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Judges must
toughen up
QM! Agency
Canada's legal
system has lost
its way and now a good
man is dead. Enough is
The more we leam
about Shawn Matthew
Rehn the more we're in
disbelief that the system
let this manwalkthe
streets. He should have
never had the chance to
be in that Alberta casino,
where he shot two
RCMP officers. One of
them, Const. David
Wynn, died in hospital.
He leaves behind awife
and three children.
If you look at the facts,
Rehn was clearly a dan-
ger to society. He had 98
convictions and out-
standing charges against
The list runs the
gamut: domestic vio-
lence, home invasion,
armed robberies, drug
Sure, he'd never been
imprisoned for murder
before. But to say this guy
was an accident waiting
to happen is an
His offences included
violating parole condi-
tions and skipping bail.
What judge would
release someone after
he's proven that he not
only has total disregard
for the laws of the land,
but that he's not even
going to follow his bail
Yet judges continued
to let him out. He was
before a judge in
December 2013 for
multiple offences
including resisting a
peace officer. Then, just
this past September, he
faced eight charges. In
October he was taken
in again for driving
without a licence and
evading an officer,
among other charges.
RCMP Assistant
Commissioner Marlin
Degrand told the
media: "We're very
concerned about the
fact that an individual
with his criminal his-
tory came into contact
with our officers:' You
don't say.
Our own Lome
Gunter was less diplo-
matic and rightly so:
"Just how broken is our
criminal justice system
when after 30 or 50 or
70 hard-core convic-
tions nobody cries,
'Enough! You've had
your chance (and third
and fourth and fifth
chances). Time for you
to go away for the rest of
your life, or at least until
you are very, very old --
too old to pose a threat
to police and to the
Alberta Justice Minis-
ter Jonathan Denis has
called for a review into
how the Crown han-
dled Rehn over the
But reviews aren't
enough. We need
judges to toughen up
and lay down the law.
Miss Colombia has nothing on Miss Israel
Tara Ostner
The Clinton News Record
The 2015 Miss
Universe Pag-
eant was held on Sunday
night and Miss Colom-
bia Paulina Vega ended
up walking away with
the title.
During the days lead-
ing up to the popular,
international contest,
however, there was
much controversy over a
picture that Miss Israel
posted on Instagram. In
the photograph, Miss
Israel Doron Matalon
poses with three other
Miss Universe contest-
ants, namely, Miss Slo-
venia Urska Bracko, Miss
Japan Keiko Tsuji and
Miss Lebanon Saly
In response to the
photo, the Lebanese
media was outraged and
slammed Greige for
appearing in the photo
with Matalon from
Israel, a country which
Lebanon opposes so
strongly. The Lebanese
people went further and
demanded that Greige
lose the title of Miss
It is interesting to note,
however, that Israel
directed no such con-
tempt towards Matalon.
Why? Because Israel,
for a second, can put Israel stated the follow -
aside the countries' ing on her Facebook
deep differences and see page:
the pageant for what it "It doesn't surprise
is. More importantly, it me, but it still makes me
can see the individuals sad. Too bad you cannot
for who they are, put the hostility out of
namely, two innocent the game, only for three
young woman who are weeks of an experience
simply enjoying their of a lifetime that we can
youth and beauty, hav- meet girls from around
ing fun and trying to the world and also from
pursue a lifelong dream. the neighbouring
In response to the crit- country."
icism from her country, The fundamentally
Miss Lebanon stated the different reactions from
following on Facebook: Lebanon and Israel, and
"To all my supporters Greige and Matalon, are
and Lebanese citizens, I telling and it does not
would like to thank you take much to see which
indeed for your continu- country and which
ous support of Miss Leb- woman is more
anon at the Miss Uni- enlightened.
verse contest. The truth I think that Miss Leba-
behind the photo: Since non should have been
the first day of my arrival removed from the pag-
to participate to Miss eant but not for the rea-
Universe, I was very cau- sons that her critics
tious to avoid being in think she should have.
any photo or communi- Instead, she should have
cation with Miss Israel been removed for lack -
(that tried several times ing strength and
to have a photo with me) self-confidence.
... I was having a photo If anyone deserves to
with Miss Japan, Miss be Miss Universe in 2015
Slovenia and myself; it is Miss Israel. She is
suddenly Miss Israel beautiful and talented
jumped in, took a selfie, and, by responding to
and put it on her social the criticism the way
media...this is what hap- that she did, she is also
pened and I hope to strong and self-assured
have your full support in qualities which are, in
the Miss Universe the end, more valuable
contest." than physical beauty.
The next day Miss
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