HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 2015-08-05, Page 131
Cyclist suffers serious
injures after being
struck by car
- Huron County OPP, with the assis-
tance of the West Region Technical
Traffic Collision Investigation Team
(TTCI), had laid a charge in connec-
tion to a collision that sent a Cen-
tral Huron woman to hospital.
On Wednesday, July 29 at approxi-
mately 8:45 a.m., Huron County OPP
and Huron County EMS responded to
a crash involving a female cyclist.
Investigators have determined a vehi-
cle was travelling eastbound on Blyth
Road when the driver struck a triath-
lon style -racing bike from the rear.
The collision propelled the rider off of
her bike into an adjacent grass field.
The injured cyclist was transported to
hospital by air ambulance. She remains
in hospital with serious injuries.
A 47 -year-old man has been charged
with fail to turn out to the left to
avoid collision with a bicycle.
The cyclist has been identi-
fied as 41 -year-old Julie Saw-
chuk from Central Huron.
UN stolen in early
morning hours
- Huron County OPP officers are inves-
tigating the theft of an Arctic Cat util-
ity terrain vehicle (UTV) that was sto-
len early on the morning of July 30.
A resident on Belfast Road reported that
at 4:15 a.m. she heard the suspect(s)
start up the UTV and then observed the
machine take off through her backyard.
The vehicle travelled west on Bel-
fast Road then north on St. Hel-
en's Road before the wit-
ness lost sight of the vehicle.
The stolen vehicle is described
as a 2007 Arctic Cat Pro Prowler
XT Side -by -Side UTV.
The UTV has a black cab with lights
on top, a white hood scoop and
a black push bar on the front.
The machine is valued at
approximately $7,500.
Speedy attempt to
get to the cottage
foiled by police
BLUEWATER - A 25 -year-old
driver from Windsor didn't make it
to the cottage on time after being
pulled over by police last week.
On July 27 at approximately 8:20
a.m. a Huron County Ontario
Provincial Police (OPP) officer
observed a Chevrolet Cruze travel-
ling on Bluewater Veteran's High-
way at a high rate of speed.
According to police, the officer
clocked the vehicle at 150 km/h
in a posted 80 -km/h zone.
When stopped by police the
driver indicated she was speed-
ing in an attempt to make it to
the cottage prior to sunset.
The accused has been charged
with racing a motor vehicle.
Her license was suspended for
seven days and her car also
impounded for a week.
She has a court date scheduled
in Goderich for September 1.
Truck stolen in
Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) offic-
ers are investigating the theft of a
truck stolen from a parking lot located
on Arthur Street in Wingham.
The vehicle was stolen some-
time between 8:00 a.m. on July
20 and 4:00 p.m. on July 24.
will be back
September 14
LIC. #M717467
The stolen vehicle is described as: a green
1997 Chevrolet 4 X 4 with a long box.
The truck is equipped with mud -
der style tires and black head-
light covers. 4 X 4 is written on the
side of the box in white lettering.
Any person(s) with information
regarding these incidents are asked
to contact Huron OPP at 1-888-
310-1122 or (519) 524-8314.
Should you wish to remain anony-
mous, you may call Crime Stop-
pers at 1 -800 -222 -TIPS (8477),
where you may be eligible to receive
a cash reward of up to $2,000.
Huron County Crime
Stoppers crimes of
the month for July
Huron County Crime Stoppers is ask-
ing for your assistance in helping to
solve the following crimes and sus-
pected outdoor marijuana grow -ops.
Typically these illicit crops are located
in areas such as swamps, cornfields,
wooded areas and along fences. Mari-
juana plants are light green in col-
our with seven jagged fingers and
have a skunky aroma. They can grow
up to seven feet tall. Common indi-
cators include bags of fertilizer and
planting trays near trampled rural
areas. If you come across a possi-
ble grow -op, please be aware of the
potential for booby traps and retreat.
The Family of ,o
Ralph & Pat
Invite you to a Come & Go
in Celebration of
their parents
50 Oredait,
at Heartland
Community Church
Saturday, August 8, 2015
2pm — 4pm
Wednesday, August 5, 2015 • News Record 13
SOUTH HURON - Between June 6 and July
4, unknown suspects broke into buildings
on multiple occasions at the former Cen-
tralia College site. During these break-ins,
damage was caused to the buildings and
very few items were taken. These inci-
dents are very unfortunate since the owner
is making efforts to revitalize the site.
GODERICH - On or about July 1 a Toy-
ota sedan was damaged by pellet gun
projectiles on Martha Street. Also dur-
ing the time frame, a Ford Mustang
was damaged in the same manner on
Safford Road. There have been many
other acts of mischief caused by pellet
guns over the past few months as well.
GODERICH - Sometime during the
late evening on July 9 unknown sus-
pects damaged three vehicles that
were parked in Goderich. On Cobourg
Street, a Nissan XTerra had its rear
window smashed, while a Pontiac
Montana that had been parked on
Elgin Avenue West had a rear sliding
door window broken. Also, a Chevro-
let Impala on Picton Street West had
its driver's side window smashed.
HURON EAST - Sometime between noon
on June 28 and 9 a.m. on June 29, sus-
pects entered a barn located on Krau-
ter Line, Huron East and stole 69 pigs.
All of the pigs weighed 25 to 301bs.
The total value of the pigs is $3,000.
If you have any information regard-
ing these crimes or any other crime,
call Crime Stoppers at 1 -800 -222 -TIPS
or submit a webtip at www.hc-cs.ca.
You will not have to reveal your iden-
tity or go to court and you may be eligi-
ble for a cash reward of up to $2,000.
Retirement and
Welcome Reception
The Community of Central Huron
Clinton Family Health Team
Clinton Family Physicians
Clinton Public Hospital
Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance
Clinton Public Hospital Foundation
Help us say thank you to Dr Keith Hay
And welcome to Dr Irram Sumar
At a
Meet and Greet Reception
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
S: OOpm — 7.•OOpm
Central Huron Community Complex