HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 2015-12-09, Page 1818 News Record • Wednesday, December 9, 2015 BCH minor hockey results November 29 -December 5 HPAA results November 30 -December 4 November 29 Atom Rep 4, Walkerton Capi- tals 1 Novice Girls 3, B.A.D. Blazers 0 Atom Girls 12, Ingersol Ice C 1 Peewee Girls 2, Kent County Fillies C 4 Bantam Girls C 2, East Lamb - ton Eagles C 0 Midget Girls B O,Walkerton Capitals 3 November 30 Midget Rep 2, Goderich Sail- ors 5 December 1 Atom Rep 2, Listowel Cyclones 2 Peewee Rep 2, Mitchell Mete- ors 7 December 2 Atom AE 7, Zurich Thunder 5 Atom Local 2 1, Goderich Sail- ors 1 10 Bantam Rep 1, South Bruce Blades 3 Midget Girls C 1, Lambeth Lancers 3 December 3 Bantam Local 2 4, Central Perth LL 3 December 4 Atom Local 1 4, Hespeler Shamrocks 2 0 Atom Girls 1 1,South Huron Sabres HL 2 Peewee Girls 3, Ilderton Jets C 5 Midget Girls C 1, Sarnia Lady Sting 1 Midget Local 6, Goderich Sail- ors 2 December 5 Atom Local 1 3, Hespeler Shamrocks 3 2 Novice Local 2 1, Goderich Sailors 3 Atom Rep 12, Twin Centres 0 Junior Tyke 2 3, Mitchell Meteors 2 Novice Local 3 9, Seaforth Stars 1 Atom AE 1, Kincardine Kinucks AE 4 Atom Girls 1 3, Tillsonburg Lightening C 2 Midget Rep 7, Wingham Iron - men 0 1 clintonnewsrecord.com December 2 Jr. Boys Basketball Central Huron 66, South Huron 33 St. Anne's 36, St. Michael 51 Sr. Boys Basketball SAVER TREE! Please Recycle Your Paper! Central Huron 21, South Huron 70 St. Anne's 27, St. Michael 59 Boys Ice Hockey St. Anne's 5, Central Huron 1 Carpet Bowling Ladies' High: (1st) Lucy Sage - 22 (2nd) Cheryl Trewartha - 21 Mens' High: (1st) Allan Lavis - 19 (1st) Burt Greidanus - 19 (1st) Joe Van Dyke - 19 (1st) Ralph Feltz - 12 ADVERTISE ACROSS ONTARIO OR ACROSS THE COUNTRY! For more information contact your local newspaper. MORTGAGES BETTEROPTION M OR TG AGE LOWER YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENTS AND CONSOLIDATE YOUR DEBT NOW!!! 1st, 2nd, 3rd MORTGAGES Debt Consolidation Refinancing, Renovations Tax Arrears, No CMHC Fees $50K YOU PAY: $208.33 / MONTH (OAC) No Income, Bad Credit Power of Sale Stopped!!! BETTER OPTION MORTGAGE FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL TODAY TOLL-FREE: 1-800-282-1169 www.mortgageontario.com (Licence # 10969) BUSINESS OPPS. HIP OR KNEE REPLACEMENT? Restrictions in Walking/Dressing? $2,500 Yearly Tax Credit. $40,000 in Tax Refunds, Disability Tax Credit Expert. Help: 1-844-453-5372. 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