HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-01-10, Page 111 Weds. the higkeat all kiaais of good Wood Whenbeies Salt far particulars, (t Youn.& & Spading, .4BLANK APPLiCATICN FORM - tor unembereh-i$jii the finest and beat a im s • Trajj ling Sc11co1 in Canada. The Csatrk Business College NTO, ONT. xt, together with de - 'n, will be sent free TO from Janand: tailed Win• by retellstR'ail on rt gnat by ftiend Or le Waite to -day to W. H. SHAW, Principal, Yonge & 0errard Sts„ Toronto. Winter Rim Opens Jan.. CENTRAL STRATFQRD., ONT. Thiele recognized to be oneof tbelead•. ding Commexiclal schools in America. Our graduates are in demand as Business College teachers. Themost - recent application we received for a - teacher cfiered $146000 per annum We believe we are running one of the most progessive and up-to-date bnki- ness training tchools in the Province. The demand upon ne for c face Help is several times the snpplY. WIite for free catalogue, ELLIOTT & Nicl,ACHIAN PRINCIPAI,,S. HE FIRST F.. DAY e first clay of our Winter Term will be JANUARY 2, 1907 We will then re -open with un- doubtedly the largest class in the history of this school. If yon want the education that prepares for good positions, write for our oatelog ; ousts nothing.. Berlin Business College W. D. DDLBR, Principal Treasurer's Sale of Lands for Taxes. Town of Wingham, County of Huron, To Wit: By"virtue of a warrant under the hand of the Mayor and seal of the Corporation of the - Town of *foghorn in the County of Huron, bearing date the twenty-fourth day of Novefii- ber, 1006, and tome directed, commanding me to levynpon the lands mentionedin the follow- ing list, for arrears of taxes duo thereon, and costs therein net forth, I hereby give notice that, unless the said arrears` and costs are sooner paid, I shall proceed to sell the said Iands, or so much thereof as shall be necessary for arrears and costs, at the Town Ball in the said Town of Wingham, on 3aturda , the 2nd day of March, in the year 1907, at the hour of t-ro o'clock in the afternoon, In compliance w' ii the provisions of the Assessment Act. Arrears, Costs, Total t No. 6 on the east side of Scott street, C. Tait Scott's survey, patented 815.89 52.90 518.20 Lot No. 7 en the oast aide of Scott street, 0 Tait Scott's Survey, patented 14.00 2.85 16.85 A Lane about ten feet wide between Lots Nos. 8 and 4, 0. Tait Scott's survey, pat. 2.14 2.76 4,89 Lot No. 10 on the east side of Shuter street, government additional eurvey,patent'd 42,50 8.55 46.05 North part Lot No, 12, Peter Fisher's subdivision of park LoLot o 52 northesideof Mc- Intosh 8.81 2,76 6.06 atreet,Peter Fishor's original mill reserve Pat84 2.75 8.50 Lot NO. 28, north side of Mc- Intosh street,Peter Fisher's orulna millreserve pat.,. .84 2.75 5.59 South part Lot N0. 10, west side of Catherine street, Leet and McKay's surrey patented �TarrJ. B. FERGUSON, resue, Dated, Treasurer's office, Wingham, Nov. 20th, 1906, LOCAL SALESMAN WANTED At once for •Wingham and eurround- ing High -Claes Speeialtiee in Fruit and Ornamental Stook grown and for Rile by Canada's Greatest Nurse7rtes A permanent situation for the rich" yy°. /Aberdl induoetnetlt$, Payweekly. Handselme free outfit. Witte for fermi and oabalognoj and send Sao its starepa for our Poo et Maga Chiles, or 80o for our Hated Metal ] Paw. STONE "iEL.6INQTON F'onntltmmi liiuniertsc otottorov (wren Ode ) otrxa , • navgRiS G". (Beaton TrartsGips ) 'Tie a merry old world when the heart ip young, leWhen iness beckons and hope Fares on, When the moonlight entices and songs are sung; Eyes shining with laughter, and every tongue Fail of pronate° and faith in the things to be -- 'Tis a merry old, jolly old world! 'Tie. a busy old world when the season's tide le rushing no on in the high noon glow, And strength and power and manhood's pride Stem the foreeo of nature, and side by side goes the struggle of living, of rioites and need— 'Tie a bard old, busy old world! • 'Tis a funny old world that the plana we laid Should fall and mieoarry-'tie strange to see Time's vista Illumine the parts we .play- ed1 How the roles have altered, the changes made, Quite other from what we had hoped it to be— . 'Tis a queer old, funny old world! When hope has vanished and pleasure is gone! 'Tie a queer old world when the tkies turn gray, When the heartbeat; are ticking the end of the day— Tho .;.morons that beckons from earth life away, ° And world values perish, its glories de. Cay, 'Tis a wear y old, dreary old world! YOUR MONEY'S WORTH Easy way to Get Full Value for Every Half Dollar You Spend - In your search for health, yon who suffer with atomach trouble, do not try a remedy where the propnetor has not sufficient faith in its virtue to sell it under a guarantee that the money will be refunded unless it gives relief and (sure. It is in this way that Mi-o-na s►omaoh tab.ets are sold, with a positive guaran- tee that the purchase price will be re- funded, on demand if it does not (sure in- digestion, strengthen the whole diges- tive system and restore the health to those who use it. If the head aohee, if the back and. side are painful, if there ie distress and nan sea aftereating, if you are sleepless, ner- vous, and out of sorts,you can with per- fect confidence get a 50 -cent box of Mi- O-na, knowing that the remedy will oust yon absolutely nothing Hales; it gives you freedom from all illsancl pains and restore; you to health. No one thing is the cause of more suf- faring and -pain than indigestion. Many cases of sio•oalled kidney disease, heart trouble and nervousness are only differ- ent ways in which a weakened digestive system shows itself. ' Use Mi-o•na stomach tablets and your ill -health will exon be gone, and yon will forget that you have ever had indi- gestion or its resulting ills. We absolutely agree that your money will be refunded' should you buy a 50cent box of Mi-o-na stomach tablets and not be satisfied wtth the termite. MI-o.na is. sold by druggists everywhere, or will be Bent by mail on receipt of price, 50 cents. Write to -day for a free sample pack- age, and also give ns your symptoms, and one of the best known stomach specialists will give your case his care- ful and personal attention without charge, Booth's Hyomei Company, Buffalo, N. Y. Water Drinking. Sometimes a person writes that it is harmful to drink two or three quarts of water daily; sometimes a friend argues that we ought to drink only when thirsty, eto. Drinking, like breathing, is a matter of habit. Few persons breethe deeply or take in all the air that is necessary for health; few drink enough pure water. 'It is a mistake to think that water drinking is harmful. Water does not x the system like feed; it undergoes y no chemical change; no vital forge is used in eliminating water, as evapora- tion, gravity, oapilary attraction, osmose etc., perform the greater portion of the work without any drain 'on the vital powers. Pure water in the body dis- solves and parries off waste material, mineral matter, poisons, impurities, and this absorption of the debris of the body is performed without any appreciable effort on the part of the system. A TORONTO MAN TRIES Something new and Is Delighted. Feels Like a Boy. Mr. M. N. Defoe, Manager The Dust- less Brush Co., 20 Colborne St,, Toron- to, is telling his friends how he found health after years of $llyetp and pain. He sayer "I have been a great enterer from yspepsia for many years. I have been treated b local dot - tea's and have taken nearly &.I the ober- • n. N. Dimes tiled remedies with only temporary re- lief, if any at all, but since rising Anti- Pi11 I oan est anything the some ea when a boy. I have been taking one Anti -Pill at bedtiara!or the poet three months . and they r ate both stomach and bowels. My old time vigor has return. ed, PO that my spirits Ars buoyant and temper flannel. As A result 01 thli un- beyed bound to give M11 coedit dettareme- dy , A'si•PUL'> j�- Arttl.1111 druggist Wiveils ll be r airless l •1~yle (lo., iamitod, Nisg. aro t. T}ep tuned? that oared Mr. Wee so titter ie Moly werth A trial. :)n � r1 Vatfail TIN II k ad. ar„� 1�.IIr Wiwi Chinro Otloki alltaising the haft saeo as sr yon earn will relieve *tacking muob s*e*s >� than befog thnieped on, tin back,” said one of the resident pbysi- atans of a local hone tat. "Thine should be rime generally ';iiown, for often a person gets choked while eatins when there is no one near to thump alt., or her. • Very frequently at meals and when they are at play children get choked while eating, and the custom. ary manner of relieving thegi is to slap them sharply ou the back. The effect of this is to at the obstruction free, so that it can be swallowed. The same thing can be brought about by raising the left hand of the child as high ea possible, and the relief comes much :more rapidly. In happenings of this kind there should be no alarm, for if a child sees that older persons or parents get excited It is very liable to become so also. The best thing Is to tell the child to raise its"left arm,and immediately the obstruction passes down the throat." Rumors of Translation. Victor Hugo always translated the Firth of Forth as ."the First of the Fourth" and swore 'that he was right, too, while Disraeli noted with amuse- ment "woebegone" as "douleur va- t'en." An early translator of Scott's "Bride Of Lammermoor" had It as "La Bride de Lammermoor," the second word meaning "bridle," and the same man rendered "Welsh rabbit" by "La- pin La-pin ilii Page de Galles." The case of "La 1h,xniere Chemise de i'Amour" for "Love's Last Shift" Is classic, and when the farce "Hit or Miss" was done Into French it almost was billed as "Frappe on Mademoiselle.' • That delightful pieces in which Toole was at his funniest, "Walker, London," was referred to In a French newspaper as "Londres qui se Promeue." The best that the translator could do for the "Stickit Minister" was "Le Iiiinistre Assassin," - Buying' a Gift Book.' The principle of choice should in gen- eree) follow the taste or need of tho friend Lor whom you are selecting a book. Yet it is also well now and then to open a new channel of Interest by giving a volume outside of your, friend's habitual line. We are often thankful to a friend who has drawn us out of our mental sheep tracks. There are a few writers that stand as per- manent figures in the modern literary world -writers who have given out seminal Ideas that seed and beautify the field of thought, Chief among these men are Shakespeare, Carlyle, Ruskin, Emerson and Victor Hugo. Until a libra- ry possesses at least the best writings of these five men it is sadly deficient. You are doing kingly service when you make these men known to any thought- ful mind.—Edwin Markham in Success. Met His Match. Rev. Matthew Wilkes, a celebrated London preacher, was caught in a shower in the famous Billingsgate market, where the profanity of the women' who 'sell fish there "is prover' bial. As he stopped under a shed among them he felt called upon to at least give his testimony against their wickedness. "DOn't you think," said he, speaking with the greatest deliberation and solemnity, "I shall appear as a swift ,;witness' against you in the day of judgment?" "I presume so," said one, "for the biggest rogue always turns state's evidence." Wood at 118 a Pound. "French walnut Is the finest wood we have," said the cabinetmaker. "It comes from Persia, but it Is prepared in France. I have seen French walnut worth $8 a pound, and It Is a common thing to pay $2 a pound for it. Of course it is used principally for veneer - lug. Only millionaires could have chairs and tables of solid French wal- nut. Mahogany, wonderful as it Is, rarely fetches such high prices. Front $2 to $3 is a very good price per pound for this, wood. Ebony, if It is a pap ticularly large piece, so that It will cut well, will often bring $5 a pound in the wood market." L'itting Both bindle, Press Agent—That ingenue Is Ito green as they make 'em. What shall say about her? Manager—give 'em Song and dance about her girlish fret nods and ber pure young arta Free gent—And what shall 1 say abou Miss Passe9's "Camille?" You knor s'ha'g just completed a century run in. the part. Manager—Oh, throw in seine verbal pyrotechnics about the splendi futurity of her ripe genius. An Unfamiliar tomtits'. "Where was he struck by the autos mobile?" asked the coroner. - "At the junction of the dorsal and cervical vertebrae,". answered the sur eon, "Will you please point that out op The mapv' asked the coronal! lndleab Ing ono that hung on the Wall.• Ads Play. Mr. Spat—Now, if you'll just list tO lite=- Mrs. Spat—Oh, you can't 00. nal mei Mr. Spat—Probably n it If we're going to spend the rel ` the night In argument 1 want nt arm of the time. A,"O 'mite Meal -he's quite A Il>igulatkl Rio �eight topes at h� Rump, alai ato oho It It tattieanl't elkh tTANUAII �U1E SECURITY. Cenufnp Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Sear Signature of Soo Fac41m1te Wrapper Below. 'Tarr amen anti as easy to take as engage DAMIL CARTERSFOR FOR• DI ZIINESS. LITTLE ' FOR BILiOUSNESS. I VER FOR TORPID LIVER, plus, FOR CONSTIPATION FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR TNIECOMPLEXION extem5NJ5 eusr:.;, �33iauA7uar. Puree vegetable Leers iwe6 c Ctl4?..., WOK HEADACHE. For sweet potato frittershave a pint of hot meshed sweet potatoes, two eggs, a cupful of flour, into wh.eh has been Bitted a teaspoonful of baking powder, salt, and enough milk to make a batter. Drop the batter, a tablespoonful at a time, in deep fat, smoking hot, and nook to a light brown, Tomato; Bance may be served with the fritter, DO NOT DE THE STOMACH Cure Catarrh by Breathing Iiyomel, Sold Under Guarantee, The only solentifio and common sense way to cure catarrh of the nose and throat is by a local application that will kill the eatarrhel germs. Ordinary stomach dosing is worse than useless. Taking medioinelinto the stom- aoh to core oatarrh of the head Dau have ni good effect, and often leads to series' derangement of the digestive organs. e, By breathing Hyomei three or four times daily through the neat pocket in - h :1er that coma with every outfit, its medicated, healing air penetrates to the moat remote parts of the nose, throat, and lunge, searches out and kills all ca- tarrhal germs; and soothe and heals any irritation in the mucous membrane. Oar faith in the wonderful merit of Hyomei as a cure for catarrh is shown by the guarantee given with every Hy. omei outfit that the money will be re- fundeieunless the treatment gtyes satis- faction The complete Hyomei outfit posts but $1 00, extra bottles, if needed, 50 cents. We do not vitiel "anyuue's honey tluiess Hyomei gives relief and cure, and we absolutely agree that money will be re - ended unless the remedy gives satisfies - All druggists should be able to supply you with Hyomei or we will send it by mail on reoeipt of price, and every pack- age is sold with the distinct understand- irg that it costs nothing unless it °urea Write us to -day for a symptom blank, whioh we will send you free, together with treatise on Catarrh and how to cure it. When yon fill in and return to us the symptom blank, our consulting phyeioian will give your case the best Dare and attention, and write you a letter of advice without charge. Booth's Hyomei Company, Buffalo,N. Y. Hew tis Lama a Cartatimy. 040144 dOAL C Bir James idiwyer. am physi- ei.n, isas foraeiialan it the following rano tam rules for prolonging life to anis hun- dred priest 1 Blight bon s' sleep. 2, Sleep en our right side. 8 Ktap your bedr .ora window open all night. 4 neve a neat to your bedroom floor. b Do not have year bedstead attainot the wail 6 No cold tub ip the morning, bet a bath at the temp nature of the body. 7, Exercise before breakfast. p t little meat and see that it is adults) Drink n r milk. 10 at plenty of fat to ed the Dells, which destroy disease germs., 11 Avoid in•oxioants, which destroy these cells 12 D.►ily exercise in the open sir. 13 Allow no pet animals in your living roma They are apt to tarry about dieeaso germs 14 Live in the country it yon can. 15 Watch the three D's—drinking water, damp and drains, 16. Have a change of occupation. 17 Tato frequent and short holidays. 18, Limit your ambitions, 19, Keep your temper. A de1ieious flame for ice cream is made of maple sugar, Boil a potted of sugar, with the least possible amount of water until the thread stage is reached. Slit in half a cupful of black walnut or butternut lueate, broken, but not ohopp- ed Serve hot. 1 I1 is useful when baking pies, either fruit or meat, by placing the pie in a tin with a little cold water, it will save the syrup or gravy from boiling out, but do not let the water dry up. A little water on top of fruit pies, and a little dry, fine sugar next, will give the pastry a pretty brass appearance. A good Lenten eonp is made of oar - rots. Scrape and out into small pieces six carrots, add an onion, sliced, two or three stalks of celery, and a leaf of parsley: Cover with boiling water and cook until the •oarrots can be rubbed through a sieve. Add a pint of hot milk and thicken with a teaspoonful ea312 of flour and butter Dreamed together. Season with salt and red pepper, and the least bit of nutmeg. Serve over cubes of fried bread, and dash paprika over all just before sending to the table. An Inviting Prospect Nothing better f o r you—noth- ing more inviting than a Meal of Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas Mooney's Biscuits are an evenly balanced, wholesome, nourishing food, equally good for young and old. Made from Canada's finest wheat flour, rich cream and pure butter. Baked by the Mooney bake' in.the Mooney way. Say i4*'*et your grottet'. • .lastm w ssi es The Appeal Is To You! THE HOSPITAL FOR ,r or SICK CHILDREN For it Cares. for Every Sick Child in Ontario whose Parents Cannot Afford to Pay for Treatment.. sr if off The Hospital for Sick Children, College' Street, Toronto, appeals to fathers and mothers of Ontario for funds to maintain the thousand sick children that it nurses within its walls every year. The Hospital ie not a local institu tion—but Provin Mal. The sick child from any place in Ontario who can't afford to pay has the same privileges as the child living in Tor- "SAYYT wrrn HER onto and is treated DOLL. free. The Hospital had last year iu its beds and cots 851 patients -331 of these were from 231 places outside of Toronto. The cost is 137 cts. per a nt per - day, and there were 138 sick lit- tle once a day in the Hos- pital. Since 1te e,„. "stew rierua1C noose, stair dation 414111"h'' the Hospital has treated 12,120 children. About 8,500 of these were unable to pay and were treated frets Your money can put got t don hinges on the door of the Hospital's mercy. Every- body'sdollar may be the Friend vii n Need to Somebody's child. Your dollar may be adoor of hope to somebody's child. The Hospital pays out dividends of health and happiness to at- tiring childhood on every dollar that is • paid byyfriends of little obilclrett. if you know of any child in yore neighborhood who ie sick or crippled er has elnb foes '- mad -lead the parent's ssavore BaEL Er.lIi'. s are nolo agent for the eileitewded whiok Imo lab•equal. .Also the fou Domestic Chaff, and Wood of *hinds. frailstovtcof LU BE Mimed. or U Cod ter Highest 1 Residence Phone No. 55. Offioe, No. eeeeeesso ooesreeeeeee+as► ass 0•a K K K K K&K K& K K&K K&K K.;.atk. K - BLOOD POISO On account of its terrible effects, blood disease is called the king of Ng, It may be either hereditary or contracted; ao white it may not be a. crme to the disease, it lea crime to permit it to remain in the system. it may man itself in the form of. Scrofula, Oczema, rheumatic polus, stiff or swollen Jo itchtaese of the skin, eruptions or blotches, ulcers nn the mouth or on the ton sore throat, falling out of hair, 'tsordered stomach, and a general depressio the system. If yon have any of these eyes toms don't neglect yourself, Ton L ... . no time. to lode. Beware of "old fogy" treatment—beware of mineral t,�, beware of Quacks and Fakirs. 0132 rICW 4111011101) TRUA'riMIDNII is guaranteed tenure this disease, never to rearm, Bank Bonds will pretest Yeti. Our treatment Is not lujurione in any way, but reaches the very root of the disalulp ant elladuatee all poison from the system. The symptoms of disease gradual:I disappear. The bloodbeccmes pare and enriched,the whole system is cleave and purified,and the patient feels prepared anew for the duties and the p , of life. CRIES GUAR.ILST1iDno OR wo PAY. 25 Yo laas�, 'Detroit. 280,000 Cured. Cousultatiee Free. Question Blank for Homs Treatment and Books Free. DRS.KENNEDY& KERGAN •or. Michigan Ave. and Shelby et., Detroit, Mich. K ix K K K be K K i8c .K AAAAAMAAAAAMMAAAAAAAAAA V* • 1Lehigh Valle i Come with the crowd and leave your order for Lehigh Valley Coal, tiat is free from dirt and clinkers It has equal. 11 J3 TT TZ_ ^e,rMMAM/V4M wwWww annnnn Vot►VletOVV /VVVyVVVVVVV •SS0.0•••S00•••••••••003010 0.001100.00000S000000 0• • • O e . e' a s • O • - a 0 • • • a 0 a a • a • • a a • O a • O 0 Immo to t s goo, s'wo CLos roar ocean pilaf. Iii Pres rslt Rae what Dara be dace for olob•foot chil- dren. There were 3ti like caps last year and hundreds la SI years. lkarbink l*IV* MOAN seed oontribntiens bo J. Reel Olisimean, or to Douglas David. , fof the Itespitel Oonagaioatfor isiok An Advertisement i THE TIMES Brings Good The Wingham Tim the homes of most of the pe Wingham and surrounding country. keeps its subscribers posted on all the news of the day—local, political and foreign. If you have anything rt tell, or want anything, advertise in \ e Times. Rates on application. We Think Printing That's our business. We are constantly on the lookout for new ideas, and these are here awaiting your accept- ance. It's no trouble for us to give you inlorination—to write or call—it will place you under no obligation, and perhaps we may suggest something you can profit by. Prices right. Quality ever the talisman. The gingham Times WIlCGHA5I, O.iTARIO. Ji ,10041011.0.10.0110.40440141.4.114,04