HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 2015-08-19, Page 88 News Record • Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Qualified Participants Needed for Technology Field Test
During this Limited -Time event, we are looking for people like you,
who may be experiencing varying levels of hearing loss to evaluate
a remarkable new line of digital hearing aids and a rehabilitative
process that could be the solution to your difficulties.
Call us toll-free today at one of the numbers below to see if you qualify for this Field Test. Potential
candidates will be given a FREE hearing test to determine candidacy.
Participants will be given a FREE in -office demonstration, and the opportunity to evaluate the latest,
most advanced hearing aid technology for 30 days at drastically reduced rates. A refund* is available at
the end of the test period if you feel your test aids do not improve your hearing.
A full range of sizes are available in this new technology, including the exceptionally discreet open -fit
and IIC models shown here:
/IT iipw
Similar to choosing between contact lenses or glasses,
you can decide with your hearing professional which
hearing aid style would best suit you. Both styles have
approximately the same performance and functions, but are
fitted to the ear differently.
It's almost a shame this technology isn't more visible!
Open -fit and Invisible -In -the -Canal (IIC) hearing aids are smaller and more beautiful than ever, striking
the perfect balance between size and performance. The elegant and highly discreet open -fit hearing aid fits
perfectly on top of your car, and the thin tube in your ear canal is designed to disappear against your skin. The
new IIC hearing aid --now with wireless technology --provides all of the outstanding features and benefits you
want in a digital hearing aid, minus the stigma that came with wearing one in the past.
CALL NOW - Candidates are being selected.
The selection process for this test period will end September 30, 2015.
• Clinton 189 Albert Street 11-888-804-0991
• Exeter I 281 Main Street South I 1-888-902-1770
• Goderich 1394 Huron Road 11-888-590-6981
• Listowel 11195 Wallace Avenue North I 1-888-902-4648
• Owen Sound I 1017, 1415-1 Avenue West I 1-888-902-8170
• Stratford 1295 Huron Street 11-888-819-3067
• Wingham 1183 Victoria Street West 11-888-804-0991
Referred by Physicians over 50,000 Times.
*Refund isfor the full cost of the hearing aids, minusa service/administrative fee. Hearing tests are provided free of charge for adultsagesl8 and older.
Some conditions may apply. Please see clinic for details.
Local by nature: Central Huron's revitalization plan
Laura Broadley
Clinton News Record
A draft for the Central Huron
community improvement, revi-
talization and branding project
was presented at an open
house held last Thursday at the
Clinton town hall.
After a public meeting,
community survey, vision ses-
sion and focus groups, Peter J.
Smith & Company, Inc. pro-
vided an overview of the draft
plan for the municipality.
Peter J. Smith & Company
had been hired to help develop
the plan through a consultation
processes with council, BIA and
the community.
The idea was to come up
with a revitalization strategy
that has the potential to be
supported by financial incen-
tive programs for the business
areas and the brand theme.
The consultants identified
goals for the plan: Improving
the potential for economic
development by revitalizing
things like facades and visitor
services; improving commu-
nity social structure like
Laura Broadley Clinton News Record
A focus of the Central Huron community improvement,
revitalization and branding project is the revitalization of the
Clinton downtown core.
accessibility and improving the
physical environment and
character of business areas,
specifically the downtown core.
The potential brand theme,
local by nature, was decided
upon because of Central
Huron's friendly atmosphere,
farm to table potential, unique
architecture supported by local
materials and educational and
entertainment resources, said
Allison Harrington, senior
urban planner/designer.
Four financial incentive pro-
grams were identified: facade
improvement, residential reha-
bilitation, energy efficiency
improvement and an accessi-
bility improvement grant.
The Ministry of Municipal
Affairs and Housing must
approve the grants programs
based on the consultant's
plan before council is able to
pass them.
Johnny Cash comes to Blyth Theatre
The international touring
show Johnny Cash: From
Memphis to Folsom will be
coming to the Blyth Memorial
Hall for one night only on Sat-
urday, Sept. 26 at 8 p.m.
Tribute artist Jim Yorfido
stars as Johnny Cash. Yorfido
has thrilled audiences across
the globe with his portrayal
of the music legend, which
truly captures both the dis-
tinctive look and booming
Baritone voice of Johnny
Cash. Backed by the Mem-
phis Cats band, the show
also includes the lovely and
talented June Carter as John-
ny's fun -loving sidekick.
Musically, From Memphis
to Folsom covers the entire
career of "the Man in Black,"
including Johnny's early hits
on Sun Records such as I Walk
the Line and Folsom Prison
Blues, his prison albums Boy
Named Sue and San Quentin,
his famous duets with June
Carter Jackson and Help Me
Make it Through the Night and
of course, Johnny's signature
tune Ring of Fire. As a special
bonus, during an audience -
interactive segment of the
show, ticket buyers will even
get to pick which Johnny Cash
song will be performed.
Tickets to see Johnny
Cash: From Memphis To Fol-
som at the Blyth Memorial
Hall on Saturday, Sept. 26th
at 8 p.m. are on sale now for
$29 all-inclusive. Tickets are
available at the theatre box
office located at 423 Queen
Street in Blyth, via phone
519-523-9300 or online at
Thursday August 27th
6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
41892 Summerhill Rd., Central Huron
FREE! Topics include:
• Benefits of windbreaks
• Maintaining a mature windbreak
• Pruning and thinning techniques
• Impact on crop yields
For information:
[T] 519-335-3557
[W] www.mvca.on.ca
[E] edolmage@mvca.on.ca
Rain date is Thurs. Sept. 10
Complete Landscape Sera'ces
114' Maitland