HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-05-15, Page 65large lots garage, many extras., building' has over. 1200,sq, 'ft. of, commercial floor: n 284128$ or 27L1362 (Strat- T ,. .. :; h - WG VG Vk,V. . YU, acres, gootl .cash ;- � acres, 3 mrleS south � s. � of Seaorh _ew s,ow_ cro no buildings, spade, rear parking, rear entrance and mutt} more, . .-. barb. and north of Seaforth.. „ . :cal AF.O. R,. TH AND, HOMESrenovae. ' SE $50,000.00 _ house... . e Ellis ' Steve Murra ::: ,,.. ., WETIAVEMANY. , 527-: 1 05 .. _ 5 345.2172 HERITAGE HOME: -This ver elaborate old home is _ Y. .. FARMS •JEI / .:FARMS' FARMS situated on, 2 lots on, S arlin St. it is- coin letel -.. restored , to original .,'with.' imany <modern . X155 Acres -Tucker- TUCKERSMITH - 100 acres "systematical) drained Y fs Sa e H:O.MES'., HOMES * �k,,k smith 130 workable, p O, N 96 -A�-' �Q crop farm Cj�..c illi116p set -lip for 1.OQ sows, Terms available, $265,000:00.' 25 ACRES, - systematically drained, very close, to ' : RICH; ST. - 3 bedr with. a' 'reriova ions. GODS oom. t n t m Y old house, bank barn on Brucefield Rd wp, Seaforth,$55,000.00: done. Law $30s., Good mortgage,. - . *100 -acres :- Grey, M LT..O N1. 13 ACRES - of residential land in Seaforth': Good ..cent) ., :,; . � . . • Y - ' r: fire ,ace fenced $29 9.00:. _ n room,•. 2 bedrooms, „, p, > fe. ,. ,. .,. Moblie, Home,.-ladt g 100 Acres,,:Twp,, ` well drained " location 9r a prestige subdivision. * kitchen, -added room: $2;500 , Egmondville,t- 4 bedrooms, new:,siding, well William- St, O em to offers.' r:.P P _ : land, renovated brick . T.w near , IiI�AL. E$TATE dR'INSURANCE :LTD (Bq�1KER' 1 We now have approximately, 40.. farms avail able in • ' S'RF.iR(1f1M RTTNf.AT,(1W . 7 hlnrlccfi•nm'Ma,n ,Ct :` %;Cranbrook,. • RQasonabl' cited., SEAQRT�'� house, bank barn. Y, P. n County and the Seaforth area withsever 1 wry; *Hobby Farm 11• da poultry, swine, beef and cash crop o eratrons, P - r x c . io«o T ,. .. :; h - WG VG Vk,V. . YU, acres, gootl .cash ;- � acres, 3 mrleS south � s. FUEL OIL. FURNACE ' � of Seaorh _ew s,ow_ cro no buildings, $ive us a . .-. barb. and north of Seaforth.. „ . :cal AF.O. R,. TH AND, HOMESrenovae. ' SE PARATCHEK'S '-:MAIN _ house... . e Ellis ' Steve Murra ::: ,,.. ., WETIAVEMANY. , 527-: 1 05 .. _ 5 345.2172 HERITAGE HOME: -This ver elaborate old home is _ Y. .. - •. ASK US A OUT OUR OT ER:FARMS: LISTE _.._._ . e eve hin on it. _ -,: D e sell the earth and,insure H , . everything -MANTFARM' L STINGS situated on, 2 lots on, S arlin St. it is- coin letel -.. restored , to original .,'with.' imany <modern . ,. :. Conveniente. , s..For'the. discriminatin'" if e d g fs Sa e H:O.MES'., HOMES * �k,,k shown onl .bv a "ointinen.' x.... .PP t .. ,.•:::H : RICH; ST. - 3 bedr with. a' 'reriova ions. GODS oom. t n t m Y ' e anxious o'sell - 3.bedroom hoin dots of carpetnx t .* e, $27,000:00 Duplex,, 1 - 3 bedroom 1.2;bedroom ' ^ - ,P - done. Law $30s., Good mortgage,. - . _.. make'a offe ..' :.,: = . . - ` e, .. n _r. unit :tom letel self contained renoJated. r , _. ,. .. * - ec room .Franklin 2 "bedroom' bu ala x ; ' 0 n W _' �: `- g 12%.MOR GAGE - available .' 1 ble on this 2 store brick: Y ..cent) ., :,; . � . . • Y - ' r: fire ,ace fenced $29 9.00:. _ n room,•. 2 bedrooms, „, p, > fe. ,. ,. .,. Moblie, Home,.-ladt g hone- with 2 baths '-3 bedrooms ;locate ,,)w East : d * kitchen, -added room: $2;500 , Egmondville,t- 4 bedrooms, new:,siding, well William- St, O em to offers.' r:.P .. .:.. , • . ,. ,;.... .::. ,.. , ' a.ii,c,ilatc+rl • Fv+sa int availahl�.. '• . ,. S'RF.iR(1f1M RTTNf.AT,(1W . 7 hlnrlccfi•nm'Ma,n ,Ct :` FUEL OIL. FURNACE ' 19-51-tf Repair and Cleaning: ng 24 Hour. Service PARATCHEK'S '-:MAIN H TEN C ' AN. E en sell',:` Dublin 345-2235', . • - liv t k• es o c ROS,* ox. fs Sa e Fun' er dl. SALIEIS EVERY THURSDAY .. ,.•:::H ATA t30 P. M classes es of Livestockome ..,. .. -: . ,..., �� .ic,. ;ui�iicu. ice -.wuq a.a c: aiJu: uiucu uiucjt „3., .. - A. ^. - - -- - - y `r/ C LTD. Lie. no.,722•C- PEAL; E STATE - 'more,. $60 000.0(1. _o AI RTH AND AREA PROPERTIES or _._ Sx 0 :. CUSTOM KH,LING'& v Delightful 2 bedroom bun Glow, STARTER HOME $22,000.OU will, buy this, 3 gfUSSeIS s Egmond IIIe ..g . •: • ; PROCESSING i area )lyra roorti with auto> -bun aloes on South.Mam:5t. Pet. Food SU lies, modern kitchen, dining g: . P .bedroom .. g PP D� »• of ourbeet .; e : t _ ; - A 2 store . executive style home ra LEoubN N„ ,,, y „ 9. doors. Small 'utility shed, Larg lo. HARP.URHEY- , A en - y „ Y alt Roth Food Market G1 1. H.bus''e 19=51 t` Ch use 'new w uld ex ect 85 000:00:..Church Street 2 storey..3 bedroom owith. all: the .extras one o p ,, $ •. , ,Seaforth,'527-1631 i room, with .wamscotln , trce lace. r m kitchen, family g... : P 1 1 5 '1 oo led; . cks fro i uptown. oo ADAM ST. : Lacge 2' storey brick home on a very 4 1 tf large,.hving room. Large lot 3, blo T p 0th and MQ attractive lot, resentl duplexed $45,000.00. > Y, . _. i _ , Y P Y .. By aPPomiment only.. North Main Great Location. Modern kitcheki THREE NEW HOMES - 'One s lit level on Market -: se ,crate 'dining area, 4 •-bedrooms, Excellent p 527.1931, . P g ,2:00.-4:06 .m. St..One.s lit level on Jarvis,•St. and. one' raised . G EOIGE' NESBIfiT e lovers. Small barn; ro ert .for hors•.: . - Attractive ; 4 •.bedroom •house,. a � ; ; ��, 'i , colonial on 'lsabelle' St. Priced • from $59,000.00. All ,. East Wllllam r W M have Five Year Hudac Warrant.. Calf us now fo'r a� F y FEAR DRAINAGE entertaining living room,. family room, sep rats•, ro#* _ g 4 more details and'viewing. , �,. $27 000 00. area. Reduced to, -EGMUNDVILLE-Modular-Home-3-bedroom-ful •::.. '• overs decorate t i base eat lar a lot $3 500. p Gad erich Street"Antiquei _ „m r g 9, Rid, d-�r��:� : bri k: home• with anti ues, Lar in �_ bedroom, c 9 g, NORTH MAIN ST. 1 /i store aluminum • sided n .'Tr - o roffcrl : r.x Y Inst olation over 30�. 000h, room, winding_ stair case y, y tt,. _ , - _ home: $25.000.00..,;,, . .. _ lie Starter Horne 1 t ., , , ,.. ._. _ V . i S reel Exec nt , .�..,.... _ , , e .,::„, y .. ;. •,: , •,. " 4 ; . S •ar�.ng . l /� ,. ,. • GODERICH.ST. W. 130 ff, of commercial frontage house on a: beautiful g Mil .work uaranteed• ort a e on this,3: bedroom ". :, m g g 4 _ wi 2-400 s e e 1 kbuilding'' . : ; �' FURNISHINGS r with -a q. ft c m nt.b oc Call for »: bg landscaped pt,.• .- , ., ....; .,.. - :r m11ss so' th of , ., ;._ „ �. ,: _,�,:: •, .details_, rm .lar e .Irvin eel Bun aloe+ leatu . - K N . Market Sir g g ., .. g g Clinton' ,, _ �. •,.� � a _ .. � PHONE CLI TON.482-949 :: d. •, � o�t,l h a' No.'s dinin area views well landsca c d lot: q, ,, , + LOTS Large selection of building lots m Seaforth, N. room ng P . mow, ~, ,. g .: ..w,.wt , . E mo dville and out of .town. '.Various rices..' .. • . , • single car garage $30s; ' • , Attachedg g g , ti e e Y ' Harpurhey -Possible 4,lex.Owner will hold 12'/a °Io t OUNTRX PROPERTIES mortgage on this, .,5 bedroom house, 4 baths,, 10 JAMES STREET 21l1 ACRES" near Brucefield with a cozy 3 be''droom Enchanting, 4 bedroom house, ,1 /2 storey• sided brick house and steel barn4:$47,000, ' insulated, double.cac garage on bedroom one .floor home, in ulated, new ' furnace:,, nicely. decorated. HIGHWAY PROPERTY' -A; it from Seaforth, 6t/ Franklin Street 'immaculate 3 throughout, °In round ool; fenced in ard. I block ac No ' ']din 's $23,50.0. home. Attention paid to every detail, full basemctit: g g p �; g Close to. schools. $38;500.00. from uptown. CHISELHURST - nacre with oe horse needing McKillop Township.- 3 acre parcel with quaLity built, YOUR HOST; MAUREEN WILDFONG renovations, OfferC around $113.000.0U, home, 3 bedrooms, sunken: family room with pptib. l4 53 t" •'McKILLOPTWP, 2 ac. with a beautifully. renovated doors leading onto deck. $60's. , >- 3 00 "McKillop Township -. 4 bedroom' house, large steel bedroom liom'e, $52,5 shed, and large barn on 10 acre parcel, Try your. 14.52.-1 Property For Rent'. "Property or Rent offer! ------------------------- 2 bedroom home, dose ta, IiEATEDapartmentforrent, rop:erty F ent J'roper* ty'For'Rerit . P or .R. Maureen Wildfong'd82.3224 uptown, available. im'medi- , Three piece bath, Gordon P Willy Bunn 565.5055 - ,�� Y ' . • 15.53x1 TIIREE bedroom 'house; a ONE bedroom alartnient fot Seaforth Office,527.1577 '' ate) 345.26$5.:. 15 53; I • Nobel, 527.0840'. one bedroom. and 'a .two , seniors, make • an appoint.- h Alt 3 bedroom house for rent; bedroom apartment, ':Phone meat, elose,to everything, no• ONE bedroom apartmen 14-53.1 y: close to 'uptown, recently: broadloom throughout, near, .527.1577 or 482-32N. stairs, Tho'tnpson's Apart. decorated,'fully carpeted.wand schools Phone 527-1394 15.531 in 527-1073, 15.51•tf heated. 527.0828. i5-52-tf after 6. 15.53,2 _. -- ONE,: two" beds W bedroom' townhouse, ELIZABETH COURT all Property For Rent Pr4pexty For Rent oom apart- Hg wilhoutstove . HENSALL, ONTARIO AVAILABLE June 1st, 3 meat and one, one bedroom frig; A May 1, . h or ` , One bedrooms available stow' 'bedroom home',n Egmond- a p a rt niIe n t; 5 i d e v i e ry 262•.2014 or -262-34 br Available 46, TIiREE bedroom house' in FARM ']rouse for rent,"°T3ob .Tune 1, July 1 or August 1. villc: CII 527.1068 or 527 aper#meats: I3ot1i available 1'5.52 tf Hensall. Phone after 6.00 • Rob,nson 345.2317, cote 'June or' a 1st. l$ a Y19 Notice® 262,2103, Phone 527-1$42 15.52-2 $225 00. Two be ` . 49. .. 15-53x2 t. 15-52.4 0:. s 15=52 t� June 1 'Shag carpeting 1 p $250,r RETIRED PtOPLE , rs bedroom apartment', , d'brt'i� throughout. Kelvinator „ SPRl1VO tune ups and repairs A;VAILABLE,' June 1st . 3 pletely remodelled. A a11� ailplianees, launar �,`acihtics Vacancy now available to, ul, makes lawn mowers,•,., bedroomhouse close to .utile any'timc, Phone 10. mm, all ut„sties paidY Foi inqu,ries Holiday Home •Clinton. IN l;gYnondv,lle newly Veno•. ynto tillers and din traldtors vated two bddroom home, g dow t ,m, . 7.150 7 ` 8 p:m. 527.0920'. 11914SALL, 262•a44� all. meals 3 cl. Bed. see b a ointment. 527 Carl's'$mall Engines, lt.% 4; Alf&downtown, Phare 52 LONI10Nf 453.22$0 y pP p 15"51-t# 1$Sl�ti~ 1102 after6 m, 15.51-4 $eafortlt, Ont, 527y1723, IS•52•tf _ _ 15.51,ff . '.: p' 19-51.4 •. ..�- .:ku.. �.. s ,.,:r:7cii.•,.u"..rzrrs.:.-�..i...i...:._- _ .,-s;3:,a, ,:-,,....�...:.,...;...:u.......:i.r.u.9�:i,a:::ii,.....�_•.tee,-ti^vu..n..tu.:uGl.ua-a u�e„Y.,.+�::.,: . u.� - vv. a.,., :... ,.... _,., . , ..... ,.,. W .. , ., n.• ,.,. _., .r. ,,. _, ,.,.•r,., �.n.ws..+e.w,3:...,.. , u.,.`ryy n.. xwr�.:,..w�'.m. x:,...,x ............. ...we.