HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-06-05, Page 25Camping, hunting, fishing and
boating — or just plain having a
good time. les yours for more
fun in the Great Outdoors.
BY DIANE vA4,„iiiKoRgN •
Well, it looks like an old
• 'fad which died years ago'
back to haunt us, ; Once
,again children and _adults
,alike are donning boots with
vvheelsand rolling -around in
rinks all:OVer.the.conntry. ,
Roller skating, has beeoine
dbi moretiated
thorigb. Remember -the ,days• ,'
when roller. 'skating meant
1 attaching i,i/heelS; .to 9061'
shries and locking thera on
with a:key .(which yonevent-
• uallylost) and . seraping
knees and elbows On 'side-
,WalkS? That Was kids!. stuff,' •
NoW, buildings are:, being
, erected in 'cities just' for roller
skating fans. CroWds'include
everyone from tots .to senior
citizens:. In Places like The
Great 'SkatePlate; in :kiteii.
eller arict Wheels, in London,
you roll in style.
. Most of -these places have
brand 'new,eeision kat
.pr s,, , est,
' rubber or: plastic floor.
.full of flashing lights
and .'a ,Soune system that
leaves. you 'deaf' for three
These places are well
Organized, , and:try to satisfy
eVery customer that walks (or
'Skates) in the 'door. ,
• '.
Almost every Ratan town M
this area has its 'own, roller
rink'.:11thinigh small towns
cannot. [afford' to hav.e a
'special building just for that
`purpOSeTifireT adjiist their
indoor or outdoor ice skating'
rinks to-toller rinks in the
600 cALoRigs PR Hoy*
VVhat :better' way can, you
find to burn off 600 calories
, per hourthaniliding'aiOnnd,
h rink; rollerAloogying,to thp
surrounded by Other
enthusiasts? ; • .;.''
To a rookie Skating could
be a terrifying experience:
The Ifirst time I roller, skated
',,in a rink it happened to he a .
. night when...the place was
,packed with exert. .experi-
ence skaters.. (Or. Q they all,: .
s,eemedqorrie)t', As 'l 'tried to: ,
,riv'gain rny balance and 'coin-,
,posure after tailing ,for, . the:.
umpteenth ., time, ' peopte,
tuSlied • by, ric,ie ' at 'A, ,Speed...1'
..,,,wouldn't try On.A'higliway„ A
: few' buddies. were • there:
though, , .. to .help , pick ,...,or .
i scrape fire off the ground, set
. me...on .itry.' feet..,arid, givea
slioye to get, niegOing awain. ;
IslOw . after , years o,f.,i.-,ractice ,
,.. and falls too , rinineroirs ,to'f
.',mention,,Tah..ay ,,,,jith‘grai.
satistaction.thatl have inaSt-
..',.,ered,,the art .;, tNot.oniy. :edit I ....
: Skate, but .1, ant .beginning ,o, :.
. ,master the .art, ,of the :rol er .,
boogie.,lt seeins though4-..juSt
, aSyenstart,to ket.gocid 'at, it7:
at1.0:' trY,'; 'P., :TilififcS .Y.9'or:' n:
14Ct .O.Y.,,.'
,Ouot!tor,:gkatet,,,a`Utl. fall head.,,
, first:JO', the 'fieor.Only; to he
,-;itin.OVertby.2.0:,Other skaters......
..; • • , SEAFItlItTll'S: $1ATING. „. ' ..: •
.Seaforth.has i.eile.r, skating ..
' at the.arena..seYeral titneS ra :
• Week., .).EVen, though, the. •
,skatest.are net ,brand new (al.
- friend Of . Mine, waS Skating
arid just'. as .he ' picked.. ,kip, ,
• Sorriespeed OIIC ef his wheels .
i3r;;ittintia.tittee ,Pieees) it is...
Still a.gOod.Place to 'skate..
• -',; For novice skaters it word&
. probably be cheaper. to rent ,
,skates ..every.;,:titriet.. tither-.
-, than buv' • i.-iJi.r.,',.--of,- sk4tes..
,•'‘,V.hieh. .inay,:,ritin,:froni,'$60 to • .
$100; ':People .',Whr.i.:.'.":inake .:,a_;
• r. , • . ,-: ,
habi.t„..of.skating.:Inore than :
oriee A Week and know ,that
. theyPrObali Y• Woit7t. he' able; •
. tO:itiCk the abit may .find it .
; easier 'Jo 'oWiri -heir -.Oyvn pair. •
In 'my', ,OWn, „experiente'..1,
, foirod.the cost for one eVe.;,,
' niogs skating ,ranged., front
.S,I.,..00,tO.$175.,'Ivlost, of the
c',4•st'sdaingto.be in a.cimiSsion.
.' .tailieethari Skate 'rental. AS .r.
far as clothing goes, I've'
Seen everything on the rink
from cutoffs to disco Skins..
Roller skating is not .only
enjoyed by People Merely as
recreation but also as a forin
of competition.;There ..are
speedor racing competitions,
roller,hockey.gairicS and art-
istic Competitions.,
artistic skating did not
etririe into prominence until ,
1930, in North ArneriCa" but'
racing, and .toller7heckey,..
were around decades before.
A question which I'll bet
'many people., have: never:
thought of befOre, is!`Who in
the world ever 'created :roller
Being the ,curious.'
Person Iat—TrJ found rtich to
my , amusement thataccord-
ing to historians it was a.n
unknown Hollander 1 -laving
Dutch ;Parents I decided' to
dig' fiiither, and discovered
that this unknown •Hollander
around the 'early ":1800s„, at-
tached Weeden disks toShees
supposedly tO .devise d 'Warrit' ' •
7 weather substitute:, or one Of .
their :favouritesports of ice'
skatihoin, for that OrhiS1havecOtntrheard it.;,
eVerYexcuse in the book ,WhY ,
people 1047.1 throw on the:
:roller skates and join the,inelo
,•of skaterS:on the floor. ReallY.
, it isn't boa and. Many people,
"find.that once they'.1earri..hoW ,
to skate, it becothes addictive.
;It's a , teat way et
exercise people.:
Young and old alike are out ,
. there „ and . nowt. while,. the .
'roller 'skating .craze is Still
NVitfrtig, is the time for .those
who.; ,have never ;had the,
nerve to try it to get out Some
night: andgiiie it a, cii4i1.6.
Who knows, you rogiii„ get
Out ftiqte,.tiaefoit. and ',peel
the love of Your, life. But on
.:the Other hand you .coula:flj, :
`. make. neOmplete too) out of
yourself and bteak yoUt.
Fun and games at roller skating in Seaforth