HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 2015-08-19, Page 7Contributed photos
Three -time winner of the 35th annual charity driver's challenge,
Trevor Henry and marketing manager Jessica Carnochan.
The winner of the miniature exhibition horse race, Doug McNair
and horse Coors.
Annual charity
driver's challenge
title to Trevor Henry
It was a battle to the bitter
end in the 35th edition of the
annual charity driver's chal-
lenge at Clinton Raceway.
Heading into the final
dash of the 10 race card Ryan
Holliday led the pack with
192 point total, scoring in six
of his nine drives. Phil
Hudon and Trevor Henry
had a five point spread for
second and third, making an
exciting end to the Sunday
afternoon card.
Henry and Rock N Roll
Legacy got away second
from post position four with
a final fraction of 29.1 to win
race 10 and score 50 addi-
tional points to put him over
the top and claim the title of
driver's challenge champion.
Hudon and Holliday fin-
ished seventh and eight
respectively, adding no
points to their totals, but
keeping Holliday in second
with a total of 192 points and
Hudon in third with 155.
"Every year an incredible
group of driver's come
together to support our cho-
sen charity," said marketing
manager, Jessica
"It doesn't matter what it
is, they are here and that
means a lot to us, and the
groups we help fund raise
This year the talented
group of drivers, Trevor
Find us on:
• �Att
will be holding a Skate Park Volunteer Meeting
Tuesday, September 1st 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the Libro
Community Hall, Central Huron Community Complex.
All parents, volunteers and interested people are asked
to attend. The Skate Park Project is run by volunteers
and if you would like to help out in any way please
consider attending.
This project will be your legacy to your children to
provide a safe, active place for them to play.
Help out, be involved in your or any child's future.
Please RSVP to clintonskatepark2015@gmail.com
by Aug. 27th.
Wednesday, August 19, 2015 • News Record 7
Clinton Raceway supports
the Sunshine Foundation
Grab your kids, grandkids,
nieces, nephews and friends!
Clinton Raceway's annual
Kids Day, which is a fund-
raiser for The Sunshine
Henry, Ryan Holliday, Phil Foundation just around the
Hudon, Mario Baillargeon, corner.
Jody Jamieson, James Mac- On August 23, the race
Donald, Doug McNair and date that families wait for all
Mike Saftic drove to support season long, the day where
the Royal Canadian Legion kids and adults alike
Legion and the Clinton, descend on Clinton Raceway
Brussels and Seaforth for an afternoon of fun,
Branches by donating their activity and of course live
fee's for the day. harness racing.
"I'm always happy to win This year Clinton Raceway
but the real winner here is has teamed up with The
the veterans, and the local Sunshine Foundation of
legions that are working to Canada to help raise funds
support them, I know we're and help make dreams come
all happy to come out and true for children in Canada
drive to support them," said with severe physical
Henry, a three -time disabilities.
champion. "The harness racing com-
Including the driver fees, munity is so supportive of
the chicken bbq after the our fundraising initiatives,"
races, 50/50 and silent auc- said Jessica Carnochan, mar -
tion the local branches were keting manager for Clinton
able to raise over $6,000. Raceway.
Fans were also treated to a "This is just another exam -
miniature exhibition horse ple of the difference we can
race between the ninth and make when we all come
tenth races, with Doug together. Working with The
McNair driving Coors to vic- Sunshine Foundation on this
tory in the 1/4 mile race. event was a perfect fit, let's
Just three Sundays remain encourage kids to help kids."
for the summer meet at Clin- The event, which will kick
ton Raceway, the annual off at post time of 1:30 p.m.,
Kids Day event takes place will feature a bouncy castle,
next Sunday August 23, with paddle boats, derby horse
an all Memorial Race day on race course, face painting,
August 30 and the meet
wrapping up with the ever
popular Legends Day on
Sunday September 6. All
events can be found at www.
Zumba, BBQ, bake sale and
The Hands on Horses pro-
gram will be on site, giving
kid the chance to drive a real
live race horse.
Former MLB Blue Jay,
Jesse Barfield will also be
available for photos and
autographs as part of the
day's events. All activities are
by donation, allowing fami-
lies to donate what they can,
making it a great day for
"The Sunshine Founda-
tion of Canada is grateful
for the support of family
focused events such as the
Clinton Raceway's annual
Kids Day. This event brings
awareness to Sunshine's
dream programs with funds
raised help fulfill dreams
for children living with
severe physical disabilities
or life-threatening ill-
nesses. By fulfilling the
most heartfelt dreams of
Sunshine Kids, we give
them the chance to realize
that nothing can stand in
the way of a dream," said
Nancy Sutherland, CEO of
The Sunshine Foundation
of Canada.
For more information
please visit www.clinton-
raceway.com or contact Jes-
sica Carnochan at
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