The Huron Expositor, 1980-05-08, Page 34• 10 THE BRIDAL
You're in Aove and you've
Promised. to OMIT hit% You're
feeling as sentimental as old
lace and in obit of a tizzy won-
dering. What to do first. You
want your wedding to be a beau-
tiful start to your liktogether,
"Every Wedding is unique
because of the bride and groom
involved," SaYS Barbasa.
Doebele.of Hallmark Cards, 4
leading manufacturer of Keep --
sake wedding albums.
The key is organization she
says. A beautiful, formal wed-
ding involves plenty of behind -
ib -scenes jlanning. She
recommends a heangart 01 six
Months. to a year,
"Once the date is Set, the
bride usually sits down with her
parents to discUss the size, style,
and budget allocated, taking
their personal wishes into con-
"Wedding expenses are tradi-
tionally 'divided. between fatni-
thebride and groom, but
§ around the couple. . .
the bride's family is entirely re.:
Sponsible for the malignly and.
SIX months before the wed-
ding is not tOo'earlY for the
$.roOrn'to choose his ushers and
finalize honeymoon plans. The
bride willbebusy .making the
appropriate reservationa and
shopping for wedding attire for
herself and her attendants.
Three moths betore, the '
bride and groom should have
PQmpieted their guest list, tak-i
Those lovely riugs are
tra.ditional '.-syntholg.. of love:
.. • ••• • . ,•.....
,..--With-ayoung,c611Pleavhertit.....„—Ccilor,refers' hanijs look best with'
ingare to hiehide .IMPortrint
members of both
This detailedrecord Will he
useful later fR r writing thank -
you notes and inviting friends t
visit them in their Nat home,
At this point, he bride 'Should
register with ;he local stores
anttselect her China, sillier and
This is also the time to order
the wedding Cake if it's not in-
cluded in the caterer's package.
(You can determine it its more
economical to lake the cake of-
fered in the eaterees.receptiOn
package rather than purchasing
it elsewhere.)
Next, the unlikely chore of
choosing the bridal bouquet and
going -away corsage belongs to
the groom. Two nionths, before
the wedding, he should visit the
florist and arrange. for corsages
for the mothers and grand-,
comes td love, it usuallY comes elea u it i
to rings --that all=important en -
for P r Y that is niPSt:ecki taperingdesigns sue as
ngagement dinntonds. tke mar •se
gagement ring—and; more and , ,
more, young -marrieds are re- . Clarity involves the fact that " Small h 'nd are co m pie-.
questing double -ring cererno. diamonds form naturally with !Dented by delicate styles; and
nies, the Jewelry Industry “inelusims"---carbon spots. ' lean hands can take a large'
Council reports. . ' bubbles and sinall• internal (Imre elaborate ring,
Choosing ihe digs is iradi.. craocs. Such inclusions do not ',,,,
wnatever her preference
tionally a.shareit experience mar the stone's visible beauty if i .
seen by the naked In addition to choosing a spe-
With the bride-to-be and her in: they cannot be
. , , gift cut, the bride-to-be has her
tended visiting their favorite , eye. , choice of contemporary, m° d -
jeweler for the selection.
Evaluating a diamond. puts ' Ask Y°urieweler ' ern °Jrauticitle stYlngs,
Often, couples have the en -
many a young ctitiple in a quan- 1 Your jeweler will be glad to
dary, particularly when it comes show you any SlICh inCillSi011 fi-gernent ring engraved. When
. the diamond's four "C"s--Cut, mine if they affect the - -
s e engagement ring is chosen
to What is known in the trade as under magnification, and deter -
the wedding band is often se -
Color, Clarity and Carat cliamond's price.
weight. -
The value of the stone, sure of diamond weight, and each other.
lected at the same time so that
A carat is the standard mea- the tWO designs complement
. each carat is equal to 100 pdints.
These four elements deter-' For example, a half carat dia- .
mine the diamond's worth, and mond is,50 points.
it is quite possible for a smaller
' i
diamond to be worth more than Often,'abrde-to-be will
choose an engagement ring that
one that is larger; has the center stone flanked with
Cut is .the way a diamond is
shaped, with traditional styles sinaller diamonds. -
beingthe brilliant or round, the , Style can be a deciding factor
emerald, the pear, the oval and in choosing a ring, based appn
the boat -shaped marquise cut. the bride-to-be's hand shape. ,
the attendants, as well,
"There are so many things to
remember in planning a perfect
wedding," says Doebele,
"many couples find it useful to
buy a wedding Memory album.
, "It not only serves to record
the actual day, but the myriad
details leading up to it. Memo-
rabilia suckas snapshots, news-
paper clippings, even a
matchbook from the restaurant
they visited,,will revive all the •
joy leading up to the wed -
(ling."? The "Keepsake" albums
are available in stores that carry
Hallmark products. .
The last few weeks should be
a time when the bride and groom
ca.k9...10Y the feStivitiesbeing
plannedforthem 4iid, the enite,
ment of the wedding 10 COM.
1\vo weeks before the cere-
mony, the .groom mattes a date
with his fiancee to get the mar-
riage license. Pothbride and
srOOM keep a daily record of the
gibing gifts and arrange for
irghsportatiort for their atten-
dantS tO the PhUrch.
The week is afimeof re-
itegisa1 and attendants' pailies
The bride gives the caterer a
final guest count. And,, both she
tahhno redmi rt:be groom
i 4 ° ra nt Og. teto moeyw
• . •
MAKING MEMORIES iS,What a wedding is, all' about. Anil:pre-
' seiVii!,g those through the years iM what. u Halltnark ICeepsake-
weddiiig album is all, about. The wedding Keepsake fenturei.
aectiona for reeOiding the events Of the day, as well as the event4
leadirift. aeeaidon, . Th. e. re's, rooni for siiapelnits,
....neWspaper *clippings and even a inatehbooh
taurmit. The Keepsake album is available- it ,stores that'eairy
Hallmark produetM.'
'• • 11,..•
) (114:c . •
At Les Ciseaux Deux our hair designers
have a special flair for giving each client-
a contemporary style that is uniquely theirs.
For the entire bridal party, we offer
a 10% discount, with the Bride receiving
her hair designed compliments of Les Ciseaux Deux
Foranappolntmentcalt Monday Friday 10 p.m.
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3 Albert Street
Clinton, Ontario