HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-06-05, Page 30s mmen RECRgATION SUPPI.E.M • Litter. Perhaps it should be •reniernbered, that the world •Ornally referred to a piece a canvas stretched, between tWO parallel bars for the transporta- tion of a sick or wounded per: • •sou. ' The key word istronsportu-' don. Whenpver you ,need to throw something away in the Great Outdoors, carry h to the neareSt trash can; don't throw it on the ground. " lanning an save time -an energy ,Every hundred pounds Of Lin, necessary- weight packed into a car Or 11194)010Mo mans o loss ' of gasoline ecimouty of one- half mile per:gallon. • SO 1,0 Minutes of thinking. can save 'you. a biindle of Mon9Y when it comestOpitekiUg,up Vaeatiohor weekend . Th in k about. where you'.re • going and what you intend 10 do „ after you get. thew.; How' many • people-arb. on the tr,ip? 1-fow Jong are you staying? Are you eating,out or COokini ' There'sreally no beed for a • kiteliertsink,whenyinereceeily cnsconsed in a fully equipped • epthige,•And no reason I'M two.. ,people to 'tote aliiryg\ eight coolers or Six fishing rods.. ' Do 4.,0u necd mountain climbing boots at the ' seahore Or a Surf board inthe inOun,. Litter can hurt. :Aluminum. and Plastic cOntainers don't re - 'Vert to any natural state because they havenothing AO Teyert. to. They sit there and present dan- ger to animals, children and un- , wary adults. And they're, not very pretty to look at. Bottles and cans thrown overboard frOol a boat are also dangerous. Perhaps not topeo- ple, but to fish who can get , trapped inside. If the litter is • carried close to shore by WaVeft or current, it can also be haz- ardous to people. The 50 states. Washingten., D.C,; and all of Canada 'have litterlaws. In four states— •Alaska, Illiniiis,Michigan and. Missouri -fines can range up ,to $500 and/or one year in jail. - •- InsMississippi, offenders. may be_figsr1,2p to $500 and they are required;"55 pick up lit - Ler on both sides of the highway from one to five miles. Virginia doesn't fool around, with fines ranging from '.$25 to $1,000 and/qr jail for up to 12 months. Violators May he per- mitted to "volunteer services ' for a reasonable period of time to remove litter ',from the high- , • • - W4y. , • The easiest way to keep from tains.? Without prcii)er 1)1annitig, you may t'ii-n1 yOU vc brought along everything except what . you rcidly need: C,I'licre are st()- rie,; of fapOhes implaing tildes trom the nearest store to f t hey have four different c eras and no titni. . hunting ril]es an I iti , • grin f-111(1 ciiiikers but no Rte.' clean up before they head t'hi• home. Consitleiste picnic e s. _ bu , . even ice chests that turn , anothe•r yer, if you vis h. also clean up any trash left by. others. •• Out to he empty because iney. • • , •ixithbut payment or charge 'of, getting caught iS not to liner. In ' an Wert to remove temptation, Michigan has a bottle law that calls' for a I0 -cent deposit on MoSt cans and honks, refund- able in fun when" they are re- turned.lo the retailer. State officials,, following roadside checks reported a 41 -Percent decline in overall litter and an almost 82 percent de- crease in discarded bottles and Cans, after the first year. ,Kany individual cities and: towns also have litter laws, and . New York City has its famous', pooper scooper law that, covers animal waste. The ef- fects of that law were startling in the first months, as joggers d strollcrs Office worker who walks home from work observed, "It's so :Rice to be able to hold my head Up. I usedto have a Stiff neck ' 'every night from wateliingWe sidewalk for doggie do," ' And in•many cities there are recycling programs for cans • and bottles, Alithe hoinerioner has to ,,JP is waslIcitit the recep, tack and flattenpans. In,sOme.' places a phone ball will have a truck at your door; in others, you must take your -trash to tbel • centers. , Litter is no nal for anybody. t 1 '11. 11 (M : Chew picdic ss delightful andnoWthese youngsters:0;011ln to, or • transfer your • lease,. to • k • h. Carryailitter ba in YOUr car, and empty it in proper receptacles. Finpty your car ashtrays into . the bag, not onto the street. Police your campsite and leave it cleaner than when you. arrived..After your piunie,'• Long le (Continued from Page 2) individual or a corporation. You have no legal right to determine what will be done with the land beyond tile terms' of your lease., The owners may e registered under titles such as the XYZ 21675 Ontario Limited, and simply unavilable in the event of major fiTeakdowns, loss of water, blockage of . , . sewage disposal and other problems. . Make sure ' your lease contract allows for ongoing management of the site, and that such management is responsible for the provision of services needed for you to enjoy your site. As with an apartment, an absentee land- ldord is hard to find vvhen trouble strikes. As you do not own anv. portion of the ' land, the registered owners may be able to mortgage and re- mortgage . the property without your knowledge. The dnager here is that heavily mortgaged property requires heavy cre-p_dyrnent schedules, and if the registered -owners are incomoetent or dishonest they could find thernSelves bankrufit. In this , event the holder of the first mortgage, Id re -possess and you cou . may lose your site and all the money you , have ' paid in ad,vance. • Examine yotir lease 'care - Tully and have, your , y insist "there is ,a clause permitting, you to sub - check for trash. that may have bldwrt off the table. Carry a large grocery bag with you a$ a trash lin, and, if you can't find a proper place. to dispose of it, take it home.: If you're hiking, stuff trash into YotlrpOcketa Until you find 1 a can or barrel. Man's greatest gift to Mother ' Nature is to clean up her envi- ronment, She, has enough, to do entertaining, you; don't make; her clean house too, (:)• se campsites any kind. Remember, you cannot sell your site, you can only transfer the lease to I, someone willing to pay you for it.• , - Make sure your site is accessible throughout the year if youintend to use if for winter Sports. If the brochure or 'salesperson claims year- round use ask about -the availability of water, Sewage disposal and other services. To install water lines for vvinter use requires special installation, and some campsites will install for summer use only. During the winter months they draM the pipes except for one central location designed for winter' USC. If you visit the site before. it is fully Serviced, be sure the proposed club -house arid . • swimming pool will be built. Don't accept verbal assurances and vague plans for "future development''. -If • in doubt check with the local, Medical Officer of fle9)th and ask to see the registered plan tinder which the original permit was issued. Never lease a site without first", visiting the area. • - YOU AND YOUR NEIGHBORS .- When you ' visit a. 'nevvly laid -out site try. to imagine how it ss 11 look When it's fidly occupied, then ask .yourse what - neighbors you want and what ' kind of a neighbor be. ftirgOt the food. ThcrL are sorrk .things that should beat the. top-'of.'6,very list. Lieenses • for.shnnt Mg and alViii4s your drivers license and ragistrit.- ti,041.•,c(nint nds-e-s berorc'yoU .-slicive• off in .yOur boat and he syre,,oh. lave a .111:e. vest on board k)rcflih person; , • ,4 te: taking your dog,. he •sth'e y,0.0 have his leash and licetling.:boWts, his Food. arid; that his collar:is ragl..ted just in " case he slips away: . You ,•shouldhave st5ecial lisfS. your party: de:•:- Pen'cling•on their,ageS. Litile tots need things .10 play ,With. Larger' Children should. beable • .... join the famiiy:tun.but.,.aLso: , , , , have toy S to keep•theni 0cetr.2 Otie thingevely pefiiiti in the .takes,•up. no spate,..adds, no• . weighty COnsurnenci energy:--. : is a' sense of hUnnor. Then., Whnyou find You've left sernethi.ng be,hind.,,you'ean . , and .make do and:. im- PrOY.se"-`' (4) close quarters. If •You're. looking for the peace and quiet of the wilderness you might not find it in a three- hundred a.resait.e 1°ng'lea'se PERSONAL SERVICES ' Before you sign any lease you should investigate the location -of -the nearest-towif or city. How far is it to the tYPe. of store You maY need? Will there be a store actually On the site and what vvill it sell? What are the proposed • shopping hours? You should also inquire about fire and police protection services, and the availability of site patrols during your absence. You may want to Watch your favourite television programs while using your site - how is the local reception? In- creasingly, families want to "rough 'it' ' in some degree of .comfort; how much Will depend on your own personal needs. All of these private needs will help determine .your decision to sign -for a long -lease carnosite. Research, pian and take your thne. Don't let your dream turn sour through hasty:action• If you need . , 'further information about '-long-kase „campsites, write 10 the Consumer Information Centre, ()Mario Ministry of Consumer and CoMmercial, - Relations 555 Yonge Street, 'Toronto, Ontario, M7A 2116. Ask for our free booklet ' YOU 'probably-calledbe • What you should, •.. :sharing facilities ••':wit•ri „. know , aboutlong-lease , . different ":iyps`."( people in campsites."' ' on er set.fitan :. Hwv 86 one Mile East of Wingham IL 'RESTAURANT ..Your'llosts HERB &,; ERN gSTINE.: k•ENYON • , OPEN -t -D AYS A -WEEK WEEK DAYS FROM 12 P,M.•TO 1 A.IVI. SUNDAY 4 P.M. TO 8 P.M. 'itnefitsin. Banquet Facilities ake Out Catering Wedding Receptions Fully Licenced Under L.C.B 0. pdt(717POMon IAL 357-311 Honda presents the 1980Xi1251teiti the '19,86 X14100S„•I'wo.light,'.iiitehle:iamd • . , , . .. . . . . . . . - . • easy-to=ride dual-purpose motorcycles that You'eatt'biti' tride..and•inalotain Withon.(.,:ivallet • pal,nt,,':k' .oar,strO.ke ! 'tractability. and'. world-famous ; 'Honda , .• (z tenability, Inaba thens.Inoth. very attractive Inveattnentri, •The 'XI,125B:and - •••••XL1(10S.,'Bikeii des,gned for Yottag•ritlete and young riders' budgets from the ' dealership deal ed. eiiiieelanir for 111 bikers. Deal 'with the etkeelinite at •.•''' `.111illy•Oidly;'th y give theit,'Custoineio the best In service, selection,:',parta,:till" ' at toitPetikiVeprIcIng:':•-,- • ' ' ' ' .:,' VAR14A 0 'filwy. #4, North of Henaan, Look for the Wrist] 262-3318 or 262.5809