HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-01-10, Page 41
ram the Sanctum Mill
Interesting Paragraphs from our Ezxchanges.
A women's color comes and goes, ac -1
yto !leer makeup. X A
eeee tee aXe C:10 Mat
Beare ea" The Kind Yue flora Meats Boughs
Re977'1,444. ze
A Iran is never too busy to Hem
whin the lady on the dollar talks.
The essential lung -healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been auoceesfally
*operated and refined into a perfect
Cough medicine --Dr Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
greaxantee of satisfaction. Price 25
Somefolks are so fond of the Charity
that begins at home that they keep it
One Short Puff C:ears the Head -
Does your bead ache? Haveyou pains
over your eyes? Is the breath offensive?
Thee are Certain symptoms, of Catarrh.
Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder will Cure.
most stubborn oases in a marvellously
short time If you've had Catarrh a
week it's a sure cure. If it's of fifty
years standing it's just as effective. 50
cents -57 Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
Soma men are able to bear misfortunes
eine some others have sense enough to
avoid them.
Fox Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Dears the
Signature of
When a baby gives a shrill cry every
one in the house runs to it, and when it
keeps it up everyone runs away from it
except its mother.
The reason that most men are not
jealous of their wives ie because they
aven't a ohance to be,
Baby Humors -Dr, Agnew's °int-
ent soothes, quiets, and effects quick
nd effective cures in all skin eruptions
ommon to baby during teething time
t is harmless to the hair in oases of Scald
Head, and cures 'Eczema, Salt Rheum
and all Skin Diseases of older people.
35 cents, -55 Sold by A. Is. Hamilton.
It is the mission of the illuminated
dvertising sign to assist in enlightening
the world.
C aft. EtIll D: XKittd You Have aL..lways Bddgi
.Bears the; i
"lkly Heart was Thumping my Lite'
out" is the ray Ikira R• H Wrrgbt. of
Brockville, Out , describes her suffer
Ings freta smothering, fluttering and
palpitation. After, trying many reme-
dies without benefit, six bottles of Dr.
Agnew's Cure`for the Heart restored her
to perfect health. The first doee gave
al matt iestant relief and in a day suffer-
ing seaeed altogether. -5I Sold by A
L Hamilton,
Lieut. -Col. Charles Clark has resigned
as Clerk of the Legislature, and will
probably be succeeded by Mr. Arthur H.
Wild rabbits in British Columbia are.
being almost exterminated by a peculiar
of sickness.
Mu but Searehing--Dr. Von Stan's
Pineapple Tablets are not big nauseous
doses that eentain injurious drop or
tiarcotics-they are the pure vegetable
pepsin -the medicinal extract from this
luscious fruit, and the tablets are pre-
pared in as palatable form as the fruit
itself. They Dura iueistestion. 60 in a
box, 85 cents. -56 Said by A. L. Hamil-
How to Prevent Bilious Attacks. $i 000.000.
TRE W1iG1IA l TIES JANUARY 10. 1907.
There is in Vienna a woman of 30
who, though blind, is paesionetely fond
of olio:O ing mountains. Ste recently
ascended, wtth her huebaotl, Monte
Clevedale, the summit of whichia about
11.000 feet above the sea level.
is tent direct to the disr
arts by the Improved !slower.
}Ie.•Is the ulcers, clears the air
passages, stops droppings in the
throat and ppetmanantfy cures
Catarrh and liay Fever. blower
free. All dezders, or 1)r. A. W. Chase
Medicine Co., Toronto and Buffalo.
Although no statistics are published
eonoarning the hummer of telegrams seat
out. In fling Bawer e 's name in the ;outgo
of the year, an estnee tee 001)le like-
ly to be well within the mark, according
to a writer in Cassell's Journal.
II you are constipated, dull. orbilious,
Or have a sallow lifeless conlplrxicn, try
Lax -eta just once to Fee what they will
-do tor you Lax-etti are little toothsome
Cane y tablets -nice to eat, nice in effect.
No griping, no pain. Just a gentle laza.
five Effect that le pleasingly desirable
Handy for the vest pocket or purse. Las -
eta meet every desire. Lax ate came to
you in la Rattail lithographed metal
Nixes at 5 cent') and 25 cents. Sold at
Walley's Drug Store.
The value of the furs received at Ed-
mouton, Alberta, from the Peace and
Mackenzie River diatriot during the first
ten menthe of last year is said to exceed
One who is subject to bilious attacks
will notice that for a day or more be-
fore the attack he is not hungry at meal limb o• � e
times arta feels dull after eating. A dose 111®A.i5 Colic
of Cbamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets when these first symptoms ap Quick relief Is afforded by
peat will ward off the attack. They are Cbainberlain's Colic, Cholera
ter vale by all Druggists, and Diarrhoea, Remedy.
3 It nevor fails and is pleasant and safe
X-rays are now being used by the fish- to take.2'ho attack may bo warded �of by taking
era on the Coast of Ceylon for distinguish- t douhlo dose or r this romeey as soon as
y g Mie first hidlcation of th, disease appeam
ing the oysters containing pearls without r'or sale by druggists everywhere,
opening the aliells.
For any disease of the skin there's is
nothing better than Chamberlain's
Salve, It relieves the itching and burn-
ing sensation instantly and soon effects
a cure. Sold by all Druggists.
Time may be money, but no barber
is willing to accept as payment for the
shave the time a man wastes while
awaiting hi turn,
Croup can positively be stopped in 20
minutes. No vomiting - nothing to
sicken or distress your child. A sweet;
pleasant, and safe Syrup, called Dr.
Shoop's Croup Care, does the work and
does it quickly. Dr. Shoop's Croup
Cure is for Croup alone, remember. It
does not plasm to cure a dozen ailments.
Is's for Croup, that's all. Sold at
Walley's Drug Store.
After being let in on the ground floor
of a big deal a man sometimes discovers
that some other chap crawled in through
the cellar window.
Bright's Disease -Insidious! decep-
tive) relentless! has foiled hundreds of
trials by medical science to stem the tide
of its ravages -and not nutil South
American Kidney Cure proved beyond a
doubt its power to turn back the tide,
was there a gleam of anything but de-
spair for the victim of this dread form
of kidney disease. -54 Sold by A. L.
Traffic in Manitoba is seriously im-
peded by great snowstorms. Railway
officials eay it is costing $1,200 a day
to fight the weather.
There are lots of people who seem to
think they are not getting their money's
worth unless they kick about it.
Piles get quick relief from Dr. Shoop's
Magic Ointment, Remember it's made
lone for Piles -and it works with oar -
and satiafaotion. Itching, pain -
trading, or blind piles disappear
io by its use. Try it and see!
t Walley'e Drug Store.
In 30 years plasterers' waged in New
rk have increased from $4 to $5.50 a
ay, with a reduction in weekly hours
Lasa -Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
I edieine. They cure Gionetipation, Sick
Seadaohe, Billionsness, and Dyspepsia
without griping, purging or sickening.
The Ontario Government have arrang-
ed with the Salvation Army to take
charge of the new immigration shelter.
moveo all hard, ooft or oallonsed lumps
nd blemishes from horses, blood spavin,
be, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles,
Drains,Sve $50 by' Imre and h lose of One bottle.
erranted the most wonderful Blemish
re ever known, Sold by .A . L. Hamil-
One of tite best farms in the township
of Oulross changed hands last week when
Mrs. T. McKAgue sold lot 18, eon, 12, to
Mr. Wesley Siidtlt, of the 12th oon. The
prioe was $0,500, The farm Consists of
08 acres, with 21 sores of level and tin•
'broke 1,lyd clear. There is a good brick
bottle a good barn.
Dear Mother
Your kale cuft are a cooties* este in
Fall sad 'Winter weather. Tete will
cock colo. De yea know about Shiloh's
Ccari, plied Cairo, the bog Tonic, and
whet it holt done for so teeny? h i. aid
to be the only re;iabls remedy for all
Beeson of etre oarin children.
k is ub.e s wlyr alai *asset to
take. his l t+t cafe eryour atone/
tie. per bottle,
III 1,0 011
i gn
curly o e
iguing Ea o aho d a nt apt ko at Severe
and that la King Oscir of Sweden. The
Notbing of !Vlore Value greatest smokers are Riog Edward, wbo
to Women, Leopold of Belgium, wbo atnokea not.
- fewer than a dezeo cigars a day. The.
The glory and satisfaction of beano- Emperor of Austria smokes apipe morn-
ful womanhood can be known only to. fug sad evening, but the other Sever -
those pees:ssiug the unlimited advent -Cigna are contented with cigarette, the
ages of health• Oz, r conaulning about thirty a day.
No weak woman eau be happy or en-
joy halt the pleasure of lite. Pallid i
all tell of a terrible etrueele to keep up.
cheeks, sunken eyes, .exhausted nerves, The Grip.
"Before we oan sympathize with oth-
awakes' the very beat cigars, and Ring
What a weak wouaan needs is a erre-
zone ; it renews, restores and vitalizes i n-
etautly-it'e a . "woman's r, medy" ---
that's why.
Ferrczone makes women strong,plump
and healthful because it contains lots of
natriment, the kind that forms muscle,
sinew, bone and nerve.
Vitalizing blood courses through the
body, making delightful color, happy
spirits, true womanly strength.
To look well, to feel well, to enjoy the
unlimited advantages of robust, bound
tug stealth use 1i'errozone: sold by all
dealers in E0.t boxes, and refuse a subeti
Mrs, Currie, wbo lives vita her
dar:lthter, Mrs. F A. Kent, on the Dur.
ham Road, is 94 years of age, and ate
her Christmas turkey with all the re-
lish of a woman in the prime of life.
She is still in the complete employment
of all her mental faculties, and enjoys
reasonably good health.
Dorm's Kidney Pills act on the kid-
neys, bladder and urinary organs. only.
They onre backaches, weak back, rheum-
atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder
By the death of Mrs. E. Powell of
Banner, six obildren, the eldest of Whom
is only twelve years of age, are orphans.
About four weeks ago the father was
seized with pneumonia, and his illness
Major John S. 11041:eok, of Charles- resulted fatally in a few c.ays. Since
ton, S C., is said to own the largest that time Mrs. Powell fell a victim to
bearing peon orchard itt the world. He the same malady, and she passed away
has more than 60 acres in bearing trees on Monday night,
and his main grove cons sty of 550 acres.
Pill -Dosed with nauseous, big purg-
ere, prejudice people against pills gener-
ally. Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills are re-
volutionizing the pill demand -they're
so pleasant and easy to take -the doses
are small and so is the price, 10 cents for
40 Joses. Biliousness, Sick Headache,
Constipation dispelled. Works like a
charm. -53 Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
In Turkey there are 1,500 schools in
which girls receive education. There
are 40 secondary sohoole having 3,000
_girls on their rolls. The learning of the
Koran is compulsory, and arthmetio,
geography and elementary science are
As a spring medicince Burdeok Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
syatem and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
Dangers of a Cold and So Avoid Them,
More fatalities have their origin in or
result from a cold than from any other
cause. This fact alone should make
people more careful as there is no dang-
er whatever from a Cold when it is pro-
perly treated in the beginning, For
many years Chamberlain's Cough Rem-
edy has been recognized as the most
prompt and effectual medicine in use
for this disease. It acts on nature's plan,
loosens the cough, relieves the longs,
opens the secretions and aids nature in
restoring the system to a heal, by condi-
tion. Sold by all Druggists.
Dr, Oronhyatokha, Supreme Chief
Ranger of the Independent Order of
Foresters, is having a new steam yacht
built at Foresters' Island, to Cost $60,-
The Stomach's "Weal or Woe" -The
stomach is the centre from which, from
the standpoint of health, flows "weal or-
wce." A healthy stomach means per-
fect digestion -perfect digestion means
strong and steady nerve centres -strong
nerve centres mean good circulation,
rich blood and good health, South
American Nervine makes and keeps the
stomach right. -52 Sold by A, L. Ham-
Some valuable farthings were sold at
Sotheby's auction rooms recently, A
Charles II. pewter farthing sold for «10,
and an Oliver Cromwell farthing in oep-
per for £810x.
Many people say they are "all nerves,"
easily startled or upset, easily worried
and irritated. Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills are just the remedy such
people require. They restore perfect
harniony of the nerve centres and give
new nerve foroo to shattered nervous
Rev. Francis Berry, a veteran Meth-
od]tt minister, died at St. Thomas as the
result of a few days' attack of pneu,
monis. Mr. Berry was born on `tonge
street, Toronto, 85 years ago, He is the
father of Eishop Berry.
Bliestee`,,►�Th0KindYau here Always Bought
li& ntttari
At the Guelph fat stook show, the
(Graft Bros. of Alma seoured the prize for
the championship steer with a two year
old roan steer that weighed 17001bg. Iu
the :milking competition a Holstein cow
gave in two days i811bs of milk testing
8.4, while a Jersey gave is pail of milk
that weighed 22 lbs 14 os,. This shover
what can be done in breeding toimprove
along 0eoist1 lilies. This Jersey and the
Holstein tedia wont(' require no more feed
WO K connnon. animal,.
Mary J. Holmes, author of about half
a hundred novels which have been wide-
ly read, resides in Brockport, N. Y.,
where she has lived 50 yeara, Her first
novel was published in 1854 and almost
every year since she has produced an-
other book.
For Over Sixty Years.
An old and Well -Tried -Remedy -Mrs
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used
for over sixty years by millions of moth-
ers for their children while teething,
with perfect success. It soothes the
child, softens the gums, allays all pain,
Cures wind coli, and is the best remedy
After Piles have existed for a long
time and passed through different stages
the suffering is intense -pain, aching,
throbbing tumors form, filled to burst-
ing with black blood.
Symptoms indicating other troubles
may appear to a thoroughly Pilo -sick
This is when Dr. Leonhardt's Bern
Reid, the only absolute Pile Cure, brings
the results that has made its fame.
It will ewe the most stubborn case iu
existence and a bonded guarantee to that
effect goes with each package.
Hem-Roid is to be had for $1.00 at the
drug store, or from The Wilson -Pyle
Company, Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont.
In connection with Cobalt develop-
ment, it is an interesting facts that to
date incorporation has been granted to
companies bearing an aggregate capit-
alization of $,171,148,000. Some of the
properties represented have since been
disposed of at double or treble their
capitalization. Coealt is now called
upon to give returns on an estimated ag-
gregate of $256,000,000.
ere, we mutt have Buffered ourselves •"
No ono Can retitled the suffer,ng atten-
dant upon an attack of the grip, palm
he has had the actual experience. There
is probably no disease tbat causes so
much physical and mental agony, or
wbich to successfully defies medioal aid.
All dangers frons. the grip. bowever,may
be avoided by the prompt use of Oham-
berlain's Cough Remedy. Amore the
tens of thousands who have used this
rrmndy, not cit case has ever been re-
ported that has resulted in pneumonia
or that has not recovered. For sale by
all Druggists.
According to a well-known medical
authority, fair-haired people posses, com-
monly between 140,000 and 150,000 hairs
on the scalp, the number being about
the same for man and woman. Dark-
haired people have, on an average, about
105,000, while red- haired people are
said to have only 80,000. But the last
apparently possess one great advantrge
in the fact that they retaia their hair
better, seldom becoming bald. Their
hair is Courser than that of dark or fair-
haired persons.
Children are often attacked suddenly
by painful and dangerous Colic, Cramps,
Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus,
Cholera Infantnm, etc. Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt
and sure cure which should always be
kept in the house.
Iteinoves Poison From The Blood.
There's a need in every home of a
medicine that by cleansing and invigor-
ating the liver, kidney s and bowels will
remove all poisonous waste matter from
the blood, Imre biliousness, kidney de-
rangements and constipation, and by do-
ing eo prevent fevers, colds, dropsy and
Bright's -disease. No medicine satisfies
the n• ed so well as. Dr Chase's Kidney -
Liver Pills, as is proven by the testimoni-
als appearing in all leading newspapers.
Atter au illness extending over a per.
sod of more than three months, Mae.
Barbara MoKennan of Brant passed
away on Tuesday evening, Jan. let, at',
the ripe age of 75 years and 10 months,
the end being hastened by an attack
of Le Grippe. The deoeased lady was
one of the oldest residents of Brant town-
ship baying settled in it about 48 years
ago. Her husband, the late Thomas
McLennan, died in 1889, but she con -
tinned to reside on the old homestead,
until her death. She was born in Dnm.,
frieshire, Scotland, but name to Canada
when only eine years of age.
When Your health Fails, What Then?
Good health is the capital of persons
who earn their livelihood with brain and
muscle, Success is for the strong and
alert -for those whose blood is rich and
whose nerve cells are filled with vigor
and energy. It is not pleasant to con-
template what might happen with fail-
ing health and for this reason it is well
to heed the first symptoms of exhaustion
and to keep health at high water mark
by using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food.
Is, the last Dominion elections there
were about 60 lawyers sent to Parlia-
ment to represent constituencies. Fifty
of the members may be described as in
commercial life, either es merchants or
manufactures, Nineteen of the mem-
bers are doctors and 14 aro journalists,
The farmers number but 25, although
for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. _ many of the other members own and
Sold by druggists in every Hart of the • manage farms on the side, and pose as
farmers at election times.
world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its
value -is i ealcniab]e. Be sure you ask
for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
Mt. Forest waterworks and electric
light system has had a anccestful year,
expending $6,000 out of earnings on cap-
ital account, and having $4,000 cash over
to present to the town -council. For a
small town this is a great achievement in
public ownership.
Are a True Heart Tonic,
Name Food add Mood t hertc'hsr. They 6.115
ii, Mea Comm all thowerst Out nae woo
tissaisot thsbody, and testers parted biota
014 vl,gar t•tbo.ntirooy.t.tu.
PIarvatriaeg. OILIrthe.v i.a Preis*
DIu 5p.us f.+Ni f Is'eioty, P' rititls*
YMsr t1Aar'g. feYs Is t�oetttMN
ktf.st , 1 1 I'atic , A eg Vlislitr, A1tof
r 'est M urs AuavusrC Wick er
agy .,
ttriatb, stir., our utl tt4 a5atfd �+3 wi0*4 _.
1411INSPIttS Rce4 and Novo Pill "
r# ,TToro s
The North of Scotland Canadian
Mortgage Co., at a meeting held in Lon-
don, Eng. last Saturday, deoided to clone
up its Ontario business. The chairman
stated that Ontario farmers had become
so wealthy that they no longer needed
to borrow from the company, as they
got money elsewhere at rates the com-
pany was unable to compete with. The
Ontario business is being closed up, and •1-r
the Company is transferring money to +I•:
Winnipeg. The Chairman expressed the .i.
greatest confidence in the Canadian
directors and managers, and the Cana-
dian staff were cordially thanked.
Fewer Working Parte
than any other
First Class Machine.
1 r JI'l
FOR 1906 •- 07.A
mThe TIMES will receive subscriptions at the, rates be
�• for any or all of the following publications :
• Times to January 1st, 1908
• Times and Daily Globe
•l•. Times and Daily Mail and Empire
Times and Daily World
• Times and Toronto Daily News............
Times and Toronto Daily Star
Times and Daily Advertiser
Times and Toronto' Saturday Night
Times and Weekly Globe .
Times and Weekly Mail and Empire
To stop a Cold with "Preventica" is
safer than to let it run and care it after-
wards. Taken at the "sneeze stage"
Prevention will head off all colds and
Grippe, and perhaps save you from
Pneumonia or Bronchitis. Preventica
are little toothsome candy Cold Cure tab-
lets selling in 5 cent and 25 cent boxed.
If you are chilly, if you begin to Sneeze,
try Preventica, They will surely check
a cold, and please you, Sold at Walley's
Drug Store.
Mr. M. O'Loughlin has purchased the
fifty acre farm, on the 9th concession,
MoKillop, from Mr. John Eckert, the
price being $3,600. Mr. Fred Eckert
has also pnrobased the fifty acre farm,
on the 8th concession, MoKiliop, the
purchase price of this harm is $2,500.
Mr. John Eckert has purchased from his
ion-inaaw, Mr. Fred Mesrersmith, Mc -
his fine farm, consisting of one
hundred urea, for which he pays $7,000.
ITCH, Mange, Prairie Soratohei and
everp form of contagions Itch on human
or animals cured in 80 minutes by Wol-
ford's Sanitary Lotion. It never tails.
Sold by A.. L. Hamilton.
It is estimated in London that over
$200,000,000 of .Amerioan money had
gone to titled foreigners through their
marriage with rich American. girls. Ao-
oording to report the most heavily,
dowered bride was the Duchess of Rom-,
burgh -born Miss Cloelet---.with a fortune
of $40 000 000 Others in the list are:
The Ditches' of Marlborough, $10,000,,
000; Lady Omen, $6,000,000; the
Oounteee Castellan, $1:6,000,000; Mrs.
Vivian, 318,000,000; Lady William
Beresford, $6,000,000; the Countess Yon
The world it is said, is always looking at
for men who are not for sale, men wbo e.
are honest, sound from centre to oiroum-
ference, tree to the heart's core; men
whose conaoiences are as steady as the
needle to the pole: men who will stand
for the right if the heavens totter and
the earth reels; men who can look the
whole world right in the eye; men that
neither flag or flinch; men who can have
courage without shooting to it; men in
whom everlasting life runs still, deep
and strong; men who know their mess-
age and tell it; men who will not lie,
shirk or dodge; men who are not too
lazy to work, nor too proud to be poor;
men who are willing to eat what they
have paid for; men who are not afraid
to ray "no" with emphasis, and are not
ashamed to say "I can't afford it."
tan ltruimelok Are., Tarouto, Cin.
las OXYGEN/TOE ud..
Toronto. Canada.
0. enratiia prop..rtlo. N "oxyyuit sd Ito .certify• to
began asia it for Catarrh in the hood. Bering
subdued this loati.. mi'dIHsae I then tumid my
attention to a 1 Polypus that existed in my
right nostril, "HO& wM rroo.ssfalty removed by
tri lees[ appllcathm of "o=yg.aat r" thereby
AA/1g soma pada, iaagor and Yspoui bad it been
moored by iargli II bromism
I e used year ream ly Y ss, fatally (of ti) for
i«r fm r of lova, threat tori bllal-a saes,
what *AMA alttaw.
_"""'"'"let! s litoettiese r.
**hi itlll-w
r3 Hairbirell St. w IribrNfrt•
Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star
Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and
book " Handy Home Book "
Times and Weekly Witness
Times and Itlontreal Weekly Herald
Times and London Free Press (weekly)
Times and London Advertiser (weekly)
Times and Toronto Weekly Sun ..........
Times and World Wide.. ...
Times and Northern Messenger. ..
Times and Farmers' Advocate
We specially recommend our readers to subscribe
to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine.
Times and Farming World
Times and Presbyterian
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Times and Presbyterian and Westminster
Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) ...
Times and Yotiths' Companion
Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly)
Times and Sabbath Reading, New York
Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto)
Times and Michigan Farmer .
Times .and Woman!s Home Companion ..........
Times and Canadian Woman (monthly) London ..
Times and American Sheep Breeder
Times and Country Gentleman
Times and Delineator
Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine
Times and Green's Fruit Grower
Times and Good Housekeeping
Times and Modern Women
Times and McCall's Magazine ..................
Times and Pearson's Magazine
Times and American Illustrated Magazine
Times and American Boy Magazine
Times and What to Eat
Times and Bookkeeper
Times and Recreation
Times and Cosmopolitan .
Times and Ladies' Home journal
Times and Saturday Evening Post
Times and Snceess
Times and Housekeeper
Times and Pilgrim
Times and Poultry Keeper
Times and Hoard's Dairyman 00.1004
Times and MeClure's Magazine ...
Times and Mtlnsey's Magazine
Times and Rural New Yorker
Times and Vick's Magazine ..
Times and American Gardening • , . .
Times and Health Culture
Times and Ram's Horn
Times and Four Track News
Times and Breeders' Gazette
Times and Practical Farmer
• •. .. * i
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1,85 it
1.65 1.65 ;�•
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.i !Is
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