HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 2015-02-04, Page 88 News Record • Wednesday, February 4, 2015 Zurich doctor writes Overweight is a disease Lynda Hillman-Rapley Lakeshore Advance If you have ever said to yourself "I can't lose weight" or "I don't know how to manage my weight," this workbook is for you. Teeple says in her book Overweight is a disease, you will learn that being overweight is not "your fault," it is your disease. "You will learn how to self - manage that disease, because there is no other cure. Being overweight is a disease that will rob you of your abilities, your mobil- ity and your health. The best and only prescription is lifelong self-manage- ment. In this book you will find the tools, the inspira- tion and the guidance to do just that," she says. Dr. Teeple has been with . PUBLIC MEETING CONCERNING JAr tri�rlxi� A PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT AFFECTING THE MUNICIPALITY OF CENTRAL HURON TAKE NOTICE that Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Central Huron will hold a public meeting to consider a proposed zoning by-law amendment under Section 34 of the Planning Act. The zoning by-law amendment applies to the Municipality of Central Huron as a whole. Date: Monday, March 2nd, 2015 Time: 7:00 pm Location: Council Chambers — Central Huron Municipal Office, 23 Albert St., Clinton, Ontario ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support of or in opposition to the proposed zoning by- law amendment. IF you wish to be notified of the adoption of the proposed zoning by-law amendment, or of the refusal of a request for amendment to the zoning by-law you must make a written request to the Municipality of Central Huron. IF a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Municipality of Central Huron before the proposed zoning by-law amendment is adopted, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision of the Municipality of Central Huron to the Ontario Municipal Board. IF a person or public body does not make an oral submission at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Municipality of Central Huron before the zoning by-law amendment is adopted, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Municipal Board unless, in the opinion of the Board, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed zoning amendment is available for inspection during regular office hours at the Central Huron Municipal Office, 23 Albert St. Clinton (519) 482-3997 and the County of Huron Planning and Development Department 57 Napier Street, 2nd floor, Goderich (519) 524-8394 x3. DATED AT The Municipality of Central Huron Brenda Maclsaac, Clerk THIS 4th day of February, 2015 Municipality of Central Huron Purpose and Effect: The proposed zoning by-law amendment adds provisions to Section 3 of the Municipality of Central Huron Zoning By -Law for the purpose of automatically making necessary amendments to the zoning bylaw as a result of surplus farm residence severances. When the County of Huron or its delegate has approved a severance of a surplus farm residence the appropriate zone map in the zoning by-law shall be amended to change the AG1 Zone to AG2 for the retained parcel and AG4-21 for the severed parcel. The AG2 zone will prohibit a residence on the retained lands and the AG4-21 zone will limit livestock uses and recognize all legally established buildings on the severed property. These changes will remove the requirement for most surplus severances to be subject to an application for rezoning in addition to the severance application. This by-law amends the Municipality of Central Huron Zoning By -Law, 40-2010. the Bluewater Area Family Health Team in Zurich for close to five years and has been living with her hus- band, Ralph and their two sons in the Parkhill area for 25 years and has done a lot of "getting healthy" coaching for many years. "After working with folks to help them manage their weight for such a long time I decided to put all the ideas, learnings, resources that I have gathered into a workbook so that others can share in the knowledge and learn the skills to man- age their weight and their health. I approach over- weight like I approach every other disease - therein lies the difference between "going on a diet" and learning to live in a way that is healthy and let- ting those new behaviors result in taking off/keeping off excess weight." "While Dr. Teeple approaches the person struggling with obesity in a respectful way, she also challenges us with humor and real life stories. This book gave me hope that I could succeed in making changes, confidence that I could take control of my own health and motivation that obesity management is possible even for me!" is one testimonial from a nurse practitioner. A social workers writes, " Dr. Lori Teeple inspires us with her personal story as she helps us Dr. Lori Teeple understand the medical science and psychology of "The Disease of Over- weight." This readable workbook flows with prac- tical strategies and per- sonal tips to establish and reinforce achievable life- style habits for anyone ready to confront this challenge and begin their journey towards health." Dr. Teeple is an associate professor of Medicine and Family Medicine at West- ern University where she is an award winning teacher. She has been a family and emergency medicine phy- sician for over 25 years and lectures nationally and internationally. Her pas- sion for preventive medi- cine through healthy Lakeshore Advance v1§1ER WEIGHT IS A IIMIKASE N. t rye tin rc l e' lifestyle arises from this work and from her own long term battle with "The disease of overweight." The book is available at amazon.ca or at Friesen- press.ca/bookstore or at the health team in Zurich. ATTENTION ADVERTISERS! DEADLINES Our Weekly Deadlines are as follows: ADVERTISING & EDITORIAL Friday @ 2:00 pm News Record 53 Albert St. S, Clinton P H : 519-482-3443 www.clintonnewsrecord.com OFFICE HOURS: Mon. - Fri. 9am - 5pm CLOSED TUESDAYS