HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 2015-08-12, Page 101 0 News Record • Wednesday, August 12, 2015 Crystal meth is becoming a drug of choice in Huron County Shaun Gregory Postmedia Network Methamphetamines are believed to help German sol- diers in World War II remain awake. That was 70 years ago and Huron and Perth County OPP are now battling a war of their own, but it's against crystal meth. Last month Huron County OPP made several arrests con- nected to the highly addictive form of methamphetamine. The stimulant crystal meth or what OPP call the "Texas Drug," is becoming more popular in Requests for Submissions from Huron County Artists for the 20 'El I ron County Art Show At the Huron County Museum, 110 North Street, Goderich Deadline for submissions: Friday, September 25, 2015 @ 4:30 pm Theme for 2015: Our Creative Countryside Art welcome in 2 and 3 dimensional mixed media, photography or digital imagery, as well as traditional painted works. $10 submission fee Please phone 519-524-2686, ext. 205 for information and regulations. www.huroncounty.ca/museum Exhibit dates: October 18 to December 20, 2015. LV:IrTIT=MNffMM tiuNTON & SEAFORTH u i PHONF an" -- 10473 ruvi snCal wr.orem Qat; Illith% itews Record 55 3 ALBERT482 ST., CLINTON3443 19 -- OR FAX: 519-482-7341 Do we have yor number? It's time again for the ever popular CLINTON & SEAFORTH PHONE BOOK IF YOU... • Moved • Changed Your Number • Have Your Number or Address Incorrectly Listed • Are New to Seaforth • Add Your Cell Phone ...PLEASE CALL OUR OFFICE to arrange any changes necessary to ensure your Phone Book is up to date and correct! on Advertising NE BOOK CMJ TODAY! Huron County. "Basically at this point we are finding people with drugs and narcotics, crystal meth and can- nabis marijuana are the two main players right now," said Perth County OPP media relations officer Kees Wijnands, who is currently filling in for Huron County officer Jamie Stanley. Wijnands pointed out that Perth County had always been struggling with the use of the drug. In fact, at one time, the region was considered the crys- tal meth capital of Ontario, Wijands said. "It has kind of made its way up here over time, it's pretty much across Canada and that's probably why we're seeing it heavily used in this area (Huron County);" said Wijnands. "We are now seeing it the same between Perth and Huron, it's averycommon drug now." " The problem with crystal meth for police is that it's one of the least expensive drugs on the blackmarket and users can stay high for a lengthy period of time. "It's awful what it does to a person and is extremely destructive for the body," said Wijnands. Shona Gray, drug counsel- lor and methampheta- mine specialist at Choices for Change, which is located in Perth and Huron, said the area has always seen a certain amount of users. "It's transferring county to county, it used to be Perth that had a higher level, but now it's in other places like Huron and Shaun Gregory Postmedia Network Huron County OPP are noticing crystal meth more often. Bruce that are seeing the higher levels;" said Gray. "For a long time nobody wanted to be associated with it, now what's happening is peo- ple can make it in their own kitchen" According to Canada's Department of Justice meth- amphetamines were listed under a Schedule III drug that conceded a lesser level of maximum penalties. As a result of increased alarm about methamphetamine use on persons and society, the federal Minister of Health moved methamphetamine to Schedule I. Following this Schedule, the maximum pen- alty for possession is seven years. Life imprisonment could also be sought for traf- ficking the drug that is gaining mass popularity in Huron and the neighbouring areas. Annual air show flies into Goderich for another year Postmedia Network Inc. The annual RC Air Show, hosted by the Sky Harbour Modelers, returns to Sky Harbour Airport in Goderich for its 5th year. Last year's air show attracted approximately 40 pilots from across the prov- ince, as well as nearly 400 spectators, in spite of the weather on the Saturday, which kept the show grounded. Sunday, how- ever, had perfect weather for a spectacular show. The Sky Harbour Model- ers are pleased to announce that they will be hosting the Southwest Zone Fun Fly at the airport. All MAAC flyers are welcome to attend this event, regard- less of their zone. The air- port will be closed to full- scale traffic. • Candy drop and kids prizes handed out. Events Friday • Setup and test flight day from 9 a.m. to dusk. Saturday • Model air show from 9 am. to 5 p.m. • Open fly, except for air show, noon to 1 p.m. • Candy drop and kids prizes handed out. • Saturday night there will be a gourmet buffet and awards dinner with a live band on the outdoor patio of a local restaurant over- looking Lake Huron. Tick- ets to this event are $25 per person. Sunday • Model air show from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. • Open fly, except for air show, noon to 1 p.m. There will also be a pilot prize table and food availa- ble, as well as free over- night camping on site (no hookups). For those who do not wish to camp, there will be a block of hotel rooms reserved at discount prices. The registration free for all pilots is $25 for the entire weekend, or $15 on Sunday. The first 30 pilots to register will receive a free hot lunch voucher. Regis- tration is limited to only 75 pilots. Please bring proof of MAAC. For more information or to preregister, contact Jeff Squire at 519-612-1020 or by email at skyharbourrc@ gmail.com.