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Clinton News Record, 2015-08-12, Page 6
6 News Record • Wednesday, August 12, 2015 G2G addresses concerns, asks County for support County to consider adopting Laura Broadley Postmedia Network Paul VanderMolen of the G2G Rail Trail addressed Huron County committee last Wednes- day to speak to concerns raised by the neighbours and landowners adjacent to the trail. The organization has been approached by only one adjacent agricultural landowner to talk about his concerns with the trail, according to VanderMolen. VanderMolen said the conversation dealt with potential tree planting, fencing and gates to help separate the land to ensure that trail users stay where they're allowed. There was discussion about putting up signs to educate trail users about the work of the adjacent landowner and what he is trying to accomplish. The issue of insurance has also been brought up neighbours but VanderMo- len said the insurance agents the group contacted saw no reason that rates would increase because of the trail. Biosecurity risks were also quelled after the group made inquiries to appropriate con- tacts, said VanderMolen. VanderMolen said there would be no hunting allowed on the trails. He also acknowledged that attacks by wild animals could occur but said they were rare and could happen anywhere. "I think, in a lot of cases, we have to realize the gen- eral public has an invest- ment in the way things work in our communities. And they have the right to point things out that they think that are incorrect and we have the right to...address those," said VanderMolen. Most of those instances would be a misunderstand- ing, he added. Councillor Jim Ginn said he's heard legitimate con- cerns from landowners in Central Huron. He suggested that if the County was to assume the lease it would give landowners somewhere to turn to and would give council the ability to correct issues should they arise. "If we don't take the lease there's nothing stopping the province from leasing it out clintonnewsrecord.com to this group or another group. And then where do the landowners turn to if there's a problem?" Ginn said. G2G also requested sup- port from the County to pur- sue an external funding opportunity through the Ontario Municipal Cycling Infrastructure Program. The group is asking for about $300,000 from that funding stream. Council was asked to sup- port the expression of inter- est application, which means that it is not a final decision on involvement or a request for funding from the County. Council voted 14-1 in favour of G2G's request for support for external funding. FbI/AKCYL, ietle 14were *in S 2614 iteft rte fhea, Atirda! Clinton United Church 105 Ontario Street 519-482-9553 www. cl i nto n u n ited. ca Ministry Team Word and Sacrament: Rev. Randy Covey MDiv Children and Youth: Kathy Douglas DM Director of Music: Louise Dockstader August 16 10:30 am Worship Open Minds - Open Hearts Come and be a part of the family r Christian Reformed Church 243 Princess St. E. Clinton Pastor Ron Luchies 519-482-5264 Sunday August 16, 2015 10:00 AM - Morning Service William Steele No Evening Service August 10-14 SonSpark Labs (DVBS) Kids Ages 3 -Grade 6 9:00 - 11:45 AM All Visitors Welcome! First Baptist Church 85 Huron St., Clinton 482-3598 SUNDAY AUGUST 16, 2015 MORNING SERVICE 10:30 AM Lay Pastor - Wally DeWolfe Bible Study Wednesday 7:30 PM TO ADVERTISE IN THIS SECTION, PLEASE CALL Clinton News Record 519-482-3443 PRESS '0' BIBLE MISSIONARY CHURCH 35 Toronto Blvd., Vanastra (519) 482-8183 AUGUST 16, 2015 Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 AM Sunday Evening Worship 7:00 PM Pastor Josh McCarthy Everyone Welcome! HEARTLAND COMMUNITY CHURCH 52 Victoria St., Clinton - 519-606-1015 www.heartlandclinton.ca Pastor Charles Gingerich Sunday Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. Prayer & Share 7:00 p.m. Expect a welcome and a blessing! St. Paul's Anglican Church A Congregation of the Parish of The Holy Spirit 49 Ontario St., Cinton Organist & Choir Master: Dana Prouse Sunday August 16 Worship at 11:15 am Guest Presider:The Rev. Lynn Mitchell EVERYONE WELCOME Share the Roadcampaign Laura Broadley Postmedia Network Huron County discussed the issue of bike safety and the potential for a "Share the Road" cam- paign this week. Jim Ginn, Central Huron Mayor and County coun- cillor, brought the subject to the County last Wednesday and received overwhelming support from fellow councillor, Tyler Hessel. Hessel said that all road users share in the respon- sibility to keep the roads safe. "[Share the Road] is not just about making the vehicles aware, it's also about making the cyclists aware," Hessel said. "It's all about education and giving everyone the right education," he added. Share the Road is a cycling advocacy organi- zation working with differ- ent levels of government in Ontario to garner access for bicyclists, improve safety and education. At the August 4 meeting, Central Huron council discussed putting signs on some of the most used roads. Prompted by the recent accident involving Julie Sawchuck, who sustained serious injuries after being hit by a vehicle while riding her bike, councillor Genny Smith asked Central Huron council to consider adding signage to the roads. "Share the Road" would educate drivers and cyclers about the potential dangers when vehicles and bicycles are sharing the road, said Smith. Smith said there were many people who could benefit from the campaign as she made note of the number of recent accidents involving motorcycles. She mentioned Orchard Line specifically and having driven and cycled it many times herself, said there are parts of the road that have the potential for danger. "I don't think this is a Central Huron issue, I think it's a County issue," Smith said. Cyclers from all over are drawn to Huron County because of the roads, she added. OPENS AUG 21 ALL EVENTS FREE WITH ADMISSIONI' Chef Vikram Vij 11 F Sun Aug 30 metr= © Canadian International Air Show Satthru Mon Sept S, 6&7 © CNE Midway Daily ZEff CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION AUG 21TOSEPT 7 2015 LET'S GO TO THE EX! • THEEX.COM ''r 0 Info Line: 416.263.3330 °°'° ol n0utleams subdes ject lo game, LI _ l':J' All programs l°[hange.