HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 2015-12-16, Page 21Wednesday, December 16, 2015 • News Record 21 The right approach to climate smart agriculture Canada, led by the prov- ince of Alberta, is imple- menting climate -smart agri- culture by reducing greenhouse gas emissions from fertilizer use in crop production. At least one million acres of farmland in Alberta are operating under 4R Nutrient Stewardship (Right Source @ Right Rate, Right Time, Right Place®), focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 15 to 25 percent. These are farms that are not only adopting climate -smart practices but keeping records to verify and esti- mate the emission reductions. Leading agronomy com- panies such as Agritrend and Farmers Edge have been working with Ferti- lizer Canada and the Gov- ernment of Alberta to assist their farmer clients to apply their fertilizer more effi- ciently so they can improve profits and sell offsets in the Alberta greenhouse gas regulatory system. To accomplish this, Cana- da's farmers are improving nitrogen management with the Nitrous Oxide Emission Reduction Protocol (NERP), delivered through a 4R Nutrient Stewardship plan on the farm. 4R Nutrient Stewardship is a science - based program, focused on sustainable agriculture that seeks to balance nutrient management decisions within a framework of eco- nomic, social, and environ- mental goals. NERP best management practices include the use of ammo- nium -based fertilizer, con- trolled release fertilizers, soil tests, precision placement and guidelines on fall appli- cation. These 4R Nutrient Stewardship practices are increasingly being adopted across Canada. "Replenishing the nutri- ents used by the crop each year with fertilizer ensures the production of sustaina- ble food. Farmers adopting this framework can improve the quality of the soil that plants need to thrive, with- out sacrificing the environ- ment, ensuring the produc- tion of safe food for consumers," said Clyde Gra- ham, Senior Vice -President of Fertilizer Canada. While increasing crop pro- duction by 70 per cent to feed the growing population remains a priority, the ferti- lizer industry has also prior- itized climate -smart agricul- ture as a way to minimize the impact on the environment. Nitrogen fertilizer is a driver of nitrous oxide emissions, but it is also the main driver of yield in modern high production systems. Through careful selection of best management practices for nitrogen fertilizer as out- lined in 4R Nutrient Steward- ship, the nitrous oxide emis- sions per unit of crop produced can be substantially reduced, in some cases by up to half," said Dan Heaney, Vice -President of Research and Development at Farmers Edge. As an added benefit to the farmer, the practices that reduce nitrous oxide emis- sions also tend to increase nitrogen use efficiency and the economic return on ferti- lizer dollars. It is estimated that increased profits per year range from $9 to $87per acre. "The application of 4R Nutrient Stewardship using NERP provides a framework for farmers to reduce on-farm emissions of nitrous oxide in a quantifiable, credible, and verifiable way that would allow farmers to produce sale- able carbon credits," said Bill Dorgan, Business Unit Leader of Agri -Trend. This framework for climate - smart agriculture is aimed at reducing regional, and ulti- mately global, nitrous oxide emissions. "We are encouraged by the Government of Alberta's com- mitment to developing a nitrous oxide carbon offset program, and look forward to building similar protocols As if dying in your 30's isn't hard enough to swallow... What if you needed a fistful of pills just to digest your food? Now that you know more about cystic fibrosis, won't you please help? Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation 1-800-378-CCFF www. cysticfibrosis. ca with other interested prov- inces, including Saskatche- wan and Ontario," said Gra- ham. "Internationally, small -holder farmers in devel- oping countries can increase yeild and imrpove enrivon- mental condtions by applying this framework" The NERP was approved for use as an offset protocol in 2010 in Alberta. It is expected that the first NERP offset projects will be regis- tered this year. Fertilizer Canada has led two projects in Alberta, with financial support from Alberta Innovates BioSolu- tions, to provide NERP- based 4R Nutrient Steward- ship training for farmers and the crop advisors who sup- port them. In addition, Ferti- lizer Canada and the federal agriculture department (Agriculture and Agri -Food Canada) are jointly funding scientific field trials across Canada to quantify the N20 emission reduc- tions from 4R Nutrient Stew- ardship practices. Across Canada, Fertilizer Canada is completing a four- year project to deliver 4R Nutrient Stewardship training and information focused on greenhouse gas emission reduction with support from Agriculture and Agri -Food Canada. The project was part of Canada's commitment to the Global Research Alliance announced at the Copenha- gen COP. The 1 million acres cur- rently reducing greenhouse gas emissions using NERP represents roughly four per cent of Albertaprovince's 24 million acres of farmland. Though it's not enough, it demonstrates the fertilizer industry's commitment to accomplishing the Sustaina- ble Development Goals set forward by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Fertilizer Canada repre- sents manufacturers, wholesale and retail dis- tributors of nitrogen, phos- phate, potash and sulphur fertilizers. The fertilizer industry plays an essential role in Canada's economy, contributing over $12 bil- lion annually and 12,000 jobs. The association is committed to supporting the fertilizer industry with innovative research and programming while advo- cating sustainability, stew- ardship, safety and security through standards and Codes of Practice. Please visit fertilizercanada.ca. See14.012 9 eetGft94 cuevraf arn7eeeeitiact at acus aeeaciatiaa d nivu9 the fiadt *eafc, cue extend actrt ocuy Peet « e %ed - a 4afrizit 4alidacy Qeadart awl fr'toa zczaud 1 ecu *ear/ 79257 Sanctuary Line RR4 Clinton, ON NOM 1L0 519-233-3423 1-800-387-0811 Fax: 519-233-9190 Doctor's Nisbett, Padfield, Weaver, Taylor & staff of Huron Optometric Centres r4" Goderich, Clinton, & Wingham wish you a Happy Holiday Season. Thank you for your continued support. 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