HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 2015-02-04, Page 15Legals Legals Legals Legals MUNICIPALITY OF CENTRAL HURON REPLACEMENT OF STRUCTURE H110 ON BURNS LINE Air 4 CONTRACT NO. BR1143 SEALED TENDERS for the above contract, addressed to Peggy Van Mierlo-West, Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), Municipality of Central Huron, 23 Albert Street, Box 400, Clinton, ON, NOM 1L0 will be received by her until: 1:00 p.m., Friday February 20, 2015 for the installation of a 4.2 m x 2.4 m box concrete culvert on a 30° skew, retaining walls, and associated site work. An option is available for a precast structure. The structure is located north east of Clinton. Plans, specifications and tender forms may be obtained from the office of the undersigned after February 3, 2015 upon payment of a non-refundable fee of $40.00, payable to B. M. Ross and Associates Limited, which includes all taxes. Each tender must be accompanied by a certified cheque or bid bond in the amount of $12,000.00. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. B. M. ROSS AND ASSOCIATES LIMITED Engineers and Planners 62 North Street Goderich, ON N7A 2T4 Phone: 519-524-2641 Fax: 519-524-4403 www.bmross.net Merchandise Business Equipment & Supplies CLEAN, STAINLESS STEEL RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT FOR SALE. Walk-in freezer, exhaust, dishwasher with double sinks. All in excellent condition. Make an offer everything must go, changing to re- tail building. For more detailed info call 519-238-6573 after 7 p.m. or Call cell - 519-670-5313. Miscellaneous Female Jack Russell 2 1/2 years, house trained, good with children. Asking $175 obo call 519-482-7211. Real Estate/ Rentals Apartments CLINTON: very large 1000 sq ft, 2 bedroom main floor unit with private entrance. In a quiet historic building near downtown. Fully up -dated, utilities included. $895/month. E-mail mwprop@gmail.com or call/ text 519-635-8078. Apartments Retirement/55+ Town- house Unit for rent, 319 King St., Clinton, quiet neighbourhood, 2 bed, 2 bath, single gar- age, appliances, A/C, gas heat, snow remov- al and lawn care, $1100/month + utilities, call 519-482-1319. SEAFORTH - Large one bedroom. Appli- ances included. No pets. $650 per month. 519-955-0060. Houses for Rent BAYFIELD - Spacious 3 bedroom, finished family room, built in appliances, fireplace. Close to beach and pool. No smoking. $995 plus utilities. Available March 1/15. 519-565-2314 BAYFIELD Com- fortable furnished three bedroom bunga- low, cable, storage, sheds, ideal location, starting March. $900 + util. Check it out - it's a Touch of Glass! www.jervisbaycot- tage.com/touchofglass 519 482 9838 Wednesday, February 4, 2015 • News Record 15 Land for Rent Wanted To Rent Farm Land Long or Short Term, Cash Rent, Share Crop or let us describe our unique pricing system. Con- tact Paul at Hill & Hill Farms 519-233-3218 or 519-525-3137 or paul.hillhill@tcc.on.ca Rooms for Rent Young male home owner looking for a room mate to rent 2 rooms in country home near Kinburn. Prefer non-smoker. Call 519-525-2072 or 519-233-5393. M- Education/ Employment General Help Wanted AZ DRIVERS Wanted. Full time in Brussels area. Tanker work. Fax resume to 519-887- 9473 or call 519-501- 2831. KITCHEN HELP re- quired at Janet's Country Donut Cafe, 164 Main St. S., Sea - forth. Mature person willing to open at 5 a.m. and cook 3-4 days per week. Apply in person to Janet. Services Offered Services Offered STRATFORD MEMORIALS Monuments �. ► Markers yl A •n Inscriptions 100 Kingston St., Goderich, ON N7A 3K4 (Lower Level, 5 Point Financial Centre) Don Denomme - Manager BUS: 519-524-8457 RES: 519-524-6621 (Call for an appointment anytime) WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS LTD. Four modern rotary rigs Seaforth 519-522-1737 • Stratford 519-271-7860 Automotive Services Automotive Services Advanced Truck & Auto Repair • Diesel Emissions Tests • Tuneups, Exhausts and Other Repairs • Annual safety checks and inspections • Access to wide variety of parts 36936 Glens Hill Road RR#1 Dungannon o/o John Curran Roadside Assistance (519) 529-3222 1110 Altit • General Services Ironing - I will do your ironing for you in my home. Please call Liisa for rates and more info. 519-482-9316 ADVERTISE ACROSS ONTARIO OR ACROSS THE COUNTRY! ANNOUNCEMENT orth!r11 loth Milk! a! HOST FAMILtIE. NEEDEII1 Norther YroulhAAroau Is Ic' urg Fid .96tI1.$S 11> Fi;:rl? .:°:r r.1 FI hrri r4uneneuLlT4fNT onlunbcereig in 'joiir community ,lulWA us1. 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