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12 News Record • Wednesday, April 1, 2015
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Varna news
Joan Beierling
Special to the News Record
The St. Patrick's Day pot
luck dinner and social time
after was quite successful
with 92 in attendance all in
their greens. Colin Snyder
gave the blessing and fol-
lowing the dinner a few
door prizes were won. Sulli-
van Rathwell son of Ben and
Andrea was the youngest
one there and other prizes
were won by Barb McIn-
tosh, Nash Rathwell, George
Simons, Joe Laurie, Bob
Fotheringham, Gladess Van
Egmond, Geraldine Eckel,
Pete Walden, Donna Lub-
bers, Shiloh Keys, Brian
Hoy, Mryah Parsons,
Andrea Rathwell, Stuart
Wilson and Helen Keys, All
went to the Sanctuary for
the entertainment. Gladys
Van Egmond played a med-
ley of Irish songs on accord-
ian. Debbie Rathwell read a
St. Paticks Day Poem that
she had got from a cousin in
Ireland when her and Don
had been there. Felix Daw
had some jokes and Kristen
McIntosh entertained with
her trombone and Dugald
McIntosh had some jokes.
Colin Snyder had a reading
on Backhouses.The choir
sang "Danny Boy" and Gor-
don Hill told a story, Peter
Postill and daughter Mrya
Parsons sang together. Ave
Daw and Mom Heather
played a piano duet. Colin
Snyder and daughter Crys-
tal sang together. Brian Hoy
sang followed by Bill Dun-
dass. Bill sang the to his wife
Rose for the occasion of
there 50th Wedding Anni-
versary celebrated last July
3rd. He sang the "Irish
Rose" to wife Rose. Willi
Laurie read "Molly Malone"
to the children and this was
followed by a Sing a long of
Irish songs with Gladys Van
Egmond on her accordian.
Thanks to all for sharing
their wonderful talent till
we meet again. Thanks also
to those who planned and
prepared for the evening.
The Seniors Stan Lee Club
will be once again holding
their Annual Jamboree at
the Varna Complex April 7
2015 from 1pm - 3:30 pm.
Everyone welcome!
Crokinole Players met last
Tuesday evening for their
last evening of play and
Dave Whyte playing solo
tied for first with Jean and
Murray Perdue with 40pts,
2nd place was Ken Pollock
and Doug Trewartha with
33pts, 3rd place Alec Ostrom
and Sam Bradica with 32
and in 4th place was Marga-
ret Hayter and Joan Beier -
ling with 22 pts. The Club
will meet Tuesday March
31st for their end of the sea-
son dinner at the Brucefield
Community United Church
and then a few games of
crokinole to follow.
Euchre was held at the
Odd Fellows Hall in Bruce -
field Thursday March 26th.
High man was Jim Collins,
low man Fred Mcgregor,
high lady Eileen Townsend,
low lady Gaye Hoy and
most lone hands went to
Marilyn Aiken. Draws were
won by Barb Oesch, Jim
Collins and John McKenzie.
Next card Party will be
Thursday April 9th at 7:30
pm. Everyone Welcome!
The Brucefield Odd Fel-
lows are having a lodge
Meeting Thursday April 2 at
8pm. All are welcome to
attend this open Lodge
Meeting. Come on out and
see how they hold their
The Breath of Spring will
be held at the Seaforth Agri-
plex April 15 with doors to
open at 6pm for Silent auc-
tion and Dessert. Speakers
from Lakewood Garden
Centre, the Gregory Bed and
Breakfast and Marita's Fash-
ion Boutique begin at 7pm.
Tickets are $10 and are
available from Mary Fother-
ingham 519 233-9196.
The newest resident in
Varna was born to Graham
and Paulin Keys. Congrats to
them on the birth of a new
baby boy. Congrats to Linda
Keys on the arrival of her
new grandchild born to
Darren and Brandy. Happy
70th Wedding Anniversary
to Gordon and Ruby Hill.
Wow 70 years!
Communion was cele-
brated Palm Sunday in the
Brucefield United Church.
Crystal Snyder and Ruby
Lefaive were the reders
and Stuart Wilson and
Doug Cooper were the
greeters and Shirley Hill
played was the organist.
The Theme of the Worship
was from Palms to Prayers.
The Choir favoured all with
"The Old Rugged Cross"
Birthdays were sung to Sul-
livan Rathwell turning a
year old, Brenda Wright,
Jack Eckel and Mildred
McAsh. Congratulations to
Joyce and Andrew Hum-
mel on the birth of their
new granddaughter. Sym-
pathy goes out to Sharon
Chuter and her family on
the passing of her father
Jake Reder.
There will be a Good Fri-
day Service April 3 at Ilam
in the Brucefield Commu-
nity United Church. Easter
Sunday "Sonrise" Service
will be at 8am followed by
an Easter Breakfast at
8:30am and the regular
Worship will be at 10:30am.
Please join for one two or all
three of these events.
The U.C.W. Thankoffering
is April 7th at 7:30pm at the
Brucefield Community
United Church.
At least 80 percent of all fire deaths occur in home fires. Here are some smart
Fire Prevention tips for protecting yourself and your family:
✓ Never leave candles burning unattended, and keep matches out of reach from children.
✓ Keep space heaters away from curtains and other flammable materials.
✓ Install smoke alarms on every floor of your home and outside each bedroom, and test batteries monthly.