HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-06-12, Page 16-7 TH-M NO 12, 1 Jottliflos 0 ts: ts a,.nce ejin loon tori� v assis anc isi subsidy 140,� tutiOIIS,� Wh a cli artered, ner -qul le How n Agri- -t , e .th e�er, Pre , �Ier,Wflllara, o to 3 per cent n =lqg, *041t ittlip"' a. Davdenied. 'to 0 -0 titlined the Co IP within the Jatu re hat the situati #*Y til't�or�e a�nd lFood o t I bo wptj 12. trust cp.m ,r capi a r pany, ri was ro Q criteria, for farmer's elig, per, cent ACID11A utle s tioc9m req I t, - ai . gir s, or, that it CPO 5.ilit in the, F Iriterest'eligiblp for IN' q loose,,' Id. be Arm Interest. Lottgis wo spprecWod t)t r ntenance Pro ebite is,�the gmppnt.clia�ge ice 4 TlIePr interpreted as: a. S1 f it, 0r1ci gram, v And, aOntario lJOU lti� 0 Tin has: bp.e I n for dperatin.0 has verly Jax " I di with Ws, GQV� be Pr loans between fa , A ri I St nD rest bee 4 the poltution. Co.rp, �pcikesm#tt has, Sara .90 Of ,ment. He. stateO tb4054 blislied. to:assist farmers Ieo ember . 31st.. inco Ltd., th bility was "in the esta Quil ,y, has been the atmospherei by Apopular mo pro. hard hit -by A oya, whoi have be Ir. To be eligible 1' rding to Liberal Leader.. inspecting' unii, th Atjoript in e ost,,'7 inteirpst'rates on operating ir must bave;fiad� a gross an- Stuart Smith. sit 18"niontbsi R&INCiA PEWCIT 00 W&jk IS wants. When -14 �.1, found a h r i 1. T r oart a I was �sinqP April 15t. this ;;e Man 40, C S odebirn nual,invpme fromi.fArming of HA. -,tre age�r of tbe,,M1 ssed the. f h t pi pt, t li4rged'that estr of research pi r . JOUMAIllmi P;Gvam - 0, me, poon 411ili" Olga, every day for two. weeks and,, felf in IOVPr With �ason,�a y r� T p 1r, Will run It bas bee�nr '31 �f" 1980. al, t rpasuer has ­.rong quarter horse y .11 ]?� ibo at 'least $4,000 in tbe'� '12 :.stilphu xide, figures dio t.he. povin g in in tint eqp;.n , r App Ar* 40 ythin 11 11 -1 [neei anedn 'Ilk 11 r 'r I r pany s u jolt fe s riiii6h .Wanted tber wa� ada'man Fiarrn� Cciirpoi4tlo th ira th e d i, �n4 de.Velppment sect' ns, and Mon itely p e, from the COM ry, manipulated, NO, p0grm- TW woAls ffue4 t as L as j on. My. mo verrt mep,t IS: ding the date, of the app in order' to red4c fh t-jesir itpdpati. Fart Par Ji, .operation are major catise says go,, fficia e the'pro­ DerMro# MON i A She. hated,, horses. tnetships: Are �elig� 11 ca ion. of -the acid rain. probleinr' have ed slowly despite a vincial deficit,. Bruce .1pormott. Is. a. short. man, Ife, has, a �uddy, '.'As far A:S J�m poncernedi Kathy, you. Cannot have that' ibli� u ter" fAlso' to be.eligibl , e, rider the s me in$ CA. t the immediate dangers. from dark Sb.Q" Signs . the appli it m, t(§kQka4ialibufton reg� pst ness 'the M eral flnitn6ial' crit. I d, At 47 hi Li ,, exion a horse. But. i t.!S Upr to your father, she said.. individual f4rriefs. -the, faulty wiring b on,,� # ,ecause, -farm o r.0 Claim I !that :Inc6 im4 I -r:ce,nt of the, an ec, he, gre than 7�$ pL David. Peterson' cla J. thought I had lost. I cried, in self to sleep"and then Assts.,anQp Is a,va f.6r ........ f�e' whole altirniptim,wiring sjjn�ated $9$0 borrowed -ti tomach -love �'Rqt Y assets in c rapprison to the couldq ts emiSsions fr6m, in 11 go it e de tfle-tale:pis Aq He loye4 his 6eor.'His,s asked for DAd's decision. He asT094e,y D.�cover simply saicl syst6mJs.,.O ph to,.question,, ye -pt , o d liabilit es. the prec tons pe Ually be.shown as er b He i$.' iliould act 4 rd stomach, pot� flObk not A it is veloyed. operating expense on. food ie .Although Virtually nothing lareMy 'not.r,openly'affeip0ofia P ctipn and to I 000' tons per day d' years d, cm ded layers te and Application forms Arid� br- day standing at $11.15'billion,.'Th b ..ad Even though pro� ifather is t pie. 7, re -b A- -56-t- - ---Ne- s p"11, � "I'll ction -Za�i-tal r9ug e Chas huresLwill-be�availoble*6m7 th " h-ffi -pur "V-defipit-citt b.a%; _n iis. ody, d ODU$ d f I S 'QNTARIO EX curred an�'egrly' CIE mub.pv �u 41 (16�s prqfsii, me,, 1 linOw oves. me AnO, I Arts. or and meatn h He . only ieads,f4irm-m;igaz A s and re- e!tirig 6 uirinient. s.,prn' me arm,pApe s- as the local Agricultural 'rep � r q If rs but be �his purchases of such' item M. pay Thousan S O- Peop e,. �f $216. million* was sentativ "I ill be playing,,:a My bqy fiie 13d,oilicb,'remar it hJ o - offiges and­fppm . nil, iny:father's-f6rerarms faitliftilly rea. � ever map mqnyrof . rnskil - led workers men d Lhve bA4,puOlished,'even ifr not eligible, -y.artic,.e . ry are nQ; wi tbei e 0 Th en municipa ities an line t of r . . ' ' fl " * 'We ii�iejjdibl� I ding institutions arpit, made to re size. The'6zily. Part of theyare oringtoli.i.in,A.couple, of times wh a,heth u e maximum amoun nd 'Iatge rok in -killing tourism r .,ght are ..leaving Ontailo for. S t rovifice.,The f the So 0 198Q; h1s,body that 16 not physicall his Iegs� They, I wasn't around, I , havgcAught him s ow, rt cl r prinsmust I a We i� h ifig,MY4 i q cians which ill, be covered, the P inMaliburt hO 1-b irds.on their. ha,ps twi on and Muskoka if western pr6yinces. h. fri, e w ie. a.* 17� ce a be, verified by' ­1`,, r�present;,. 81 grants� are, ha' na s is... COS. - ufiderQ6, Or' its emissions are pot further Some 17,000 :p . e0ole Who #!I q o gram for any ative. -of, the lending 'Said EDUCATION year on.. S 0 .'We r.s oi black shoes�, MY faffier was born on'the,farm where we -He built-- one.:f4rin . er', �is $75,00.0.� The e and have recently m6ved'io 6nt- Le t it up VOt te , upon the Government, ario. o, not, No stie e sh ars, toil and frustration cegislatioti itm Weed bec d o n, n makes public -,school', boards of fri ods He cou d'nevet Atten! tiOn'' er is Vol A� few ydars.ago,, he conv rted, the huge, old barn into 4 to diak mak6 upfor, t for the 2r who legall . . . . ....... OV ndAr- W pit d y'sister-4anted lots of , qjothes,r H my, mother went away for a Cuirre" VG rnmeht draft have "in 'ved' t 'y resl uhi:terst dair e andr ostly to r r r. ry. �op6ration. n a n apcesso e legislation would only limit and all 'students -a I s long as we, 'ed wde.kendand the b arn burnedto,Ahe ground es education 4 of C Inco to 1,95.0.�bns �Iier day by had cldth�s on our ac e, were'oka ef barn. incl i Japped., Y. In e -c s i n corn �ritish CIum ud ng�harid� d ri s. As fas is he. was Concerned, E *h -- � kS. ­ r to , , 't . r , - r , . en, w6 -d- earri �our �own. we staffe V0 T� � .. r . I . .­ I., 1. 1983. Sometimes foolishly. y A.,few. years, lat�r, the big,. beatitiffil hot'Is6 burned.:It,; I I I �:: I . r ! . money and we spent it our * ram as already ren- �iy . ea 'A id I h v-e'r. said .,a' ' rd. He kri'e'w, that learnillig fi_ I' was a sad time $o' r him. He was born in that h :BY PAT L CH �11 And irf,yott can get the,' new, o nancia ouser'. Ins oticidd it h �dered 140 Ontario lakes un-' n con act wit Vai 'and ,use was cen a t 't r t le�sons the hard - wiiy would us e our money built but, with these dAicti ties, if has b ifi�re r are iwo'insectsJhat able -support Aquatic S po aci s em, to .1th n great Struggle fo.get the'fartn back into solvency. 4 C yoti' �` t- '�90 ate bur; indeperidence.06n h may, no ice working 00. 'borer Is a xeddish larva & some ..48, wi , an, Continues to stritiggle against the 'odds I I , 0 ' .. r .. . . . . . I . . �.r , ff ,t d My father is a e believes, He corn fields,. 0 s =� dark, bands around, the. body.I danger o eingra ec,e ,'My fathe islike"iif6-"fi���.t�rned:.earih� warin, hone , st what . Similar. There O- it,will grow. to about 11/2" in 'A L. U NVIRE quiet man but.says What f'b does not say much to, ui.,But when he doea say sorn'Ot lung, sn fIg our, a e d deep. �W is p,r 't Hp.w not I lit 'b til S1'6r man ':ar jo 116 nl� has t6"Say gi ou'a co for one the length. You' will notice dead, FIRE IIAZA10 Once d tse'm� 0 'but he has 'always be6n,, there I106 riof..' a 'little. usly-7.tfiat'I, has -called brave th al ne drcitin And: t I47- pompo b stem' borer- Tire cutworm rownedleiveshi the,pentre. TherOoposition best:666r a ou 6 QrMr to inf 0 angers man,,,se st ve, �fiave ' t MAY n a t efforf� en wij ied,hini P person c' Id ha� I love him And be controlled if.,fiotice. .-of smalL'corn; plinfs. When ',fof:a ll�ou' nee s �,ari respect inii. d .;,H6'is a' sensifi�e ii ilor'OtherS, d d theiii'leaves are, the, 'public the On sbparat( -of Y� jn�elec frOm the faul Ih iepush sC S aluminum' The lary plant., a i6neially.:, al. 6titlet ith' wi ecause there IS, WS ring, -:''that oo e tii6 soil near ffie�' t rm e , r - �, Fo Some evi encd n the ower in or�, in I ste b ? ow 6d arto OTT. -'.to 'estimate comm on rSr. acity o difficult: !either I . I . _By. ALANrSC ithe'jarrm.:,Porhaps� our crpas lnortg.�ge'�r Are that 'k 'I YMS c impresio You now . ...... t 6d wilF,willb i'7which could: be' too, people i Who Purchased fe ih yol FStla OW Or u'. balance. the� round for,-' he' 1971 sliirrt 14 d be.needed to g6rwith hat's your breakoven bilizatiort. liquidat�A? Thlis'action,would ooks? : Pork. - farmers, ',arer OW low didn't reajize'j"t h grown At hQmci� While you're: provi'd6'. U debt 6Stitniie at it, PiAy. Port ff fit �qucs' idn'Or f �66es Could go., hSkinig­1 t Bee F AM ant �,role 'next' 'and might al ome, so wipc,,.Q a � d f 'h� n �potato axniers"r avc thc­�L COPING- r o n, feeff ieqUrir In loan oil: the�`&bt repaymetit a ents, ycr; cas 0. k r What do'you dow y ase :on 500 lbs; per mar' s, in th a -"'h 'Sch der 'low sam6concern. We'rvo,hadan. lign qu. b" 'd 60' bdule. Will' leii t. ell S a r 'inferest, for, number L Of illers' are, in a�, financial � j6in? h C. inc eased., h g dhd 00 lbs'.,per S6\V.r thrQro s a -gob chance t at y, pay y oj j6.LjCtJOoji ­ t, , , r- ' .1 .1 I 1, ­ , I., r I , OU Ve'g ng a- P'OUt, if :'on fliagric g itiecent WCCKS I)':, CAyou re,ciQnc, yow next,'year. until; nopetu ly, eStirnatj" of,�ih6 Why' are there finanizing' alternatives rig aN have* a, rough.' t1le matkel d 0 11 t arc vinproved?'Other ht,, '�ay. The, mar Cis 9 Your end" courses o cti i) Won'v foblems . for'. L pork. produc- roblem, b your garmh that Wil 'go: r High borrowings 4n in Cash fe a �&Srt� ers? The iiia'ket,A'i oric 6fih6 r '' ' ' r r r r t , r ce, min or viden d. youcan, $h-ow, §ome e My: point IS St answers, Tod per can ca up. . ii exp Of V a $48 fari enses persona Y oi LICtIVIty. If �Y611 it. pro f 1' ai�iet returns S h aying �Jour. -w-n­th9-sptv.q,on an at 83. for. L'rqqi y n rt or or, o r. importance; o C7t 0 And"-d"--bt rcpaynicnE, d d tia r � " ' �oh P4,p� a jl�Ml S art mirih a blank Pic ing in.a f'' b, carcass. ne, year Vs tuddifyoucawbr .Sit tion'but or., This �th o' I r9f 6 mofith, -You'll. th6r,YC paper, is 0 ��r an -action 41011Q. W.1 I gCherate Li t ath. *bt and':. f, havo at the `iid-of igute'that's,, At! least equal itota I write the ,-Thl djfterefic6 is� opposite 6-y6ur,cas oat low,. Other-, lover go to r " ' ' ' ., � �. r' �; . , � '. avera b6k'6f,'-Sows on ra an go nuin t n for a you re likely losing `h'a A. Dividing this'.'figurL J t .329 466 '70 sow. oper, h us ,running ;t at -ion -a or pro UCuig'. ;Per an paym d 15 .:equity: in- -the basinqsS. t d mt. I I f ccinycrfm t lit -1 �igs Sol' i�.adjustcd In your�i6d]:,A he payment into Who f . tr sow,per y da iS t, on bire-ak"t _PC' 0 ri-yoq now your, cash )ry,, grIV.CSI 'a,� igs a p an on pape, .you can more, Pius Increased:, principa , an r i rest T rpp-f ' ' $ I lato,'the Incorno'di I d nte how" YO4,.Fap:. C4 Cu . ..... costs, of inputs, is,,�: rda lybig is a. koy. st!�tistit,-- 0 -jow 1)'er ,ir igfiro This o4SI Y,get opinions: 6orn,jen xcrcise 1�won't jtak� 'long. t not dl,ts.and advWrS broakeyen mark C' Don't'-, give part of t 'probictn 'bu finished, you'll , I . - 1 arb a:�c'cura' Th' oWn UP. IP95 all Quit: .y9Wll,ccd for.the, Aumber "19w t ld u ft, ''' hogsthaf,you, expect fo'ship, in eir c ciion.s :but - - ha Thert ate . other; tOasbris h4%,L- annually-.. 0 C0 ... V 'Can hear A ducticitf. your.famlly-r comowh' 0 er'optimistic on. Pro wbic lijht:as-.one �this figure isn't 11 k " W. liv "V lans. Improved aidtkets may Solve: U ch�ts.- untif one fakes-fithe to w&k, figuring P.. b G' :qAlJ -01on Y r Pro. c ive proclit us a %�hcti I know h I' out;, T h L 1i , eforc I afinancial,:'Wocs. Oftop the crincomc�cxpc s, o can be. of. c p In if. w 5tat t', ,�­that thc�;'Jnc me on't ... b p ans, on cnough pmetit; is oughei. - Y gC 01i income o pay'. j) rsomil 3:' anal�sing the p bl' YCATS ago. It, h. rp. orn a, well-known . dan.eS imp. e overhead costs, prioug uran th h' p,4�nsos andolit:?, You �'Wor rog . � g. . your., ,perio Aikiiiaxes;andm" facl, that the gtartfup d' S Is6me: tough options. a�bL� mbitr ;bu is diffictilt.'" b�'re, l6arning the, 4019.A�c6me­tax return'. debt lot Von C s6nit o Y.ou'r hort"t ent to' -placd: '�-(I'Ltbt =In An, from voui�, mistakes. and 'till Crop. bUdieting, A ', t -Are ow, %vher' you S. nd. Do ee s S, I , : has to �b6 sprcad over. more po.sit r Want Aa14jal 521'-�r 50� J ; or i's 6 C., o oduptid crop" YOU C.0 does 0 ,putting ihc'pr n pack, ava.ilable. to. help I wi years by mcan!i. of iw 240.- f�tr be' t' eno an shouldn C you V r . ag6� iogether. 'Production costs Oct R t Spot, teatmi�nt with Roundti ?sta isti&' are hable to falF. shor P tr of, projected 'figures., finth g er.' SI, -tobbin fllkwped If's often struggle,with real cw'stov vield from sprealifin c r� 9 goo( Tbe� u ­r'ent,:.' d�pr -sk, �! market has, bit the: grow and spread, so . a ng 'Rourlidup stops Where the treatid-WN-* -siop. patches of M) ld W People'r� 'R up hiitur"rid-valuablb nutrients. Milkw�ed. Ouhdup, goes,", direver-the '.*atd Weeds go. 40 patc d LThA tf-thOre"'s 1h& 'credit cari slo%o you do*,�n Then it stops. 136causeRbundup'w6ft0h the Wee S P�cka�, itself. c!vc bor- at harvest,Cause yield W 6ss. And corne-back next year-.in&8o it agqin.:, ..not in the spread in, your.. d I, amounts than 'Ie Dont let patches of milkweed har& Ur rowe cvo� Lenders ' And 1�potr treatment.with Roundup hdrbicidd give -4 con- erop: Hit die spot With- Roundup.'Sie your dealer. and ask'ab6ut the -size.: alv��' 6(�Cn most 0 toda� new trial Supi,l P icts h troll of 'by Mon�anto c' 6ttols enthusiastic* about the �nd t6ps,iffro sV k� k-weed-rl, re d com the MiA ri� Wing.r,Bcause dup os e Whole, sty during., b6orri ts period w6enrit looked It too and all.., ke 't.0 Y, oprices would never end.' li6Wto, n hit milkweed With Roundup. Just sp'rai It seemed ncccs�4ry d in-'. he timer Roundup on �Ovely�growirig hien most AU Ohthe weeds are in the"b d to full bio6rrri stage a t r ther'tharf,walt. Borrow6rS' Reireatmen rn6y, be nkessaty if all mi kwL h Accepted credit piekage W11 plants ate not.,)tt:he sarne 9tagd6fgr6wth,' o floating inter 'st rates rather can Use a� booth a haridgun, or a - ba�lipac� SF ill ddsti6yJh6 ittop ifyou spray, than Pursuing a fixod,tatc,6 �rziyer. 'Roundup vA beW a ip, RoUndup,Where you want -it non-oodrating bang�. -This 'it on the'eropi so keL Ugly eM bef d a§ Right-on.those rhilkwepd patchq h cide Ike ft ore. ecision was 'd prime oated,upwar. �.Thi�fc'r,s tr,ornetidouS. amount of physical work and Adways fead and follow label -dired9fis (or Pdundup, ARou6duipf is a igisteeed tradeirnatk6f Motisdnio Cornpany. prq4tiction, conecrn§ �,CMonsanto Corhpariy, 19 stove'eA' d. \kith' grease kem;0780. astft-up poriocL It's., A a��t fail. Piltef ciogg been easy to get O involved, Jh , I � I I Monsanto Canada lnc,� and e e fan. moto work longer C in this aspect Of the operation a, Calgaryi �anco6vdr.� 4. r 6 t,,,rg Tbronto� Montreal, Winni�eoi Regih it 117 that .,and har&r to draw.,�i� Just soaking I wasn't possible to, erg rk A ill f 12 40 keep tiack 'WO the-fiftr in,mild,90a Or, de �t �4 ik, �of the bookt Sigfit . p en 10 Rence many '11 rgy wastd oo 0, S P of the brcak-oven price � A nvQ cd to cove farm ex'pahses, or 'Th&�&el�lsort�nt P' pare ulie n SS re ObY M r Jor6a Vib ­P&Sokkal living -and - debt Use E n' e0V Wis ely payment, A "knowtod t,. o 'too , f r se�and' um -on d really reduCe, g � I. . I i A .this igiirci might have -0is. lune -up, clean Up. It S simple. Appliances your, oven � effidienc. Alea ' ' 11 n. ove -touraged Purchase h tha't a're clean and well-ciared f6r 188tfonget �wotkg better at)du!sd,8'les9.eIectricity, cOuldii't be accomrn6diiod and. 'use, less -electricity. O�er the- long eun,' Poefflng 0. debrrepaymi ? the QV60, door too ofteri als ant cap. . . ;, you'e&f SaVe m6ney on applian wa valuable -beat- If you"have a, d of colurse, tfi� less ehergy-you window in the'oven door, keeping it geg� Waste, tl`Tt1bore-c(o1I6fs-y0u saw� through clean �an clear Up- the problem., USE DoW i waste, your e. Ila , E�XPOSITOW WAN1 - ADS' oritaflohydrb Ph6fie 527--040 .