HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 2015-02-04, Page 4editorial Changing face of war on ISIS QMI Agency It was important to get it right. The tone has been set. And we're not so sure Canadians are impressed. On Monday MPs were back in Ottawa for their first sitting in the House of Commons since Christmas break. We wrote in this space on Monday that "what happens in the next few months will frame the debate leading into the October election." The two big topics? The economy and terror. Then shortly before question period got underway, the country learned that Canadian Forces had engaged in two more firefights with the Islamic State. That's in addition to the exchange of gunfire we learned about in last week's briefing. So this gave opposition leader Tom Mulcair material as he came storming out of the gates, arguing that the govern- ment had misled Canadi- ans and put soldiers in harm's way. Trudeau managed to dodge talking about ter- ror at first. Typical. But then he did address it, echoing Mulcair's criti- cisms of the Conservatives. Mulcair is certainly right that things have changed from what we expected. Call it "mission creep." Call it what you want. The government had firmly stated in October that Canadian Forces were going to Iraq in an advisory and non -combat role. But that was mid-Octo- ber. Then we had two ter- ror attacks in one week. There have since been various calls to attack Canada - including one issued by the supposed caliph just the other day. In other words, the situ- ation is now different. It hit us at home. The Islamic State has Canada in its crosshairs. The opposition parties should by all means hold the government to account. But the public will drop them in a heart- beat if they go too far and lose perspective. After all, recent polling tells us Canadians want the Islamic State threat beaten back. An Ipsos Reid poll con- ducted in mid-December found that 73% of Cana- dians either strongly or somewhat agree that "everything possible" needs to be done to con- tain the Islamic State, including sending Cana- dian ground troops. It was even that high in Quebec. And only 7% of Canadians strongly disa- gree with going after ISIS. In other words: paging the opposition! Time to pay attention to what Canadians actually think! Some people don't belong in competitive sports Tara Ostner The Clinton News Record Competitive sports is a term com- prised of two distinct words. The word competitive means "of, pertaining to, involving, or decided by competition" while the word competition is defined as "a contest for some prize, honor, or advan- tage," or, a "rivalry for supremacy." The word sport means "an ath- letic activity requiring skill or phys- ical prowess." Additionally, the word sport can also mean "fun" and "recreation." However, any time that the word competitive precedes the word sport, sport, of course, means more than just fun and recreation. This is something that sometimes people either forget or fail to understand. This was made more than appar- ent last month at a Southern Califor- nia high school when the school's basketball coach, Michael Ander- son, was suspended as a result of his team beating the opposing team, lead by coach, Dale Chung, by a score of 161-2. The idea behind the suspension was that, by scoring so many more points than Chung's team, Anderson's team showed bad sportsmanship. In response to the suspension, Anderson stated that "the game just got away from me" and if he had to do it all over again he "wouldn't play the game at all." In my opinion, Anderson showed far more cour- tesy here than he should have. Chung, on the other hand, showed ignorance and naivete. People shouldn't "feel sorry" for my team, Chung said, instead, people should feel sorry for Anderson's team, a team which, Chung said, "isn't learning the game the right way." In fact, Chung has it all wrong: Anderson's team learned the game entirely the right way. Regardless, I don't think that Chung has too much to worry about as I doubt that too many people actually feel sorry for his team. I certainly do not. In the world of competitive sports you are inevitably signing up for the possibility of loss. You always have a chance of losing and you know this; moreover, by joining the com- petitive sport, you voluntarily sign up for this. Striving to outdo the other team is the very essence of competitive sports. People who cannot accept this very simple and inoffensive fact should not be allowed to join the game and I wonder why - with so many non-competitive options out there - individuals like this even enter into the activity in the first place. There are many things to lament in this world -likely too many to count - but feeling sorry for a defeated competitive sports team, no matter what the final score is, is not one of them. To do so only makes a mockery out of the sport. It is also a fact that loss, even loss of great proportions, is a necessary component of life. The sooner in life that we can learn to accept this fact the sooner that we will be okay with it. The beauty of competitive sports is that, among many other things, this is precisely what it teaches you. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The News Record welcomes letters to the editor. All letters must be signed and include a daytime phone number for verification purposes. Letters can be sent care of the Internet at clinton.news@sunmedia.ca, sent via fax at 519- 482-7341 or through Canada Post care of The Editor, P.O. Box 39, Clinton, ON NOL 1LO. 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