A. Pollock and Mrs Gibbon visited at friends in McGillivray township recent- ly, Jas. Straohan, jr, Ieft for Toronto on Tuesday of this week to resume his studies at the Dental College. Wm MacDonald visited with friends in Galt recently. Jno. J. Strachan is at present visiting under the parental roof. McAlphine Taylor of Boissevain,Man., left for his home on Tuesday of this week after having visited at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs Oald- beck. A large number orthe friends of Mr. and Mrs. S. Snell and family. spent a de- lightful time on the eve of the New Year at the house warming in connec- tion with the commodious and com- fortable new home of Mr. and Mrs Snell. Mrs. Leonidas Hubbard, Jr., deliver- ed her lecture on her sncoeseful Labrad- or expedition, in the Methodist Episco- pal Church, on the evenieg of December 20th. The audience was a large and re- presentative one. All were greatly in. terested in her thrilling story, which was eloquently told. She has rare gifts as a platform speaker, and has put her remarkable wealth of material in most attractive form. -"The Columbian Ad- vecate," New York. In Methodist (church, Wingham= under iii@ aueni0011 *?oil to. ea in Toronto for a of EDW:irth r , . • - . r Mr. W. J. e �...._ .. .._ m.. �,rtagne ori �unrsday even- few days this week attending a meeting ing, January 17th. of railway employees. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Day, of Walker. ton were visiting with Wingham relat- ives and friends last week. Miss Isa Simpson, of Innisfail, Alta. is visiting at her parental home in Culross and with her sister, Mrs. A. H. Mus. grove. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McIver, of De- troit were in town this week attending the funeral of Mrs. Mclvor'e sister, Mrs. H. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Roe, of Berkley, 0 all., are visiting at the Queen's hotel. They were unable to reach Wingham in time for the funeral of the late Geo. B. Roe. Mr. Russel T. Kelly, of Hamilton was in town attending the funeral of his father, the late Jas, Kelly, and ,pent a few days visiting at the home of his uncle, Mr. A. Kelly. The foihowing are a few of young ladies and gentlemen who arrived in town this week to attend the Wingham Babiness College :-Miss Amy Reid, Luck. now; Mr. Wm. Greer, Kincardine; Mr. Edwin Hunter and Mr. John Steele, Teeswater; Miss Nellie Whitman, Walkerton; Miss Ulla McDonald, An- bnrn; Mr. Wright, Jamestown; Mies Maggie Law, Belmore; Mr. Herb. Low- ry, Brussels; Mine Mary Crowe, White- church; Mr. Thos. Nichola, Bluevale; Mr. Jas, Kelly and Mr. Anderson, 'Turn - berry. . . . . . s " BIG BOOK STORE Z holidays, School Days are now on, The Big Book Store is ready with a full line of • . . . ••. . . O . • • school Books and Supplies.. of the very best quality, at lowest prices. As Scribblers and Lead Pencils are in great demand, we are giving 3 good Scribblers for 5c. 3 good Lead Pencils with rubber for 5c. " By the little we judge the • much." • We thank you for your generous patronage during the iChristmas season. K. M. Fisher. • GREGORY BLOCK, WINGHAM. ♦..444.O.O.A..4.0..•00..0. MARRIED Krnn--MACHIN.-At the Metropolitan church, on New Year's Day,1907, by the Rev, Solomon Cleaver, D. D., Emily Florence, youngest daughter of the late James Mackie, to Charles Lovell Kerr of New York City. MAcDONAEn-WIL90N.-At the residence of the bride's mother, on Tuesday', Jan. 1st, by Rev. A.C. Wishart, B. A., Mr. Duncan MacDon- ald of Jamestown, to Miss Kate Wilson, daugh- ter of Mrs. Jas. Wilson, Brussels. 'DIED JonrsroN.-At Sault Ste Marie, on January 2nd, Annie McKenzie, wife of Mr. H. Johnston. The United Statee Steel corporation le said to be about to build a plant et Sand• with to employ 5,000 men. Mrs. Patrick Clint died at Kingrton, in her hundredth year. THE CARE OP A BABY A baby that does not eat well and sleep well, that ie not cheerful and play- ful needs attention, or the result may be serious. Stomach. and bowel-' troubles make children erose and eloepless, but a dose of Baby's Own Tablets soon cures the trouble, the c iid sleeps soundly and naturally wakes p br'ighk and smiling. Mrs, J. E . Hsrl Workington, Ont., pays: "My little a has had no medicine but Baby's Own Tablets since she was two months old and they hate kept •her the picture of good health." You can get Baby's Own Tablets from any drop gild or by roma at 25 cent a box froth The Dr. Williams' Medicine 00., Brook- ville, Ont. 11 MI 111111 1. .1_ mi ANNUAL MEETING. Meeting of The Huron Couuty Council, / The Council of the Ginty of Huron will meet in the council chamber in the Town of Goderich on Tuesday, the 22nd day of January, at O'clock in the afternoon. Accounts to be dealt with by the council must be placed with t•.e Olerk before the above date. Dated January 5th, 1307. W LANE, Clerk. NOTICE TO REDITORS. Notice is hereby give 1897, Chap. 129,1 -cc. 38, claims:a¢ainst the Este late of the Township of of Bruce, widow, dere about the 23rd day of required to send bypost R. Vnnstonc, Solieitorf on or before the 20th da their names, addresses full statement of partici the nature of the securi duly ,certified, and that Administratrix will pr assets of the deceaseds thereto. having regard 'which v Dated she he shall day of The annualmeeting of the 'West Wawanosh Mutual Fire Insurance Company will b -Ifold in the Agricultural Hall, Dungannon, Wednesday, 23rd day anuary Solicitor pursuant to R. S. 0. at all persons having of Christina Collin, ulross in the County ed, who died on or April A. D, 1902, are repaid or to deliver to r the Adnnistratrix, of January, A.D. 1907, nd descriptions and a ars of their claims and iif any)heldbythem iter the said day the coed to distribute the ong the parties entitled my to the claims of e notice. ecember A. D. 1900. R. VWingltnin P. 0., or the Administratrix. . . . •. •. • . . • . . . . . . ••. . 0s00.10l000.0vAe..00+►00400* 111:V��itOlrl�ililil 'i DO YOU WISH TO VISIT California Mexico Florida OR THE Sunny South Are yon anxious to escape the cold weather and snow, and spend the • winter in the " Laud of Fruit and Flowers 7" Winter tourist tickets are on sale daily, and if you are contemplating a trip see that your tickets are routed via the Grand Trunk, For tickets and full information as to rates, routes and train service call on L. Harold, Depot Agent. .1. D. MCDONALD, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. THE BEST PLACE IN Executors' Noti$e to Creditors. WINGHAM TO SECURE A Piano Organ Notice is hereby give pursuant to R. S. 0. 1897, chapter 129, Sec. that all persons hay. ing claims against the ' tate of Jane Dickson, late of the Tillage of artney, in the Province of Manitoba (and fo erly of the Town of Wingham in the Co my of Huron,) widow, deceased, who died o or about the 10th day of October, A. D, 1900, a o required to send by post prepaid or to sliver to R. Vanstono Executor of the said teemed, on r before the 20th day of Tat teary,t AD. 1007, eir names, addresses and descriptions and a fall statement of partieula s of their claims and the nature of the seen ity (if any) held by them duly certified and that after thesaid day the Executors will pr teed to distribute the assets of the deceas d among the parties entitled thereto, havin regard only to the claims of which they till then have notice. Dated the 15th day o December, Ingham P. 0., Executor. 1907 at one o'clocp . sharp. Business of the meet ' o receivethe annual statements, Directors' nd Auditors' reports; the electing of three directors, and any other business for the good and welfare of the Com- pany. Tho three retiring directors are Mr. Jno. Ballantyne of Kincardine, Mr.Edward Acheson of Goderich Township, and Mr. Alex Stewart of the Township of West Wawanosh, all of whom an eligible for re-election. JNO. BALLANTsNE, J. M. ROnZBTa, President Secty. Dungannon, Dec CI, 1006. NOTICE TO REDITORS, Notice Notice is hereby gives pursuant to R. 5, 0. 1897, Chap. 120, Sec. 08, hat 911 persons having claims against the Est to of William Aitken, late of the Township .1 Turnberry, in the County of Huron Farr er,.deceased, who died on or about the thirty -Int day of January. A. D.1005, are required to send by post prepaid or deliver to R. VansWtne, Solicitor for the Administratrix on or eon the 20th day of January, A, D.'100i,th irnames, addresses and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and th, nature of the security (if any) held by them ably certified and that after the said dap the Administratrix will pro ceed to distribute the'assets of the deceased among the parties a titled thereto, having regard only to the el ems of whish she sha then have notice. Dated this 15th day of December, A. D. 1000. R. VANSTONE. Wingham P. 0. Soliei r for the Administratrix, Tom LATfllt;8' IrA'V01tITE, taxa -Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite medicine. They cure Conrtipation, Sick Headache, Eillionsneae, and Dyspepsia Without griping, purging or sickening. Piles get quick relief from Dr. Shoop'e Magic Ointment, Remember it's made alone for Piles --and it works with car• tainty and aatirtaotion. itching, pain. ful, protruding, or bl+rid piles disappear like magic by its use, Try it and seal 330id at YValley', Drug Store. FARM FOR SALE Lots 4 and 5, Concession 17, Howick Town- ship, containing 200 acres, more or less. belong- ing to the estate of the late.Jas.Ritchie. There are about 105 acres -cleared and balance in swamp and wood land. The farm is under drained and fenced throughout. There are on the premises a two story brick house with stone foundation, brick ldteken and stone woodshed, cement cistern, furnace, etc. There is also a good frame barn with stone founda- tion and stabbling underneath; large driving shed, pig and hen houses. A drilled well wit plenty of water forced to house and stabieby a 16 ft. windmill on barn 'Windmill also used for chopping.This farm is located five miles north of Gerrie and three and a half miles east of the village of Delmore. Close to school,, etc. ood locality a tasreasonable price wofauld do well to investigate. Apply on the premises for full particulars. THOMAS RITCHIE, Belmore, P. 0. vopyyyyyyyyyWW VVV W VMVw HAVE YOU HUED 1 Christie's 1 THE STORE FOR Good Tea and Coffee The freshest of Groceries and Provisions Right Prices Compatible with highest quality. Best Grades Meal and Flour and all the any lines of choice and selected goods to be found on the shelves of an up • to • date grocery store. I'RODfCR 'TAKEN. L Henry Christie Grocer and China Merchant ''WINGHAM ONT. o� Violin IS AT DAVID BELL'S Terms to suit purchaser. WINGHAM Flour Mills DOMINION BANK SPECIALBARGAINS J/ - IN At t Capital paid up, Reserve Fund and Undivided profits Total Assets, oxer We are often asked by farmers, which is it better for them, to get wheat gristed, or buy flour, grist- ing is the cheapest, you will save from 250 to 80o on each bag of flour, and then you get our flour, which is the beat. We have our chopper running again and can chop from 4,000 to 6,000 lbs. an hoar, so their will be ' no waiting to get your chop done. PRICE LIST Five Lilies flour, bl, $2.10 to $2.30 Prairie Rose " " 2.00 to 2.20 Star - " " 2.00 to 2.15 Cream Pastry Flour 1.80 to 2.05 LowgradeFlonr,ton 20.00 to 27.00 Bran,per - 1700 to 18.00 Shorton s, " - - 18.00 t0 20.00 Screenings - 18,00 to 20.00 Chop - - - 20,00 to 25.00 'Winter Wheat, bus. .68 to .70 Goose " " .60 to .02 Manitoba " " .75 to .85 Goods delivered promptly to all parts of the town. HOWSON, HARVEY & BROGKLEBANK, $3,000,000 $3,839,000 42,000,000 Watchks ewelry WINCHAM BRANCH. and Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, -- AT ----- the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT -Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal 80th June and 31st December each year. D. T. IMBURN, Manager. 11 Vexations, Solicitor. R. KNOX'S Watchmaker and Practical Jeweler' WINGHAM, THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000. Reserve Fund, $5,000,000 HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO . B. E. WALKER, General Manager ALEX. LAIRD, Asst. Gen'l Manager BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND IN THE UNITED STATES AND ENGLAND A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED - FARMEBS' EANKING Every facility afforded ded Farmers for their banking business. Sales Notes cashed or taken for collection 72 BANKING BY MAIL. -Deposits may be made or withdrawn by mail. Out-of-town accounts receive every attention WINGHAM (ONT.) BRANCH A. E. SMITH, MANAGER. . -4 -•-.+.•.•• 5- • • - 0 • • r-.-►-.�-.•.,. EAM Machine Works Having secured a first-class Machinist, I am prepared fin do all kinds of repair- ing en the shortest notice. Also CASTINGS MADE TO ORDER I am alio building a few Portable Sawing Machines -something new. Call and lisped before placing your order elsewhere. W. C. PATON. IN FULL SWIN.(i At the Bee Hive Co. Two Stores. Fifleen Days of Un- iara eledBargains DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, CARPETS, MEN'S FUR- NISHINGS, GROCERIES STOCK REDUCTION SALE The greatest Stock Reduction Sale in the history of the County of Huron is now in full swing at the Bee Hive's Two Stores. Never such' money -saving bargains as this sale offers. There'll be no- thing reserved ; everything in these two immense, up to - date stocks is thrown into this Monster Sale. A Dress Goods Buying Chance. Every lady who takes advantage of thea chance of buying Dress Goods at Bee Rive Stock Reduction Sale prices will be happy. All our new and latest style Dress Goods are be- ing sold at startlingly low prices. Included in this selling are Broad* cloths, Venetians, Bargee, Pitney and Plain Tweeds, Satin Cloths, Cash- mores, Lustros, Plain and Pettey Cream Goode, and a full rang€' of the best in BIaek Dream Goods. Some of the Things You Need. Flannels, Flannellettes, Wrapper- ettes, Printe, Denims, Table Linens, Tiokfngs, Towellinge, Shirtings, Cot• tonades, Blankets, White Quilts, Fancy Table Covers, Carpets, Lace Curtains. Men's Shirts, Hats and Cape, Neck. wear, Gloves, Underwear, Hosiery, Snits, Overcoats, Odd. Pante, Smocks and Overalls. Ladies' and Children's Jackets, Raincoats, Hosiery, Corsets, trader. wear, Gloves, etc, Groceries --Just a hint of Grocery prices s Redpath's Granulated Sugar 21 Ibe. for $1, or 100 lbs, for $4.65 All 40c Tung, lase pries per lb,, • • • .30 Taken as Cash. ---We will take Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Potatoes and Dried Apples salve as cash during this great Stock Reduction Sale. THEn BEE HIVE co 'rwo STORES. Next door to Elmer Moore's and in The Carey Stand.