HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-05-29, Page 12- ._ ... .v .......:... .......i..,-n....r,. . ...T:..:. Tr.r.T.s....tii•f,Cr•. ....., .,. .. w....
12 'HE' HURON EXPOWTOE,. Ni1�#Y ,29r: 1990
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where woman's place is alz4iost 'e4cciusivel in the ' members of $anlsli ,socie ass around the •e'
$�.. . ` p ► P..-_ vd ,nd .. cheque.
f#'st alitnost u cliche liar th ].lire of tCav .]lin comes not home•, She couldn't s eak the Ifinguage of her htisband'.s,. and then demanded C radians u
e 1✓ . _8. an... like .o rselVes could
sqr touch. from tate sights yQuu, see awestns irin .as the , family, who, shared a:. home with, and the family felt , ,make that much Mone . For.once •.our act revoi e ' and
p- B y Y ,. t__. p ail d,
thea s014: ,haddisgraced,
tne►y ''be, as it .does Jibthe:' people "you meet -The ._ . , 'them by, nlarfiy4ng .an .outsider..: none ofus told the proud man that his wages would onl ::be:
8. Y
fisc q!iktiii eliaracters whose 11ves ou touch br efl ,"and. Joan°flaunted the local customs and, would ;wheel her :considered average or less in Canada'.
8 Y y' .. 13 . a'
' other children down to the nearest store, where .the shopkee er, Despite the. fact Spain .was the oorest 'coon we
perpsps' n4Rru ' i#►titnatelY t1}an :under auy
horrified, at being, faced ;with a wom ' q4t on her, o itn 5 visited on our tfiavels, the . ole •weire a ++ „
:crcil4nstgnces, liar people you.'ll likely a•ever enco44nter q • yPe. p ... the richest un
,, served heronly reluctantly. Matt from home didn;t seei>}'to their, Joy in, livi
n$> in! #our life.:•These: people Si�+e You a feel for their P$ 4
town orr that no trave literature ever u to . 'get through, she found herself re , An a sia and''. Who six ofus wandere' in o
4o44ntfiJt .. l 9 i... 1' . Sn 8 d. t . a Spanish, cafe ort..o41r fust-.
ntensel lone]
ca tures * and their hos itali, or lack of it can. colour our Y y and •unhappy After. the baby was born,: disvrIented night in Barcelona the cafe o er'
p P. tar Y , t8 a ._ _ wn .... a teenage
she plotted, to 1e'ave hog, h4`sband, but didn t have the, son ado ,ted us i►i4mediatel '; ore we e
perceptions of a: ;dace; for. Yearn to comes p y lief. kn. w it, the latest .
i'bere's a, cltara er in' the play the:; Glass h gnage ie. re_sourcest, either finaactal or' physical, td sneak the ` A..merlcan loges were blarin ,fro.M the 'ukebox and he'd
y .. children out of: th . coup Final i g -jukebox
who sa s his S th accent �I ave alwa e " tfiY. ly she fled alone to ins sled we, order sella th :Hatton d s
Y , in ,_4' .oft . ou grti r h ..... _ y.. P ._ _,, e _ , ,..,a1.._.is which combines w.. '.
Ian and sen o
, En d sent rd.#o he
de ended on, the kindness of trap ers. N. while $ , , . . , r family about her ply ht., She rice, saffron and eve . kind of s food, from u b9
l? s 8. ow $ rY - ea . oetop . s to
found, a ob worlun as a chamb d i : Lon on hotel la „
strap ers: utifortanatel aren't a s kindIt's. still. a J . B erma,i._ n a. d... _, c, ,.m., He tau ht .us,.ho to eat sella. l
B *_ .y. _, alw Y , ... good g ..._ _ w . o ,p p like' the Spaniards p- THE TYPISTS Three Local studen#s lac d. in t e .fitaais to the r eat
i. -,.. .., and started ne otiations with the Austral' embus :The usin P
g .the shells instead, o cu ® e.
I rglt of thufib, to follow when you take to the road. .. 5... __ 4an. sY f tl _ry, and b4pu ht: ,pu
g . Huron Count Typing, -Contest Here rs 'Prat I . teaChe
k , staff considered Joan.s tale . d rovi,ed"her with itcher y.► M :. t ,, XYP IIg C,
My father seemed, to have a knack fora machin an. p.. P s, of the :family s s ecial a• homemade San a:
. 8 - . P , , . t' gri.,
wine that w _resents. eeriificates to Susan McAllister,'who laced firs.in the,serifoK
strangers: and:Endu4g loyt about theifi lives or surroundings , , -.. ,as ice no Sangria, I've.: ever tasted• since .. the P P
a „.. in, secret in a tt . ot. SDH
a few minutes of conversation, L remember as a. child dient he ea lained .was diVis'ion ear.rtin a 0 h , f S i3 ends Vanneste whp • la : thlt'd
_.. a.: •' 8F p. _.. ... a . dfioP of ,anise A .. 9_ . P, Y P .e41
h :, , li ueur.
9 in the Beni
w en our. family headed west to see the farm my father of category -W • Lynn McLaughlin - who
, �'1'e12C� / Was
homesteaded :northern Alberta: One.,ae it"' . din a _ , . ZG
4n .. Y v4'' .. gppe - $MILES AND A
. -.........,.....NOD;':.- � �,''unlor.divison,(Photo, b i Ali se
small roadside alk on a ed a of the . r es Th = . , r l 8 Y _
p., the g . P,.airi ., , .. , e . ark . The Spaniards never failed to pe hos itable , wh ther
by -Ali Ge onl : t
p, e
was cool and"'shad • on;'an otherwise hot' da and the
, . Y Y, G I b b. ,,Y_ Wit, seniles , and a nod while we •stru led' with's
_. __ gg _
welcome si ht -after the fiat mon o ous• menu r� iu o'�
--aspens- a g. ,. � n h .,.._ . o .-_. int4n ou ow o reach e si s
V eeS
seeinin 1 treeless rattle: thin: no time ' m father ha Australian p",tol ts, for her two oldest; ,children. The , we 4gere. ho e 1
Y , prairie. , .. Wi._. _ . .... ,,.. Y, . .. ,, .. d .., .. ]r li . lgssly searching. out, Westa ed with a hve] , , .
, . _. , : � .. :. , x Y ' Introduce a friend to- '
. couldn tprovlde a ass ortforthe un e d who fa
wandered . , er to visit arith as .e err woman, satin .at.a p p Yo st child. wh -was mil : u4 Seville . ho
QY ld Y 8 8 Y. w., .were celebrating. the birth of a first
rn in J rdan.. an f0$� CD�ICt� : •.
Heath ble.:The'woman.and her husband had also •been R gr dchild and meta nt
Y a ,rude _ who. told , us how , he
'I'h .1 j
" hbmesteade man eaix'before and now over 80 ea a ,ast4vghtJoanatayed ar her hostel, she d:recovered masa a to s
_, rs YY_ Y rs $. d . .tad en nc n on abud et of few dol' Y ed �. _ ,,g . , .a d s
heli fli htin s int She'd r The Seaforth Horticultural .
of age; her famil had brought herto.the ark, o celebrate g - g -p•' - * return to Jordan, find an kind a week.. which had tcs, o
B , Y . B.. .. , p #. Y c;:ver •food, ,apples and' board
Of a Societ held its May meeting
ome,'famil ,event, She lived exactly 12;' miles awn ,but . mployment,available until, she had money for another.. There were othetY'str er h y y 8 '
Y, y Y, ung . s who kindness I won. t'forgot :
plane icket and. then kt a - at the Seaforth .Public School
was visiting the park for the first time and' was as thrllled do P her two eldest .children and -. an elderl Amsterdaram r who insisted on
Y e helping to goo '
take them, she ho ed . ho ,. , on°,May 14, ,with . a g
as. other, travellers, would: be. at their''first: sight. of Notre' P ,. me;to her mothers cn New• carry„rny,,au a e althou h he .was so frail I<
. 8 . gB g , g, feared he'd
Zealand. ,She knew attendance.. The president,
Dame,. Cathedral ,Qr MOu t Kilaman am. the your est child. would have to be topple i to'the�.can 1 �. at
„ ..
:.. left: b , . Clad s Doi reported a `ye ,
Y ;
g,, P very”
Every time.,I take a tap I temember'that ad
eh>nd and that there.was,a ask her husband would The eccentric' n Lishman'. ofollowed
Yr ;and. her E..g 'Who me around The,,
ain cur , : successful lent sale when
8. todydof the children ,firs#. What the future, held,for .. Jewel Tower to tell some mcom rehensible s o 1?
gzcitemept and ct reminds sometimes the things were p t .ry about a.
•Joan I over $300,00 'Was".realized.
I'll'.never know. schoolboy . and he sis .,
looking for. always: arena really Xety far av(!ay; Y s #er.and final :.flan a friend] arno
" y g.., Y .. __ Crede w e to Ruth Seafo y�on myttavelsthree years I;_discovered 1wo:places where :: But not all the tales you encounter wl4e�n,'travelling have around >my shoulder a arentl fee I't, as .giv.n rth If a11(l;:
.. , ..PP , .. Y .. .l>ig. , d proved .an
a J.
c Smith and . her,. lant sale
side as. a matter, :of. fact, acre:she o osite, a reccahve a di n e plant
you were certain; to meet people were .on the European - q PP PP , u , e c
Althdn Cana : committee for their work.
trains where the nclosed coin artments force .total gh deans still seem, to rehcentwhen talkin Of: course There as
,. e _ „ ..P , , , . , : , ,... , B _ . w . .another elderl , -.Italian:. .
Y O hers on ` t e committee C
to .strangers even on the, road we. made .firm fast tf entlem n t h e ountl' CI
strangers to become friendly rather quickly and the youth , ge , a , (and.I, use that term -loose] who.•idred us' '
_ Y), .... were - Grace Popper, Alva•
ort lived fnendslu s . th American r _ PP
hostels.. p w4 . , s, Aussie and into a men s washroom m Na I n
e s es, u, der the uise that he:
p g '
others. ; Elford ' Florence' Elford
We also: found when.# came. to the luridness of .'.had an En 1
TALE OF, WOE. t tsh wife s oke ' elan
g tl► . a e, and. was us
P gu g. t
strap ...- lulu Mac cod _Hazel• Dor-
IH a i,ondon Hostel where Y.was stn : I, heard o e-'oU gers,, the ,Spanish eo le couldn.t be outdone. helm •we aounsts-fcnd ri' L . , every. TUeSdii. 111' TllllE'- OUl',1Vleli hers
Yfng, n , - P P., P..,B.. the ,Greet unde ass.,. After our y . J
p se and,',Be, . Bach :The
the ort: an stories of my to Ara r f S ANISH.HOSPITALITY heartsato e Y
the orlorn p d oundm ,and, we realized. we hada..'. .
P p g t been.
,. may brin a no - if n friend
One :of our; f , ,, , . ,..Societ was .also rateful. to It 0 � riend
avounte fellow ,travellers .was a' . S anish. ca tired b a Y g. y >pi, '
looking ,New •Zealander; was ucevitably cn the � television ,. .: , - - .... P p Y ..white slave• trader we :couldn s help :. ,
.... t , e but
engineer w , l?. those ..who :do a,t Iants r ;'
room eve Yin ht :hen' o . k• o omeon g4 who share 'our :coin artment on art_of the -26 a rectate h p P
. ei7!, g , .. , hungry t.: tai t ., s.. ,. e. ,0�n a nt ht . �. P, ., ,, .. P...: _ ...:,. .Pit _ , , e d rovided us with. the. most s me -tui lin . _, .. .
lou es ectall Ma Hau h and
'Josn,told. me htr haun She w t trip from Barcelona to Grenada. He oke, abou the adventure P Y rY•,. g.
ting story .., as, originally.. from ,.' : t _of the trip. l
nifomous S anish a n , „ _ Dr.;, Rodger : Wh4tman'r who.,...
P tr i s that;sto .m steMousl fro cmc. :Noor• I m lir : ., g . _
New Zealand, ;but.;.after high school;.:bad :, crossed to .. P . Y Y ffen b , restlessness a ai
8?.: „ , Y .. .. g . n, and; so . will
, to _ donated •a la a :a ount• of
$ "dne , Australia where she met and married a line in, the:: riiiddle. of nowhere,.. discussed 'rife under • . ,de ,end .on the inn n rg In
Y .. Y .., .. handsome :.: _ P d ess.of strap ers to in ou laces of.
P� .: $ P;
General : ]ants. Isabel S a `e '`a
y : . Jot :.. , . � .' •.. ,, Franco, and,flirted .0 a' eio sl : 'He h .mteres colt . v . , .: -
., , :After three .years.; of,,mama e,., -and. awo,, ,. , . � :., 4,.tfi g, ..0 Y s shared t,. Provide me wcth.direchons and aids p ..
g B nce,and tell
canned mussels wt re ort on'th'e district cerin
children , her.:husband decided the couple should return to:. th , us, and when he ;felt wed arse, . me oHiethin about life n • eir e p m g
P...;, P g i ..th t rrito
rY .•
Jordan to muster,. otdown:'to doll sand.ce s or held`in Chesle .
meet his Tamil .What he ne ]cele to tell his g . afi ... cents',*
, .. more ccuratel Iiorace. Greele once advcsed Y .
Y g.. , .,_d. Y, . y_ .:. -.; Go West oun man o
creta, tss e.. ,
rather naive wife w P . u. : , .,. west....S ,•
as, that the move, was . ermanent. o,, since hat s whe5e the-menmust be Ill H i�U inn'!
p ib ,... :: be on: Nanc Kale told the rou HURON TAVERw b
The,en eefi:. u11ed out :his a c e ue a o m wa
with . fl unsh, . Y y short! if I m.lc I us mi h �� - ,
Suddenly the gal found herself•Aving in a Jordanian: , P .. P X ,' ..q t t b int some. v..
y J g, mnP. P a bus tri is help lapped : a
vif a e. in r boasted his ,lulled trade made.hcm'.one of:: h kind]
p g P, Wed -Sat: & �at::Ma�tinee'`
l g collo a she didn t understand - and, a culture', t , e best pard _ y, strap er who 11 show me his oil. o e - < .
_.. .. ..
.... , . : _ ... , . ..: - .:.:. ., u1 � ossibl to. Cot: ; r `� �
:.. well
for_.: J y p Y .. 5. o
McLaughlin s estate- in Osh-
' n: , -details will' be � an<� .:,,
Next Week
pounced, at the June meef- ' Tiq.UCKERS PLATE SPECIAL;
ing. Nancy introduced' the BREAKFAST...';
guest, speaker Mrs. Florence Coffee int Toast; , , Bacon &'Eggs
':Gahagan from th6'Mini ]lose LUNCHEON `SPECIAL', 1 8%
Nursery,: Guelph.. Mrs, r, 11,
EX011C CanCBt
agaA has one of the world's
largest' coll'ecttons ov mini=' Monday totlda�/ 12- p rTl.
ature rose's, 300 varieties. NEXTWEEK. 8, MATINEE .
ature roses -have every t0 bg 'a11nOU.tlCBtl
colour and combination of t A
.Continuous Entertainin t from p m to 1 a.na r
colour .as ,thC,',, large „type w. x
HIGHWAY #8 Dt IN' 345 2820
roses:. Miniature roses vary r r
in size fri" with a .bud
the'Size of a grain of°wheat`to S
`.`Sassy Lassy"'thatopens:to