HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 2015-12-23, Page 1818 News Record • Wednesday, December 23, 2015 Central Huron Council appoints new CAO Valerie Gillies Clinton News Record The Central Huron Committee of the Whole meeting was held Decem- ber 14 in Clinton. The first item discussed was the Engineer's Report for the Dubs Municipal Drain. The original drain was a series of open ditches created in 1948. In 1976 the ditches were extended downstream, creating the open ditch section that is now being addressed, known as Branch E. The report urges that the existing drain now become a closed drain to encourage water to enter the tiles and to address erosion and sediment downstream. This would also allow access to a land -locked field. Council was advised that Huron Clean Water may have a grant that could assist with the costs of this project. It was announced that a new Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) has been appointed for the next six months. Steve Doherty will become the acting CAO to fill the previously vacant position. Doherty was invited to take his place at the Council table to participate in the remainder of the meeting in his new capacity. During the discussion of Finances, it was asked why there is such an increase in parks costs. It was pointed out that there are more wages and maintenance costs for parks to support the Communities in Bloom projects in the parks and other areas. Councillor Alex Westerhout gave a verbal report of his attendance at the presentation for Bruce Grey and Huron Counties on Plannin. Wester- hout reported that it was a worth- while day. A PHD student from Ger- many was a guest speaker on the differences on how Wind Turbines are planned, located and regulated in Germany. The greatest difference is that in Germany the government performs the research, first, then assesses where the turbines would best be located, then approaches the wind companies to find the suppli- ers. As the population in Germany is more in pockets of villages, rather than spread out into the countryside, there is much more space between residential areas, leaving more space for setbacks without infringing on homes. The planning encourages infilling where there are already tur- bines, rather than erecting in new areas. Setback distances are set much further from homes. Distance is also regulated on a tiered system. The more turbines in a pocket, the further the setback must be. Another provision is that turbines are only allowed for 180 degree arc around any home, ensuring the habitation is not surrounded. The Utilities Report brought about a discussion of the report from Erie Thames. Facilities Manager Steve Campbell does not agree with the assessment and is concerned that the newest recommendation of replacing the transformer at the baseball diamonds were not dis- cussed when the work was done. The recommendation does not make sense when there will be less energy use with the elimination of supply- ing the arena. Campbell advised that MP Ben Lobb has been consulted and will get back to the municipality with information on how to proceed. REACH Board spoke on future plans with Fanshawe's development of programs for education at home. Ridgetown of Guelph had expected their clients to use REACH herds, however that did not happen this year. To accommodate clients, REACH referred Ridgetown students to other local hams to assure that the RI MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM ALL OF US TO ALL OF YOU 9MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM ALL OF US TO ALL OF YOU A 0 OFFICE519-482-3400 �= Trio -% ROYAL L[PAAE ICY s a 1 Albert Street, Clinton �'l�l.rd poY =1 ^ www.rlpheartland.ca -.�„ ® Helping you is what we do."''NO E.2. 0YI To view all our listings go to: www.rlpheartland.ca - MERRY CHRISJIMAS NEW PRICE 80261 LONDON 30-343 Victoria St., _ Clinton $26,900 GMAS,v MERCY CHRATM� Call Fred or Rick — MLS#449326 LINE, HAYFIELD # j `� '- IN 40 Acres located on i Orchard Line in Bayfield. 2 Presently used as a Garden Center. 25 acres of workable kills land, 10 acres of woodlot/ l Creek and 5 acres with buildings irl CENTURY HOME . 286 Dinsley St., Blyth $231,900 83461 RIVER MILL LINE, Call Rick or Fred k: ° iy+i — .P _ MLS#397347 51 acre retreat = located across from 1 the Dungannon zoo. 7 iy acres of workable land,401 remaining is mixed wood II lot. Beautiful 3,000 Sq ft r home on site. cc r"between y cc s 90 ACRE FARM 41428 SUMMERHILL ROAD, 579 Con 10, Cargill _ $400,000 10 Acres located 44 Clinton and H Seaforth Hog barn, 60x200 storage shed, m 40x100 set up for 6j sheep or goats. Call Fred or Richard — MLS#611480 'uH;i;lYll I;l G]idiL[7iti9u�:L TAKE OUT RESTAURANT 267 Huron St., Clinton $425,000 Call Fred or Rick MLS#590053 160 Sills St., Seaforth S210,000 Call Sherry MLS#163244 • ONE OF A KIND 37568 Telephone Rd., Clinton $629,000 Call Fred or Rick MLS#554877 96 Huron St., Clinton $234,900 Call Rick or Fred MLS#696849 rov • GREAT STARTER 132 Victoria St., Clinton $82,500 Call Rick or Fred MLS#877562 ir . „, ES 165 ACR 38146 Mill Rd.,Varna $1,220,000 Call Rick MLS#842539 PERFECT STARTER A 279 Morris St., Blyth $124,900 Call Sherry MLS#712987 225 Rattenbury St. E., Clinton $194,900 Call Sherry MLS#568375 MIXED BUSH 78252 Parr Line, Central Huron $119,000 Call Rick or Fred MLS#615096 BUILDING LOT Lot 9 Ransford St., Clinton $59,900 Call Rick or Fred MLS#137368 Fred Lobb** Rick Lobb*** Richard Lobb Sr.* Sherry McLaughlin* Cell: 519-955-0012 Cell: 519-525-1174 Cell: 519-955-0163 Cell: 519-301-2879 Broker of Record*** Broker/Owner** Sales Representative * PI MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM ALL OF US TO ALL OF YOU MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM ALL OF US TO ALL OF YOU 9 0 0 T1 0 0 TI TI -c TI 0 0 a 0 0 c x V.1 TITI 0 0 0 Ti 0 O c Valerie Gillies Clinton News Record Steve Doherty was appointed acting CAO for Central Huron by a bylaw passed during the Committee of the Whole meeting on December 14 in Clinton. The bylaw is for a maximum time of six months. Mayor Jim Ginn welcomes Doherty to the Council table. lessons did happen. One of the issues is that, although REACH has herds, the staff do not give lessons. They strictly look after rental of horses and the arena. This arrange- ment has led to more community buy -in to Ridgetown, therefore the impact has been positive in aware- ness. REACH has situated itself as leaders in helping smaller local equine businesses. Councillor Genny Smith advised REACH to express interest in developing more courses in conjunction with Fan- shawe as the agricultural piece of the a COIF W- 2. a� MERRY CHRISJIMAS MERRY CHRISTMAS MERRY CHRISTMAS 80261 LONDON RD, CLINTON m y� L. .. ''`' y 1 { r .i , l J Layer Farm with 2 barns. 15.25 acres with 10 acres t of reforested woodlot. 5 BR Gn brick house on site. Being 3 sold as an ongoing operation y or empty. Located just outside of Clinton. Call Cor 3 GMAS,v MERCY CHRATM� m 77688 ORCHARD LINE, HAYFIELD # j `� '- IN 40 Acres located on i Orchard Line in Bayfield. 2 Presently used as a Garden Center. 25 acres of workable kills land, 10 acres of woodlot/ l Creek and 5 acres with buildings irl 1= 2 = cc Ial s y _ 83461 RIVER MILL LINE, DUNGANNON k: ° iy+i — .P _ 4, 10 ;' I , ._ -_. ` . 51 acre retreat = located across from 1 the Dungannon zoo. 7 iy acres of workable land,401 remaining is mixed wood II lot. Beautiful 3,000 Sq ft r home on site. cc r"between y cc s t: 41428 SUMMERHILL ROAD, CENTRAL HURON — - c 10 Acres located 44 Clinton and H Seaforth Hog barn, 60x200 storage shed, m 40x100 set up for 6j sheep or goats. c9 j 'a' 'en'o an.er or 'an as en Broker of Record Sales Representative REALTY 1 W ali Direct: 519-872-6259 Direct: 519-525-8340 2 417 Main St. S., PO Box 1054, Exeter, ON NOM 1S7 SVw1SIUId1 1 Pia MIIMEEMIEEI4- 1 y college's offerings. Waste and recycling discussion revealed that a transfer station is not feasible. This prompted councilors to suggest that, as the town of Goderich is not indicating interest in working with Central Huron, that once Goderich has made a decision, it should be considered that Huron East and Central Huron may have to work something out together. It was agreed that something needs to be made available for locals to access to deal with waste. This may be a better solution than haulers as the waste transported by the haulers is not sep- arated for recycling. At this point, Council will wait to see what Goder- ich decides. Councillor Smith commented that the CEMC training was very well done. She thanks the staff that was there for doing a really good job of the emergency training. The discus- sion on the North Huron Fire Report spawned the recommendation that financials would be nice to receive in January or February when their budget is done. They would be asked to attend a Council meeting in the spring and fall. Councillor Allison Lobb recom- mended sending a letter to Habitat for Humanity to ask if they would be interested in a donation of 14 Dun- lop Street. Some of the Council was concerned that this is not the first donation and would like to see if there is a way to have the property purchased. The decision was made to send a letter to Habitat to Human- ity first, then if that is not successful, to approach a local realtor to list the property. The Fees and Charges Review revealed that there is an issue with the review period. It was decided that the recommendation that the new bylaw require yearly review, rather than every five years in the past, would be a much better sched- ule to not have changes happen in unmanageable chunks, but be addressed throughout the term of the review period. All fees, except for the Auburn Hall, which has its own board, would now come under one bylaw to allow for one-stop shopping for Central Huron, which will be eas- ier for both staff and users.